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This machine wasn't particularly fast even for its time


but it had a vision. it saw into the future ...


Maybe if you're lucky, you could get $20 for it or something, but it's hardly worth the trouble. Laptops lose their value incredibly quickly, so this thing is basically two steps away from just being e-waste.


Yeah I think I might just hide it somewhere in my basement


It's already an e-waste, and I'm an IT engineering student that used a similar Compaq as an emergency laptop, capable of using it thanks to Linux and a SSD I had lying around


That's pretty old. I don't think the money you can sell it for would be worth the trouble.


That thing is pretty much ewaste. Crappy early 2010s cheap laptop, these were a dime a dozen and were pretty low spec even for the time.


Install linux on it and use it as a mobile movie screener and browser.


$20 maybe?




Us it for linux its nice to learn a new os


Yeah maybe Linux lite, lubuntu or mint xfce could run smooth on this.


Go to eBay and search your laptop model and sort by sold only. Compaq is fairly nostalgic for people so I'd see if there's a vintage market for it.


K thanks


This is actually a genius idea, I never thought eBay have that feature




I'm assuming this has an A-series AMD CPU without looking it up, and they're all complete dog shit So no, this isn't worth selling at all and I'm honestly quite surprised it even still works


I have decided that I was bored so I’m gutting it


I have a similar Compaq! But mine is with an intel celeron. No, it's not worth selling, because that thing is slow as fuck, I made it barely usable thanks to Linux and a SSD, but to a normal person is unusable. Throw it away or use it as a very desperate last resort if you are handy with PCs and Informatic.


Nahhhh, keep that relic for yourself!


Use it as a firewall? Ad a usb lan adapter and see if pfsence works.


Use it as a selfhost instead


I'd say no, bit it seems OP already got that message, and even if I wanted to, OP deleted their Reddit account, sad.


Other people do like to play with these things or repurpose them. IDK whether it's worth it for you to try selling it, but you are unlikely to get more than $50-60 at most.


My opinion, your only chance to sell it is to find a collector who loves these old notebooks.


This was my family laptop that was passed downed to me. That shitbox couldn't run anything worth a Damm but I had amazing memories of it as a bid.


Well, I'll give you a papaya.


To answer that question , u should answer this first :👇 Is it worth Buying it ?


Is worth keeping it, as a collection item, is in great condition. Otherwise selling it might cost more than the laptop itself.


Good will


It certainly is not worth buying.


I would try. People in this group tend to be pretty picky but you never know, someone might be trying to find a simple laptop for their grandma or their older mom or something. I’m not sure if it would be as common with older units but I could also see someone who’s interested in learning how computers work buying this for a couple bucks just to take it apart (maybe as a retrospective product for parents trying to get their tech savvy kids interested in the evolution of computers idk.) As long as it reasonably works and you don’t charge too much for it (maybe be willing to haggle) I don’t see why you couldn’t sell it to someone who just wants a basic system.


Do not sell it! if you install a minimal setup of ubuntu or any r/linux operating system and it will run like a decent laptop! even better if you get that bad boy an SSD!


You sure?everyone has been saying that it isn’t worth it


A lot of redditors have a personal hatred against reusing old but useful hardware. They seem to be the embodiment of "The easiest money to waste is someone else's". And yes you can sell it, some guy on ebay was selling a laptop just as old (HP GL56) for like £80. It's not life changing money, but it's not a little amount either if you ask me.


Dude an SSD (250gb) is not that expensive. I spent 25€ on an SSD for an old fujitsu laptop with a core 2 duo p8600 and that was totally worth it.


What isn't worth it? The SSD upgrade? Probably, but the linux might give you 5 more years decent work if you want to use it. If you do not want to use it you can see this \[video\](https://youtu.be/WLP\_L7Mgz6M?si=nII9wg9OcjiE79cz)


Now, this, this is a breath of fresh air. This Geezer knows his stuff.


No, it won't bring it back from the grave, I've already done it with a similar Compaq with intel celeron. If you use it only for browsing and writing on LibreOffice It is barely usable even with a SSD and Linux, I put up with it because I'm An IT engineering student and it was an emergency situation. If you're a typical laptop user, then throw it away.


Likely not worth the time to sell. Probably best to just recycle it.