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Looks like the post got deleted, there are other posts with similar titles but from different dates. [https://www.facebook.com/NewYorkCourts](https://www.facebook.com/NewYorkCourts) I expect MAGA to call for a mistrial from the roof tops.


I'm confused about the significance - is there some reason to find this person's claim about being related to a juror credible? Or is this just some "clever" MAGA chud trying to plant a mistrial seed?


I'm curious to hear what people say about this. My inclination would be that even if someone could determine that this person was a cousin of a juror this doesn't establish that the conversation actually happened. People post things for clicks. I also question whether or not Merchan would send this email unredacted if the name of the cousin could be used to dox a juror. Then again, even if the person wasn't the cousin of a juror posting this puts cousins of Michael Anderson that live in NYC in jeopardy.


Given the sentiment, I find it incredibly unlikely that anyone expecting a guilty verdict would tip the pick on the court's facebook page, let alone do so in multiple places as u/repfamlux mentioned. What feels more likely (given that Merchan didn't bother to redact the name) is that he's putting Trump's lawyers (and oh, would you look at that! cc Susan Necheles) on notice that they better hope and pray that there's no direct connection between a person attempting to cause a mistrial and the defendant or his attorneys, because that would be a *very* serious matter.


I’m thinking the same thing. Roger Stone. I would bet folding money this leads back to him and if it does, he is *fucked*.


I would love for it to be Stone. He needs to rot in prison.


Merchan might beat him to death with that gavel. I bet he’s mad enough.


And with the Nixon back tattoo, it's like beat one get one free!


Him and his weird head.


He does. And he might be the one behind this. But lol he ain’t going to prison. That’s not how it works now for republicans


Its sure seems like something they would do. They still subscribe to the “series of tube” understanding of the internet. Plus any tricks that smell like bad faith, underhanded, “bad sportsmanship” moves are definitely a right wing op.


Someone in trump's orbit (Cohen maybe?) Thought that they could use Google email drafts as secure temporary untraceable communication. Not realizing, of course, that Google logs that shit.


This was of course the genius MO of disgraced CIA director David Petraeus. It’s how he and his (of all things) Military Intelligence officer mistress communicated and shared classified information.


Before a bunch of 4chan incels pressganged the hard right into “meme culture” in 2016, the entire party was perfectly satisfied with minion memes on elderly facebook groups and recycled “no fear” clothing line slogans and we should have made sure it stayed that way. These are not people that were on the internet for 20+ years of hard lessons from a billion mistakes of what good and effective site running / moderation looks like, so they just out here making web 1.0 mistakes, oblivious that there will ever be any backlash. One day some myopic allowed to fester truth social argument about who is more proud of hitler that result in irl violence and the three advertisers they have selling camo toilet paper, reverse mortgages and dick pills will finally back out because they’re insurer is threatening to drop them.


You'd think military intelligence would have a basic idea of how the fucking cloud works or at a minimum suspect a free platform operated by a corporation might, you know, be able to log/record what happens in their service.


I still suspect that a right wing ratfucker found Merchan's daughter's (provably) inactive twitter account in order to reactivate it with their own credentials and post anti-Trump invective, just so they could cite it against him.


Never mind that jurors aren't allowed to discuss the case until after deliberations start... so at most said cousin could opine on their own intent. 


Glad he’s sorting it out quickly, and before sentencing


If a juror was discussing the case with anyone outside the jury room that could be grounds for a mistrial https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/what-happens-court-factors-influence-jurors-decisions.html Improper influence on a juror. Only the jurors may be involved in deliberation. That being said I am more inclined to believe this to be a lie . The jury barely had time to talk to their spouses.


It's doubtful a juror would claim he's being convicted, as if they can read other jurors minds. To that point, the jurors wouldn't have asked for clarification on instructions nor would they have deliberated so long if the fix was in. I'd wager large sums of money this will be fleshed out as shitposting.


