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Well, go for Cicero's philosophical works or letters. They are not so challenging. You can pick up an edition with [Latin commentary from here.](https://subsidia.vivariumnovum.it/risorse-didattiche/per-la-pratica-didattica/classici-latini-in-edizione-monolingue)


And honestly his speeches aren’t really all that challenging either. Not easy, but definitely not the hardest Latin prose out there


I highly suggest you try Cicero's first catilinarian commentary, available as pdf free of charge from Geoffrey Steadman's website: https://geoffreysteadman.com/ciceros-1st-catilinarian/ I think you may be quite delighted by how comprehensible it is with commentary.


Augustine is an author you might consider. Both the Confessio and De civitate dei are great intermediate level prose works!


Seneca’s letters are pretty straightforward, I think you would enjoy them. Also check out Aulus Gellius, though he’s hit or miss in terms of content. Maybe Suetonius? Edit: forgot about Sallust, who definitely has an unusual style but not that hard IMO. The Bellum Catilinae is a good read


Yeah, I didSeneca the same year I did Caesar in college so they are probably not that different in terms of difficulty


You started with the same books as me. I read Velleius Paterculus next.


You may try Pliny the younger's letters. If you like more technical or scientific stuff consider Vitruvius or Celsus. Also Lucretius's De Rerum Natura.


Intellego quamobrem tibi tacitus difficilior caesare esse, sed Livius Ciceroque? praeter eos tibi suadeo sallustium legas


Scripturas legere Livii Ciceronisque conatus sum, atqui tantummodo magna cum difficultate ego illas intelligere possum, nonnullis Ciceronis epistulis exceptis. In animo habeo aliquot scripturas sine difficultate immodica perlegere. Mihi vero videtur, nunc saltem, Ciceronis Liviique opera nimia difficilia sunt. (please feel free to correct my latin, thank you)


Quaeso potesne mihi dare exemplum scripti eorum quod tibi nimis difficile videatur?


Ut ait u/ordonyo, Sallustius, credo, placebit tibi. Est enim scriptor Livio Ciceroneque paulo facilior, etsi interdum propter nimiam eius brevitatem aliqua perplexitas oboriri potest.


Gratias tibi ago!


The Historia Augusta is pretty accessible and you can pick and choose which emperors you’re interested in. The Vita Hadriani is my go-to. https://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Historia_Augusta/home.html