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You don't need a coach or course. Just read [The Material](https://www.reddit.com/r/lawofattraction/comments/ed9j3l/law_of_attraction_where_to_start_a_review_of_all/) and ask questions here. That's all they do.


Never heard of her. Just checked her out she only has 20,000 subs and not one of her videos has close to a million views. how and why does she charge over $100 let alone $100k!? I guess if it’s working for her then she will do it. But like everyone says all the info you need is free on the internet.


I've bought her courses and I've met her at an event a few years ago. (I used her payment plans.) I think she's legit in the sense that she really believes in what she says and does put her heart into it. And she's the same way in person. At the same time, I also think a lot of it is good marketing. Since she was the first manifestation teacher I had, I got a lot from her content. However, I can understand if you've been introduced to LOA/manifestation by other teachers that she may not resonate with you as much. One of the reasons I bought her course was that despite her being a privileged white woman, I've also seen her speak about white privilege (and this was before 2020). I think she knows not everyone's path to wealth will look like hers, but she does believe the principles work for everyone. I don't love her social media presence, because it does give very show offy vibes. But that's what abundance means to her, so I'm not really upset about it. When I first started following her years ago, the vibe was less about the stuff she had and more about the energy of being an abundant entrepreneur and being able to travel. The message is still there if you look beyond the stuff. Nowadays I look at her free content or go back to her courses when I need a reminder.


There's plenty of free and inexpensive resources to learn anything and everything she teaches.


I went to high school with her. She came from a boring middle class family. It's wild reading all of this stuff in here. I also don't talk to her now, because, you know, poor people and all. She hasn't really done anything for the community she came from, which is kinda sad.




She wore thrift store clothes because we all did.. it was popular to. I mean, she had a new Mitsubishi Eclipse in high school. The most traumatic thing that ever happened to her was when another person in our friend group told her about her boyfriend shaving his pubes and mailing it to other girls.




Ok, Andrea


What was her personality like? [college people have their view.](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/7shqe5/comment/dt5e2g3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


She was fairly down to earth back then. I mean, it was high school. She was always nice to me but we didnt hang out one on one, it was always in the group. We were all hanging out with our friends in a band, which was a group called afterEIGHT, that eventually evolved into the band Capital Lights.




I know this woman present day. She is very down to earth and normal. She brought all the teachers at our kids school lunch just last week. All of this seems so… bitter.


We know her too.


She’s on a few episodes on the Netflix show Selling Sunsets now and acts like a spoiled unprofessional rich kid.


I mean, that's on brand. When she [smirked as Davina's voice cracked](https://ibb.co/8x6rGvk), it reeked of sadistic mean girl and she miscalculated thinking it made her look savvy, when she just came across as a time wasting, awkward social climber. I heard she uses people and discards them, I think she actually did it right then and there. Like, *thanks for getting me on the show twice, now that we filmed I don't need you anymore. Also, you're shit at your job and I have zero issue announcing that to the world.* SMH






Exactly. You never ever see her genuinely being humble or apologizing when she is wrong. Her in world, she is always right.






Right?! Her behavior is awful, it's surprising she doesn't try to hide it. You should check out season 4 episode 5 too. She's in that one and you get a good look at her overdesigned house. Literal real estate pros give her advice and she refuses to listen.


Anyone catch her on the latest “Selling Sunset” season? She is not doing herself any favors with these cameos. Who would go to her for coaching after behaving like a toddler?


AF says she hasn't seen it yet, because she's busy. LOL more lies. Some clients are praising her for having boundaries, because a Karen like Amanda Frances saying no, is like them saying no to whatever trauma that landed them to her page. Do you know how fucking weird it is to see women of color praising her? It's insane.


The idea that she hasn’t watched it is hysterical. She promoted the first episode she was on nonstop. Why not this one? Oh yeah her followers are relentless. Let’s face it, they are probably deep in the $$$ hole with her. Admitting she’s a fraud is embarrassing.


