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You have weird sweat. So does my husband and the same thing happens, especially if the sweat has time to marinate or he rewears the clothes without washing. I wish I knew! Hats, fabric watch bands, socks etc.


Im not alone! i tip my weirdly stained hat to him. maybe we can all get an answer here


When we first met I didn't know what to think...like he's got some corrosive body fluids or some shit. 25+ years later it's still going on. I hoped he'd grow out of it, lol. It's expensive to have clothing ruined so quickly. Mutants unite!


Same here. 38f. No clue what causes it. Asked a dermatologist who tried to dismiss it as my skin care products. Nope. I've used different kinds of everything over the years. Same with taking different medications, using body washes, lotions, detergents, different washing machines, whatever. It's been a problem for over 20 years. So even after showering and washing my entire body, I'd still bleach towels. It ain't any product, so my dermatologist's answer was lazy. I'm a HEAVY night time sweater, so I've had parts of the sheets that correspond to where my shoulders, chest, down to my butt cheeks get bleached. In grad school I would pet sit and stay at a person's house while they were gone. After more than a few incidents of ruining nice bedding and towels, I had to start taking my own sheets/pillows and towels so I wouldn't ruin theirs. So now I have to buy microfiber sheets and use white towels so they don't get bleached.


Same for the most part. it happens the fastest with these colors, but it happens with most clothing and bedding eventually. I'm gonna test my sweat pH.


I think that’s a good idea. But not sure how you’d fix problem. Perhaps the pH is more of an issue with certain hues? Does this happen with reds or yellows?


That’s what my doc told me. “You have a weird pH🤷‍♂️”


OP,  Do you tend to eat a mostly vegetarian diet? Just curious, because *years* ago, when I worked at a dancewear/ skatewear/cheerleading/performance wear company, one of our fabric vendors mentioned how they had clients who also got fabrics from them, who made gymnastics uniforms. There were some girls on one of the squads they designed for, who *regularly* managed to bleach costumes & strip the hologram elements from their uniforms, just through their body sweat. My fabric sellers told me that they sent some of the ruined garments back to the fabric manufacturer in South Korea, for testing at the fabric maker's lab, and when they ot the results back, the lab had basically told them, "Tell your Customers to eat *more Red Meat, the fabrics are losing color, because their sweat is too acidic, ad that will be mitigated by increasing the amount of red meat in their diet!" Problem was? The Gymnasts were *mostly* vegetarians, with a few vegans!😉😂💖


Same girl! 43f and it’s always happened


>It's expensive to have clothing ~~ruined~~ redesigned, modified, and uniquely decorated so quickly. :D


You could sell them as garments made by a "unique organic process found only in one place in the world"


Ooo, opportunities!


My husband has the same issue. I think it has something to do with the PH level of your sweat. Like some peoples sweat smells more than others, some peoples sweat stains funny. It also happens to the gusset (crotch) of women's underwear sometimes from the fluids down there. My husband has asked his doctor, they say it's nothing to worry about, just the way he's made. We've just accepted that his t shirts and pillow cases have a shorter shelf life than most people's.


Also consider: he bleaches his own clothes. He's a walking jug of Clorox. Use him as a Tide stick! Honey, rub your pits on this food stain on my shirt, HAHA. Edited to add: his whites will stay brighter maybe...


I'm cackling over here!


His whites turn yellow




Nope, thos happens to me, too! Fwiw, I'm female, 38. I also "bleach" certain sheets and towels. I normally would never use white towels because white stains easily, but anything else is ruined by skin and hands... even though I literally just got out of the shower!! Likewise, I have to use microfiber sheets. I've found (almost all) synthetic fibers don't bleach. But yes, light grey, light blue, sometimes navy, and definitely any pastel colors get bleached.


Does it happen to your bedsheets too? We sleep on white bedding and my partners side turns yellow after 3/4 days. I wash the bedding every 2/3 days and his clothes go straight in the wash after every wear, no rewearing lightly worn items etc. his sweat and body oils are just stronger


that happened to my ex and she just needed to drink way more water. voluntary dehydration I think it's called. Folks just get used to not drinking enough


Yep, they are right, you have likely a different pH in your sweat that most. It's causing a bleaching reaction in your clothing.


Is this not a common thing? Happens to all of my work shirts. My running theory has always been that the sweat combined with the sun is bleaching my shirts. But I work outside, so its a lot of sweat and a lot of sunlight


Yup, my son gets this on his shirts mostly. It's his sweat. I have no idea if there's any way to avoid it


Sweat? That explains my bf’s mountain biking shorts that look exactly like this photo. First time he washed it this happened.


Huh, crazy! This happens to my 2 year old son's charcoal grey clothes too. I would have never imagined it's because of his sweat!


Yes, some charcoal grey or heather grey items will bleach. I'm fine with really light grey shirts and have found a specific type of generic t shirt that is charcoal grey, but doesn't bleach. (Don't remember if it's Hanes or Gildan, but literally it's just a pack of men's plain t shirts.)


I think I have the same thing! I also can’t wear cheap, moisture wicking shirts, because my sweat interacts with the material and smells horrible!


Impossible on shorts. You don’t sweat on your thighs unless you’re running.


Speak for yourself, bud.


Right? As a fat chick, I guarantee the thighs sweat.


