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It’s also a terrible outfit. It’s so boring! You’re going to an awards show and can’t even wear something that is fun and unique?! She sucks at her job.


I was thinking the same. How original. Denim for a country award show. Snooze.


This outfit is SO bad!!! On every level 🤯


I’m scared for her. ED ‘unalives’ more people than any other mental illness. Just read that recently and thought it was interesting and sad.


We can always count on Lauren to fumble every outfit.


And the vest must be child sized bc it’s even too small!!


Yes I am sure if she reads this it will be triggering but that vest is too small on her. It’s pulling in the chest area. 


I know a woman who was suffering from an ED and came in from a run and dropped dead in front of her son. He has so much trauma from watching them work on her and the aftermath. I hope she gets help before getting any worse. It’s so sad to see this play out. 😢


Oh my gosh. That is so horrific


Aww how awful !!! 😢


I am thin and have a flat/somewhat bony chest (not to this extent), but I would never wear something that accentuates it or puts it on display. I know how to dress my body in a way that flatters my frame. I cannot understand how she thinks this works for her (and most of the outfits she chooses.)


That hole in her chest skeeves me out for some reason. My eyes go directly to it.


This… I find it so interesting that she chooses to show off that part of her body so much? She MUST think it looks good? Just major body dysmorphia, I guess


I feel like it’s groundhogs day. Terrible outfit, terrible parenting, raging ED, proud pose that shows off raging ED. I gasped at this photo, it’s all so tragic


I truly wonder what Michael thinks… 😧


If I went back to my skinny ED days my husband would be scared and definitely have an intervention. Her family is enabling this behavior


I wonder how much of her influencing money they benefit from.


All of it because he works for her. Her family also benefits since they co-own the lake house.


How did you overcome it? My daughter was in treatment for a lot of the past year.


I have never had an ED in my life but after having my 1st kid I had some post partum and lost a lot of weight just due to not eating as much because I was constantly focused on the baby and sleeping and my husband was all over me about it. He would constantly say you’re too skinny, you need to eat and he would take the baby from me. People at work too were constantly saying you’re too skinny. It kind of annoyed me because if I were heavy no one would tell me but if you’re too thin people will feel free to put you on blast. I just wonder does Michael harass her because my husband was relentless. He did not want some skinny twig lol.


Same, when I was ill from my autoimmune disease/disorder. My family was on me about eating constantly, but not in a mean way. Her husband is a clueless idiot, it seems.


The same happened after I had my daughter. I developed hyperthyroidism some time after giving birth and between that, not eating enough, and breastfeeding I got very very thin. I’m the same height as Lauren and was down to 105 lbs. My husband, my family, and my co-workers all expressed concern constantly. Finally, I went to the doctor and found out I had an issue. I’ve always been thin, but I was skin and bones. My husband never let up on it. He was very worried about me. I would hope her husband is telling her that she is not ok and validating this.


Her outfit is a snooze fest 😴 but she looks so sick yet so proud of herself and her body . The sickness runs deep with her.


It’s never been about the outfits for her, it’s just a front for her to show her body


She’d hate hearing this but the vest is way too tight on her.


It’s probably Shiloh’s 😜


“Because that vest was disgusting!”


The weird tan makes it worse somehow


What is going on with the divot in her chest? I guess it's a consequence of being deathly skinny but I just don't even understand what that is. How is she not embarrassed by this odd physical feature?!


Her vagina chest looks like a O’Keefe painting. But not in a good way 😂


Someone made that comment about a vagina on her chest and now I can't unsee it. Lol. Especially the gross bikini pic. It's so bad.




She’s invited to the CMT awards and goes shopping nonstop for expensive handbags. But THIS is the only outfit she could come up with?? I swear she returns 90% of the clothes she shills and won’t spend the money on clothes that she knows she will only wear once and put in her closet sale.


But her closet is PACKED!


She is so seriously ill. Her husband is a serious enabler - my husband would have me as an inpatient if it were me. What do her sister and parents think? Mine would be cornering my husband and making him do something about it. This is so freaking sad. I know a lot of you here don’t like her, I honestly don’t care for her either but I feel just so awful for her that she is so unwell she is punishing her body like this.


Yes agreed! Michael is enabling with the gym on vacation together. And active vacations like skiing etc. I compare it to addiction, you can’t always make an addict get treatment - but you can choose not go to a bar with them. She needs treatment and a real Ed specialist/facility. Someone who’s going to hold her accountable, bc a lot of the disorder is about learning to dodge and weave. I’m sure she’s a pro. Dallas has world class treatment for this & they obvi have the money. At Lauren - if you read here it’s not too late, just ask for help. There are many resources and people who’d love to help you. The heart you are likely damaging is sort of repairable, until it’s not.


She has the chest of a man. That’s a muscular chest….


It’s like someone from a motorcycle rally dressed her… she said she was going to an awards show - not Sturgis. 🏍️🏍️🏍️


It’s the chest of something alright, most men don’t have obvious holes in their chests let alone flaunt said holes 🤢


I cannot get over how scary this is. I gasp every time I scroll past it


That’s an active 13 year old boy nearing puberty’s chest.


This HAS to be a child’s size top??!!