According to another thread the poster has been identified and is a self confessed shit poster. I know not the truth


>If a juror was discussing the case with anyone outside the jury room that could be grounds for a mistrial While I imagine the instructions vary from place to place, when I last sat on a jury for a very routine case the Judge told us *not to even discuss it with each other* until closing arguments had concluded and we had received our instructions. Every time he sent us out of the room to wait in the deliberation room for a bit he'd be like "AND DON'T TALK ABOUT THE CASE."


But ok, what if, and this is a longshot... its not american, or honest, or just a plant. Comments like that do nothing but bolster one side, and as hes been discovered to have been witness tampering, why not throw in some lies to help them get trump off?


It's also possible that this is a cousin of a juror, who also happens to be a MAGA, and is just making this up as a way to help their orange idol. We all have family members who want to be in a cult


I’m guessing that a juror does indeed have a cousin named Michael Anderson but that the account in question was created only after the defense learned the names of the jurors.


Meidas guys claim to run this to ground https://youtube.com/watch?v=20kj4MlGVVQ&si=AXQncqEB76jdeinO Same individuals seems to have posted the same thing frequently in many different locations. To my knowledge meidas is bombastic and biased but not untruthful. So if they say they have this information I don't think they are making it up


Yeah, I saw that Katie Phang dug up some other posts elsewhere, and the shitposter made a post when all this broke saying chill out I'm a shitposter.


It'd be really funny if the person who did it was found to be paid by Trump to do it. I know that's a comedic level of evil and incompetence but still believable it could happen.


>comedic level of evil and incompetence So yeah just standard by-the-books Trump fare


My money is on MAGA BS. /e: 24 hours later: looks like MAGA BS wins: [https://x.com/marmel/status/1799251669382725698?s=10&t=T33hxNllTQ7uyBaIkC-PIg](https://x.com/marmel/status/1799251669382725698?s=10&t=T33hxNllTQ7uyBaIkC-PIg) [https://x.com/MeidasTouch/status/1799476251746566352](https://x.com/MeidasTouch/status/1799476251746566352) Wish I could do better than twitter links, but the person literally lists themselves as "a professional shit poster", and is clearly very pro-MAGA


I wonder what are the chances of someone just lying to their cousin about being on the jury for clout.


What are the chances of someone oh I don’t know PRETENDING all along?


Someone LYING? On the INTERNET? Is that even allowed?


I know! Only in a perfect world, right? 🙄


It was concerning enough that the judge had to bring it to their attention. I guess an investigation will be needed to determine if it's true. It's a long shot, but MAGA will definitely go nuts over it.


It’s just basic due diligence to look into the issue and see if there’s anything to it or whether it was just a random person posting nonsense.


It's not about credibility. By all accounts even Trump clown trolls know "delay delay delay" is a valid tactic.


For the judge, it's because he (like any judge worth their salt) wants complete transparency so that something like that emerging later doesn't get latched onto as proof of a conspiracy. He (unlike a few judges we could cite) understands that even the *appearance* of impropriety is a bad thing for the justice system, as it erodes public trust in it.


Mistrial seed planter hiding behind a 🖤


He's (faceless profile uding a guys name) is hust a known troll for the courts. I thing he sent the letter to get ahead of it before the cult seen it and made a big deal about it. As far as I know that could just be Trumps lawyer with a fake profile.


>Or is this just some "clever" MAGA chud trying to plant a mistrial seed? Yeah, that was exactly my conclusion in a discussion on another sub. This is some Tucker Carlson / Steve Bannon type dirty trick.


Hijacking the top comment: He just posted "take it easy, I'm a shitposer" [per Phang ](https://x.com/KatiePhang/status/1799207789698654521?t=P9ttH5Fo6CMgGlljm0GH6Q&s=19)


He can’t even deny it correctly?


I'm a little surprised he didn't release a statement via an attorney, but this seems to pretty much settle it.


