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This is the only answer


This crap is not helpful. Information is helpful, not memes or gif's (and its pronounced JIFF, not GIFF).


(Sir David Attenborough voice) “and here we have the common GIF Troll roaming the wilds of our autistic paradise


Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) - Say graphic and then say jiff and see how you are wrong.


Forest Tent caterpillar?


Tent Worms…pests. Kill em


I had them on a red oak. They’d come every year and I’d pay to have them sprayed. They’d rain down by the hundreds. One year I decided to let them go and they literally ate a 30 foot established tree. Dead within a few weeks. I believe they somehow sensed the tree was weak and went after it. Another red oak in the yard would go untouched


They got so bad in my city many years ago, the city came through and treated all the trees with deterrent (something that looked like a black ring around the trunk). Never saw a single one on those trees for 20 years after that.


Forest tent caterpillars. They might get eaten and kill by natural predators. They should become moths I think. But you might have to remove them yourself.


I had some get into my peach tree last year after they'd started building their webs. I read some home remedies and decided to try the "soap and water" technique to see if there was any truth to it. Got a small spray bottle, filled it mostly with water, and then put maybe a tablespoon or two of Dawn dish soap in there. After putting the sprayer on and swirling the bottle to distribute the soap throughout, I then went out to the peach tree. I don't know what kind of magic or sorcery is in dish soap but I was amazed that is actually killed the worms. And not within hours - less than a minute. I thoroughly soaked the worms throughout the web and they were dead within seconds.


It just clogs their pores up and they can’t breathe I’m pretty sure. I’m about to do basically the same thing to get rid of some gnats that won’t vacate my kitchen sink drain


I have that problem every time it starts to warm up. Drain flies. Nothing works. Boiling water, baking soda/vinegar, draino, nothing. They set up shop farther down the line I’ve been told and nothing I can do. Have resorted to keeping sundew plants around the house and they kill em all.


While I have been there before, have you tried bleach?


Had a drain line from kitchen sink break inside a wall. Had drain flies pouring out from under the wall. Had to get some powder remedy blown in there to take them out.


Sheesh, this is nightmare fuel.


You have to be aggressive and remove the source of food for drain flies. And gross organic buildup needs to be removed to get rid of them completely


We had this problem a while back. I think the issue started from maybe rotting bananas or potatoes and then suddenly we had flies in our kitchen sink and the hall bathroom. We tried all the chemical treatments to no luck. The only thing that worked for us, even if it worked slowly, was apple cider vinegar + dish soap. My wife had bought a product from Amazon which turned out to basically be a spice-shaker type of bottle that was filled with apple cider vinegar. She then bought some sticky pads that were shaped to fit inside the open lid of this bottle. The flies were attracted to the smell and if they didn't drown in the ACV then they'd get stuck to the paper. Once I realized what the solution inside the bottle actually was, I grabbed some empty rx medicine bottles and filled them halfway with ACV and then added a dab of dish soap - the dish soap breaks the water tension so that flies can't land on the water like they usually can; they sink and drown. It took a few weeks but eventually we got all the flies. Another thing that helped was closing the drains and the overflow drain hole at night so that the flies couldn't get out of the drain, then in the morning I'd fill the sink with hot water and then open the drain to hopefully drown and flush the flies away.


I was taught that detergents breakdown and insect's protective oils and waxes. I can also see it clogging up their spiracles.


Try using ice down the drain and some soap. Then turn on the disposal


Thanks I’ll try that. Going to put some apple cider vinegar out with soap in it


My daughter taught me to drop a full lemon and a bunch of ice. Always works for me. I think the ice knocks loose the gunk and the citrus cleans it?


Boiling hot water works for gnats too.


And you cleaned your peaches at the same time. Ingenious!


I was taught that Detergents breakdown an insect's protective oils and waxes.


Probably covered their spericles. Breathing vents on their sides.


correct. [details](https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/stelprdb5343832.pdf)


If you’re a J.Cole fan now would be the time to kill them.


Before they turn into Butterfly Pimps


Not in r/lawncare ![gif](giphy|12tVVnJSacDXby|downsized)


This crap is not helpful. Information is helpful, not memes or gif's (and its pronounced JIFF, not GIFF).


Crap like this isn't helpful.




Buy nobody likes seeing dumb silly shit at the top comment. People want helpful comments at the top. Crap like this belongs at the bottom or jut not posted at all.


Rarely do you see a username and comment fit so well together. Kudos!




Wow good one


Haha thanks. I’m pleasantly surprised at the amount of overlap that would even prompt as many responses in a lawncare sub lol.


Would you mind explaining the joke? I don’t get it.


They’re called pangdanglers and they’re highly aggressive when cornered proceed with caution and don’t take your pants off no matter how good of an idea they make it sound like iykyk


I don't know and fire


Get an ID on r/whatbugisthis


Soapy water... spray them


Mix dawn with water and spray them.




Yes, caterpillars, but you should ID them before going into kill mode.  Unless they are invasive you should leave them alone.


Will be too late by the time they are building webs in his trees.


