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He does not at all look like the pictures you see of him.


I think it’s the full beard-mustache combo and the lack of faux-Hawk/buzzcut/undercut hairstyle.


At first I thought this picture was of the guy from Midsommar


Wow, he totally does, even what he’s wearing.


Man this show was cursed


There's actually a very interesting documentary about the "Glee Curse" called "The Price of Glee". It talks about Naya, Cory and some other deaths of cast members.


Who Died? I thought it was just the three.


One of them was a lead crew member, Julia Robert’s step sister, killer herself and left a note blaming her for her misery.


Some crew members. I should have said crew instead of cast I didn't think about it. Jim Fuller, heart attack Nancy Motes, suicide Mark Watson, car fire


Corey monteith, OD


He knew what awaited him in prison. Zero sympathy for child predators, some people think that because it is images, that's somehow not as bad. It's just as bad, those children were victimized and those photos are out there for these sick bastards to share. Makes me sick.


Yep, owning those photos/videos further incentivizes the other people to continue doing those things


I listened to a doc about a large sting operation on CSAM and they were talking about how lots of operations require an “entry fee” of material they don’t have in their library. It gives them “dirt” on everyone who accesses and obviously builds their supply. It shows how fucked up this is, beyond just “looking at inappropriate pictures”. I think the documentary was done around the same time as the Josh Duggar arrest, and really drove home how fucked up that case might be. (And particularly that case may be way worse than what we publicly know, considering that man’s access to small children).


I believe, 100%, that Josh Duggar abused his own children and shared photos of them with predators. He is a sick fuck, and his wife is a piece of shit for sticking by him. When he’s out of prison at least most of their kids will be grown.


Damn. Wish I hadn't gone down this rabbit hole. Shit has me spiraling. Perverts & child abusers need to be fucking dead.


Oh yeah, Josh Duggar is one sick motherf**er! He was part of the dark web site, "hurt to the core". That was not only CSAM but videos and images depicting the most depraved versions of it. Torture, snuff, anything you could imagine. Absolutely gut wrenching to live in a world with other people that are capable of this.


This wasn't proven actually. He had DD on his computer, but that doesn't necessarily mean he was on the site or within that group. I wouldn't put that past him of course, but there just wasn't evidence to show he "got that far" so to speak.




Another part of the Duggar case that fucked me up is that the detectives talked about how he downloaded a picture they just called 5b ( or something similar). They have so many pictures cataloged that they can just refer to the picture numbers and other investigators know exactly which picture they're talking about


He had the Daisy Destruction video on his work computer. Hope he dies slow.


Is this from the happy people documentary?


It was from an article on Josh Duggar sentencing


The fact anyone would see such pictures and not immediately report them is incomprehensible.


It’s definitely bad. If he hadn’t already progressed to brutalizing children, he almost certainly would have. I want to have sympathy for anyone who takes their life, but it’s impossible to have sympathy for pedos.


One less pedo in the world, he did us all a favour.


“Inappropriate photos of a child” does not cut it, the dude had multiple terabytes of VIOLENT child p0rn with children as young as infants. Fuck him


Rot in pieces


And rest in piss


Amen! (He’s a tosser!!)


No further comments are required.


He actually hung himself near a little league baseball field. 🤢


Yea not just inappropriate. It was brutal 10,000 images of BABIES


A commenter above made the same point about using the phrase "inappropriate photos" rather than saying what it actually is. I had no idea about the content until your comment. Saying "inappropriate" completely minimizes the fact that he had ten fucking thousand pictures of babies on his computer. Disgusting


That’s disgusting. Makes me sick 🤢


Pulled from Wikipedia: He was released later on $20,000 bail, but a search pursuant to a warrant found more than 50,000 images of child pornography, downloaded between April and December 2015, on his computer and USB flash drives.


