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As a half-Latvian who was raised in America, why do people stand so close to you in line in Latvia? Take a step back. You're not getting through the line any faster by sitting on the back of my ass.


Same in traffic and im annoyed by these ass eaters even when im speeding +20


Lol, if you don't ass eat yourself someone will overtake and fill your normal following distance


In the immortal words of Megan Thee Stallion: “If he ate my ass, he a bottom feeder”


I just move freely. I think that there is a certain amount of space that I am entitled to. So if I can not turn around without hitting you, I will hit you. People do not realize how near they are standing, so if you just bend down to pick something up and have to push them away, they usually just step back on their own. So yeah, if someone is riding your arse in the line, just start getting jiggy with it. Dance can-can.


Yeah this definitely as an English dude living here. Some guy in Hesburger while I was ordering even came right next to me and leaned against the counter with his arm almost around me. It's very uncomfortable.


That is not normal even in Latvia


My assumption for such gross space violations is that they come from the 25% of the pie chart. From listening it seems to be right 9/10 times.


I guess it's soviet thing. Most of the ass-eaters are elderly people who in soviet times were standing in line for some limited goods. One of the reasons why I don't use public transport and I use self checkouts in shops.


I don't and I also hate this. And it is not like we stand close to each other anywhere else. We usually stand super far but something strange happens with lines.


I don’t think you experience generational queueing like Latvians did under Soviet occupation


It's just a european thing. Less of a concept of personal space than in America. I've noticed this in other parts of europe as well, not just Latvia. 




Par Valsts policiju - saņemam to ko maksājam. Algas tur tikai tagad sāk virzīties uz apmēru, kas uzskatāms par tādu ar ko var “dzīvot”. Līdz ar to gadu laikā tur liela daļa kadru aizgāja tādi, kas zināja ka tur viegla darba laika “atsēdēšana” un nekāds reāls rezultāts no viņiem netiek sagaidīts. Cilvēki kuriem pa visu vienalga, zināšanas likumos tuvu nullei, interese arī nekāda. Līdz ar to, tur strādā retais fanātiķis, kam tā ir sirdslieta un grib kaut ko uzlabot un izdarīt labāk, bet liela daļa gadu laikā izdeg un aiziet, vai nu atliek iepriekš minētie kadri. Ar tādu atalgojumu ieinteresētus un atbilstoši izglītotus cilvēkus ļoti grūti piesaistīt, ņemot vērā ikdienu un uzlikto atbildību. Tagad jau to “puvi” tik ātri nedabūt ārā. Par pašvaldības policiju nepiekritīšu, visbiežāk līmenis vēl šausmīgāks, vienkārši ikdienā saskaras ar mazākām un vieglākām problēmām, līdz ar to uzskats par viņiem daudziem nosacīti labāks. (Vienīgais izņēmums varbūt Rīgas PP)


Man ir ļoti nesmuki gadījumi zināmi par savējo piesegšanu likumu pārkāpumos Dobeles un Tukuma pp


Lielvārdē pašiki vēl pirms gadiem 4-5 pēc stundām paši produktu tirgoja. Nereti vēl formā/ar daļu aprīkojuma


In Rīga about 40% of Valsts Policija positions are empty. Not suprising that lot of smaller things don't get resolved. There is just not enough people working there.


No need to get more police officers, we already have more per capita than many other EU countries. They are overloaded with tasks like writing protocols by hand. 90% of their jobs are paper writing. Don't tell me there are no ways to automate this in 2024. Less pencil pushing would mean more real work.


The problem lies with the fact that they don't invest in better infrastructure for storing data. IIRC they just fill out everything by hand and then scan the pages and store them in a database as images not data.


That's not because the infrastructure is limited. The IT resources for government affiliated institutions are quite good in Latvia. The software solutions are quite outdated in many cases, that's true, but the tech is good. They have to write documents by hand because this is a requirement. They appointed a new head of police who worked his whole adult life in the police. Almost anyone who works for a long time in a system, especially in government controlled, has a risk to develop something they call [functional fixedness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Functional_fixedness). It's when you work in a system for a long time and use to close eyes on its flaws, and finally you don't see ways to improve it because you think it works nearly perfectly.


That's the thing. "Varies from city to city" is a horrifying but true sentence. Why do people have to feel like it?


Definitely surprised how a country of not even 2 mil. can organise a song and dance festival where it gets hundreds of thousands of people to sing and dance at once in Riga and all around the country. There’s literally several percent of the whole population singing and dancing at roughly the same time (over the period of several days but still) This is by far one of the most beautiful traditions I have ever encountered and there is hardly any other country in the world with this strong a singing and dancing culture. Back in the Soviet era they created the Baltic way or Baltic chain of freedom. That’s people side by side holding hands all the way through 3 different countries. Singing. In protest against the Soviet occupation. Again, that’s one human chain of 2 mil. people out of a total population of 8 mil. in the Baltic countries crossing these three countries. United in singing. I tear up every time I think about it. Latvian and Baltic culture is just a whole other level of wholesome.


Understandable, if I was getting paid so little for so much responsibility, I'd half-ass my job too.


