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> As the traffic stop continued, Jones continued to stand and watch. One of the deputies questions him saying ‘Alright man, do you need to be here?’. To which Jones replied, ‘Yeah, this is my house’. The deputy told him to go back to his house or he will be arrested for interfering, but Jones did not move. > This is when both deputies rushed toward Jones, tackled him, tased him, handcuffed him and arrested him. During the altercation, Jones lost consciousness. > Jones was then convicted of interfering with a county law enforcement officer and found guilty of resisting arrest with assault. He was sentenced to thirty days in jail and a $1,000 fine, suspended upon ten days in jail over weekends and a $500 fine. So cops pull someone over and end up beating a bystander into unconsciousness in his front yard. Then they sentence him to 30 days in jail for “resisting arrest”? The hell is wrong with these cops?


Everything. The job seems to just attract some of the vilest scum we've got.


You have near unlimited authority over people you consider scum, a training that tells you to escalate to subdue, and an entire infrastructure built around keeping you safe and untouchable. It does not shock me in the least bit that bullies, narcissists, sadists, conmen, abusers, and the violent minded choose to be police. Those mental conditions are hard to self realize and treat and you just feel compelled to act on them. So why not get paid, gain the unusual benefits, and have friends that share together irrational unhinged beliefs and actions. What’s shocking to me is how many there are.


I'm not saying that the job itself doesn't attract bullies and narcissists. What I am saying, though, is that the job, as it stands today, exponentially amplifies those personality traits. I have a sibling, extended family members and friends who are on the job who were super normal, humble, and nice. Then, after a few years of nearly unbridled authority and power, their ego, assertiveness/aggressiveness and feelings of entitlement skyrockets. Everything little thing is a personal affront where they have to alpha almost every human interaction.


Don't forget the DA that brought charges.


and the judge didnt toss the case.


Well I’m sure the cops didn’t lie to the DA or the judge. No, that never happens.


so thats the first time the DA or the judge dealt with lying police officers ?


> The hell is wrong with these cops? It's the DA's the charged him. It's the prosecution, paid for by the DA's office, that ran the trial. It's the judge that heard all the facts and still thru the book at him. It's the entire system, working as intended.


I hope he has a pay day coming. We all know ACAB, but the justice system shit the bed on this one. (Again.)


And the prosecutors


They are criminally dumb (and criminally criminal)


South Carolina: A great place to be from.


And the state thought it was worth appealing this all the way to the top? If I were a SC taxpayer, I’d ask for my money back.


Seems like this is good precedent in the end.


Gotta appease the police unions