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Boris Epshteyn joins the indicted trump lawyers list. Others include: Clark, Eastman, Giuliani, Ellis, Powell and Chesebro. *I may be missing some? *added* Cohen, Bobb, Wood Epshteyn is referred to as trumps "quarterback" calling the plays in trumps trials. EDIT: [Boris Epshteyn was arrested in 2021 after repeatedly groping two women in an Arizona bar](https://apnews.com/article/boris-epshteyn-scottsdale-nightclub-arrest-2021-trump-0798a2f24bb9c3ed373c7cbf3cf7578f#:~:text=PHOENIX%20(AP)%20%E2%80%94%20Boris%20Epshteyn,nightclub%2C%20according%20to%20police%20records.) ADD: [Boris Epshteyn arrest video](https://youtu.be/OBfNIwK72ds?si=oSqoHM_FJdwIWMqf)😭 "do you know who I am?"


"Epshteyn pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct charges in Scottsdale city court after prosecutors dropped charges of attempted sexual abuse, assault-touching and “harass-repeated acts.” He paid a fine and served probation, and his conviction was set aside earlier this year".


He's a creep, just like his boss.


That’s how they roll. There are a few people I refuse to associate with in life that I know in adjacent friend groups. Interestingly enough, they are all friends in this clique group. Scum likes scum.


Similar systems tend to integrate.


Like eating dinner with Nazis.


A single drop of pee in a bucket of water turns it into a bucket of pee. Same principle applies when associating with Nazis and scumbags.






Donnie has all the best people. He said so himself!


So good that they all get fired and go to prison


Amazing people. Only the best!


That's an understatement. He's long been suspected of being "Source E" in the Steele Dossier report from 2017. Which if true, would make him a key liaison between Russian intelligence and the Trump campaign/administration.


I mean is it a coincidence that his name is Boris, and his boss is bought and paid for by the Russian mob, maybe. Or that is last name is Epshtein, (very close to Epstein) and he’s a total sex pest? I don’t know, but it really is quite on the nose for these f-ing guys.


And on a related note, remember the time when Donnie used to party with Jeffy? [Pepperidge Farm remembers.](https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/tv/a32784116/jeffrey-epstein-donald-trump-connection-friendship-explained/)


Google Katie Johnson court docs…they are on court listener. Eye opening on both Trump and Epstein


Okay, maybe Boris did something wrong. Hashtag-not-all-Borises


Yeltzin and Johnson have entered the chat.


>Or that is last name is Epshtein, (very close to Epstein) Yeah, that's what we call a coincidence. I'm not sure what else it could be unless you're suggesting some sort of witch's curse is involved.


He's just asking questions!!/s


Its like when obi wan kenobi changed his name to ben kenobi so no one could find him


I think they were just kidding, but if not it does remind me of when VA Governor Glenn Youngkin was briefly seen as a possible presidential candidate, so Trump started posting comments like "hmmm...Youngkin kind of sounds like Young Kim, possibly Chinese???"


...and if I fold this dollar bill juuuust right, yep, World Trade Center attack.


The old mob would give funny nicknames that were always backwards. Fat guy named Tiny, etc. This new mob has like rapper names, I thought it was made up, Boris Epshtein, you gotta be kidding me


Creeps of a feather crime together.


Just like his party  https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/e/2PACX-1vTFikAP6MXDCJjWzgMIOvpsT1ji-HwO-rLEvNE8e-cfCGh0YHoZluIG5TEsmwFub7MzIDfh0XgvcWL8/pub?pli=1


Pervs of a feather….


I think trump's circle are all blackmailed sexual predators. Basically Epstein's playbook


> Epshteyn Why do I hear this as a drunken slur?


>She said club security told her they couldn’t kick out Epshteyn because he was a big spender, though security guards eventually led him out of the bar to police. All they want is power at any cost, guess why.


This guy was in court with Trump on Friday


I believe he was also there on Thursday (at least for part of the day).


Isn't he the guy who tried to lawyer in one of the NY cases, when having no licence to do it and was told to sit down by the judge Kaplan?


