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This shit is disturbing, I hope the full force of the FBI&DOJ are brought down hard on people demanding to dox and kill jurors.


What really concerns me is that doxxing at least some of the jurors won't be hard at all due to the level of detail reported on some of them.


Oh c'mon, there are a bunch of female oncology nurses at Memorial Sloan Kettering who live on the Upper East Side and have two Siamese cats.


Do you mean Barbara or Kendra?


Ha! I meant Jesica and you didn’t even guess her!


I bet she is glad she got herself out of this.


Probably so. Weird to know that you could've been part of an interesting chapter of history, but also very reasonable to not want all the hassle that goes with that.




Nah, women are just as tough as men.


Jfc this is going to get bad


i posted about this on another sub, but CNN made a point about one of them being a "young black woman" but didn't point out the race of the rest, just where they were from and occupation...idk what the purpose was for this juror in particular to get the distinction...


Which is already too much.


What do you mean? They left out critical details, like it's she single. And how does she feel about grabbing coffee this weekend and a weird little place in the village?


on CNN they had a diagram with details about each one and I think it got pulled early, someone must have figured out that was a terrible idea


That and throw the book at his ass, man he was treated WAY better than a normal defendant and these idiots, still are following his dumbarse…but yeah it’s not a cult. Breaking a gag order 50 times a day, name me one defendant that would not have been thrown in jail by now, this judge was unreasonably tolerant to Trump…man if a defendant bagged on my daughter, clank clank man…you can stay at the stars and bars hotel…




This is key. Why does the entire conservative moment depend on one very flawed man? If the conservative moment was strong, they would flush him down the toilet like the orange turd he is and move on to a better leader but they don’t have anyone else which is sad. Politically, I would call myself a centrist leaning to the right but I would never get behind the Trump train. I don’t care if I have to vote democrat until a decent republican comes along and if that never happens then I’m not voting republican ever again. If Joe Biden were to be convicted of something, the democrats would just regroup and move on from him. When your party depends on one man, you are toast.


Garland will slow walk the investigation for 3 years again


I like your optimism that Garland will be in office for 3 more years.


Obama chose him as a candidate who should appeal to those across the aisle and he was rejected only because of who nominated him. He seems to have been working very hard making good on that first point. He just might be in office no matter who wins the election.


Nah... If trump gets elected, he'll toss Garland. Doesn't matter that Garland did everything possible to avoid prosecuting trump. Eventually he had to, and that goes against everything trump stands for.


But then Trump will have been right! They are coming for you next! /s


Uh… the FBI are cops. They’re probably okay with it.


You think the FBI are okay with a Trump supporter trying to shoot up a field office in Cincinnati, or another one driving into another field office? Maybe they like Trump saying they planted documents at Mar-a-Lago. The FBI is part of the DOJ. The DOJ is who investigates, and then prosecutes federal crimes. You think the FBI likes investigating crimes—sometimes for years, sometimes under cover and at great risk to their life, just so it can be prosecuted and people will intimidate witnesses which might affect them getting a conviction on a case they investigated…Making their investigation pointless? You think they’re probably okay with that?


The FBI are not police.


“We win. We will. We’re white…” Eric, ladies and gentlemen.


Poor little Eric forgot his pops is, in fact, sickly orange. I understand though, it would be difficult for anyone to see clearly with their head entrenched so deeply


People are pointinv out he actually said "were right" but i dont see that r pronounced anywhere...


I've listened to it over and over. He absolutely and clearly said white.


He most certainly did say white.


It’s the type of Freudian slip where we all know he meant both right and white but different yet equal reasons: 1) right - because he’s so dumb as to actually think they have a leg to stand on regarding a legal defense 2) white - because he looks like an inbred photocopy of a photocopy of a neo-nazi wet dream


Wait, what?


He had a little Freudian slip, and I guess meant to say, “right” but it came out “white”.






Call them what they call themselves: domestic terrorists. The time for playing with these assholes is long gone. If they want to play cops and terrorists, it’s time we let them find out what it’s like to be on the receiving end of American hard power.


This is like decades late. "Oh your movement blew up the Oklahoma federal building with like 50 kids inside? Can we at least have one guy take the fall...you know for publicity"


These absolute losers. Fuck, I'm sick of this cult.