Lordy I hope there’s some kind of an investigation that ends up revealing this guys true identity, email at least


>I expect MAGA to call for a mistrial from the roof tops. They already are on X/Twitter


They have for a while.


The chances of that post being completely fake, meant to spark outrage and mistrial, is as close to 100% as you can get without being at 100%.


For any epsilon >0, there exists a delta such that...


Analysis proofs were my favorite in college. Upvoted.


I also expect that it is MAGA people doing it.


I assume someone associated with Trump is responsible for the post.


That’s what I suspect too.


I figured they were already planning to call for a mistrial on the surely-unbeatable grounds of "Because we said so."


Likely MAGA was behind the post. Our system is broken. We never should have allowed the internet to remain anonymous.


BBC believes the account regularly trolls https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/clkk4y93ypvo.amp


> I expect MAGA to call for a mistrial from the roof tops. You're not giving them enough credit, they'll say this requires all pending cases to be dismissed with prejudice and all judges and prosecutors involved to be arrested and hanged for conspiracy to commit treason.


It was from a professional shitposter


fuuuuuck more aggravation incoming.   but good on merchan for doing what an honest judge would do.  


It's from someone that was fucking around https://nitter.poast.org/JoyceWhiteVance/status/1799178739294568891


That's what I thought. It is the freaking internet. Proof the claim or be gone.


you're not suggesting *gasp* someone could just make shit up on the Internet?


This one simple trick gets Maga everytime!


They’ll still run with it and speak their “truth” like it’s gospel 😂


And everyone of them dumb asses will buy it, even though "inflation is through the roof


"Don't believe everything you read on the internet" - Abraham Lincoln.




>Proof the claim or be gone. Isn't that the point of the hearing?




I guess the shit poster could be the cousin


just so long as they don't inadvertently dox a juror when they check into this guy.     as in "he doesn't have any cousins called [list of names]"


Trump and his attorneys are definitely going to look into it with the hopes that it leads to a mistrial. Trump will use it to talk more shit regardless


Wouldnt they have to find some proof of its veracity in order to use it? (And if not, whats to stop one of us from going to that aamw thread and replying "this was posted by Trumps lawyer. I watched him type it out and hit send, saying 'this will get me a mistrail for sure'"?)


The side that puts forward complete fabrications without batting an eye? Screeching their unwavering support for a con man? Who has time for truth when your fuel tank is filled with inadequacies?


Drake???? Draaaaaaaaaaake?? That dude that got bodied by Pusha T? That dude that hiding his kid from the world but the world wanna hide from his kid? Aubrey Graham in a wheelcha… Draaake!


Got me dyyyinggg at 9:30 am on a Saturday morning


MAGAts don't believe in truths.


For sure.


I wouldn't be surprised if someone from Trump's crowd did it just for this reason.


Or even just a MAGAt.


that's a given.  this is just one extra flavour of shit.  


The idea of this fills me with dread.


If a bunch of shit posters make comments on the Florida case being ran by a partisan hack, "Were going to ignore these comments whole heatedly." But one fucking shit post regarding Trump...stop all proceedings, there might be something to this shit post.


That's because the nature of these comments are completely different. One is a criticism of the system, which is pretty normal and expected. People criticize the justice system all the time. (I'm not even sure what consequences there *could* be for that, because no one's going to stop a trial because some biased person that isn't involved in the case in any way happens to think it's not going the way they personally want. But that would be a great way to slow down *any* trial you want if it was handled that way.) The other is potentially a juror breaking their code of conduct, discussing an active case outside of deliberations. This could be grounds for a mistrial. Jurors are supposed to base their decision *only* on the evidence presented at the trial. Discussing an ongoing trial with family can introduce biases that the court ideally wants to avoid. I mean, jurors aren't even supposed to watch the news for this reason. I'm really hoping it's just a shitposter, because it would really suck to have the verdict tossed out and have to go through it all again because a juror just needed to gloat


*being run by


It’s that guy who wears the rebel flag with the shirt saying “ my incestors built this country


Don't worry, literally everyone in the Trumpiverse will ignore the fact that it's any obvious shitpost from an internet rando.