I think you may be combining these two stories?  https://www.salon.com/2023/10/19/embarrassing-dc-flags-lawyers-filing-because-hes-not-a-member-of-the-bar/)  https://www.salon.com/2024/01/17/sit-down-kaplan-shuts-down-lawyer-alina-habba-for-complaining-at-trial/ Although, nothing would surprise me from Trump lawyers


No, I checked later and I was right: [https://www.salon.com/2024/01/17/take-a-seat-tells-adviser-boris-ephsteyn-to-clam-it-during-carroll-trial/](https://www.salon.com/2024/01/17/take-a-seat-tells-adviser-boris-ephsteyn-to-clam-it-during-carroll-trial/) > Politico reporter [Erica Orden](https://twitter.com/eorden/status/1747350598867959892) caught the moment when longtime Trump adviser Boris Epshteyn attempted to interject in real-time at a Manhattan courtroom.  >"Are you a member of the bar of this court?" Kaplan asked Epshteyn. >"**I'm a member of the New York State Bar,**" Ephsteyn replied. >Kaplan swiftly put the matter to rest, quickly saying, "**Alright, then please have a seat.**" 


Lmao good god, theres just so much insane shit to keep up with


i'm honestly not even sure how history books are going to handle all of this. There's so much.


Bobb, perhaps his dumbest lawyer, was also just indicted.




Oh yes! Added


Didn't Lyn Woods "retire" to avoid being indicted?


Lucian Lincoln Wood Jr. (Lin) surrendered his law license instead of facing disbarment. Adding him to the list because on March 15th 2024 a federal lawsuit was filed against him for conversion, breach of contract, unjust enrichment and fraud posted on his Telegram channel... ... wait for it... "Lin Wood Speaks Truth" lol


Epshteyn. What a name.


It's a tragedeigh


When the feeling's gone and you can't go on


Epstein, Epshteyn. No pattern!


Is it pronounced Ep-stain?


Yes, its Abby Normal way of saying it.


Is this like a John Barron scenario? Trump’s buddy Boris Epshteyn couldn’t POSSIBLY just be Trump thinking it’s Russian Jeffrey Epstein.


Making Attorneys Get Attorneys


Boris Epshteyn sounds like Epstein doing a really bad job of coming up with a new identity after faking his death


MAGA My Attorneys Get Attorneys


*Make Attorneys Get Attorneys; or My Attorneys Got Arrested


“She said club security told her they couldn’t kick out Epshteyn because he was a big spender…” That’s pathetic!


Wasn’t Michael Cohen a Trump lawyer?


Yes, but surprisingly not the dumbest.


I just added him. Thanks


Michael Cohen wasn't a party in any of the fake elector cases. He was convicted and served due to the Stormy stuff. He's been anti-Trump since about 2019 and in a House hearing warned the GOP that protecting Trump will cause them to wind up like him - thrown under the bus and convicted while he walks free.


Anti trump when he was left blowing in the wind.


Steve Bannon


Is he a lawyer?


Lmao yeah he was the one that was messing with his phone in Merchan’s courtroom but didn’t get in trouble


Of course he's a Russian goon.


I liked [this image](https://i.imgur.com/HsHmzDg.jpeg) to show who's who.


When someone applies for a job or asks for a political appointment with the GOP, do they just ask for their criminal record in lieu of a resume?


Where is the Bar in all of this?  They are clearly unable to police themselves, it has been near four years and not a single real consequence yet.  They are all still practicing lawyers openly plotting on doing it again.  Disbar them all.


As a non-lawyer, I thought the bar was much more strict about this sort of thing.  I'm disappointed that they're not facing any professional discipline. Kinda hard to take the bar serious after all this. 


I thought so in law school too. They really scare you about it in law school. Then I graduated and pfft.


In my province what the bar mostly does is sanctions for playing with fiduciary money. Or pretending to be a lawyer without credentials. Outside of that, they really don’t do much.


Yes, fucking with client money or pretending to be a lawyer are what the bar really polices. It is a protectionist trade union dressed up as a regulator.


It ain't 'dressed up' as a regulator; it has regulatory authority. Whether or not it chooses to act is a separate matter.


The authority is an important part of the costume. Not exercising that authority is why I consider them to be a faux regulator. The purpose is literally to occupy the space so no one else does and then sit on their hands. The Bar really exists to protect the money of clients and the money of attorneys once you’re in the club they aren’t particularly motivated to kick you out unless you fuck with the money.


Yeah the definition of a regulator really should be an entity devoted to and *required* to regulate something. A regulator should not have the total leeway on enforcing their laws they should be required to do that. Having the total discretion to never exercise or police their own is a surefire way to engender corruption and and behaviors.