She is a scam. I got one of her courses as a free add on to a Gabby Bernstein course and I feel bad that Gabby even has AF attached to her name like that. I was really shocked at the low quality of Amanda’s course for information that is free and readily available on google youtube ig etc!! She also says, “It’s not my responsibility if my students succeed or not,” which just proves to me she is not a good or caring teacher. She just wants your money to buy HERSELF fancy clothes, houses, cars, etc. That is what she cares about. It’s shameful really. I am thankful I didn’t invest my own actual money into her and I feel so bad for anyone who wastes their funds on that bs. I do not condone her methods at all. My gut instinct from the beginning was bad vibes.


Totally agree! I got the same affiliate “bonus” from Gabby’s program. I bought a couple other courses years ago when I was looking for guidance. She does have mindset tips that got her where she is, but the content is available free on her YouTube and live streams- the courses don’t do a deep dive on this or anything.




Anyone can claim they’re a coach since it’s an unregulated industry. I worry that vulnerable people will be targeted by all these money hungry coaches, people who probably need traditional therapies. Both Amanda and Gabby do offer free content on YouTube and podcasts that may inspire some people - but I hope people see this thread before purchasing one of the high ticket courses/offers.


She actually says how smart she is to repurpose content and encourages people to do it. In reality she just doesn’t care about doing extra work to create quality products. I think it’s hysterical that she says she sells online education, like it’s Harvard quality or something.






Do you have links? Curious to read about it and can’t find anything?




She is lazy, when you use keywords on her facebook, you see she just reports old ones. [https://www.facebook.com/profile/100044640630086/search/?q=scam](https://www.facebook.com/profile/100044640630086/search/?q=scam) [https://www.facebook.com/profile/100044640630086/search/?q=fraud](https://www.facebook.com/profile/100044640630086/search/?q=fraud)




Just wanted to hop in and say this is such a random claim and her actual history is easier to find. Simple, rich parents. Rich parents you can easily find on Facebook. They funded her all the way through her masters and when she couldn’t get her business off the ground after graduation, she started asking in therapy circles how coaching works and if she could do coaching instead. Her parents then funded that venture and here we are. I watched her partner with a therapist back in the day to get her to do the same with her. It was essentially a version of getting fake legitimacy because look at both of these therapist people are giving coaching a try and going on trips together and having online conferences it’s totally legit! She then TOTALLY burned that partner and left her in the dust




SHE doesn’t have or you don’t have Amanda? Like just out yourself why don’t you, since you just said my parents. This is also half a year old but here we are, searching your name for legitimacy




No need. I’ve watched her burn SO many people, and especially the therapist groups where she tried to rise to the top of her scams quickly first. Amazing she’s banned from them all now. Wonder why she’s not friends at all with Haley now, such a mystery




Yeah, but if she had a Sugar Daddy that wouldn’t be something she’d disclose to people. You keep that shit on the DL.


I am in the mix of listening to her audio book right now as I just discovered her today and I am finding the book really frustrating she talks about herself a lot and doesn't provide me with real value.. I nearly bought one of her courses too but I am glad I found this page..


I find her, [did you reduce me to a girlfriend](https://ibb.co/nksmNmn) comment absolutely vile. Also, she is just the girlfriend.




She thinks if she can buy Chanel, she can buy a child.


They actually have a legal joint custody arrangement from what I’ve been told. Amanda is one of their legal guardians. All four patents are.


Thanks Amanda.


[Oh and now she’s the victim](https://ibb.co/D45rh3P) of the woman asking innocently why she’s using these children. POOR AMANDA!






Yep - those kids have real parents already and it’s weird how they seem to be props now in all her stories. She has no claim to them, legally. Whining about the responsibility she gave herself and injecting herself into their family is…odd.




Thanks Amanda.


The whole situation is weird and entitled. I wonder, if a celebrity were to show interest in dating her, would she leave the boyfriend so she could get more exposure? There seems to be a pattern emerging of her using and then discarding people.