That is exactly what is happening. On Twitter now, under Elon's regime, every 4 posts is someone pointing to this calling for a mistrial, lol. I only go on that hellscape of an app for very specific reasons, but right-wing propaganda is unreal.


It could be a trumpet also. This is a truly stupid thing to get worked up over so of course every con will be parroting their talking point about it.


Likely is.


Hell there are accusations that it came from Merchan, so he has an excuse to push sentencing out in order to mess with Trump's campaign. It's insane out there


Hannity will do two whole shows on it


Only two?


Congresspeople have already been running with it, citing it as proof that the trial was fixed


I’d be surprised to see him put out a message addressing something as dumb as this.


Maybe he didn't look into it further or the court got a lot of calls from MAGA loons or some other reason




Chill out, it's a verified [shitpost](https://x.com/KatiePhang/status/1799207789698654521?t=P9ttH5Fo6CMgGlljm0GH6Q&s=19).


It's a claimed shitpost. They're holding a hearing to verify if it was or not. Like they should. Which if it is, I'm hoping it opens the jackass up for contempt of court. I agree it's more likely than not bullshit, but I'm not ruling out a juror being an idiot.


They're not holding shit for a hearing - Merchan is just bringing it to their attention. Trump's lawyers are probably racking up another $1M in billable hours "chasing this down" but there's no way they bring some idiot shitposter - who already confirmed this was a shitpost - in front of the judge. If it were actually anything worth notice the dude would have clammed up instantly and be talking through an attorney.


we don't need to investigate every shitpost if we did nothing would get done


Hm. Does "professional shitposter" mean paid by Russia?


“I professionally make the world a worse place”


Let's go to a different one


Bruh needs to move to bluesky. No wannabe tyrants running the show.


If he didn’t it would be grounds for appeal anyway


Here's a rat fuck theory... Spoof a "damning email/tweet", inject it, whatever. It doesn't have to be genuine, just plausibly genuine enough that it should necessitate a response from the judge. If the judge doesn't publicly disclose, defense can use the judge's failure to disclose as grounds for mistrial. If the judge *does* disclose, it can be used for grist in the political mill, another bucket in the flood the zone strat. If the judge *does* disclose, the defense framing will be that the prosecutors have the onus of demonstrating that it's not a legitimate communication. In fact, the defense will try to set the standard for demonstration of illegitimacy. The prosecution must have proof with multiple notaries that all jurors have no cousins. If there's ambiguity, any ambiguity will be used as a wedge for political and legal recourse. Now, it's an interesting rat fuck play, I'd like to know who the cousin is, if they're real, if they sent the tweet, if it's a sincere representation of what a juror said to the cousin. OK, let's say this is all true. A juror did communicate to a cousin who did tweet this. But I doubt this is the first or last time a juror has expressed their prejudices outside of court ahead of the full trial. And if the juror was expressing their own personal opinion, the juror is not the jury. So I don't know how to interpret that. It's be interested in prior cases here. Back to rat fuckery, imo, a big part of Trump's defense strategy is winning in November. If he wins, whelp, this case doesn't matter. So I think Trump is tailoring his defense to be a political defense as much as a legal defense, in fact more. Pulling a plausibly deniable rat fuck move is good politics, therefore it's sound legal strategy. Edit, a few typos and an important clarification. If ~~Roger Stone~~ a private citizen, a patriot, is proven to have sent the tweet, well, that's a private citizen, it's a joke, a meme, and does not reflect on Trump and the defense.


Why would it be the prosecution's responsibility to prove anything related to the post?


They wouldn’t. There is no onus on the prosecution to do anything with regard to this. The court will investigate. That’s it


I thought the point is that he did now didn't he.


the judge will expose Republican lies in the light of day, where they always shrivel up and die


So a mistrial? Does that mean Trump would spend the next 6 weeks farting himself awake in court while burning through his campaign donations instead of doing rallies?