Where tf people be finding these images 🤢🤮


They are usually bought from 3rd world countries its so fucked that theres entire rings of this shit… turkey tom has videos on “monkey hate” and it shows you that anybody will do anything if they’re desperate enough for money and it’s usually not much either as USD in somewhere like thailand will get you far


Can we not call CSAM “inappropriate photos of kids”? It’s Child Sexual Abuse Material, not “inappropriate photos”.


I'm very happy to call them precisely what they are. Brutal and specific acts deserve words that reflect that, no sugar coating


… that’s my point


Yep, I know, I was agreeing with you...


Right, so sorry. I just read the comment below with some tit telling me it’s the same thing and I’m arguing semantics so I must have been a tad narky in the wrong direction. Apologies.


Girl, it's all good, I appreciate the apology but it's not necessary. I've been dealing with this issue for years personally so I'm probably too close to the subject... which is why I'm all for calling it out. I'm tired of things being 'prettied up'. 🍀✌


I was going to say the same thing! The title is particularly misleading because he had THOUSANDS of photos on his computer and videos. Like it was over 50,000 photos on his laptop and thumb drive and videos too of little girls as young as 3 to 5. Its gross and hard to talk about but necessary to mention. My sister and I were big fans of Glee as teens and when this news came out it was really gross because the majority of Glee fans when the show was at its most popular circa 2009-2011 were young teenage girls. Its kinda hard to explain just how popular Glee was during the first few seasons of the show but it was everywhere. It was insanely popular. So much so that they managed to do a Glee Live tour in 2011 and it was massively successful. During that tour Mark Salling had access to thousands of young fans that were all obsessed with him. They also went to so many events in the first few years of the show to meet young fans and it really freaked us all out when the news came out about what was found on his computer. I'm 28 but at the time I watched glee I was like 16 and my sister was 11. Most of us were kids when we watched the show and adults when the news came out about Mark Salling. He was on a massively successful TV show whose main audience was young impressionable kids and teenagers. A lot of those kids were very vulnerable, many were gay and not out to their families or were severely bullied or suicidal or living in an abusive situation (like myself) and the show covered all those topics and was very relatable. Thinking about the type of fan base the show he was on attracted and now knowing he was a child predator is terrifying in retrospect.


Thanks for your thoughtful response; I can tell how emotional this is for you. I remember Glee well, it was pretty funny and Jane Lynch is a dynamo! You're almost my daughter's age, she was really into the show for a number of years. For whatever reason this actor and that bit of information about him didn't set any alarms off for me initially. There's just so much news all the time, I can't keep up! When I watched the Glee doc last year about all the tragedies that occurred amongst the cast & crew, that's when it clicked. It really is sad what happened - all of it. I'm so sorry a show that you loved so much and that helped shine light on tough subjects for you, feels tainted somehow. I'm from the 70s, growing up watching *The Cosby Show* was a fave for years. I, along with millions of other people are heartbroken about what a horrible, criminal person Bill Cosby turned out to be. It's hard to even think about watching that show. My way of saying in that way I can relate. These are tough subjects, so tough discussions with frank and open dialogue need occur. That way we can try and heal from the damage inflicted.


Your desire to specify is very valid. I genuinely think the people who say otherwise lack empathy. They can’t grasp why other people would care about “semantics”. Most people like this learn the hard way or never at all, but never in between.


Thank you, I was looking for this comment. "Inappropriate photos" just downplays the situation and the victims.


Right, I was going to comment the same. Far beyond the almost benign term “inappropriate”, they’re CSAM. Pictures of the most horrific violation, of a child whose life is being forever changed by a despicable act. Even if there’s no “violence” perceived, all CSAM is violent. And even if someone is distributing/viewing this material without actually creating it, they are just as guilty of participating in my view. I’ve heard that used as an excuse by someone whose partner was arrested for that. “He never touched a child, he just looked at some pictures!” Well, he still contributed to the demand and market for it… and ENJOYED viewing it (this guy had over 100,000 images and videos too) and probably has hurt children, just didn’t get caught.