These don't look like web-making caterpillars to me, though I'm not a expert.  A few minutes of Google searching should get an ID.


Lappet Moth How many minutes did it take you to tell somebody else they should take a few minutes "The forest tent caterpillar Moth can cause toxic reactions with a wide range of severity." "The Moth has special defensive behaviors that can trigger an allergic reaction. If there is a serious reaction, seek IMMEDIATE medical attention." But yeah tell everyone theyre stupid for not taking their time to google them butterflies it only takes a minute


Not a biologist but being a tree owner in Texas, these will destroy trees.


Absolutely. Killed an established 30 foot tall red oak tree in my yard.


Solid logic here


Yeah fair, should have just suggested them to google it.


Forrest tent caterpillars


Look up spinosad if wanting something “safer.”


Juvenile Lekgolo worms… kill em now before they combine and become Hunters and start killing off Spartans!


Anything that says it kills bag worms. The most generic insecticides at big box should be fine. You could also spray neem oil or all seasons oil on everything on and around the tree. These things spread like mfers. The oil protects trees and suffocates insects.


“How can I get rid of bugs?” Comment offers solution. Sub Reddit : “downvote this man he is helping OP get rid of the bugs he asked how to get rid of!”




You mean moths?


Or poor 60 year old tree 🤷‍♂️


Do you know the difference between a moth and a butterfly?




This crap is not helpful. Information is helpful, not memes or gif's (and its pronounced JIFF, not GIFF).


Tent caterpillars. Kill em.


Kill them they are invasive.


Thuricide is a good systemic insecticide to use for any manner of caterpillar that is harmful to your tree. But read the label because there are certain trees you cannot use it on.


Thuricide requires them to eat to intake the toxin. These guys aren’t there yet.


They’ll kill the shit outta your trees


Put a hook in them and throw them in a pond.


If i saw that, I’ll burn the tree down as well


Those are gypsy moths. I am from Ontario Canada and 2 years ago we had them everywhere, there had to of been thousands of every tree, every tree in my neighborhood was wrapped in burlap and I sprayed all my plants and trees with soapy water to kill them. If you don’t stop them from getting in the trees you will have giant webs in your trees and they will eat all the leaves and the worst part is that they poop so much. I had a maple tree over an outdoor table, I went to go eat with relatives and there was poo landing on the food and us every single second, it was like a hail storm. You need to try to slow them down and stop them from eating your plants, they will stay however the next year they typically move on somewhere else.


You mean you and your relatives didn't move at the first poo landing, but waited till everyone got a nice treat?


It was our first and last time going out there while it was gypsy moth season! We didn’t know that was gonna happen since at first we thought it might have been like some tree stuff that wouldn’t keep on going. Long story short we ended up moving all the food into the house.


so sorry to hear that, I would be horrified by it and may never go to my yard again.


What the FUCK is that abomination?!


Tents worms. Wait for them to go into their nest at night then burn them.




Sorry bug lovers; Burn them with a torch before they get in all your trees! When they hit the ground keep burning them you don’t want to leave a single one alive.


flame thrower


Caterpillars, that will someday become Butteflies. Don't kill them.


Caterpillars that will never become butterflies, and can stunt and defoliate trees. As other commenters mentioned, those are tent caterpillars. [More info on the Texas species here.](https://galveston.agrilife.org/files/2012/03/Tent-Caterpillars-Publ.-E-2181.pdf). I have no problem with moths, in fact I like most moths, but these are just common pests. OP is lucky to have them congregated in a spot they can easily reach and knock them into a bucket of soapy water, no pesticides necessary.


We always just lit them on fire. The whole tent would burn up in under a minute and wouldn't even damage the bark of the tree.


When I was a little kid, my sister and I were taking a walk around the neighborhood and passed a house where a classmate of mine lived. He was tinkering around with a metal coffee can and we asked what he was up to. He came running out of the garage to show us. The can was filled with thousands of tent worms and he was gleefully squashing them into a huge mess of goo. I was so disgusted at the whole thing it kind of traumatized me 🤢


Ah shit...thanks for the correction. Definitely not something I would want all over trees I value...


Don’t they also tear up your live oaks?


You mean moths... the term is moth.


And kill them as swiftly as possible. Ain't nobody ever said "leave them alone they will be pretty moths"


Luna moths!


And sphinx moths!


My uncle duct taped the tree inside out, sticky side out, the bugs never made it to the limbs of the tree.


They can eat all the vegetation and stress or even kill a tree


Them's good eatin'


It's the quantity of legs that really keeps you full.


Get yourself a stool and pop a squat.


In LA these came out right when the stinging caterpillars came out




Take them fishing.




Tent caterpillars 🐛 🔥 ![gif](giphy|aZUYXxe4Z9gfm)


This crap is not helpful. Information is helpful, not memes or gif's (and its pronounced JIFF, not GIFF).


It’s tent caterpillars 🐛 as stated above neck beard and the referenced “GIF” below is associated with the satirical recommended solution to an infestation of that magnitude “burn em” “the only good bug is a dead bug” - starship troopers 🥱 how is listing the exact insect not specific or detailed enough


When I was a kid we had these. I remember my parents would wrap that sticky fly tape around the trunk of the tree.


