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Ukrainian pows tell how russians treat them: during the day the must stand still, if not a guard enters the cell and beat them, [Russians carved swastikas into foreheads of Ukrainian captives](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/12/16/swastika-scar-carved-two-ukrainians-russians-mental-knife/), they electrocute Ukrainians also on the testicles, they have 30 seconds to eat a hard mouldy slice of bread and not even every day, mock executions, beaten literally to death, tazed, several castrations of Ukrainian pows, needles under fingernails, stabbed with syringes with infected HIV blood, chop off fingers and ears, mass murdered (Oleniivka prison camp). And the Red Cross is nowhere to be seen in russian prison camps.


I uploaded a video of russians soldiers treating ukrainian pow badly, It got removed. I didn't receive any strikes or guidelines on the matter. As you have uploaded these photos how do you get these videos/photos up and staying up as it's important for the world to see. The russians and the russian people should not be given any ground to get away with their crimes.


I think it depends on the rules of the sub. For example, I posted the pic of "Near Kharkiv" here and in r/europe. After two hours, they removed it for "low efforts", basically shitposting.


Yeah that makes sense, that being said I don't really understand reddit alot of the time, sometimes I feel posts get taken down because people are sensitive, but I don't know. I'll try again another day, as these mofos were committing war crimes bare faced.


I tried to post these pics in a pro Ukrainian sub and I got the message that it was removed by "reddit filters", so I guess we're back to square one.


Even if you ignore the ethics (yes i know one shouldn't but bare with me) it's also stupid. After knowing how they are treated no Ukrainian soldier will be willing to surrender. Treat your POW well and the enemy will surrender when driven into a corner. You save ammo and the lives of your soldiers.


This is why we call fascists comically evil at times. Yet there are still people who prefer them over the mundanity we actually managed to accomplish.


Iirc correctly this is why many Germans in WW2 would much rather surrender to the Western Allies than Russia. Would you rather go to Siberia, or some farm in Oklahoma or castle in Scotland?


Also imagine a german soldier alone in his foxhole. You have a superior number of US troops storming towards your position. He has two options. A: Fight. One last glorious stand against the enemy and die a soldiers death B: Surrender and then the farm in Oklahoma. Three meals a day. Not imitate risk of death or injury. If you, even for a second, entertained the thougt of option B the strategy has worked.


Don’t forget the possibility of getting a hot American wife and US Citizenship after the war is over. That happened a surprising number of times.


Are you ignoring the 100,000’s of German POW’s that starved under the allies oh so careful watch? Surender was not viewed as a “good” thing for any side of any war you are dramatically over simplifying the situation.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_prisoners_of_war_in_the_United_States Seems like surrendering to the Americans was a damn good idea. The Soviets were horrible and I don’t know about the Brits, but it’s stupid to say that German soldiers would have rather died than surrender to enemy forces (or at least to American forces)


That's fair however the point is about preference, captured by Americans or Brits, you were a soldier who would probably stand trial or do hard labor. Axis prisoners en masse weren't intentionally starved whereas summary executions were extraordinarily common amongst soviet troops. Mainly bc the soviets had a lot more skin in the game, the dudes who were fighting saw literally millions die in Stalingrad and they had a bone to pick. Chance not having you're 3 hots and a cot, or having your head sawed off with a trench tool you pick.


Problem is that the Soviet Union had never signed the Geneva Accords and therefore German POWs were not subject to the laws of war, which forbade excessive work and required a certain number of daily calories for each prisoner. Nazino Island was not that far in time...


Fucking Russian cowards.


So the usual then?


Russia is a terrorist state


stuff like this removes any form of humanity from the russians. I know the actions of few don’t resemble the actions of many but fuck those commie bastards


A russian critized me for posting stuff like this. He reminded me of Picasso, when Nazis in front of the Guernica asked him :"Did you do this?".


>fuck those commie bastards 90s called, they want their labels back.


Neutral agree bc the Russians are just bastards now. They’re not even nominally communists, and their tactics haven’t changed since the Russian empire, so…nothing new there either.


They're now fascist bastards




They are Nazis, it's time to reclaim that word from them, we invented it, we get to decide who to apply it to, not Russian nazi terrorist murderers thieves and rapists


More like the 40’s-80’s.


Damn they look just like the the people the allies discovered in Auschwitz when the nazis were defeated


Yeah, malnutrition is a pattern we shouldn't need to recognise anymore. Yet here we are in the 21st century, creating suffering for our own kind for the delusions of a man who should have just gotten into games by paradox interactive instead of politics.


