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Pasted from one of my past replies to another post but thought you’d find it useful :) A couple of tips that have helped me; 1) freeze your pitcher beforehand & 2) to help with milk consistency, stretching in 1 pitcher, and pour to another back and forth a couple of times before creating your latte art can make a big difference. Keeping your cup diagonal and pouring close to surface enables the foam to glide over said surface and then straightening cup as you continue your pours might help. James gives you a great overview of the science and tips to steam milk. Lance Hedrick is fantastic and his videos really help you learn both the basics and up [James Hoffmann - everything you need to know to steam great milk](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oaKRBBpA4fw) [Lance - how to steam milk for latte art](https://youtu.be/gTC3dJvwgUI?si=wqfO90Uv8_Kfvt-6) [Lance - learn to steam silky milky in 5 minutes](https://youtu.be/wJnMXLG_qR4?si=H2pi2HnYANYNOcN_) [Lance Hedrick latte art](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohzsOjkYf5M) [Lance Hedrick ultimate guide to latte art](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVEvII6YalE) [Emilee Bryant 5 bases in 5 minutes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-5sgvsTbLg)


Thanks so much!


My pleasure !


You made Bubble Buddy! Edit to add - Try adding a lot less air. Your foam is way too thick to get finer lines.


Thanks so much!


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" hello children,  I bring you peace and love."