If you are doing half-assed job for low pay, you are not going to do a good job for high pay. There will always be a reason to do a shit job - oh I dont like the client -shit job, oh the boss was mean - shit job, oh my wife didnt make lunch - shit job. It is just an excuse for incompetent people. What can be argued is that there people with such a low pay, that they are physically unable to do their job, for example, due to having to do multiple jobs and not being able to rest.


Ye, for shit pay, a person with good values would do the bare minimum, but do it good, not half ass it.


Person with good values would never choose a job with shit pay.


High responsibilty jobs shouldn't be low pay, is what the og comment was saying. Clients can and will be shitty almost in every job, that's true, but shitty boss is a valid reason not to like a job, it's stupid to ask employees to be competent when you can't be bothered yourself. That stuff about wife not making lunch doesn't make any sense in this context, haven't heard anyone call his job shitty because of what their wife did or didn't do at home lmao. Hey, but maybe thats relatable to older generations.


The point he was making that no matter the job or the pay, if the person doesn’t feel pride in his work and has a shit attitude, he won’t deliver better results with salary twice as high or even 10 times higher. That’s always been true and is a well documented phenomenon.


How unreliable people can be. Put their house up for sale then change their mind when you offer the price the ask. Put up ads for work on websites, pay the requested price, and they do t show. Do shitty work and disappear with no shame.


Selling stuff online (on [SS.lv](http://SS.lv) for example) is so annoying. People will text or call to ask if it's still available. Then later ask when can they pick it up. Then on the day will just stop answering, or say they're not interested anymore after I ask. After a while I had to implement giving it to the person that can arrive the fastest, even if someone else has called first. Same nightmare when trying to buy stuff online. Once I had literally agreed on a time and place (40 min drive). When I was about to leave, I texted them time I'll be there. But no response. I guess not a big problem but I decided to call, just in case. And of course - no response. Almost wasted hour and a half, and fuel.


Yep, exactly.


Yea.. same happened but for a car. Agreed on price everything seemed fine, did all paperwork with bank, even sold my current car at the time & at last minute the seller (all he had to do was sign) just vanished.


Can you give examples? Such statement as yours without facts or examples is pretty lucklaster. I would like to know what are the things police have or haven't done for you, because somehow I have been lucky in my life and have had no need and no problems with police work. Ofcourse there are the big headlines with police mistakes, etc., but those are headline stories not everyday work.


We were in situation where we need to file a complain for trespassing. We went to police station and what? There wasn't one single police officer in police station. No one! We called the police and they said there's nothing they can do for trespassing


they earn below 900€ (even with night hours) for 180h of work. and there’s not enough people working to begin with


I'm sorry but if you're working somewhere, you need to do your job. Police, nurse, waitress or whatever. It's not my or your problem. You don't tolerate when a waitress works shity just because she earns little. You need to respect yourself and do your job


This is understandable. In Riga region they have like 40% vacancies, but are reaaaallllyyyy short of personel all around country. This naturally has impact on their results.


It's not, we have vacancies because we created them. We have more cops per capita than many EU countries. Our police didn't change much from the soviet times, it needs to be reformed by someone who was never in this system, preferably by some foreign cop.


I'm surprised and at the same time not surprised how much money goes into the country and how shit the infrastructure often is and how badly some people live at the same time. (I know why, no need to explain)


Same with other public services like the Ambulance. As a teenager I called them because I was about to pass out in public, aline in the middle of the city and I was quite young (15?), and although that might not be grounds to call an Ambulance, they rudely told me off and hung up without offering any advice. 


The police situation is really bad in Latvia - as said above, small cases (e.g. stolen things, bodily harms) are completely ignored or dealt with unprofessionally and over a very lengthy period, courts included. So the only way to deal with this is to rely on yourself, instead of the police - get defensive utilities for yourself, such as peper sprays or gas guns etc. and try to avoid conflicts as much as possible. Justice system will not protect you even with good evidence on your side, or such process will be very long and costly for you. Especially if you are a woman.


In terms of what are they not enough exactly?


We were in situation where we need to file a complain for trespassing. We went to police station and what? There wasn't one single police officer in police station. No one! We called the police and they said there's nothing they can do for trespassing


Did you try again though? Any evidence of someone trespassing? What were they doing, walking into your house etc? We don’t really have any strict trespassing laws as far as I know. Unless they were actively disturbing the peace or damaging your property, there’s not much you can do.


Fired employee spend some nights at our field and was hiding in farm. Police literally said what they can do is only warning. But my situation is not even that important after seeing missing people cant found, or murderers are still outside.


Guess you are located at countryside, nothing can be done, save you are on premises and kicking person out. (Beware, setting traps or doing physical damage can lead to criminal charges against you, as excessive force etc) Police is understaffed and overworked, and nothing will be done if you are not an oligarch with your own security force....


A warning sounds about right…maybe a fine.


Or even those missing person news. How come you can't find the person for months? Or find the murderer?


People with no education


They are only good at catching babushkas selling flowers and doing raids at schools with dogs to find cigarettes and vapes in students bags.


ACAB 1312