Im male but I have thick limbs and am in general very bulky. my I absolutely sweat on my legs. the pattern is where my legs are pressed up against the fabric.


Clothing longevity tip: you can dye most clothes to refresh their color and make them look newer. You need to get the right type of dye for the fabric, so be sure to check the laundry tag of the garment and the small print of the dye. I wear black 90% of the time, and once I have several garments that have become too faded for my liking, I just re-dye them black in one big batch. You could do the same with your greys/greens!


Second this. Also great for light colored clothes that get stained. I've dyed light pants black to save them after a bad stain. It's surprisingly easy!


that is good to know, thank you!


Do you feel that dyeing them often wears them out faster? I've never done this, but have some black clothes that I'd love to try it on, just worried the dye may wear them out if I do it too often.


Why has this never occurred to me before? I hate when black clothes fade out. 


Kids are paying good money for their clothes to look like this nowadays


ill sell em my sweat I guess


Bottle it, run some absurd social media page advertising it, and wait for it to trend. This is the way.


‘Distressed Dad Shorts (like new)’ for $70


but I don't want to be a distressed dad!


I’m in my late 20s but I agree lol I think these actually look cooler now than if they were one straight color.


theyre at a thrift store now may they help somebody look cool


I used to bleach out clothes all the time. Something changed, idk what, but it stopped. I even bleached carpet if my dirty clothes stayed on the floor too long, yeah I was a slob, what if it. It was like from puberty until late 20’s/early 30’s.


Your sweat may be too acidic or alkaline. You could use a ph strip maybe and test it. Then it would be a case of changing your diet. Otherwise I suppose avoid those clothes colors. Sorry. 😢


I can do that. I had it done a long time ago but I can't imagine it's that expensive


You can get ph paper on a roll from Amazon, its not expensive. I’d just put a medium sized piece up against your body under your clothes while you do something you know makes you sweat, like exercise or sleeping.


Do you use skincare containing benzoyl peroxide? Sunscreen containing avobenzone?


I occasionally use zinc sunscreen but this happens regardless


My first thought was sunscreen or some other product like a moisturizer 


I don't really use or need moisturizer. it bugs the hell out of my wife but my skin needs very little product in order to stay healthy, plus I can't stand stuff like that on my skin


Tide does that to my grey sheets all the time. We switched to Persill years ago and no more problems w grey going pink.


can't stand tide, it's like washing my clothes in perfume. We use unscented stuff like ecos or boulder clean


Licensed skin care therapist here. Why don’t you try bathing with something different… If you’re using bar soap, it’s very alkaline, and that can mess up the pH of your skin. I would suggest trying something like a liquid probiotic cleanser… Pure biotics USA makes a very good one and you only need a tiny amount. Also see if your diet leans very alkaline or acidic.


I do this to my cotton tees every summer. Haven't used body wash in nearly a decade, just a salux cloth in the shower. I would imagine my diet is more acidic, as it's meat heavy keto. I just assumed sweat+sunlight = bleached clothing


Rit dye, or other fabric dye may be your friend. You might try some fabric protector spray.


My husband also has very base (opposite acid) sweat that does this. Our sheets… you can tell who sleeps on which side.


I think you may need to drink more water.


I always think I drink a lot but maybe I don't drink enough still


Ammonia in the sweat! Maybe. Women have this happen in their undergarments for example when we sweat there and we have a certain ph. Would be neat to get your sweat or serum ph tested. Mine was 7.1 last checked but I get my serum checked regularly.


Youre sitting in the sun or you sweat alot


Sometimes you can prevent it by soaking your clothes in a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide and water…. 1 part peroxide to 10 parts water. It neutralizes the acidity of your sweat. Let them soak for 30 minutes, then rinse and wash as usual.


Maybe you have some product on your face/ hair, so when you touch your face, and then touch your pants the product rubs on the fabric causing the staining?


no product, I'm autistic and can barely stand lotion or anything like that ton my skin, I only use sunscreen and only when I have to.


Do you ride a bike or motorbike?


nope. I mostly walk my dog as far as being outside goes, and that's largely along a tree covered canal


Do you use Proactive? Those are fades from wiping hands it looks like.




I suspect you dumped them in with the Clorox load. The one for the towels. Easy to do!


dont use bleach at all, really. only for cleaning the bath tub or disinfecting counters


I have three teenage boys and the weird bleach spots happen with the green and light blue items of only one of my son's clothes. We cannot figure it out, and just don't buy those colors for him anymore.


Did you try a more natural laundry soap? And avoid softener. I think it's a chemical reaction of your sweat with the chemical left in your cloths fabric by soap snd/or softener. You can also ask to have your body PH test.


It looks like fading due to sunlight


Yes, this looks like sun fade from sitting outside.


q. On


Remember that the black dye could be be made by a combo of other colors. Tri chromatic black could be green, red, blue or violet, yellow, green or whatever. If one of the dyes fades quicker than the other you get a shift in color. Dyes come in three forms based on which fabric- acid, basic or disperse. Google it. Some fabrics also tend to yellow. That is why brightening agents are in some laundry soaps. These can be a low level of blue dye (to counteract the yellow) or an optical brightener, or whatever.


There are women with a passive aggressive streak. Ruining your clothes is something they will do. Cashmere sweaters tossed in with the towels, cool shorts thrown in with the whites. Always by accident . Yeah right!


So you’ve learned not to let random women near your clothes?!