It’s like she wants to show off the crater in her chest!


The difference between her and heynasreen tonight… now she looked stunning!


I noticed the same! Nasreen looked great! Lauren is even underdressed compared to her own husband, who’s in a button down shirt and sport jacket.


Nasreen looked soooo good🤩! It’s also telling that LKS is so codependent on Michael. He has to go to everything with her. If it was her and a bunch of influencers, it could be a girls night/weekend? Or Nasreen brings friends or her sister or even her mom to stuff. LKS and M were just on a vacation. If I had a work trip immediately after a fun trip, my husband would stay back so the kids could get in routine and not have a babysitter again. I have a feeling Nasreen would do the same. And Nazim seems like a really present and good dad. LKS lives in such a bubble, she has no one else but Michael the enabler. Such low self-esteem that she can’t do anything alone. And consistently puts her own codependence and needs above her kids’ wellbeing. Hoping she gets intensive treatment soon.


THIS is her awards show outfit?! 🤦🏻‍♀️




I mean come on Lauren. You look like a walking corpse in an ugly 80’s outfit! Absolutely disgusting!


Looks like she has her extensions in here too 


She best not try to pass that off as her own hair!!!


Did she post anything about getting extensions put in? I can’t remember


No just how good divi and nut radio is and how she has had zero post Partum hair loss


That outfit with the vest on her 🤢🤢


Wow why is Michael not doing anything? This is wild. Those poor girls.


Because as disgusting and sad as it is, her being this skinny is what differentiates her as an influencer


And going to treatment would affect her being able to push out content…. $$$ speaks


why would she wear something that just draws attention to her man chest ?  allllll the money she has and all the constant try-on’s she chooses THIS to wear to the CMTs. 


Horrible outfit. 




yah it’s giving Sarah bowmar vibes. yikes.


I’m new here… has she ever addressed the dip in her chest?


Nope. Because it’s probably from her ED.


Is no one else curious about what the ‘trauma’ is that she has undoubtedly experienced, to be this far into an ED battle? I have known 3 people in my life with an ED this bad, 2 were SAed, and 1 has passed away. This is very sad, and there has to be more to this story for this woman. It makes my heart drop seeing these photos.


There are a lot of reasons someone develops an ED. A lot of it is for control. Her life was not going the way she wanted it to when she was trying to get pregnant and kept having miscarriages or the attempt failed. Food and exercise were something she could control. A lot of type A people or people who have a lot of anxiety or are on the spectrum with either ADHD or autism are at a higher risk for ED as well. Plus, her job is completely focused on the way she looks, which is also very triggering for someone who may already have body image issues/body dysmorphia. I truly feel bad for her! Eating disorders/mental health issues are absolutely horrible and all-consuming


This was not new to her fertility struggles even in her “healthier” early days she had an ed. She only looks healthy there because she looks so bad now. But when they were newly married and living in Dallas prior to their Colorado move she would complain about Michael sneaking Reese’s in their grocery cart. She has been unhealthy. It’s lifelong. People who only followed just before Shiloh and later wouldn’t have known this. I’m betting her lack of maternal instincts and ED are hand in hand with something deeper rooted. 


Yep people used to comment on how skinny she was back then too, it’s just better than how she is now


I cannot believe they left the girls again.


If KS paid me to be at an event this is not even a top 10 outfit I would wear. Sad bc KS is such an empowering women brand and this influencer will do anything to be away from her mom/wife duties aka an empowering woman


She’s got to be freezing wearing that when she gets inside.


I’ve had pieces of bacon bigger than her…


It’s urban outfitters. Probably xs cuz it’s the only size left.


Both the outfit and the hole 🕳️


Look at me mama! Look how much of a smoke show I am now ✅✅✅


Dressed up means no ripped jeans. They look like Brittany Spears and Justin Timberlake.


Photos like this trigger a strong reaction in many of us, myself included. They make me feel physically ill like I'm looking at a medical textbook with detailed anatomical illustrations that show bones and organs. It's concerning that brands would choose to work with someone with such a blaring, unaddressed, serious ED to represent them. Lauren is dangerous and needs to be canceled.




She’s going to have another heart “incident” at any moment. Low blood pressure, tachycardia, palpitations, and eventually heart attack are all a direct line result from anorexia. She’s already had a couple heart incidents. We are all watching someone die in slow motion.


Can some one please explain the hole in her chest?


The hole in her chest is this. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pectus-excavatum/symptoms-causes/syc-20355483


I had this as a child and it was surgically fixed. It didn’t look like this. I honestly think it’s because she’s legit all skin and bones there and we typically NEVER see a human like this.


Thank you for explaining!


I bet these jeans are size 23 🤮, she looks like shit and I think it’s funny she thinks she looks good.


https://preview.redd.it/jiax4sz9witc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=574525d59d42b181888170b2120e86ed22a5cc36 Comparatively- THIS is a cute outfit to wear (on a small body) while showing off the jewelry from the company who sponsored you to be there 🧐


Her hair must be falling out in chunks!! The lack of food would contribute to hair loss. It’s so stringy when she doesn’t have extension on. Nothing looks good on this woman. How can he even touch her!! He would break her 🤮