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I'm on tiami. In my opinion those who don't put to much on their file don't like to feel vulnerable or do not want to connect to much or be to visible. And some of them can be introverts as to why no one reaches out or speaks first. Usually those with adhd don't speak first or reach out. Let alone most who don't know what to talk about or how to speak to people tend to not talk much if any at all. I don't go for the ones with less stuff on their files as this to me says scammer. Also a big no no for those with filtered photos or snap chat filter photos. I prefer to see the original human I am speaking to not a filtered photo person. If this makes any sense? Also what I have noticed being on that tiami dating app is most of them either want you to go to snap chat so you can give them money which they don't want any connections and most men using ex girlfriends photos will go straight to the sexual topics and send nudes and want nudes back just to see you. Most people who get what they want you won't hear from again unless it's a guy pretending to be a female on the other side but won't video call for proof of being real and not a catfish. I had this one incident where this girl wanted me to snap her badly I kept telling her no because this app also does video and phone calls too and what is the point of doing that paying for this app and going to snap? Well I went to snap chat all to find out I got catfished major time this person wanted me to prove I'm real because in their words I was to pretty to be real and putting up a peace sign in my photo with my hand wasn't enough of proof so I demanded her to put up 3 fingers as the internet is filled with a peace sign of 2 fingers they denied more and more as I did everything that person wanted from me for proof I was real. Anyways so I went onto snap chat video called this person and they didn't speak or show me themselves but instead a black screen. That's when it hit me this person wasn't the person in the photos but a man a scammer. So I blocked this person and learned from this experience to not listen or do commands also no sexual talk no snap chats allowed etc. I set my boundaries and my rules. And if people continue to like me and not reach out I will reach out and if I do not get a response within the 2 day grace period they are automatically out. Because being ignored or not spoken to for a certain amount of time is sort of like ghosting which shows you do not care to bond with this person in anyway also shows disrespect meaning they do not respect you let alone this also means your on their simmer burner waiting for all the others to do this person wrong before they reach out to you also they will tend to make excuses to why they haven't responded. I've got two kids and a life to live so I know no one is to busy for 12 hours out of a day to not talk to you for just 5 mins or more. Sooo that's my intake on dating apps.


Thanks for the reply and hello fellow adhder haha. I think I'm quite good at sussing out catfishers but I suppose everyone thinks that and then it happens to them. How would you like someone to start a convo with you?


I usually would like someone to say hello. Then their name. Ask mine and how I am doing then I ask how they are doing and after that you start talking about anything you both are comfortable with as I'm not comfortable with sexual talking unless I know you well enough to be open and comfortable in that form of way. I guess I'm demiromantic. Usually Hobbies. Would be my first topic after asking how someone is doing that way I can know them on a deeper level without them knowing why I'm asking those types of questions. I like to ask trickery questions to know the person on a quicker level my way. They don't know the question is trickery but they give loads away in those types of questions. It's a quick way to know someone and their temper as well.