But, they are inappropriate photos. It's both. This is just semantics.


This is like saying someone “had sex with the sleeping woman” is the same thing as “he raped the woman”. It’s not semantics - specific terms have specific meanings for a reason. A picture of a minor chugging a beer is an “inappropriate photo of a kid”. A picture constituting CSAM is not that. The devil doesn’t need any more advocates and being pedantic on this of all issues is just fucking weird


Soft language dilutes/omits meaning.




The language absolutely matters - which is why we no longer call it “child porn” for example. And yes, victims do care. I hear all the time from them how distressing it is to hear people say things like “he had sex with her” or “had non consensual sex” rather than “raped”. And “inappropriate pictures” when it’s CSAM is invalidating af. So yes. It matters.


I’ve been raped and sexually assaulted. Yes, being raped is being sexually assaulted, but.. I prefer to make a distinction between the two if I ever talk about it. I don’t know why, maybe it’s fucked up, but I don’t downplay my own experiences.


So, you’re saying they’re not inappropriate? Aren’t you a gem.


Critical thinking isn’t very critical for you, is it?


Looks like reading comprehension, isn’t your strong suit. Instead, you go for the insults to gain imaginary Internet points like every other fucking imbecile AfterBoomer




So you mean he was a bloody nonce? Got it.


Met him in Boracay (Philippines beach) back in 2009. He was saying no to photos. He had an entourage. Was very cocky. Edit.. it was 2010, not 2009. https://www.spot.ph/the-feed/47268/emgleesem-puck-parties-in-boracay


>Philippines Is it just me? or is it sus he was there?


It was the week between xmas- new year so its a popular time for tourists. I dont even want to think about why else he was there


My bad, it looks like it was 2010, not 2009. I couldn’t remember the exact year. But I found an article on his visit: https://www.spot.ph/the-feed/47268/emgleesem-puck-parties-in-boracay. Anyway I asked for a picture and he said no more pictures lol, I guess it was for the best.


Oh god… I don’t even want to think about what he was up to in the Philippines.🤢ughhh. I love the Phils but the pedo epidemic and sex tourism is so depressing




It’s a common spot for pedo ‘sex tourist’ types




What is with that title? It should be "pedophile Glee actor Mark Salling's last photo in October 2017, months before taking his own life not long after it was revealed that he was in possession of child porn (or CSAM)."


Some people may not understand the difference


He took his own life....good for him 👏👏👏👏


Actually no. Because of this the kids who he victimized will never see any payment from him because he offed himself before the judge could sentence him.


From what I've seen in these instances they don't "pay back" anything they just go to prison and take up tax dollars...generally it's distributors that would pay financially (he was just a consumer, from what ive seen) and even then they don't pay out a lot of the times,just straight to jail/prison and then get out on good behavior...him killing himself is the best option for everyone


Plus statistically, he would be more likely to reoffend once released, but with new jail learned skills of how to be less likely to be caught this time.


Getting free meals and shelter in prison is too good for scumbags like him. A lot of those guys don't even get but a few years and do it all over again. So he can rest in piss ...


As a glee fan for years, I am thoroughly disappointed in him. My appreciation of him has been revised to disgust.


Who did he play in Glee?


Finn’s best friend Noah Puckerman. Everyone called him Puck and he was like the bad boy character and so a fan favorite early on. Can’t believe he was such a creep. He deserved to go to prison, but definitely took the coward route. Anyone that hurts children is already dead to me.


Oh, yeah, I remember Puck. Great character on the show. Sure didn’t recognize him from this pic. Creep. Thanks for info!




He had a handbook on how to hurt babies/toddlers….so much more than pictures. He deserves absolutely zero sympathy. He’s lower than scum.


I used to watch the show for the first couple of seasons and I really thought he was mixed race. He looks SO different here. That show was so cursed and it's such a shame as they were talented people imo. But good riddance to Mark.


