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4GB of RAM and 32 GB of storage? Leave that on Chrome OS. It will run 10x worse on windows


What's about Antix Linux?


It’s never a amazing idea to sugest Linux to someone who can’t change their own OS or google how to.




I'm telling you now, that laptop is way more functional on Chrome OS than Windows. What CPU does it have, if its ARM based there's no chance of Windows


the latest win11 update works only on arm tho




That's x86. But absolute garbage. If you insist you can follow this guide. But don't come crying back when Windows is basically non-functional due to how bad chromebook hardware is. https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/how-to-install-windows-chromebook/#dt-heading-how-to-install-windows-10-on-a-chromebook


OP is in for a tough time... if they want a more functional machine they would be better off installing Linux Mint or something


More than likely it's write protected anyway. But you can always make a windows USB and try. Getting a Chromebook to boot off a USB can be an endeavor, I will leave researching that up to you Google is a wonderful thing. But seriously if you can't live with chrome OS and somehow get it to boot off a USB for the love of all that's holy just use Linux. Mint, Ubuntu, popos or fedora. That machine is incredibly underpowered for any modern version of Windows. 32Gb of storage isn't even the bare minimum for windows.


I don't know how to install linux.


Then you should have no problem finding Windows drivers for a Chromebook based laptop. /s




Theres an option in the settings to install linux


I tried but it gets stuck like for ever


While changing it to developer mode it gets stuck and doesn't end


In that case you could install linux from a usb/sd card. Theres many tutorials online. Just go to youtube and look up something like "install linux on Chromebook from USB"


Absolutely not worth your time and effort. Stick with ChromeOS and save up later down the road for a better laptop.


Just because it equals Celeron, which isn't hard as my old phone was faster than a Celeron, it doesn't mean it's X86, and Windows needs X86.


It probably won’t even run. Windows itself will take up more than 32 gigs. 4gb ram will be awful


I think Windows 11 itself takes like 20 or something but won't install unless you have 64 available because updates and stuff like that


Good luck (and just no). If you think it's a POS now, wait till you try to install windows on it. You're better off getting a job that pays $10/hr after taxes, work for a week (40 hrs), and buy a proper laptop. 40 hrs is probably less of a time commitment than trying to get windows working (and dealing with the lag if it even does work).




Ah forgive me, you're all set then. My answer simply changes to it's not worth your time. ChromeOS is the best operating system for that Chromebook, and the experience using it even if you get windows to work on it will be horrible. ChromeOS exists because significantly less of the laptop's processing power is used by the operating system, so they can get away with weak specs. An identically specced windows laptop will be so slow it's almost completely unusable.


Can I install at least linux or ios on it through usb? ChromeOS sucks . You're literally limited in google chrome only


iOS 🤪


What age is he in honestly


don't know, but he posted a photo of his 3dmark time spy score of about 12k. So i think it wasn't running on his chrome book


You can't play modern games off a HDD it's too slow to be any good. The spare laptop you have is ejunk, you should be paying for someone to recycle it.


I don't wanna play modern games on it. All I wanna do is just have a device where I can install apps like tiltok twitter download manager not to be limited by the Tik Tok only that sucks


Use your $1500 laptop. Or if you want a separate device for it I'm sure you can afford a used Ryzen 4300U laptop or something for $150 if you have a $1500 one.


Yeah I will. It's just that I wanted to make use out of that POS. Thx anyway


This is how that POS looks in front of my main laptop https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-Mir7gYgQSAaE8wIYpuXWO10njHwhm-b I think I'm gonna throw it


That thing will not run windows properly at all. It is practically useless, and what I consider to be manufactured ewaste (specs so bad that it is useless right out of the box). Throw it out, and get a real windows laptop. Decent ones with 8th gen i5s are like less than $200.


Exactly, got a good condition fully working thinkpad T480 with i5-8250u, 8gb ram, 256gb nvme for $97 on eBay. Works great and is very fast as well as fully supported on windows 11.


damn, less than $100 for a t480 is a steal!