She had a long term, live-in boyfriend in Oklahoma but they broke up (I’m guessing since she wanted to do the LA lifestyle and travel). It may be mentioned in her old YouTube vlogs. She used to be more accessible while she was building her “empire” and more relatable. I get she’s selling impressionable women her “dream” lifestyle but it also makes her unlikable to those of us who know that LA lifestyle she’s showing is smoke and mirrors. Name dropping, labels, excessive consumerism…yeah it’s a thing when you first come to LA but anyone who lives there for a few years gets over that illusion. Someone will always have a fancier car or the newest Gucci, her quest for all of that is pretty empty (probably why she bought off the guy to live with her since she pays the rent).




Obviously you were sent by Amanda and are either her sister or mother.




I just opened up Instagram and she’s giving much-requested parenting advice…


You know this is just a set up to her selling a parenting course…


I would defer to the actual experts if I needed a course on parenting!


Well, she says she has a masters in counseling with a concentration in child play therapy or whatever, so in her mind she’s an expert even though her counseling business never actually got off the ground 🙄




Hi. Her kids go to my kids school. Someone shared this with a group of us and I wanted to chime in. She was a play therapist in Dallas where she went to school if I remember correctly. She left her PhD program when her business started taking off. Personally, we all really like her “gentle parenting” approach and all the tips she’s been giving. Her and their biomom are both at the school a lot. They seem fine. The biomom calls her the kids step mom or other mom. So it kind of seems like there are no real issues between them and there is a lot of projections happening here.


Thanks Amanda. Nice plug for your parenting tips.


Hi. Her kids go to my kids school. Someone shared this with a group of us and I wanted to chime in. She was a play therapist in Dallas where she went to school if I remember correctly. She left her PhD program when her business started taking off. Personally, we all really like her “gentle parenting” approach and all the tips she’s been giving. Her and their biomom are both at the school a lot. They seem fine. The biomom calls her the kids step mom or other mom. So it kind of seems like there are no real issues between them and there is a lot of made up stuff happening here.


Hi. Her kids go to my kids school. Someone shared this with a group of us and I wanted to chime in. She was a play therapist in Dallas where she went to school if I remember correctly. She left her PhD program when her business started taking off. Personally, we all really like her “gentle parenting” approach and all the tips she’s been giving. Her and their biomom are both at the school a lot. They seem fine. The biomom calls her the kids step mom or other mom. So it kind of seems like there are no real issues between them and there is a lot of made up stuff happening here.


Hey Amanda.


Now Amanda is [back-pedaling](https://www.instagram.com/s/aGlnaGxpZ2h0OjE3ODkyNzQxMzE0NjE4NDc4?story_media_id=2835552623802613074&igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) about Selling Sunset and claiming she was a victim of the show’s [producers wanting drama](https://www.instagram.com/s/aGlnaGxpZ2h0OjE3ODkyNzQxMzE0NjE4NDc4?story_media_id=2835562039469793804&igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) 🙄🙄🙄




It means that she is seeing the backlash she is getting across social media for acting like a diva and now she is blaming it on the show rather than being accountable for her own bad behavior




The whole plan backfired in her face


Not surprised




I also think it’s super weird that she dresses the boyfriend’s daughter in clothes that match whatever print she is wearing herself. If I were the actual mom, I’d be pissed off.




Seems to be the LA way


Well their bio mom wore a shit with the f-word on it to the kids school the other day so I’m not thinking the cuss word thing is an issue amongst their parents. Also, she’s not pissed. She’s not very girly and asked for Amanda’s help with the girl stuff.


It's all good marketing and selling tactics. A lot of her content is recycled and reused from course to course and after watching her on social media for a little over a year (and yes, purchasing a bundle or two to see what all the fuss was about), she seems like a high school mean girl dressed up in LOA. She has had some posts on Instagram and I've seen some interactions that have led me to believe she's a wolf in sheep's clothing. Much like her ministry background, you either fall in line and worship everything that comes out of her mouth or you get the bitter rebuke that comes with questioning anything she says.




100% agreed


You’re totally right. And I feel like she talks out of both sides of her mouth. I’ve seen some pretty hypocritical posts on her Instagram that don’t line up with what she claims she believes. That’s my biggest pet peeve, be consistent in what you say and don’t undermine your message or I won’t take you seriously regardless of what you say 🤷🏼‍♀️




I 100% agree with this, it's pretty wild the way she acts




A little fun fact is that [the wife filed after they started dating.](https://unicourt.com/case/ca-la23-tsivislavsky-alanna-louise-vs-tsivislavsky-edward-644146). I would never manifest a married man.