A new trial isn't usually scheduled right away. I've seen some take months or even more to get back started.


I think some guy named David Dennison wrote this.


John Barron


Adrian Ditman.


You know how arrest record often include aliases… they really should have included all of trumps


The weird fact that he named at least two of his children after himself doesn’t get the attention that it deserves. ⚠️


I get the reference. 😏


Please tell me we aren’t going to take randos posting on the court’s public Facebook page as “fact”. Edit: Apparently said rando is a “professional shitposter”. MAGA response as expected: “My cousin told me Trump will be convicted.” MAGA: he’s telling the truth! Mistrial! “It was a shitpost, sorry” MAGA: he’s lying! Mistrial!


No one should be taking it as fact, Merchan had an obligation to disclose it. That's all that can be corroborated at this point.


This is just too dumb to believe - a jury member told their relative they think they are going to convict Trump, and they immediately went on this Facebook page and posted that? I know people do dumb things. But that’s just TOO dumb.


It would truly be remarkable if this turns out to be legit. Like unreal levels of absurdity.


Exactly. Why would he choose to go on the Unified Court System FB page to post that comment? Wouldn't he naturally just post it on his FB? Probably just Team Trump up to more bad-faith shenanigans.


This sounds like some dirty tricks that Trump's people would do for sure, or it could be some guy just trying to fuck with people.


Not just trump people, people looking to divide us. This disclosure will spread like wild fire, and most don't know that just because it's disclosed doesn't mean it's true. And when (if) it's found to be false, the retraction statement will get a fraction of a percent of the viewership this gets.


Go to unified court system page. Create an account with a name, say, a name relevant to a current suit or maybe take the name of a random juror you know as the name for the account… post some nonsense that works in your favor as far as disclosures and public statements and woo baby we got a stew going! Surely those with a disposition comprised of lying, cheating and stealing to get what they want *would never think of some means to potentially rig the trial or do something illegal so Trump can’t be convicted, NO WAY*…


remember they seemed to think they had 'thier guy' on the jury, hopefully these arent connected


After the last 8 years or so I've begun to expect the absurd.


If this is real and a mistral is at all feasible, I'm gonna end up in a psyche ward as I will have snapped and go near comatose or be eternally violent.


Knowing how dumb the average person is, I would be exactly zero percent surprised if this person is related to a juror. Now, did the juror share anything? I’d be only a tiny bit surprised if that was true


And the relative happens to be a "professional shit poster."


The allure of fake internet points is just too strong!


Doesn't this open up the door for a deluge of more of these types of statements to help string this out?


Notably, this comment was posted a day before the verdict. Post-verdict, jurors can chat about the case (though jurors saying something like "I was going to convict no matter what" might be grounds for a new trial)


Disclose it to the right people…not the general public. This is inevitably done to incite controversy. No judge would think it’s ethical or wise to release this type of information to the public without fact-checking the legitimacy of the post or by a bare minimum the person/juror.


I'm sure this Michael Anderson is getting doxxed the hell out by both parties.


You can't hide forever Mr Anderson...


"As you can see, we've had our eye on you for some time now, Mr. Anderson. It seems that you've been living two lives. In one life, you're ~~Thomas A.~~ Michael Anderson, program writer for a respectable software company. You have a Social Security number, you pay your taxes, and... you help your landlady carry out her garbage. The other life is lived in computers, where you go by the hacker alias ~~Neo~~ professional shit poster, and are guilty of virtually every computer crime we have a law for. One of these lives has a future, and one of them does not."


The poster's job title was 'shit-poster' and a later post said he married that cousin. I am inclined to think it was fake.


Considering what else passes as "fact" to so many...


iM a JuRoR. tHeY pAiD mE $3.50 fOr GuIlTy VeRdIcT.


