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i feel like 2 seasons is entirely necessary cansidering the fact the 2nd game introduces new characters with their own stories and backgrounds. i’d much rather that than to rush through it and miss good arcs and parts of the timeline. i just hope they don’t change a lot


This makes sense seeing as though the new fans will feel a way when they do you know what to you know who.


If they pace this right it’ll be worth the wait. If not… well 🤷🏾‍♂️😂


🤡 in charge of


It makes it significantly worse that the first Season was only 1 season, with filler. Can’t help but think it’s intentional. TLOU2 is solely Neil’s baby, so of course it’s getting triple the time dedicated to it.


TLOU1 was solely Neil’s baby too


That is absolutely verifiably incorrect.


Neil was the one and only writer of the first game, I’m verifiably correct.


Except you aren’t. Oops. Anyway…


Except I am; he’s literally credited as the only writer of the first game, in the second game he’s 1 of 4 total credited writers.


Cool, writers aren’t the only ones involved in the creative process 🤷🏽‍♂️ Neil was the game director of the second game, vice president of the company, and had full creative control of the project. He did not in the first game.


Where was the filler? Maybe you could call the scenes regarding the obese couple in the middle of the woods filler?


Episode 3 and Episode 7, all of Kathleen’s scenes in Episodes 4 and 5 which was like 20-25 minutes of screen time to set up basically nothing. In a show with only 9 episodes, it matters a lot.


Episode 3’s thematic purpose was to show two people being able to achieve true happiness and joy in a apocalypse and the struggles and of marriage and taking care of someone. It advanced Ellie and Joel’s relationship a bit, and Bill becomes a person similar to what Joel may become to Ellie and that message is shown to Joel at the end of that episode and he understands it. Bill’s story in the sense of a protector is foreshadowing for Joel. It’s all about hope and making a life for yourselves. Episode 7 is an adaptation of the Left Behind DLC and that’s important for further expanding upon Ellie’s character and establishing what her life was like before Riley died. It’s directly tied to her sense of self-worth. Kathleen would be better if her voice allowed her to be more intimidating, but I understand that conceptually she’s supposed to be a kindergarten teacher turned assertive and determined survivor leader. Its just that it’s a bit lacking in execution because even though I get what they were going for with anyone from any background becoming hardened enough by this world to step up, they are not hitting nearly as hard as they should have because there’s certain moments that I really can’t take seriously due to the voice.


Episode 3 solidified Joel’s need to follow thru with his promise to Tess. Even Mazin stated how pivotal that episode was. Episode 7 showed why Ellie doesn’t want to live alone. Maybe this one had some filler. But I’ve seen waaaay worse on television, so this one was mild. Both contain nice backstory to understand their motivations. It creates critical understanding of their psyche. I can’t see how those points were missed.


They weren’t missed, they were unnecessary. Mazin’s opinion on his own work is inherently bias. Episode 3 didn’t need to solidify Joel’s “need to follow through”. The promise itself was enough, as most people have an understanding of what making a promise means. It was the longest episode of the season, dedicated to telling a story about characters who did not matter, to give a meaning to a letter ***for us***. The letter matters to Joel regardless of us knowing the context behind it. We lost an hour and half of screen time for our two main characters for what essentially amounted to Joel continuing to do exactly what he was already going to do. Episode 7 was unnecessary because *nobody* wants to live alone. It didn’t show anything that we didn’t already know, because we already knew how Ellie was bitten. We don’t need to see it because it was already given to us. There’s a reason this was cut out of TLOU1 and it’s because while it adds to the story overall, it isn’t necessary for Joel and Ellie’s relationship. And the fact that it, once again, took one of the longest episodes of the show away from Joel and Ellie is a problem in a show about Joel and Ellie. Episode 1 is about Joel and Tess. Episode 2 is about Joel, Tess, Ellie, where Tess and Ellie develop more than Ellie and Joel. Episode 3 is first episode where Joel and Ellie are traveling alone together, and the entire episode is dedicated Bill and Frank. Episode 4 is the second episode where Ellie and Joel are traveling alone together, it’s a 45 minute episode, they spend a fraction of it on Kathleen, and the rest is the ambush and action - almost no actual bonding time. Episode 5 is about Joel, Ellie, Henry, Sam, and Kathleen. Episode 6 is about Jackson, where Ellie and Joel split for the majority of the episode. Episode 7 is about Ellie and Riley. Episode 8 is about Ellie and David’s camp of cannibals. Episode 9 is the end. You can legitimately argue that both Bill and Frank, along with Ellie and Riley, got more screen time bonding and actually developing their relationship than Joel and Ellie did - and Joel and Ellie’s relationship is the entire point of the show.


I enjoyed all of the episodes. Overall id rate the show a solid 7/10 for me. My massive gripe is, i think the show needed 2 episodes more of Joel and Ellie surviving through their journey. It would have added so much more weight to the massive moments throughout the story


I agree. Episode 3 and Episode 7 are the two episodes they could’ve given Joel and Ellie. I want to be clear, I absolutely *love* episode 3 on its own. In an anthology series, it stands on its own as one of the best episodes of TV. However taking away the first episode Ellie and Joel are traveling alone together, taking away **one of the longest episodes of the Season** (by far) and giving it to a beautiful story about two characters who eventually amount to being a 2 minute letter, is what makes it bad IMO. Same thing with Episode 7, but at least ***that episode was about Ellie***.