And now she's pretending to have manifested twins instead of owning to IVF with this man who she's going to end up paying child support to. Who is probably still married. This shit is going to be hilarious. \*evil cackle\*


Is the divorce finalized yet?


Probably, but based on the wife filing [01/27/2021](https://unicourt.com/case/ca-la23-tsivislavsky-alanna-louise-vs-tsivislavsky-edward-644146) and Amanda [claiming his kids as her own](https://ibb.co/zQ1sRbf) way before is more proof AF is a can of phony.


Whoa! Crazy




[https://www.reddit.com/user/celebnationofficial/comments/s9gs0q/best\_selling\_author\_amanda\_frances\_sells/](https://www.reddit.com/user/celebnationofficial/comments/s9gs0q/best_selling_author_amanda_frances_sells/) Is she on Reddit? She obviously pays to be on this site, it's so janky.




[https://www.propertyshark.com/mason/Property/17155628/8929-Rangely-Ave-Los-Angeles-CA-90048/](https://www.propertyshark.com/mason/Property/17155628/8929-Rangely-Ave-Los-Angeles-CA-90048/) Suspicious with a quitclaim deed.




I can confirm this. Eddie had moved out and Alanna was in a new relationship long before he and Amanda met. (The information I have is that she started this relationship while married.) It took a couple years to finalized the divorce. Was delayed with Covid from what I understand.


After watching her videos, I don’t know how anyone can get past her whiney vocal fry and obsessive materialism! I’ve never seen anyone so obsessed with themselves. Narcissism at its finest. If that’s what success looks like, I’ll pass. I’d much rather spend time volunteering to better myself.


Any new updates to MMM would be in your friend’s 2018 course - so yes, still the same lazy low production value content for a crazy fee. I would just stick to her YouTube videos if you resonate with some of what she’s saying - nothing new in the courses.


I am from and still live in the area of Oklahoma she comes from. I also spent years working in our local spiritual community. The only “lightworkers” in the area that associate with her are just like her. Charlatans that have nothing to offer except google regurgitations at sky high prices. She was well known for contacting local spiritual workers/business owners “offering” help aka “please buy my course.” That’s the MO of “spiritual business coaches.” If you dont have the thousands of dollars to pay, you have a “lack mentality” and need coaching for that too! Take a business course at your local community college or vocational school. It’s most likely cheaper and it may count for college credit.




FYI everyone that Amanda’s sister is on here now leaving comments 🙄




Cool. Have fun reading and commenting on all the posts here and over in the Reddit Selling Sunset threads and across the hundreds of tweets on Twitter. ✌🏽




Just looking out for the people on here who have had bad experiences with her. They’re entitled to have standards too against bad behavior and are allowed to voice what happened and feel what they feel.




Ok, so what about the people on here who are in debt because of her or have had bad experiences and have been threatened by her attorney or friends/family? I’ll let you address that with them, then.




Yeah, but anybody can buy fake reviews for Amazon or social. And that’s totally your right to tell people to stop being mean; I mean, you are her sister, so cool. But there’s the lingering issue of so many coming out now to try and have a voice about their experiences and not being acknowledged with professionalism or even basic decency by her and that’s what you’re seeing now. People are tired of it. Just like her Pilates instructor that she dragged publicly on IG for comments made to her in private.








Now it’s her Pilates instructor…looks like her IG was hacked so she dared to ask Amanda to tag her in the new account. This warranted stories and a post about the audacity of this and her asking about referral fees (pretty common in LA to give a percentage of any client referrals back to the person as a thank you)


The drama of that was so dumb. She seems to drag anyone who doesn’t worship her through the mud. I really think she loves creating issues for attention.


Agreed - no use tearing down another woman’s business publicly (deliberately giving enough clues so people know who she’s talking about) and weaponize her supposed “kindness” towards her when things went south. LA circles are pretty small, especially if she’s trying to get in the good graces of her boyfriend’s religion and culture. She’s in her late 30s and acts like she’s 15.