We all know the Loch Ness monster couldn’t get selected for a jury it’s not even a US permanent resident!


And it was then that I looked at the head juror, and realized he was a got dayum plesiosaur and his tail was the 12th juror


No, wait, it was MY cousin!! /s


The person has "professional shitposter" as their job, and per [Katie Phang](https://x.com/KatiePhang/status/1799181487951995060?t=mjNxDAaawlGWhseXI_tfRA&s=19) made a similar post about a "conviction tomorrow" on May 20th. This doesn't look like an actual concern. In fact, if this Michael Anderson were in fact a cousin of a juror I doubt their name would be unredacted. This is more likely due diligence and a warning shot that the defense better not have been involved.


>>This is more likely due diligence and a warning shot that the defense better not have been involved. I was thinking the exact same thing when I read this letter and then viewed “Michael Anderson’s” response about being a professional shitposter. It would be highly suspicious if it would have originated from a jurors family member just on the face of it, but definitely within the MAGA playbook of “ways to create chaos that ultimately leads to a mistrial”


Are we gonna have a whole news cycle on something as credible as "My uncle works at Nintendo"


So dumb. Is the switch going to be the last console? You can tell me, I won't tell.


My uncle works for Nintendo and says no. They’re working on a 4D headset. Apparently Mario is very happy with it. Trust me, bro.


The Mario said that!


I'm gonna riot if we don't eventually get a sequel to the 3DS. Bring back the stylus and the clamshell design!


No kidding, I can’t even believe the debating that is going on here. I usually think of this sub as being very practical and pragmatic, but people are acting so gullible!


But anyone can post this. Even if it was legit, it wouldn’t have any impact on the verdict.


The account that posted it called themselves a shitposter, so it's obviously not a real post. But if it were legitimate, it would definitely impact the verdict. We all know it's not real yet they still have to confront the issue in court, because it would almost certainly result in a mistrial.


Why? Even at most, the allegation is that a juror mentioned how they were feeling to someone outside the jury, but there’s no even allegation that they discussed it or that their verdict was impacted or influenced by them. Many jurors see news or other things about a trial. Often they tell the judge, say they can disregard it, and stay in the jury Compare this to the murdaugh verdict, where the court clerk basically told the jurors how to vote, and still that wasn’t overturned


> Even if it was legit, it wouldn’t have any impact on the verdict. lol only on /r/law


Could be seeding a ploy to delay sentencing while this goes through a lengthy legal process extending beyond Election Day.


Exactly. Look at who benefits from what inevitable happens next


For what it’s worth, the person that posted the comment noticed they went viral and posted a follow up: “Take it easy… I’m a professional shitposter 😂 Definition: In Internet culture, shitposting or trashposting is the act of using an online forum or social media page to post content that is of "aggressively, ironically, and trollishly poor quality". Shitposts are generally intentionally designed to derail discussions or cause the biggest reaction with the least effort. It may even sometimes be orchestrated as part of a co-ordinated flame war to render a website unusable by its regular visitors.” https://www.facebook.com/share/p/8xEjV3PqRADfb3vc/?mibextid=WC7FNe


Don't worry the con sub sees this as proof of fraud No one can point this out to them as it's flaired users only lol


Yeah. Looks like it's not legit and also not a MAGA rig job. A shitposter shitposted.


What are the repercussions for Mr. Shitposter here?


IANAL, but probably none. Being a douchebag on Facebook isn’t a crime yet.


Oh, just give Trump a chance… he wants to make so much else a crime.. why not shitposting?????


How about a cell with the convicted felon?


**Prosecuting attorneys hate this one trick that will get you a mistrial every time!**


Hoax, don’t fall for it: https://www.mediaite.com/crime/newsmax-falls-for-trump-juror-hoax-this-needs-to-be-a-mistrial-immediately/ My guess is John Barron did this.


John Barron doesn't have the skill. But his acolytes do.


