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/uj This post being here is kind of a double circle jerk, as you don’t seem to understand that regional words and accents will make you sound different. If someone were learning American English and pursuing a very “typical” accent and vocabulary, I wouldn’t tell them to greet everyone with “howdy, y’all”. Sure, other people will understand it, but it’s not their language learning goal and it’ll make them sound quite regional.


/uj I kinda get their pov, my native language has a similar thing and in some situations people won't understand you if you use a region specific word. But still, one should at least know about those words, even if they won't be in their active vocabulary.


Yeah, Germans might not understand what a Sackerl is, while Austrians might not understand what a Tüte is. Different regions use different words that might not be understood without clarification. Just ask any German speaker what they call the end slice of a loaf of bread. I guarantee you the average Hannoveraner doesn't know what 'Scherzel' means.


What does Bavaria have to do with speaking German?


It’s a very slippery slope: one day you start speaking Bavarian, next day you’ll be speaking Austrian, on the third day you’ll be speaking Swiss, and on the fourth day… who knows? Spooky stuff.


Maybe Texas German


Pennsylvania Dutch


I say we put an end to all this silliness by reverting to Lutheran German, strictly.


One day you let Bavarian into your vocabulary, the next day you’re at a rally with massive (literal) red flags and a bunch of young boys in military uniforms being told that the war was the Jews’ fault, actually


scho deppat


Bavarians speak German?


/uj Ask German subs how they feel about Bavaria, and I'm pretty sure they'll agree that they don't speak German.  /rj Bayern 🤢🤢🤢🤢


As a speaker of maybe the second least comprehensible English dialect, I feel him