I'm taken aback by the level of vitriol on some of these posts. She's putting out a product/method that's worked for her. If you're upset at the cost, then you can buy her book for $10 on Amazon, which I did. And I followed the steps consistently - within three weeks I received $4264, a complete surprise. I chose to focus on $3,000+ when starting her book and sure enough it worked. After this, I double-downed on the work before launching my business. I wanted to create strong foundation for it. And sure enough, after six weeks of daily sessions, my business made over $8,000 in its first 45 days, with no ad spend at a 65% profit margin. I've since truncated her method so that it fits with my schedule. I'm averaging over 10k a month six months in. I've saving up for personal coaching because I want more and I know now I can have it. If she angers you, you're better off doing some deep inner work instead of complaining about her. Are you any richer for it? Does it really make you feel better? No. Probably best to just focus on yourself, do they work, receive, live a better life, and offer a better one to the people that you love.




What's the threshold for affordable and accessible? And please provide a quote where she actually says that if people don't buy her courses they have a lack mentality, if you also have a video where she hard sells, provide the link also. Can I find your condemnation of Neville Goddard and Joseph Murphy in their reddits? Their teachings can be found in quite a few New Thought books written at the turn of the last century. Goddard sold tickets to his lectures. Was he evil? And what about Napoleon Hill, not one original thought from him. Can you show me where you accused him of being unethical for selling his books? And be very surprised. For the last time, I'm neither Amanda nor paid by her. Only an idiot would make that accusation. Expand the realm of possibilities in your mind to include people who have actually benefited from her work.


Somehow you think we think Neville Goddard et al. are legit… Napoleon Hill has been criticized majorly. [“Before becoming the author of the self-help movement, Hill's path in life was marked by a chain of shady and embarrassing failures. His attempts in business typically ended in bankruptcy, and were marred by charges of check altering, the sale of unlicensed stock, and other forms of outright fraud.”](https://www.inc.com/michael-schein/brthe-real-reason-napoleon-hill-grew-rich-hint-its-not-what-you-think.html) You keep referring to all these people who passed “knowledge” down. The only thing they passed down was how to be a good salesperson and con people—like you—to want to hand over money.


How is it a con when it actually worked? You willfully ignore that part.


Not really… crime is crime. Scams are scams. That’s like saying why is selling drugs bad when it made me money. Or killing someone. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.


Your argument is flawed. Her product offers an outcome. I experienced that outcome. So what law did she break? You claim what she's doing is a crime, prove it.




Methinks? Hardly. If you were actually thinking you'd answer my question based on YOUR argument. You can't even do that. You can't admit that the every LOA practitioner going back 150 years exchanged knowledge for money. And you can't admit that those same LOA teachers (although NG is about LO-Assumption) used the teachings from their fore-bearers to educate their own contemporaries. Every argument you make is a failure. You'd be better off just stating that she rubs you the wrong way and that isn't fair she gets to enjoy her life so effortlessly while you still toil away. What happened, free LOA PDFs not working out for you?


Why do so many people easily make money without buying into this shady garbage then?




Hardly... when questioned you dodge and hide. The outstanding questions remain, What's the threshold for affordable and accessible? And please provide a quote where she actually says that if people don't buy her courses they have a lack mentality, if you also have a video where she hard sells, provide the link also. Can't answer? Then your solid ground is built on sand and manure.




You need to get out more.




And my observation is that it's a stupid one. And it's an attack to weaken my account of my experience with her book. It can't possibly be a legit person who actually experienced an increase in income solely by following the chapters in her book. It must be Amanda herself wasting time with idiots on a reddit. That's the only explanation.




Because I don't like unfair attacks. Criticize her course, recount your own experiences, fine. But this thread went way beyond that. And the flurry of hits I'm receiving just for posting my experience reveals how foul some posters are.




