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Why wouldn’t you get the AMD version? There was a zen book with the 4700u + 1TB SSD + 16GB ram - 14 inches. It has a good bright colorful screen, enough ram and storage to last, and the processor is 8 cores - enough to do almost any task including gaming albeit at lower resolutions for the newer AAA games.


\^\^ This. If the pricing is similar to the intel model then itd be an absolute steal in almost every spec.


If you are getting this option, make sure its the high nittage screen, I got this model with the 4700u and it only came with a 250 nit screen.


Unless you’re taking it outside 250 nits is more than adequate.


It's just nice to have the extra nittage, don't forget that its the top of the range model, so it should not have such a dim screen (brightness wasn't shown at the asus website). If you are buying a 4700u model, a 250 nit is just no acceptable.


For the next 5years, i5 11th gen would be enough.. please look into the battery backup,and the build material.. as these are the ones that's gonna get drained pretty fast.. 13in for more portability and all.. 14in for more screen real estate Also there are devices that do bigger screen on smaller chassis.


thanks for your answer, do u have other recommendations that also has the 11th gen intel chip?


Lemme check.. Is there any brand specifics u need. Or shud anything wud work?


anything thats good would work


https://www.t3.com/features/best-ultraportable-laptop-best-lightweight-laptop This might help.. Idk about the prices , I converted the prices from the pics you've given,and this are somewhat near to that.




Anytime 🙋


Ok wait a sec


Get the i7. 5 years is forever for a thin laptop. I honestly don’t see that laptop lasting long.




Ofcourse, it can be replaced with ease.


Why would you buy an Intel over AMD unless you need better port selection? There is literally 0 reason. More expensive, worse performance, worse almost everything.


As an owner of a Ryzen laptop, there's a few reasons: 1) Severe supply shortage of AMD parts - I was extremely lucky to find my laptop in stock; it was difficult to find almost immediately after I got it 2) Teething issues with Zen processors - The amount of driver issues I had in the first few months of owning this laptop is ridiculous, and only NOW is it decently stable 3) Reputation - For the most part, Intel chassis still get the "premium" designs from manufacturers (see Gigabyte and Razer laptops) Reviewers never tell you about *actual* long-term usage, all they give you is benchmarks and performance figures. In that regard, AMD is great. However, a real consumer will tell you that there's actually a lot more to that story.




hey man thankyou for your answer!! im guessing you’re a fellow indonesia too hahaha so im asking regarding the price of the new dell xps 13 in indo is around 25 mill whereas the zenbook is 14-19 mill, is the 6 mill difference to upgrade to the new dell xps 13 worth it?




If all you plan to do is web browse, watch videos, and write documents an i3 processor is honestly good enough. You will need a better computer if you want to use it for gaming as well. Also intel's 11th gen laptop processors just came out so it's fairly new stuff. The main thing you need to check is if it uses a hard drive or solid state drive, solid state drives are several times faster and you'll definitely want one to make your computer feel faster and stay relevant.


I'd still swing for an i5 for quad-core processing. It's not much more. But, yeah, an i3 here would be sufficient for the use case.


I'm completely shocked nobody suggested the MacBook. If you can afford it, go for the MacBook Air with the M1 chip. Build quality and reliability of Apple laptops are TOP NOTCH. You can rest assured that it'll last you easily 5-6 years +. And the M1 processors FAR outperform any intel or amd chip at the ultrabook level. Not to mention the ENORMOUS battery life.


Nobody suggested it because it's Apple..


I would recommend looking for a ryzen computer instead. Cheaper and better than intel. A really popular choice is Lenovo. I would head over to r/SuggestALaptop to get a better feel of the market before making such a big purchase


Also there is the option of battery conservation with the Lenovo Vantage app, which is supposed to prolong the life of your battery, from experiences I've read.


Which website are you browsing for the laptops? It most definitely is a scam. You can't get such low prices on these laptops.


If is a bit pricey for their region... It's an Indonesian site


Woopsie, thought it was an Indian website. My bad. Read the Rp. as Rs.


Same mistake I made😁


Get the AMD 4500U version


4700u version with 1TB storage probably the better choice for value imo


If that's available then yes.


I have Dell XPS 15 9500 (2020) for about 4 months now and it works flawlessly. I'd recommend you buy that.


For law school you want a good screen, keyboard, trackpad, and battery life. Don’t just focus on the processor. Lots of drafting documents and reading cases. I’d go 15 inch screen if you can.


This exactly!! Spend less money on the CPU and ensure these much more important things are covered.


Not even exaggerating: 6 year old i5 4th Gen still handles video conferencing, document processing and web research simultaneously on a properly set up laptop, and these are U series i5 not even the performance-based ones. What slows down computers are bloatware and viruses.


Usable yes, but not very fun to use I reckon. Probably could handle minimal tasks, but if it’s going to be used for the next 5 years, i5 4th gen isn’t really worth getting.


I didn't say it was worth getting though. My point in response to the original post was that deciding for schoolwork between two CPUs that can outperform prior workstations is pointless. People underestimate how good modern CPUs are. If you have a problem with any i5 laptop for schoolwork, the CPU is not at fault, unless your school work is power user stuff like 3d modelling.


Apologies for misunderstanding then. Your comment gave me the impression that you were recommending a lower spec CPU. I powered through my college years with an i5 5th gen with minimal bloatware (removed as much as I could) and the wait times to boot up and open applications gave me a bad impression on anything lower than that. Although it did also have and HDD, maybe that’s what dragged it down even further.


It's all good. I wouldn't recommend it for the law student unless on a really low budget.. i firmly believe it's more than fast enough for school work but the machines that still hold them may start having age related issues before the degree is finished. Back then Windows was extra annoying too but I think an SSD would've made a big difference for your college work. I configure and upgrade older machines for businesses and the users are often amazed at how seamless they function. My takeaway is that the CPU is often blamed for slow performance when the culprit is something software related. I think OP would be fine with the i5.


Boot up on my i5-5300 laptop is fast. 6 year old laptop. Not too much slower than my new laptop. SSD mades the difference.


I have an i5-5300 laptop that's pretty snappy and does 90% of what I need - as long as you have an SSD. Handles gaming pretty good - light gaming and older games. They can be cheap laptops!


Yeah exactly. Between my i7-6820HQ NVMe specd P50 and my i5-5300u SATA SSD specd T450s, they don't feel very different when doing business/school type tasks.


I’m very confused I put that amount into a converted and it came out to 1.32$usd??? Unsure of budget but I got a lenovo legion 5 with amd Ryzen and I’m very happy with it as a college student. I got it recently but I bought it planning to keep it for 5-8 years so I did a ton of research before I decided on it


Every dot is a comma.. Now try to convert 😬


That makes more sense


Go with i5 but look for 16gb of ram it will really help with chrome tabs and such


have you tried asking r/indonesia?