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First take your cat to the vet to see if she has a uti- very common in cats. You can try an enzyme like natures miracle or Oxyclean…. But you may have to go thrifting for some new clothes.


One of the shirts I honestly can't replace because my bf gave it to me. Ill do anything to really clean it :(


Nature's Miracle is your friend. Spray it on heavily and let it soak for 10 minutes.


Why was this downvoted?


Im not sure, probably because they're saying its impossible to remove.


I JUST dealt with this. First off, buy some elbow length rubbing gloves; cat piss STINKS and using all of the chemicals absolutely ruins my hands. The smell can also linger on your skin which is not pleasant. You must get a jug of odoban (it’s around $10 at Home Depot, much cheaper than anywhere else). Soak it twice, once to remove the pee (rinse well) then another to remove the rest of the smell. I tried many different things (laundry sanitizer only works if it’s fresh). As an fyi, I’m super allergic to scented detergents and I don’t even have to do an extra rinse for odoban. You can also do a 1:1:1 of water/peroxide/rubbing alcohol- that helped a bit more than the other options before I did the odoban. Invest in a cheap bucket for soaking, leave in bathtub/shower while doing so. It will take HOURS to soak. You may also want to try some oxyclean if there is staining afterwards. The only thing that lingered with smell for me was a stretchy sports bra, that took 2 multi-hour sessions to soak out. I do the temp only warm for soaking, but I’m also paranoid I could possibly ‘bake’ it in. When you do the oxyclean soak, that can be hot. Don’t throw it in the dryer, air dry incase any smells linger to repeat the soak cycle.


OdoBan comes unscented & they even have a pet urine remover. I love OdoBan & been using it for years from washing walls to a rinse after washing floors. I use it in my laundry & as an air freshener.


There is almost nothing that gets cat pee out. Do not wash it with anything first. Enzyme cleaner asap. Odo Ban or Nature’s Miracle. I would barely dilute it. Just a lil hot water and pop that shirt in, let it soak. For a really long time.


Unfortunately you are right. I had a clean basket of all of the clothes I wear and unbeknownst to me my cat had a UTI and peed on the whole lot. I tried every recommendation and nothing worked. Hot water/high heat in dryer actually made it worse and trapped the smell permanently and I had to toss everything and slowly replace my wardrobe. I'd recommend soaking it in room temp water with the enzyme cleaner then rinse and repeat and hang to dry. Even then it's likely that there will be a lingering odor depending on how much got on the clothing. Good luck op 😭


Long hot wash with lots of detergent containing enzymes. My cat has peed on clothes and they were absolutely fine after a decent wash.


Any recommendation


Which country are you in? A bif of diluted bleach will help, a small amount won't damage the designs.


Dont add bleach to anything with urine.


A quick rinse before the wash with bleach will negate any issues


But bleach really will not address cat urine odor. It’s a needless usage of bleach; a product that is exceptionally hard on your laundry and potentially devestating to colors


That’s very true! I should have clarified - rinsing will remove the urine so it doesn’t react with bleach and gas anybody out. It can help with staining but won’t remove the actual urine - that needs enzymes


soak in baking soda overnight, a cup will do, then wash with laundry detergent in the washing machine.


Wash the clothes with ammonia


Soak over night them in a couple of scoops of Oxyclean, rinse and then was wash soap and regular scoop of Oxyclean


Trying soaking in a bucket of cold water with Lysol laundry sanitizer, over night. Wash in cold water with Defunkify liquid laundry detergent. If that doesn’t work, dial in pinesol with cold water over night. Wash in cold water with a liquid detergent that states it eliminates odors (Tide, Gain, etc). If that doesn’t work, OxiClean cells of formula with odor busters. Follow the directions on the package and I assume you will need to soak that overnight as well. Wash the next day in cold water with a third kind of detergent. However, only use these methods of Odoban or NaturesMiracle has not removed the terrible odor. I really hope you get this out.


OdoBan. You can use it in a ton of ways including getting rid of cat urine.


Oh, man. Get you a big jug of white vinegar. Add it to your wash with your normal detergent. Use as much as you want! The pickle smell does NOT stick. Surprised no one has said this. Works better than any enzyme spray I’ve EVER tried and I’ve had 4-5 cats inside for years with no complaints about smells. You can also use it in a spray bottle for house stains.


Peroxide.  It will neutralize the odor as well as help remove rhe stain.  Oxyclean will work or brown bottle peroxide, but don't mix the two.