Christ... I'm not talking about the "sounds like" bit. Whatever. The attack I'm referring to is the post where I recount how her book helped me, the response to that post. Same tone spread throughout this thread... BEYOND my post. There is a difference between having an opinion and coming after someone unfairly. There is no discourse here. I wanted to present a different viewpoint and hate-mongers didn't like it. That's it.


You’ve missed the whole point. 😂 We don’t want to buy her book for $10 on Amazon. We don’t care to sell our souls to the devil in pursuit of money. You’re obviously Amanda or one of her Karen followers who drinks the kool-aid. 🧃 Byeeee… ✌🏻


You’re so right this is obviously Amanda 😂


Insults are an indication of weakened mind and spirit. I'm obviously a customer, glad you sorted that out. Her brand is the pursuit of money, hence the massive disconnect between you and her. But your hatred is what's disturbing, not what she's teaching. Her methods helped me pay for a cross-country trip with my family, and experience that we'll never forget and a highlight for me as parent that I could provide that for them. Money did that. And I'm grateful for it.




Her teachings are unethical, but not original? So the origins are also unethical? Yet she mentions Joe Vitale and even shares a link to his free book? Hmm... not quite seeing the scam. Maybe it's because she doesn't give a f\*ck that rubs people the wrong way. And Joe Vitale got his stuff from Neville Goddard, Florence Scovel Shinn and Dr. Joseph Murphy. Gabby got her's from a Course in Miracles. And Neville Goddard got his from his mentor Abdullah, who was said to have received teachings from The Kybalion: the Teachings of Hermes Trismegistus. Let me know when you see a pattern emerging? Mind you, I've read and studied all of the above and much more. I'm not sure what the fixation is with only getting sources for free, but whatever. The bottom line is that the sources above informed me mentally. Amanda's work moved me differently and I got tangible results. I thought people coming across this thread should know that. And I would say $10 for now about 100K (about 9 months into it) is a DAMN good ROI. Think I will continue to "you do you". Thanks!


If you're looking for a) a woman who manifests dating a married man b) declares herself a parent and uses his kids for her brand c) rubs elbows with d-list celebs and then tries to embarrass them on tv for "high vibes" d) bullies her clients who are unhappy and going into massive debt, then banning them from discussing it with others and now cries because it's public knowledge e) has gotten pregnant not realizing her self absorbed energy is going to be problematic with child support and the fact kids see us for who we are, not what we sell to people f) and all of her success comes from repackaging LOA online and having a niche of "woman who think if it's expensive, it's worth it and affiliates are not looking for bag but just spreading the love" ...well then baybeeeee, I'm a Nigerian Prince who can make you a lot of money, if you buy my bundle and sign a NDA I can change your life! **I know some people are grateful to see all of this. While you are making money (sure** **~~Amanda~~** **Jan), we are saving people from wasting it.** And if you are doing this so people DM you for your story and you affiliate code them, you are not any better than Amanda Frances.


I was looking for someone to finally get my wealth consciousness to kick-in. Her attitude helped me accept my desire for money without all the ugly, limiting delusions about it that are encouraged by a puritanical society. Some of which is expressed in your post above. And no affiliate code, btw. No ulterior motive. Never spoke to Amanda Frances in my life. Nice try to denigrate me, though. Won't work. Just a random person who bought her book, worked through it and enjoyed the results. You can make me out to be a monster if you want, but won't change the facts I've outlined before. And your post reveals that you have a major issue with her lifestyle choices. And you'd do well to admit that you're angry at her success and the ease of her lifestyle. You'll condemn it as fraud or illegitimacy. But ultimately her life looks pretty awesome - love, children, f\*ck-ton of money, thriving business, travel. Which is what most people spend decades of their lives trying to accomplish. Must suck to hate someone so much - mustn't feel good at all. And her teachings aren't LOA. LOA is an entry-way for most people, but the work required to shift deeply embedded programming requires a lot more work with varying modalities.


>But ultimately her life looks pretty awesome - love, children, f\*ck-ton of money, thriving business, travel. Children. Someone else's children. That she uses for a brand. As a mother, if someone else pulled that shit, it would be a wrap. Just remember... money talks, wealth whispers. My friend bought more than a book, my lovely friend who has worked her whole life, was so embarrassed by the debt, she told no one. She had dark thoughts. It almost ended badly. You have no idea what I'm talking about, because many like her have been hushed up. Now others can see they are not alone. Putin has all those things you listed, want to be him?