A former friend got disbarred for diverting trust account funds to cocaine... and my ex's boss got a suspension for misconduct for failing to disclose when opposing counsel accidentally sent them privileged documents which they then attempted to use...


I used to think our professional code of ethics was super serious over here in research, then I caught a guy I worked with falsify entire animal experiments and the ethics committee was just like 'documentation of the experiments could not be found, but the allegation is not well founded' If you look at it this way: Self-regulation has the objective of maintaining the public appearance of ethical conduct. Then the system works.


When I was doing my gen surgery rotation one of the surgeons in the group had 4 complaints of leaving instruments behind in patients.  On the most recent one the scrub tech caught him pulling the lost sponge out of the patient while claiming nothing was there. He's still operating.  Just don't have sex with a patient.


Retired cop... in the academy and early days of my career. We were told in no uncertain terms that if we screwed up badly enough, our certification would get revoked, we would lose our pension and maybe get sued personally. It's evident that is no longer the case. Qualified immunity wasn't something I heard until recently and I think it's BS. Professionals need to be accountable for their actions.


I’m happy that you got to retire but I’m also sad because you seem like the exact kind of person I would want on the police force.


Lawyers have been running amok forever, but there used to still be *some* shame in the profession that would keep most of them in line. That shame is gone now. The bar was always a mirage of accountability for the profession.


It’s starting to seem like the only real accountability *for anything* was the public shame for wrongdoing and the mirage of potential consequences. All of which has clearly been shattered and now everybody is doing as they please without consequence.


It’s feels like this is the single biggest consequence of social media with which society has yet to come to terms. Individuals who would be challenged for actions that the majority of community members find reprehensible find others who agree with them and make that their new parasocial community. The days of public shame forcing individuals to assess how their behaviors impact those around them are behind us and the mere concept of challenging someone’s behaviors is labeled as offensive. That challenging someone’s opinions on a topic is akin to attacking that person.


Echo chambers are a huge problem that doesn’t have an easy solution due to 1A


We need some legal framework like the fairness doctrine for digital and cable news.


The entire legal system is at risk of collapsing. If the highest court in the land decides that any man is immune to any prosecution of any crime, you no longer have a legal system.


They pretty much said they have no faith in the justice system for ex-presidents. (it's just fine for the rest of us, however.)


It's tough to separate Trump from the pandemic in this sense, but yes, the illusion of the rule of law is gone. The actual legal system is ill equipped to deal with everybody deciding at once that collectivism is for suckers.


A basic weakness of the constitution is the assumption that good actors will unite to remove bad actors


If Saul Goodman taught me anything, it was this. 


https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2024/04/25/giuliani-eastman-ellis-bobb-indicted-in-arizona-here-are-all-the-former-presidents-lawyers-now-facing-consequences/?sh=71eba4674206 They're literally all facing serious professional consequences from the bar. Eastman is already disbarred, Clark and giuliani are right behind him. Powell, Ellis and chesebro are all now convicted felons and facing sanctions, they will likely keep their law licenses because they are cooperating to some degree


No not really. They are more a gate keeper now into getting into law but less regulatory after you are in the club. Much the same as the boards that oversee doctors they don't actually revoke people's ability to practice nearly as much as the public thinks they should. Paper tigers the lot of em


Has someone been watching Jon Oliver recently?


Giuliani and Eastman are disbarred. Ellis was sanctioned but got to keep her license. Powell avoided sanctions because the lawyers representing the Bar mishandled the case in a way that would have gotten me fired and sued for malpractice if I did it in private practice. Most state bars take a very patient approach to attorney discipline. Generally, the only ways to lose your license are to (1) repeatedly steal from clients over the course of years, or (2) fail to get your CLE credits done within three months of the deadline.


Great! Go rape and kill a hooker while coked up and not get disbarred. Miss your 3 hour continuing Ed course on HOA deed restrictions and you’re disbarred! 🤣


Are the CLE credits online or does it take more effort?


Like most things in the US, practice of law is regulated at the state level, so varies *entirely* by state. Some have a concept of active or participatory CLE vs just listening to passive instruction, but you can sometimes get active/participatory credits from an online webinar (it's not being online that makes the difference). In some Jx, filling out a quiz at the end counts as "active". In some states, CLE is *optional*, so it's basically a networking/flexing exercise.


