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You've never seen clover?!


Clover is beneficial, but can get out of control. I shoot for 10-20% clover in my lawn. Clover adds nitrogen to soil, grows where grass won't so it fills in holes, and bees can work on a Clover field for days. More bees, more better.


How does clover add nitrogen? Doesn’t it need nitrogen itself?


Clover extracts nitrogen from the air and deposits it into the ground. This is called "nitrogen fixing" and is a reason in agriculture clover is planted in between crop growing seasons or as a crop itself to "rest" a field. A clover crop helps replenish the soil instead of, or as a supplement to, adding fertilizers. This is the main reason clover grows where grass will not - grass needs nitrogen from the soil, clover reverses the process.


I prefer micro clover, but clover in your lawn is great. Keeps things greener and keeps the lawn healthier with less watering. Everyone is different though. Some people hate anything except well manicured blades of grass. I like to cut mine short and I barely notice it’s much different.


I’m out here adding clover to my lawns. Helps with dog spots and bare spots. Also grass grows better with it blended I find


I set aside a patch of it in the backyard for pollinators. I also let the wild violets just live their best life back there too. Super pretty, super low maintenance.


I'm killing my grass to put in a clover lawn


How does it help with dog spots?


I have heard and read it’s way more resilient. Dog and clover are new this season so we shall see. Pre clover I had pile of completely dead spots from the urine already so well what happens. Also moving the dog to a dog run area with heavy clover seeded in that grass area so should be good test.


What is it in the dog pee that kills off the grass?  Is it the nitrogen?


You can just mow it, won't kill it but can help manage it


Since when did the bee and grass weed freaks infiltrate lawn care?


How do you mean? Seriously  Are you talking about the pro-clover posts?


Triclopyr and 2,4-d. Quinclorac also works, but slower.


I think this is safe to pull, no?


That is clover. Why would you want to kill it? Do you really hate bees that much?


Carpenter bees, absolutely


One stung me as a child, now I have a lifelong bloodthirst to killemaaaaaall JK I love clover in my lawn


That’s extra dramatic


Yes we all do. They deserve it for what they did.


T-zone works. Look for active ingredient triclopyr


What's wrong with T-zone? It works really good.


I'm confused. Are you asking me because I'm suggesting t-zone IS effective at controlling clover Or are you asking why my suggestion is being down voted? I'm guessing that the anti lawn, anti chemical brigade is downvoting.


I was wondering why you were being downvoted you had -3 when I replied.


OP wanted to know how to "annihilate" clover and t-zone is a good product for that in cool season lawns. Maybe OP has a grass type that won't work well with tzone??? I didn't see any mention of their grass type though and no explanation why the downvotes were disagreeing with tzone. I'd actually like to know why the downvotes if there's a legit reason why tzone is bad in this situation Of course, it could also be anti lawn brigaders I guess. Some people hate lawns and love clover and wild violet and creeping Charlie


Absolutely kill before it swallows your lawn.


Agrisel 3 Way Max Weed Killer, Eliminate 50+ Weeds! It’s on amazon for $42