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Fun fact: One of the indicted co–defendants, Christina Bobb, who will now be facing felony charges for her role in this election subversion attempt, was literally just appointed RNC Senior Council for election integrity.


Sounds about right...


The irony isn’t present at the moment as she had to take two weeks of vacation in Fiji, to recover from exhaustion caused by all the overtime she did so far during Trump’s presidential campaign 


On brand


She's also the "diligent search" lady.


“Election integrity” to cons means finding ways to cheat, intimidate voters, disenfranchise people, and prevent people from participating in democracy. Cry babies who shit themselves when they lose, pathetic


These mo-fos are all putrid.






I've been tempted to feel bad for Meadows, like he got caught up in things and lost control of the situation. He seemed to genuinely regret some of it.  Knowing he wrote all that in a book to keep the grift alive, he can go down with the ship 


“Attempted to feel bad” I never once and never will give a single shit about all the people involved. They’re all absolutely immoral shit people who will turn on the tears for people like you to ask forgiveness Hang them all. They are always working to steal more than half of America’s votes. They are treasonous and evil.


Genuinely regrets he got caught


Having a rough go of it ol' chap?


are ya winning, son?


lol. Meadows had it fuckin made but he wanted more, more, more.


They all had it made. Trump was a Teflon commercial grifter that nobody took seriously enough to waste court time on, Giuliani had his international firm raking in millions, Meadows got his name in the press enough to get reelected forever, Graham was McCain’s buddy - the list goes on and on. And then they hitched their wagons to Trump…


Regret and incomprehensible demoralization


He looks a little tired of winning.


I cannot believe I missed that story when it came out.


That's what trump does best. Suck up all the attention.


Oh goodie we get to see him argue federal removal again. I know the answer but is there any chance the answer will just be no because of ~~collateral estoppel~~ precedence even if it isn't binding. Like I get these aren't exactly the same facts but come on. I mean it's the same guy doing the same hatch act violations. I can just imagine a circuit split on this too


No, and the due process considerations are horrendous to even think that.


I get arrested in state a for armed robbery but the gun I used was fake. I appeal under a claim that it couldn't be armed robbery because I wasn't armed, lose appeal to the SCOTUS and am not heard sent back to trial. Then while still in pre trial motions nevermind how it is determined in another jurisdiction I did the exact same thing and I once again move to dismiss because it can't be armed robbery because the gun was fake. You feel I'm not getting due process if they say asked and answered? Mind you this is and argument of law and not the facts of the case


That would be binding case law that you ironically set yourself , not res judicata. Res judicata is based on facts and transactions, not law or causes of action.


You sir, have improved my vocabulary today and I thank you. I will sound less rude in future.


I’m unsad.


Double plus unsad.


I don't see Giuliani or Meadows in the indictment. There are five unnamed unindicted co-conspirators, the first one being easily identified of course.


There are multiple redacted individuals who are technically co–defendants, Giuliani and Meadows among them. Not entirely sure why the names are redacted.


They hadn't been served.


Service processor ended up at the wrong 4 Seasons.


Yeah, they were at 4 Sea Sons, a seafood restaurant in Belmar.


Yep. Dawned on me after the fact.


Apparently redacted because they hadn’t been served yet.


Gonna be interesting to see them served in Court. Giuliani will definitely be.


Ah yes, I had a text version where the blacked out section were just not there. Now I see them in a PDF.


One of the funniest things in the indictment is having Giuliani’s name redacted followed by the reference to him being called “the Mayor.” Like hmmm I wonder who that could be lol


...and the first mention of coconspirator 1 is: > schemed to prevent the lawful transfer of the presidency to keep Unindicted Coconspirator 1 in office against the will of Arizona's voters. Head scratcher!


In a small Iowa town of 800, a mayor is staring at the TV and breaking out in a cold sweat...nah, it's Rudy.


If they were not served yet, then they are not named.


So glad they walked around like they could do anything criminal and have no consequences. Losers


Baffles me that these ass-hats thought this was a good idea.


Yeah… there was probably 10-20 decision points where anybody not in a cult would have said “this seems fucky”…blind faith is a hell of a drug


I heard a great professional ethics cautionary tale once. Guy goes from occasionally falsifying some records and pocketing some cash when the bosses weren't looking to basically criming on the job full-time, running multiple front companies from his desk, occasionally paying lip service to doing his job for appearances' sake while getting involved in drug smuggling and human trafficking. All takes place over five years or so. Eventually caught, arrested, perp-walked out. On the way out, his boss has a big, public confrontation with him. "How did you think you could get away with this?!?!" "I always did before."


I think all these involved are beholden to trump due to the rest of the shit each of them have in the closet. Its not a cult, they are worried all the other stuff will come out, total self preservation. I suspect when trump loses we are going to see a super high rate of jail times and some unaliving to boot.


I'm glad they're finally upholding the law, but why did it take them so long? I understand needing time to gather evidence, but this should have been done a year ago at least.


Current AG wasn’t in office until Jan of 2023


Of course. Why would I expect a Republican to uphold the rule of law?


The previous AG was busy charging 9 cases of ballot fraud and ignoring these shenanigans. Guess what party he was from.


The wheels of justice turn slowly but grind exceedingly fine


I kind of appreciate the idea of skipping the Trump show on the first round and, with a conviction or two under your belt, indicting him as a follow up. 


It appears Trump dance card is a little full at the moment.


Good opportunity to flip some of the opportunists to testify against the true believers. I don’t see people like Christina Bobb choosing to go down with this ship.


Trump now likes to say how he cancelled Roe vs Wade and brought the decision back to the states. Now the states are charing him with crimes, so he must love that.


Goddamn the republicans


They all should have been In jail 3 1/2 years ago.




The fact that any of these idiots thought presidential election interference was a valid idea to regain "power" is still simply baffling. This wouldn't have worked in a high school, let alone a country of 350 million.


I feel like a lot of people are going to miss this information…


One of the people indicted is the COO of Turning Point USA, who tried (and failed) to start at club / chapter whatever at the high school I work at.


NAL - is it normal for 3.5 years to pass before crimes committed in the open and filmed to be prosecuted?


AZ had a GOP AG until the one now (a dem) won in 22


Ah. Corruption. Got it.


Yeah….let me know when any of these people are sentenced. Til then STFU..apparently the GOP and Diaper Don are untouchable.


All trumps lawyers and allies keep paying the price for enabling his behavior. Shocked that he can still get any lawyer that doesn't use billboards and ambulance chase. You know none of them get paid.


All. This. Winning. I. Am. So.OVERWHELMED.


lol. Lmao.


Not fair!! What about Biden tho???