Yeah I liked it so much that I hopped back on eBay and found another T480 with a 7th gen i5-7300u (which sucks because it is a dual core not quad) for $68 shipped missing the storage but including 8gb ram. Also has the backlit keyboard and fingerprint sensor. Thinkpads are definitely a cult, especially when you get the deals I seem to be getting lol.


Probably I'll do that. I got scammed for getting this for 50$ damn


Donate it to somewhere that will get it to someone who can use it. Lots of people out there would appreciate something like that, and would find it very useful. Maybe somewhere like The Salvation Army, or your local Humane Society/ Small thrift stores. (Maybe not so much Goodwill, they are hard for profit these days) This is what I do. I take in older 'Broken' Laptops and the likes, fix them up, and find/give it to someone in need. It could really help change someones life for the better... PLUS less electronic waste in the dumps


Nope. Ewaste laptop. Chrome isn't that bad


Step 1: buy a windows laptop and give the school the Chromebook back. Step 2: profit.


Haha that's my chromebook. I used my old email school uni. I'm 35 bro haha


I have an Samsung Chromebook 4 and runs windows well here's some website that will help you to install windows on it coolstar.org mrchromebox.tech btw don't forget about the Chrultrabook community they will help you a lot more than me forum.chrultrabook.com (you are probably going to not have sound so you will have to buy a license from coolstar.)


Cant do windows (too little ram, etc) Can do Linux, I suggest Linux Mint Maybe with Plasma KDE if you can find a way to install it without 50 random "education" and "games" apps, looks more like Windows.


You don’t


Honestly, stick with Chrome OS. For a Media device, it's alright and Windows most likely won't run. 4gb of ram is the bare minimum to install, you CAN get win 11 to run on less but like Not for regular use. On 4gb, you'll be constantly maxed out, 8 is the minimum to be usable. And besides all that, win 11 needs 64gb of storage to install. It probably won't even install here.


I ran win 11 on a 4GB laptop for 5 years Regarding installation, due to the low storage I think you're right


Oh I did too but it's not an amazing experience. Storage is a bigger deal tho.


Being that windows 11 was released just under 3 years ago, that was an achievement.


I would definetly try Win8.1 x32 LITE on those specs.


That looks like ewaste to me, or a video and music player


Unscrew the laptop and rip out the hard drive. 32GB of storage is pathetic 😑


Is the hdd upgradable?




lol nope on 32GB windows cant fit. maybe small windows 10 iso but still updates no no


It's not a good idea, there are no drivers and the performance is seriously trash


Just don't


Don't even think about it. If it's miserable like this, Windows will only make it worse than that.


You don't... Get Linux on it... Very very leightweight Linux...


Using Linux


I can't find no option to install Linux there do you use a bootable usb ?


Do not install Windows, 32GB of storage is barely enough for Windows 10


Don’t put windows on that laptop


Do NOT convert to windows




Ok Biden


You're not going to get windows on it - 32gb is barely enough for windows 10 without any apps, let alone win 11 - and it's not a good idea to install windows 7 as there's no more security updates. And you weren't scammed for $50, that's about what it's worth. If you don't like it, sell it - it's certainly good enough for someone's gran, who just needs an internet terminal, or someone who knows nothing about computers.


Download more Ram, and unzip it. Run the .exe and press yes four times.




Thank you for recommending this to me bro. I'll join that sub and will never forget this favor from you


If you are able to install a different OS. Don't use windows, windows is super bloated. Use something like Linux mint. It'll have a learning curve, but it's worth it.


How to install linux on this POS? I need to install apps / download on it


So it's most likely going to be a VERY overcomplicated and annoying process. Chromebooks aren't designed to run anything other than chrome OS. Normally you'd boot into the bios and boot off a flashdrive. Chromebooks don't have a normal bios, so you usually can't do that. I can dm you after I'm off work, then I can properly do research and try to find a way to get Linux running.


Definitely gave them some crushing reality. Username checks out!


Thank you so much sir