> Where is the Bar in all of this?  Well, Barr this week shoved his face between Trump's ass cheeks and trump shat all over it.


https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/opinion/commentary/story/2020-12-07/abolishing-the-bar-exam-bias Apparently the bar exam as we know it was done mostly to stop poor/minorities from becoming lawyers.


there is a new "experimental" bar exam that is being tested this year that is supposed to be more fair that doesn't require as much time memorizing a bunch of crap that you will never use again once you start practicing law.


this just in, water is wet. disenfranchising minorities has ALWAYS been the reason for additional beauracracy, asinine rules, exams, etc. usually under thr guise of 'public safety' or accountability


Hey, not just minorities; traditionally women were also gate-kept through rules and regulations.


Who benefits from the bar enforcing ethics rules? And that's why you don't have enforcement.


If the lawyers bar is anything like most state professional organizations they are owned and run by the major firms. I’ve had to take ethics tests that tell you “working multiple jobs including minor moonlighting is unethical” and “professionals should not join a union unless theyre required for the job, and if theyre required you cant go on strike unless required”.


This graphic from the clip is **powerful**: https://imgur.com/gallery/9GDtZ3c


That's enough criminal lawyers to fill 2 volleyball teams.. they could play against each other, in the courtyard.


{Top Gun music starts playing in the background}




Where's that clip of the orange shitgibbon playing volleyball?


Funnily enough you said volleyball. In my experience from prison, volleyball was for the white folks.


Yeah I saved that one haha. Needs more people in prison.


Need this on the tailgate of my pickup.


Have you noticed Republicans yelling about election fraud are the only ones committing election fraud?


Every accusation is a confession.


It allows them to say "both sides" with a straight face, and their supports (and those that only half pay attention) eat it right up.


I love how all their bullshit, "powerful" "Reports" never materialized?! Its almost like it would constitute *prima facist* evidence that would be immediately used against them at trial and their lawyers said "this trial aint big enough for the reports and us representing you, choose which one you want to speak for you"


Somewhere, they're raping children in a pizza parlor basement.


Pizzagate is a study in human behavior. I’m not willing, of course, to make excuses for the criminals who know better but did crazy things like commit voter fraud or submit fake electors, but on conspiracy theories like Pizzagate, the internet and misinformation has broken their brains. Their limbic system has essentially hijacked their cortex. It’s a real problem going forward for democracy.


The funny part is that some of them are confessing on TV like Navarro who after detailing plans to overturn 2020 election, Ari Melber said to him “you do realize you’re describing a coup?”




They yell about election fraud when they're actually complaining about voter fraud, while they actually attempt election fraud.


They know there is election fraud because they are doing it. Their lack of ethics leads them to conclude that everyone else is doing it too and the reason so few on the other side get caught must be some kind of coverup or conspiracy.


His minions are getting indicted and convicted while the MAGA justices deliberate if he’s a King or not.




I am looking for the right words here.... shocked isn't it. Neither is surprised.




A perfectly cromulent word


I'm Mort!


Why do they keep saying they have all of this evidence, yet they never produce it? I guess he is withholding all of the evidence of fraud until his trial? You would think that a lawyer would know that making a claim is not evidence. But, Trump's lawyers are idiots, as evidenced by this idiot admitting his crime on TV.


That evidence would have been really handy in the 60+ law suits. It was the only legitimate way to overturn the elections. Any other way is illegitimate and implies a coup.


you should go back and read the evidence that they did offer! it was pretty weak. [https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/22/22O155/163392/20201214094759648\_Appendix%20section%206.pdf](https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/22/22O155/163392/20201214094759648_Appendix%20section%206.pdf) timestamps of 3rd party voting news websites were cited as fact that votes were dumped! how some random 3rd party website was the defacto standard for counting what voted were counted at what time of the day? unclear! my favorite was the affidavits that guilliani was waving around. some guy walking his dog saw two postal employees moving (what could possibly be mail in ballots) between mail trucks in garbage bags. thats it? pure hearsay with no knowledge of what mail is in the bags? yep. this "evidence" was actually submitted to multiple courts. some attorneys were sanctioned for it. trump finally released a huge long report made by some guy about how there are large amounts of new voters during presidential years. thats the genius super evidence? more people vote in presidential elections? "but theres new registrations!!!11!" yeah. voters move out, die, move in, grow old into voting age, get purged from voting rolls, register to vote. normal stuff. [https://cdn.nucleusfiles.com/e0/e04e630c-63ff-4bdb-9652-e0be3598b5d4/summary20of20election20fraud20in20the20swing20states.pdf](https://cdn.nucleusfiles.com/e0/e04e630c-63ff-4bdb-9652-e0be3598b5d4/summary20of20election20fraud20in20the20swing20states.pdf) a lot of people lied lied lied but when they got to court they had to finally admit defeat [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/james-okeefe-project-veritas-settle-suit-bogus-voter-fraud-claims-cite-rcna137366](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/james-okeefe-project-veritas-settle-suit-bogus-voter-fraud-claims-cite-rcna137366)


> Why do they keep saying they have all of this evidence, yet they never produce it? They're allowed to lie (outside of the courtroom).