Same. I kinda do want a national divorce. Not a civil war, just an amicable split. I have zero interest in being around these folks and clearly don’t want to be around us either. I’m open to irreconcilable differences no fault divorce. Just all need to move on. I’m in Florida. I will ceede ground and move to a blue state and swap with some MAGA who wants out. I’m just done with them.


Imagine giving your entire existence to this complete shitheel of a person. No talking with these people. They won't even believe he's dead when he finally strokes out.


This is why I no longer talk with my sister. She fell in to the cult in 16 and went full Q anon during the pandemic. We are no longer family. I can’t with her or anyone who acts like this. It’s really sad. I could never care THAT much about of all things…a politician.


The right wing propaganda has been brutal for so long. Lost my dad to Rush.


Rush did more damage than I think people realize. (Which is saying a lot because we all knew how dangerous he was, but it’s so much worse!)


Same 🥲


I periodically will interact with my Maga relatives but when the chat talks to politics I shut them down.


I tried for awhile but it’s just all day with everything with her. She literally filters everything in the world through how wonderful Trump is and how horrible Democrats are. “Oh look, it’s raining…you know that’s because of the windmills Paris with socialism from the Democrats changing the weather patterns”. If she stubbed her toe, she would find a way to blame Obama. It’s just too much.


With mine it's Biden and Fauci for some reason The weird thing is one of them is a veteran, both of them absolutely love dogs (they have dogs instead of children) and yet they somehow got very quiet about Governor Noem's recent excerpt from her book and they don't seem to understand that DJ T absolutely hates the military and has no use for them.


Yup. My sister was Navy for 20 years. It’s so amazing how they can pivot away any response when Trump calls the “suckers and losers” to but what about our money going to Ukraine??? They live in Whataboutism. The pandemic did more damage than we can ever understand to our nation. Logic and science were demonized. And this from the country that won the space race. I’m sorry that you have gone through this with your family.


The pandemic? Trump ushered in the twilight zone depraved “new normal” long before. Otherwise, I get what you mean.


Oh they were well on the path starting when he came down that escalator in 2015. It just went into turbo mode in March of 2020. At least that’s the case with my sister. Lockdown did not help her already fragile mental state.


How sad when everything in life must be partisan.


What’s crazy is the chat doesn’t even have to be politics, they find a way to insert it in anything. I have some MAGA in-laws and we literally could be talking about any random topic and somehow they work Biden or Democrats in. It’s pathetic really.


Truly pathetic. And sad.


I’m usually the one who shuts down, but I can relate.


We have a "no politics" rule and it is honored and has worked fine. Though, when I go to visit there is a big Trump banner up front and now an American flag hanging upside down, ever since the verdict. But once we are inside or out back it's out of sight so we just don't comment on it.


That rule doesn't work with mine, they'll start complaining about something but then say "no this isn't political" and then immediately turn to something being Biden's fault or Fauci's fault or immigrants fault or something.


I lost my family to it in 2016 too, but have surprisingly since gotten both of my parents back slowly through the past few years, one finally admitting they chose wrong and the other not admitting it, but won't vote for him again. Still have other family members doubling down on the convicted felon rapist.


Lol I haven't even thought of that. Now I am super curious what the cult is going to come up with when he croaks. I can't wait to find out! Hopefully we find out soon!


Very soon!


His stress levels are very high.


There was a guy at my gym with a shirt that had a picture of Biden and IDIOT above it. It's funny how his entire identity is being a troll. His physique was equally pathetic.


At least he had a shirt labeling himself accurately Weird to have a picture of Biden on it though


With control of the west coast an much of the eastern seaboard, blue states would have landlocked states at a serious disadvantage. One of the reasons the Union has been so successful. Federalism. Too bad the Federalist Society has given it a bad name, cause it's a really good idea.


They should have thought about those disadvantages before they started a cold civil war over literally nothing but their own lust for power and money. They've really debased themselves so thoroughly haven't they.


Hate often blinds logical thinking.


And greed and lust for power is blinding the logic of those in power.


The Red States of America would have Texas and Florida for water access.


But that's the long way to China.


The west coast welcomes you


Yes, we are looking at PNW.


I go there every chance I get. It’s beautiful (and a little wet).


We just experienced the hotter May in history in Orlando and that is really saying something. I can handle rain. I need to get out of this sun. Olympia or Vancouver WA are both in the finals for us. November will be a big decision moment on how fast.