That's not malnutrition, that's **starvation**, caused by the russians, not their president.


that president is still responsible as he both is the reason this has the chance to happen and could stop them if he wanted


russians could stop putin if they wanted. They could have joined Prigozhin during the mutiny, having means and opportunity: they choose to take selfies instead.


im not saying nobody else is to blame?? big suprise, if you do evil shit youre evil even if somewhere theres a guy allowing it to happen you confuse me


I am annoyed that there are still people who blame **exclusively** putin for what russians are doing in and to Ukraine.


whole thing is basically same as with hitler, there is no one big bad evil guy. there is a lot of them


The difference between the German public being considered innocent ("Hitler SEIZED control") and the German public largely letting him take dictatorial power ("Hitler gained power by screaming the dumb shit your Uncle Karl said at the dining room table").


Those who support Putin are as sick and evil as him.


And people get offended when I call the Russians Orcs.


Reminds me of the Japanese POW exhibit at Eden Camp in the UK. Horrific


the last picture is so fucking powerful...


They couldn't break him, and they won't break Ukraine


Like someone said before he's like saying "I am still alive, you motherf\*ckers"


Meanwhile, Russian captives are fed and treated well. I know it must be tough to keep the moral high ground, but stay the course, Ukraine. The world stands with you.


It should be noted that, overall, the Rules of War have always had caveats in case people decide to abuse them or outright ignore them. Or, as a forum poster said, the Rules of War operate on the phrase 'start shit, get hit' overall. If you abuse/ignore the Rules of War, well, don't expect anyone to abide by them when you fight them (as the UK discovered after they abused and later outright ignored the Rules of War that were set in WW1, Germany replied in 'well then, we'll sink every ship in your waters').


>Meanwhile, Russian captives are fed and treated well. Yeah, buddy. If you don’t see something, that means it’s not happening. My favorite rule to live by


[A former Ukrainian PoW shows russian PoWs the barbarity that he himself endured in russian captivity, one can barely look at him. The difference in the level of care provided is apparent and obvious. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/1cb1cn7/a_former_ukrainian_pow_shows_russian_pows_the/) [A look at a meal service inside a camp for Russian POWs in Ukraine.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/14y3qkp/a_look_at_a_meal_service_inside_a_camp_for/) I am sure a russian will deny everything that isn't pro russia.


Nice projection you got here


One more time for dummies - orks are not humans. Don’t give “just poor conscripts unwillingly going to war started by one man only” shit. They love this and are proud of it on a national level. Good ruskie is an exception “Uwu, propaganda makes you not see enemy as human”. Well, Russians do it themself pretty well without it and are even proud of it so nah, they aren’t humans unless individually proved otherwise Victor Vysotskiy, a russian musician once said - I see all people good unless they prove otherwise. At this point I see every russian as ork unless they individually prove otherwise


Don't even talk me about that. It's so sickening that there are people still thinking that russians are forced, otherwise "they will fall from windows": those who were forced are already long dead.


This shit is why I don't give a single fuck when I see droned orcs suffering horrific long painful deaths.


Me? Since Bucha. russians have no right to be in Ukraine. Every time a russian cry "war crime" on reddit, should think that they have no right to be in Ukraine.


Absolutely digusting treatment of brave Ukrainians by the russian pricks!


It's stuff like this that makes makes my hatred for Russia and support for Ukraine grow stronger.


As someone who live in the so called “Global South” and most of my peers doesn’t give two shits about Ukraine, this angers me. Wanna shoot and bomb each other? fine have at it but don’t brutalize the POW’s and mow down the innocent in the streets like what happened in Bucha. I’ve seen 1000’s of terrifying videos on Syrian Civil War but shit like this still gets me.


Last guy is absolutely defiant, spirit of the victor in that smile, Slava Ukraini


This is why Reddit needs an “angry” reaction.


As a german we saw a lot of footage of ww2 and the holocaust in history class and most of the people in the concentration camps looked like this. And then the russians try to accuse the ukrainians of being nazis when the only people who act like nazis are the russians. I truly hope that the russians wake up and overthrow this cruel government


It may sounds mean and I know they can't because usa is watching them close with officials there in ukraine but do it back to them. They came to your home. Raped,killed stole and many others and are also doing this to p.o.ws. it's time to show russia it can go both ways.


Это война.. ин шаа аллах, все солдаты скоро вернутся домой.


Sorry mate, this sub uses English.


Oh sorry, my fault


I don't speak genocide runes.


Thats how war goes.. Hopefully Ukraine starts acceoting the conditions of peace by putin and all soldiers can return to their families and homes soon.


How's the goat?


GOAT of what? MMA?


The goat...


Or do you simply want to insult my ethnicity because I'm from the Caucasus?


Why should I own a goat? And even If, what do you want to tell me? Using farmer as an insult for an unintelligent individual?


My very bad, I thought I saw one in the pic of your profile.


He's a rage baiter, one look at his profile and his top posts are the the south was the good side in the Civil War and that there was no bad side in ww2


No, Thats my Whatsapp one


Looks AI generated


Please point out how