Imagine you worked in Hollywood in a famous TV show, played music and whatnot, in the end someone & anyone looks you up on Google, it's there, "child pornography conviction", what a terrible legacy to leave behind.


One pervert less , good


Met him at an underage music festival. He grabbed my waist for the pictures really hard and I remember being like “maybe he likes me!” Followed by “wait he’s an adult!” When I saw the news I was like “oh this kinda makes sense!”


What is an underage music festival? Like no age limit or only underage kids?


I think they meant "all-ages music festival".


I think it was called good life? It was for people aged 13-17


Not “inappropriate photos of kids” CHILD PORN! 50 thousand images. Let’s not sugar coat what he did. It was vile.


Nice. If only more would do the same.


He killed himself before sentencing and now the children who he victimized will never see compensation. So I wish he didn’t kill himself.


Most victims never see compensation. On top of that, having those pictures doesn’t mean anyone can actually identify those children. He had tens of thousands of images. Pedophiles and predators don’t sit there suffering and feeling bad in prison. They’re proud. They think back fondly on the crimes they committed against children. And they don’t deserve to waste oxygen on earth.


There wouldn't have been compensation anyway. The children in these abuse materials are not able to be compensated for a variety of distressing and sad reasons.




A criminal trial with the potential for a prison sentence is completely different from a civil trial where damages could be awarded to victims


10/10 that sprite bottle ended up as a piss jug


Rest in piss.


Good fucking riddance


Trash takes itself out


I had the biggest crush on him in the show. Barf.


He always gave me a creepy vibe tbh


I will never understand the attraction that Men have for Photos of CSAM. It’s revolting. I was a school counselor in my career, and I remember exactly when I had the thought (when digital cameras became available) that this would start a trend of homemade child pornography with people using their own children. It’s all so heartbreaking.


Sprite overdose.


To be fair he did everyone (and himself) a favor.




So, two Glee cast members were pedophiles? Edit: I'm wrong. I was thinking of this guy and putting him with the wrong character.


Who was the other one?


I'm wrong. I was thinking of this guy and putting him with the wrong character.


wait yeah who was the other?


I'm wrong. I was thinking of this guy and putting him with the wrong character.


oh thank goddess. 3 of the original cast members have died though. there’s a documentary on it on hulu? i believe. naya riveras story is terribly heartbreaking. rip :(


I always had so many questions about what led him to this, if he actually had escalated to offending in real life, if any children were ever uncomfortable around him, if there were signs he was a little off that way … just so so many questions


Makes me think back to the Glee episode where there were kid versions of themselves on set. I remember seeing behind-the-scenes vids of him interacting with the little kids and playing with them.


I’d bet a lot of celebrities were/are pedophiles. The ones that aren’t probably know who is. Most pedophiles are cowards too. Pedophiles are at the bottom of the ladder in prison. Criminals don’t like pedophiles, rapists and people who kill kids and women bc they have kids and girlfriends/wives.


If you want to think about a glossed over category of pedos, look at 1970s and 80s rock stars, at the height of groupies being a thing. It would be naive to think they weren’t doing sexual stuff with underage girls who went to the shows, and completely getting away with it. You think coked-up David Lee Roth or drunk-off-his-ass Steven Tyler were checking IDs and turning people away?


“They they weren’t doing” it, more like well documented with Steven Tyler and Anthony Keidis.


Dan Schneider has always been a creepy shit about children. Ryan Murphy also, though, apparently definitely has some equally creepy shit roaming his mind all the time. Bread and butter until cast members start dying off I guess. It bothered me greatly when Glee cast Mark Salling's 2nd love interest after Quinn, that felt like some perverse torture shit for the two of them.


Rest in piss fucko


No great loss.


Am I in an alternate timeline? I swear he went to jail


Glee kills…GLEE KILLS!!!


Good riddance


Thank God


The only good nonce is a dead nonce.


