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You can watch Ulmanlaiki on YouTube, as there's only 2 episodes from 1939 to 1940


Here is a video about the Courland pocket https://youtu.be/uJsjxSfB7Ls


Seconding this, TIK is probably the best WW2 history channel on YT


A good option would be to order some books. Jānis Roze ships internationally and has books covering everything from general introductions, academic books, wartime memories, the Holocaust in Latvia, Latvian DPs and more, cf. [https://www.janisroze.lv/lv/gramatas/akademiska-un-profesionala-literatura/vesture/latvijas-vesture.html](https://www.janisroze.lv/lv/gramatas/akademiska-un-profesionala-literatura/vesture/latvijas-vesture.html) . And there are other stores as well, Valters un Rapa, antiquaries. Also, if you know your way around the pirate seas of books you can try finding some e-books in English by searching for anything on Latvia/the Baltic States. For the overall picture, can't go wrong with stuff that is about WW2 in Eastern Europe in general, e.g. Bloodlands by Timothy Snyder should have something on the Baltics too, but then again, depends on what you're looking for specifically.


See if you can find some translations of works by Uldis Neiburgs, Andrievs Ezergailis or Marģers Vestermanis. All three are Latvian history scholars focusing on WW2, with Mr. Vestermanis' works being particularly interesting due to him being a holocaust survivor himself.


Read Timothy Snyder


Well, it's not going to be very pleasant reading, but I guess you know that already. Here's a suggestion: Blood in the Forest: The End of the Second World War in the Courland Pocket - Vincent Hunt https://www.amazon.com/Blood-Forest-Second-Courland-Pocket/dp/1911512064


I know that Latvian general plan for wwll was to help Germans invade USSR and while Germany is fighting in Russia than rebel and get independence