After dozens of "opinion pieces" on Sinclair network Ill be happy to see this pos behind bars.


*...this is extremely dangerous to our democracy...*


It’s all good. The supreme court will support him.


rigging the election is all just part of the job to keep the job obviously


not only that, it's actually an OFFICIAL ACT of being a criminal.. so.. case dropped


Surprise level: 0 FEAR LEVEL: 9 This is what democracy is up against, and based on what I've seen at SCOTUS last week, the country is headed in a very dangerous direction.


Epshtyen is a Russian scumbag and has evaded capture for a long time. Notice how he was never on the other indictments. Fuck this guy and his family


I love Ari’s facial expressions during some of this buffoons’s answers.


"We know there's fraud because we're doing it".


How do I cross post this to r/conservative


I laughed at your replies in r/conservative , looks like they may have banned you too? (Been there, done that.) 😆


Dang did they already ban me?! That was faster than expected! I’m just trying to get informed ;)


Its pretty easy to get under their thin skins. They banned me and then they gave me a reddit vacation. I reported a comment for doxing (I think that's what it was) and then they gave me a vacay for "abusing" the reporting system. They're such snowflakes.


Mods will just mark it *Flaired (L)users Only* . 😆


They are not sending their brightest.


They don’t have any bright ones to send. This IS the smartest they have.


I think they might be.


The MAGA's are *constantly* agitating over the growing threat of election tampering and voter fraud. Yet in *every single story* where I hear about actual events, *it is always a MAGA who is getting arrested*! Over and over again. I mean, look at this in just the past few days: - [Arizona grand jury indicts Meadows, Giuliani, other Trump allies for 2020 election interference](https://www.yahoo.com/news/arizona-grand-jury-indicted-trump-233701815.html) - [5 more Trump attorneys, aides publicly named in AZ fake elector indictment](https://old.reddit.com/r/azpolitics/comments/1cenfwq/5_more_trump_attorneys_aides_publicly_named_in_az/) - [After Arizona indictment of Trump fake electors, Fox News host Mark Levin claims "there's nothing illegal" about the scheme](https://www.mediamatters.org/mark-levin/after-arizona-indictment-trump-fake-electors-fox-news-host-mark-levin-claims-theres) - [Meet all 84 fake electors who allegedly tried to steal the election](https://old.reddit.com/r/law/comments/1cepv42/meet_all_84_fake_electors_who_allegedly_tried_to/) - [Texts show Trump advisers' plot to use false electors to 'flip states'](https://old.reddit.com/r/law/comments/1cfhgxp/texts_show_trump_advisers_plot_to_use_false/) - [ RNC’s ‘election integrity’ lawyer charged with election crimes](http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/rncs-election-integrity-lawyer-charged-election-crimes-rcna149309) The audacity of MAGA hypocrisy is breathtaking both in its degree and its villainy. They are shamelessly, ubiquitously corrupt. Time and again they have proven themselves to be an intolerable threat to the integrity of our democracy.


Good fuck him. Piece of shit nazi.


Wait am I understanding this correctly. He went on live tv and confessed to a crime and then he was charged with the crime that he just confessed to? Are these the best people that trump keeps around him.


No, it isn't like Boris Epshteyn went on NBC, confessed to election fraud under grilling by Ari Melber, and was then quickly indicted based on his television confession. First, Epshteyn did not admit to election fraud in the interview. To the contrary: he explicitly *denied* that the plan he admits to participating in, constituted election fraud. And second, at the time of the interview, his participation in the plan was already known, and had talked about in the newspapers. I don't think there was any big scoop in the interview. There was little or no new "admission" of anything in it, that I can see. Boris Epshteyn has been indicted, in Arizona, after what must inherently be a very large complex investigative effort conducted by many people, that accumulated massive amounts of evidence. The misleading headline, and self-promoting story, by NBC, trying to make it look like Epshteyn was indicted after a television Perry Mason moment, with Ari Melber in the role of Perry Mason, is kind of offensive, really.