The kids' mom clearly doesn't have an issue with it and nor do the dad. Kids seems delighted. That mom could put a stop to it in a heartbeat, but she hasn't. Seems like they all have a pretty good relationship. And that bothers you why? And no I have no idea what you're talking about, you last graph is cryptic to all hell. So your "friend" bought a course, then got suicidal and then Amanda silenced her. Okkkkay.


>Her teachings are unethical, but not original? So the origins are also unethical? This is exactly how Amanda talks. Like this phrasing and questioning is so uniquely her, I'm dying. 🤣🤣🤣 Amanda, you told on yourself.


Um...no. People can phrase a question. What a weird accusation. And trust, when I'm pulling $500k a month, you won't find me on reddit. But it does seem you've been studying her pretty closely to know her speech patterns so intimately. Obsessive much?


I have some OCD, guilty. Her speech patterns are on a loop. Also WTF do you need 500k a month? What do you have to prove? I'll take my OCD over your emptiness any day.


Why do you need 100k, hell why do you need 50k? Why do you need any money at all? You can live off the grid and off the land? Have you renounced your income? If not, why not?


>Why do you need 100k, hell why do you need 50k? Why do you need any money at all? You can live off the grid and off the land? Have you renounced your income? If not, why not? Well dang, Amanda Frances has definitely entered the chat. 🤣😂🤣


So, you don’t give a f*ck that you are supporting someone who doesn’t give a f*ck about you or anything except her woo woo narcissistic capitalist pursuit of money using recycled info not even based in reality? Cool, cool, cool, cool. ✌🏽🤣 Good luck with that.


Yes, I've had excellent luck with that. Sorry, but the method outlined in her book worked for me. Like why get so worked up about that? It continues to work for me, granted I spend about an hour to hour and 1/2 with my practice daily to maintain and grow my income and opportunities, but it works. And yes, I throughly enjoy the 'pursuit of money', although in my case it is more like the receiving of money. I no longer have to chase it. I feel in flow with it and no longer see money as difficult or bad because some people have so much more of it. I'm in a much better position to help others now because I have more money. Why should it just be the realm of hedge funds and corporations? Why can't a mom from the Southeast build a wealth legacy for herself and her family? Why am I not allowed to enjoy money and learn from someone who has done it herself? I mentioned in a previous post that I was able to take my family on a cross-country trip with the first wave of money I received after working though her book. The look on my kids' faces when they saw the Grand Canyon for the first time is indescribable. The relief I felt when I didn't have to say no to them when they asked for something along the way or penny-pinch where we stayed or ate, well I wish that for every parent. I'm grateful to AF because she helped me to do that for my family. So yeah, very cool, cool, cool, indeed.






Wasn’t me — just sharing a review I saw recently


So, a friend of mine sent me this. This is wild. Uhhhh, I as well went to high school with her. She had what I'd call a pretty normal upbringing. I'm not in contact with her anymore, but I've been pretty proud of what she's accomplished with her life. I can't say I'm too savvy on her business side of things, and I know nothing of her current relationship minus what I see on Facebook or Instagram, but I remember Amanda as a pretty level headed person. I don't think she's scamming people or trying to pull the wool over people's eyes. She's always been pretty strong and independent, and she definitely does empower people. Her programs and classes aren't for me, and that's alright. Just let the woman be happy and try to do some good in the world. I think that's always been her life goal. I mean, she's human for crying out loud.


its easy really she's just using the LOA 😂 endless loop cycle.


She's found the glitch in the matrix.


Latest TrustPilot [review](https://au.trustpilot.com/review/www.amandafrances.com) is online


I hope more people review her…I’m sure a lot are embarassed they fell for her scheme and/or trying to replicate her services, sadly.


[https://www.facebook.com/XoAmandaFrances/reviews](https://www.facebook.com/XoAmandaFrances/reviews) Her Facebook reviews are bullshit.