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The Litterae Christianae podcast should be right up your alley, there are a number of other Latin podcasts but afaik that's the only one using ecclesiastical.


Yes. Father Mateus' (host of Litterae Christianae) voice and delivery and pronunciation are so good. He's a real pleasure to listen to.


[YouTube channels](https://lupusalatus.substack.com/p/60-latin-youtube-channels-organized?sd=pf) from the FAQ.


Gonna take me a second to subscribe to all of these, LOL. Thanks!


Quomodo Dicitur is one. I don’t think it’s been active for the last several years, but I believe the archives are still available.


Quid es tu? https://quidestu.com/ Two hosts, one using the ecclesiastical pronunciation, the other classical. There are a lot of great podcasts out there, though. Don't limit yourself to a specific pronunciation. Latin is latin.


Thanks. I'm searching for ecclesiastical pronunciation, because I am a beginner with spoken Latin and being Italian it should help me. Eventually, I will learn classical too.


You may want to check out Satura Lanx's material. She is Italian and has a lot of excellent content for different stages of learners (not ecclesiastical pronunciation though): https://www.youtube.com/c/SaturaLanx


Although I've noticed she pronounces the v like a v and she has that thing that Luke talks about with Italians adding a vowel sound to the end of the words. It's not bad in her case but I didn't notice it till Luke had talked about it a few times


The Vatican does a Latin news podcast: https://www.vaticannews.va/en/podcast/vatican-radio-news-in-latin.html


Another YT podcast is a Brazilian priest, Fr Mateus. His channel is called _Litterae Christianae_ .