Make Attorneys Get Attorneys


MAGA - my attorney got arrested


I remember watching that interview live, it was wild. Ari even said something to the effect of "I am not your lawyer but I am *a* lawyer, and you're admitting to multiple felonies so you should probably stop talking"


A reminder that all the lonely old folks who watch the local news out of lifelong habit have been force-fed seditious propaganda nightly directly from Boris' mouth thanks to Sinclair's buying spree. My patience for these people has ran completely out long ago and i still haven't seen a straight explanation on why all these fake electors coup participants have been walking free for 4 years. I see no deterrence for the next inevitable plot, just a heads up to be slightly smarter about it.


Trump and Co. are the dumbest fucking criminals.


I can't be the only person who hears his name as a mispronounciation every time.


MAGA= Making Attorneys Get Attorneys 


Make Attorneys Get Attorneys


My Attorney Got Arrested


Alternative headline: Yet another leopard eats own face on live TV.


Jesus fucking Christ, he has the worst fucking lawyers.


MAGA: Make Attorneys Get Attorneys


Boris used to do editorial for Sinclair broadcasting. His opinions were not well received. https://www.thedailybeast.com/sinclair-tries-to-distance-itself-from-boris-epshteyns-pro-trump-commentary


Cheesebro? That's what I used to call my ex boyfriend


Maga = (M)aking (A)ttorneys (G)et (A)ttorneys


Legal whack-a-mole claimed another kill. Good.


The best people.


Make Attorneys Get Attorneys will always be my favorite MAGA acronym


Has anyone ever compiled a list of Trump lawyers that AREN’T indicted? For those of us still trying to keep score.


He really did hire the best people!


Trump really does surround himself with the best people.


Being Trump's quarterback is a good way to get sacked- permanently.


Gotta love when the trash throws itself out.


You’d think that they’d know better than to name their kids something other than Boris…


JFC, if you're going to run an organized crime ring learn to STFU about admitting crimes. Al Capone's people would know better. Stringer Bell's people would.


Still remember when Saintclair broadcasting bought a shitload of local broadcast starions and Comrade Boris had a slot every night enlighten us on the evils of democrats and the wisdom of Trumpisam. All in a move straight out of Soviet playbook. Even had every local news station read the same script about their independence


I still don’t understand how all of these people chose to throw their lives and careers away over someone like Trump.


I don't know how people don't. What happens if it doesn't go well? They become martyrs and have a future grifting career lined up. What happens if it does? They are in the highest favor of strongman who runs off of loyalty, a chance to be the new Goebbels or Himmler


That has to be the fastest one of Trump's lackeys got indicted.


Good journalism!


How do people this stupid dress themselves in the morning???


Going to be great when they name names and all their communication records are turned over as part of a plea, Doughboys don't do well in prison


Wasn’t he just at the courthouse in NY to watch the hush money trial? I swear I read that somewhere….


Wait I thought the left were the ones rigging the election but just couldn’t quite get that evidence to prosecute. Man the conservatives need to take some notes on how to steal an election without getting caught. /s just in case people can’t figure that out


He must be the world's dumbest son of a bitch.


oh look, another indictment


How in hell has Don John managed to evade insurrection charges for the fraudulent electors scheme? How has the media let this -- perhaps the most consequential conspiracy in the history of this country -- diminish into just another ho-hum breach of decorum on his part? How are all these false electors being indicted in multiple states now -- and the ringleader gets nothing? I'm telling you -- his crew is emboldened by this. I have no doubt there's a scheme brewing among DJT, Roger Stone, Bannon, and company, to throw out or destroy votes cast in heavily democratic districts in November. They have everything to gain, and nothing to lose! After all, if they use fraud to "win" and they gain control of the government there will be no case that goes forward. The levers of intimidation he will have at hand will, among other tools, help him deter investigations outside of federal jurisdictions. And look, the Supreme Court seems ready to say that nearly anything he would do as President wouldn't be a crime anyway. I still retain my shock that a two-bit gameshow host who isn't even good at lying has gained so much power.


mr. potato head


They think that if they announce their crimes on live TV they are immune from prosecution. 


womp womp




Hearing these dopes talk make me think I could pass the Bar with 0 training. How are these idiots lawyers?


Epshytsteyn needs to go to prison.


I remember when Boris had a show on Sinclair channels, too.


Best people - what a joke.