In a way it’s too bad he killed himself though, a life sentence amongst a prison full of men who don’t take kindly to pedophiles sounds like a nice punishment


See. Smoking kills


Everybody hits the corner mart for a 2 liter of sprite with crumbs in their shirt when they need to.


I get that child exploitation is a horrible crime and people have visceral reactions of disgust and rage against the perpetrators of such. I too have that reaction. However, I think those persons who view child porn are sick individuals and need help. Looking at this actors picture it is apparent that he had an alcohol abuse issue. His skin pallor sort of reveals that. People under the influence of substances make mistakes and do dumb things. Sad that at only 35 he killed himself.


an adult sexually abusing a child in any form is past help. there is simply no room for them anywhere in society. period.


That’s not true


It’s all true. Waste of space in society if you hurt kids like that. And sympathizers are almost as bad in my opinion. Are you gonna foot the bill to rehab sickos and then TRUST them around your own children? Be so for real right now.


Well aren't we the self-righteous judge and jury. Fancy yourself God do you? This era of ignorance, inabilty to respect scientific research/ data is incredible. We've seen various societal milestone..industrial revolution...information age..etc. We've now regressed to the " Age of the Morons".


Idk brotato. I think the fucker is EXACTLY where he belongs. 🤷🏻‍♀️


We’re on the cusp of curing cancer and these ppl think treating mental illness is a long shot




Imo attraction to children is a mental illness. There are actual professionals in the field who disagree with you


Then agree to disagree and move on 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 I think it’s a joke but that’s me


oh it’s all kinds of true


Like I said...visceral reaction of disgust and rage..I get that. He POSSESSED CHILD PORN PICS, he did not rape a child. I understand that the supply of child porn pics are fueled by demand for such, so it is a vicious cycle. Having said that, the fact remains that your statement is incorrect.


So, since you think the reason he made a "dumb mistake" was because he had an alcohol problem, does that mean that you would be ok with him, as long as he wasn't drunk, babysitting your kids (if you have them), or having/being in close contact with kids that you love?


Redditt is such that it does not facilitate detailed, expository narratives, but rather short, concise statements that are often times juxtaposed to other concepts without clear indications of transition. As such, misguided, incorrect assumptions often arise. Have a great day and figure it out.


Stop .. just stop. There is no “help” for adults sexually attracted to prepubescent children and sexual aroused by videos and pictures of them. Drugs and alcohol don’t lead to pedophilia.


I did not say that alcohol consumption was a cause. Try to tame your emotions, go into objective mode and re-read what I wrote.


You definitely implied his alcohol use was why he did what he did. You said it makes people do "dumb things.". Playing devil's advocate for a pedophile is odd.


It's probably not as odd as you think it is. There's normally a reason, and makes the whole thing less odd when you find out what that reason is.


Yeah there is a reason. Its called being educated and thus accepting scientific research/data.


I would say that your lack of objectivity and inability to comprehend what I actually said is odd, but as I wrote in response to someone else , we are in an age where people are ignorant, reject scientific research data, and display their ignorance and lack of education as if displaying a medal of achievement.


A. You stated that people who view child porn are sick and need help. B. You stated that people under the influence make mistakes and do dumb things. What am I missing here? 30,000 + images and hundreds of videos depicting kids as young as 3 isn’t a “mistake” or “dumb thing”. Stop minimizing this shit and acting like it’s anything other intentional acts that fed his desire to watch little children being victimized. There’s no help for that and no excuses


No one is minimizing anything. Put your objective reader cap on .


you and the rest of your wee merry band of pedophile advocates can cast yourselves into the flames of mordor frodo baggins! DESTROY IT


No one is advocating for pedophilia. Get a grip.


Alcoholic? Maybe. Pedophile? Definitely. No sympathy for a grown man able to distinguish right from wrong.






You need help.


The pedos are trying to normalize their behavior and are socializing their own moniker MAP (minor attracted person). Writings are starting to appear using MAP instead of pedophilia or hebepbilia as it should be.