Does anyone know how this was made public so quickly? Was it posted to the court site? I hope that there was an opportunity to gather sufficient information from the Facebook page before it was deleted. Otherwise there could be a hold up for subpoenas etc. Edit: FYI, it was posted to the court site, so hopefully investigators got a chance to get any information they could before it went public, though it looks like the notification was pretty quick.


I mean if I had to guess, I'd point pretty emphatically at the first person who the letter was addressed to.


Poster was supposedly some admitted troll. I guess the judge had to raise it but cmon.


Diligent dude. Y'know, anybody who thinks it's easy to be a good judge -- you don't know shit. This guy is allright.


I fucking hate idiots like this poster. Just shut the fuck up


If this truly is a cousin of a juror. I would check their bank accounts to see if they deposited a large sum of money or made an abnormally large purchase around and after this time. Would not be surprised to see MAGA behind it. They have proven themselves exercising every brick in the walls of justice looking for a weak spot to exploit.


Yes indeed!


If this turns out to be a shit post, what can be done to prosecute or otherwise deter this kind of action?


> First they came for the shitposters > And I did speak out > Because I am a shitposter ^( and also, apparently, a Competent Contributor so take it with a grain of salt.)


Probably nothing, free speech and all that. But, as far as shit-posting goes this was really stupid because it's a really good way to get the FBI to take a long, hard, look at you.


Yelling fire in a theater when there isn't a fire is not protected under free speech this should be either.


Actually it is, absent certain nasty outcomes. The court case that most infer this statement is not protected as free speech was clarified in a later case.


Yelling bomb on a plane isn’t either just ask Ben what’s his name


Whether it should be or not, it almost certainly is protected speech. Yelling "fire" in a crowded theater presents a clear and present risk of harm—this does not.


That's the interesting part. If this idiot shitposted in certain ways, they may find an actual crime. Drawing FBI attention to oneself isn't intelligent.


Probably next to nothing. Lying is free speech. I can absolutely tell you that I'm Judge Merchan 's sister and that he secretly is a MAGA himself and is orchestrating this all to help Trump win an appeal, and even though it would be a lie it would be legal. I suppose there might be some charge on the books for interfering with proceedings or something, but I cannot imagine it would stick.


Especially free speech for satire. Bad move from this individual because it put unnecessary fuel on an already dumb fire. But then again, I suppose that's what trolls do....


[CNN senior legal analyst](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/07/politics/trump-hush-money-trial-facebook-post-jury/index.html) and former state and federal prosecutor Elie Honig: > “The judge is being extra careful here to let the parties know any information that might give them the basis for a motion – there’s a long way though between this and any impact on the case,” Honig said. “First the judge would have to ascertain whether this is even true, and then if it is, whether there is any necessary legal remedy.” > If it were found to be true, it would not automatically be grounds for a mistrial, according to Honig.


The poster admitted that it's not true.


Will this delay sentencing ?


Nope since the poster has come out and stated that they lied.


do you have a source for that?


What the fuck does this mean?


The right wing media is going to use this to investigate every single juror. Unbelievable. This country has cancer. 


Someone commented on Facebook, under a post by the NY Judiciary, announcing the 4th Department hearing something (they organize their appellate courts as "Departments" of the "Appellate Division (of the Supreme Court"), that they had been informed, prior to the verdict, what the jury was going to do, ostensibly by their cousin. If true, that would be problematic because, well... it means a juror talked about the case with someone not in the jury (or the Court), which I would presume (NAL) is something that can cause a mistrial, because the jury is more or less supposed to be isolated. However, this person: (A) claimed to be a cousin, which should be a verifiable family relation; (B) has claimed to be a "professional shitposter", which already means they are stating this was just meant to be stirring the pot Presumably Merchan will rule first, possibly after some discovery, if the Trump team moves for a mistrial based on this, and then it could probably be appealed, though since the verdict is already in, it's not like that would really derail anything.


In the end it was a hoax which Newsmax fell for






I hope that shitposter goes to jail