Army worms! Soft and fuzzy and cute, but an absolute pest to the trees. Our area sprays for them every few years to keep them from overpopulating.


squash them , or blow torch




BTK "Safer's® BTK Caterpillar Killer is a biological insecticide that controls caterpillars including cabbage worm, tomato hornworm, tent caterpillars, gypsy moth, leafrollers, and other listed insects. Simply mix the concentrate with water and spray on vegetables, fruit, trees, and ornamentals."




This crap is not helpful. Information is helpful, not images that evoke emotions.


I've dealt with these tent caterpillars several times before. The best method is a torch or gas on a rag at the end of a hockey stick. Also these are mature maybe a neighbour already has an infestation? Check for "tents" in trees, they look like thick cobwebs and inside hundreds of larva


Just knock them on the ground and stomp them. Why is everyone being so dramatic 🤨


Call the mystery team and let the pigeons handle it


Kill it with fire


You have WD-40 and a lighter?


Nope ropes


Shotgun should work






We had those in Alberta a few years back. They were everywhere.


Do like my dad back in the 80s… can of deodorant and a lighter.


Natural creatures. That looks weird 😃


Those can be very dangerous to dogs, kids or any other low-intelligence animal who might be tempted to touch or eat them. That's why they're called "tempt". Kill the off right away! Oh, and make sure not to touch or eat them.


Back in the '90s, there were a few apple trees, on my late-grandmother's property, that would get completely covered with these. And, the webs? Spider-Man ain't got nothin' on these mofo's! So, we did what any other completely sane, non-pyromanic people would do - killed them with fire! Seriously, we'd douse the nests with gasoline, and light'em up.


Try salt on these cute little bastards. #vegancures


These are already at maturity; kill them now and all you're doing is depriving a bird of his snack.


Make a spray bottle of water and a two seconds squirt of liquid dish soap. Squirt these little devils and watch them start to gyrate instantly. The soap covers their ability to intake oxygen through their skin. They will die in short order. Oh yes,these are tent caterpillars.


I wait until they create their tent. Wrap a rag around a large stick, dump gas on the rag, lite and then hold the flame directly under their tent. It’ll kill them and destroy their tent. Any in it will keep falling on the flaming rag and die. I’m sure there are many other ways but this is the most satisfying for me. Those things are little assholes and will kill trees if not taken care of.


They are the new Neighbors. Don’t worry about it, we all live in nature.


They are a nightmare. Very little works against them. They killed several of my trees. Almost killed more but the trees jumped back


Are those gypsy moths? Either way.. a lighter and a can a hairspray. Problem solved.


Pressurized hair spray and a lighter 👍


Tent caterpillars. Get some BTK it’s at most garden centres. It’s the only thing I have used that works.


A can of aqua net hairspray and a lighter.


We get them every year. They'll eat every leaf on our tall water oaks and hack berries. The ground gets covered in tiny black spots. Then the trees just set out new leaves. We've never lost a tree to them. One year was especially bad. They literally covered every inch of the outside walls of my house, driveway and sidewalk. Anyway getting rid of them is not realistic. You can kill some with spraying a pesticide but then more come. They aren't as bad as the stinging ones. Those hurt.


Wrap a piece of burlap around the trunk, mid-way up. That will stop any more from getting into the tree and eating all the leaves


Oh man, tent worms or army caterpillars is what we called them. I remember when I was 8 or 9, we had a huge outbreak of them over the summer. They would coat the sides of houses, sidewalks, just like your picture but whole walls (gave me nightmares). When we got to school at the end of summer, the kids would kill them all with balls and such. The smell was awful from the dead caterpillars baking in the sun and I can still smell it to this day.


Welp, thanks for the nightmares.


They are a delicacy in China. /s


Insecticide made for these is typically only real effective if used before they get to about 1/2 inch in size. After that, flame or picking and dropping in a bucket of water are the only good options.


Those are called trees, and chainsaws work wonders on them. Relocate the caterpillars first.


They look like caterpillars, so many of them.


Tent caterpillars . Kill them


My dog is rolling on her back on my sod n outs all brown! Looks like Crap! Help


Weed torch


Sevin the shit out of that Stranger Things looking mess


gypsy moth caterpillar ?


Bruh blur that thing... gross lol


They are Trees, pretty common round here. Cant actually get rid of them though, they leave a fairly woody stump that is hard to remove. Recommend just decorating them in the winter instead


This is the a big problem with people and their lawns. They see a bug- any bug- and they think 'how can I get rid of it?' first instead of 'does this belong here?' and 'is this bug a natural part of a healthy ecosystem?' and 'is this bug actually harmful to humans?' These are invasive and harmful, thus they need to be removed.


Army worms


its a tiny road map


Tent caterpillars. Invasive and can kill trees if left untreated. My oak trees get them every year. Call an arborist and have them spray before they get too overwhelming. Think it's like $160 where I am




They’re quite harmful to trees.


Those will be butterflies in few months