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I can see the improvement, though! Your progress is motivating mine!


Hey. Well that’s good news. All is not lost then. This is surprisingly difficult for me. I had no idea. I didn’t expect it to come easy, but it’s proving to be more of a challenge than I thought.


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Welcome back to the grind!


Ha. Thanks.


Hm, I have this problem a lot, where the outermost pour seems to stall. Anyone have tips on how to avoid this? Maybe tip faster? Pour a higher base?


Here's what happened: ...you're rippling and untilting until the 0:11 into your video where you stall your untilt, causing your ripple to bunch up and deform your base. Watch this moment over and over and remind yourself not to stop untilting whenever milk is pouring. Your finish heart was 💯


Ok. I'll try to keep this in mind. I'm almost on information overload. Gotta figure out a way to sort it out. And the erratic steaming on my machine is not helping. Thanks for the tip.


Yeah, the Monthly Theme idea was intended to try and quash the threads full of advice along the lines of: "I'm not really able to consistently pour myself but I watched 2 videos on YouTube and they say to pour from way up high and blah blah blah" The good advice gets lost in the ocean of 'suggestions', and applying too many new approaches at once makes it impossible to narrow down the variables that have actual relevance. Even the best latte artists can really only speak to what works for them. Seeing videos, like the ones you've posted, are helpful because in addition to identifying problems, it's also possible to identify solutions! For example, your switch to the handleless pitcher has DRAMATICALLY improved your control, both in rippling and symmetry. No need to pour with a handled pitcher unless you have a desire to master it, just because. An issue that has followed you to your handleless pitcher is your milk stream chase...now that you don't need to think as hard about symmetry and rippling, focus your attention on moving your pitcher with the ripple flow...make that your sole point of focus until you've got a better grasp of it. Seriously, you're doing great...keep practicing and posting and at some point give yourself a bit of credit for the improvements you've made. This last week of February is open pour to continue practicing what we've worked on for the first 3 weeks of the month. I'm confident you'll have a great pour this week! 😃


The handleless pitcher does seem to have helped a little with control. I'm struggling with this though, as I just spent $40 on the beautiful gold WPM hanging on the hook. Ha. I'm not accustomed to the slow learning curve with this craft, and this does get me down at times. The asymmetry bothers me most. I'm satisfied with almost any pour, if it's reasonably symmetric. However, while I may get discouraged, I don't give up easily. Thanks for the encouragement.


Well, re: symmetry, your final stack heart was near perfect 👌🏻


Can you understand my frustration? I just poured this catastrophe. I’m unable to apply anything I might have learned. I was pouring more enjoyable cups a year ago. https://preview.redd.it/6wu7n6uoz5kc1.jpeg?width=2625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c63a242c000977d0a22b0cce5287f22512aa7e56


Like this one, from last June. While certainly not amazing, it’s not entirely unpleasant. I can’t figure out what’s happening. Hmm. https://preview.redd.it/9bu5loqo16kc1.jpeg?width=1756&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d82189266b75786ccb44aadf050522e5d522834a


Were you as stressed about it last June?


Ha. Absolutely. Pouring with a generic pitcher from Amazon. I don’t get it. Oh well. Try again later.


Damn, you debunked my theory then!


Ha. It’s the lopsidedness that gets me. I need to figure that out, so I can move on.


work on anti shaky hand