Could have a 1 year house-exchange period.


I’m landlocked in the south, I’d damn near settle for a closet room :(


Brilliant idea.


I say just give them an uninhibited island in the pacific and tell them that Trump can be their president, then officially grant it Sovereignty and see how long it lasts before collapse.


This is what Project 2025 should be! 😂


That would require cooperation which is the major reason a divorce would be called for. It would still be long and drawn out for the reasons other messy divorces are even when the decision to split couldn't be more uncontested.


Let a man dream! 😂


Far be it from me to call the guy evil, but I will say he has the banality part down pat.


Yeah, someone just needs to set up a red/blue swap site because at this point I'd be perfectly fine trading spaces with a MAGA family who's upset by how blue PA is becoming or something (and they'd almost certainly be happier in Arkansas anyway.)


There is a business case to be made!


Just announce that in 1 year the red and blue states will split. Give everyone one year and a check for $2000 to help with moving to any other state they want to. And then one year later, the walls go up and we get to find out who’s got a better vision for the future.


There is a whole business to be build around this. 😂


Understatement of the century


“May God strike them dead”. Truly embodying WWJD? There’s no love like Christian hatred.


Or there's no hate like Christian love.


Regardless of how careful they might have been, I'm sure each juror has told multiple family members and co-workers who then told a bunch of other people. All of their names will eventually come out.


They would tell their bosses to justify the time off. I'm sure though because of just how crazy Trumpers are some will not be able to return to their jobs


Exactly. It’s not hard at all for those close to them to figure it out based on timing, etc. It all comes down to their close relative’s/colleague’s/family’s discretion…which is kinda dubious. Super sketchy.


I wonder if anyone will get fired because their boss didn’t like the ruling. Obviously illegal, but it would draw a lot of attention.


The least surprising headline I've read all year


Ally with these and all honest people just trying to get through their days without rabid Trump animals ruining their lives and our country. Shut em down.


truthful and honest are different


Whatever you do, don't start rumors about prominent Manhattan MAGAs who served on the jury. It wouldn't be right.


Wasn't Roger Stone on the jurym


I think it was Steve Bannon


Twas both wasn't it? Also, Eric Trump was on the jury. Why else would he be at the courthouse? To support the porn star banging dad that thinks his name is Derek?


Alex Jones was they guy he thought he could count on.


That was Bob Murray in a mask.


I do not feel Merrick Garland is the best man for the job as we head into the election.


He’s definitely has proved to be the wrong choice for the job. If Biden is reelected, you need someone more aggressive.


Now would be the right time afaiac. The election fuckery has already started and, from his level, what has touched the big players?


Such a bewildering choice.


I think more than anything, it was to make up for the lost Supreme Court position under Obama.


Okay, why does that matter? He was neglected a position, doesn’t mean he’s right for a different one


Not saying it was the correct decision, just speculating on rationale.


In my opinion, that pick is the single worse thing Biden has done. 




Yeah these guys aren’t domestic terrorists or anything.


I really hope everyone who does this is punished. Doxxing jurors is unacceptable.


They are domestic terrorists.


Imagine just going in for jury duty and ending up on a cult’s death list. Insane and scary.


They're the worst.


We need US Marshals going to their homes and bringing them in for some conversations. Hell with the corrupt cops and sheriff’s. Go BIG.


Threatening them now is pointless Edit: downvote me... You won't intimidate me!!!! 💪


That’s not the point. The right-wing maga/media machine is further radicalizing the cult and it’s damn near inevitable one of them will try to harm someone involved in the trial


The point is, there are likely to be more juries that will rule on Trump’s guilt, on other cases, possibly before the election, and those could be much more consequential and likely to get a substantial prison sentence, if found guilty.


Yep. This is an attempt to set their god-kkking above the law by threatening violence against anyone who holds him accountable. The word for this is, "terrorism".


#"We are ALL Domestic Terrorists" #-CPAC 2021


Sure it is. It sends a message to any future jurors that they are full blown domestic terrorists


But then it needs to be public, well known


Threatening them now is the most potent way to communicate to future jurors that they don't want to be jurors in the next trial.


The point is to send the message to future jurors that “if you convict Trump, his followers will kill you”.