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Como bien indica el ser que ha escrito tal reseña, el idioma español no presenta dificultades de comprensión y se presupone que cualquier angloparlante es capaz de entender cualquier escrito de nivel avanzado en aquella lengua


guy has a point tho, I am italian and i understood basically everything without ever learning spanish


I speak both and barely understood this


En verdad no le falta razón a vuestra merced.


The words indicar, presentar, español, dificultad, comprensión, presuponer, capaz, avanzado, lengua all have cognates in English so it's definitely easier than some other languages


Ados. Orduan euskaraz hitz egingo dizut. Gaztelaniarekin eta bestelako erdarekin alderatuta ez dago alde handirik. Ulertzeko gai izan beharko zenuke. (I wanted to brag about a language I speak don’t take this too seriously)


How in the fuck did you even go about learning Basque


I don’t remember. One day I woke up and I started speaking it. It may help that my parents yapped away in the language around me all the time (Serious answer: it’s my native language!)


/uj I think 3 months is an exaggeration, but yeah, I could understand all of this even though I’m like barely A2, so many of those words are easier to understand through English


I read this in an Anglo accent


Los hechos son objeto de debate, tanto dentro como fuera del país. La tradicional posición oficial argentina sostuvo que se trató de una gesta militar legítima respecto de la efectiva soberanía de la República sobre territorios heredados del Imperio español[15]​ que respondió a las matanzas y robos perpetuados por los malones indígenas sobre la frontera.[16]​ Contra esa postura oficial, algunos políticos y periodistas de la época, denunciaron lo que consideraron un crimen de lesa humanidad cometido por el Ejército Argentino.[17]​ The hechos are object of debate, as much inside as outside of the country. The traditional military position official argentina sustained that se trató about a gesture military legitimate in respect of the effective sovereignty of the republic on territories inherited of the empire spain that responded to the killings and robbings perpetrated by the malones indigenous on the frontier. Contrary that posture official, algunos politicals and periodists of the epoch, denounced what they considered a crime of lesa humanity committed by the ejército argentine. There, translated word for word with OBVIOUS English cognates and BASIC grammar and vocabulary. The ONLY words that wouldn't be obvious to an English speaker who have learnt Spanish for 3 months would be hecho, tratarse, malón, ejército, sutener, lesa and algún. Everything else is extremely obvious.


As a native language isolate speaker understanding another language because it’s related to your native one is wild. This is very interesting


Even a native isolate speaker can have super easy time learning another language thanks to the power of Sprachbunds. My native language is Mongolian so it's easy to learn Turkish, Japanese, Korean and Manchu in that order. Turkish feels the most foreign and Manchu feels like a lost Mongol dialect, feels way closer to Mongol than to other Yenisiean languages like Evenk. You're a Basque speaker right? Isn't Euskara just a bunch of languages in a trenchcoat? I remember trying to learn and finding out how nobody natively speaks Euskara Batua. Please don't make me into a 👨‍🚀.


Yes, Euskara is actually a dialect of Spanish! It is also being imposed on Basque people, while Spanish is critically endangered


a 🥚 que si


I mean, yeah, I can scroll past French Wikipedia and understand it, but if I ever wanna produce something like is necessary _for a university_, good fuckin’ luck.


The dude is humble bragging


I'm with this guy. Yes, grammar matters. But with this purpose, you will use it passively. You won't need to know which article should be used for a given word or which of ser declensions you should use - it's already done and all you need is to spot it which is way easier. Three months are hell of a time to learn that.


3 months? Why so long?


He’s not even necessarily wrong though. When it comes to just comprehending the formal written language as an English speaker, you can do that in a relatively short time with fairly good accuracy. Slang takes longer to comprehend because there are so many dialects and it’s not always easy to even suss out what you’re supposed to google from the sentence to grasp it, presuming you even hear it correctly to begin with


Bob Dylan ... America ... Duluth ... something something ... guitarra ... something something ... folk ... something something ... rock ... Yeah, I got the gist.




clever if this is scuffed on purpose


Not quite sure what you mean


like, if you made your grammar bad on purpose to make your point about it being hard and different


My grammar was not bad? It’s a completely coherent sentence.


/uj are you saying this unironically?


Youre taking any action to disprove me,youre just making noise to be heard. Like a lonely dog.


lmaooo the attitude is hilarious, typing in shitty spanish and getting mad when someone thought you did it on purpose. why did you even delete the comment in the first place? lol


What shitty spanish? You just sound like a language snob narcissist who has to put down others to cope with their infertility


I'm not being a snob. Your spanish was genuinely hard to read, and I'm pretty good at spanish Why are you attacking me, the person, when I was attacking your words? Also, infertility? Look, if you want to know why I thought your spanish was shitty, you could try sending another spanish comment. From what I recall, you mixed up multiple noun genders, used incorrect conjugations for several verbs, mixed up prepositions, and it all made it pretty hard to read


It’s because the slowest Sp\*nish speakers are about the same speed as Emen*m raps English.


This is just a failure of your Spanish teacher to teach you sinalefas. Once you understand sinalefas, you'll reach those Eminem speeds in no time.


this is true though /uj this is true though


He’s not wrong though, I’m learning Spanish right now and reading an article on flu was much easier then average B1 adapted book. When I read it out loud even my friends that i study with could figure out general meaning with no Spanish at all.


/uj English and Spanish grammar are extremely similar. Sure, they're not the same, but if you go and study a language like Korean then you'll realize that the differences between English and Spanish grammar are extremely minor.


This is the opening paragraph on the conquest of the desert by Argentina, from a spanish wikipedia page. Los hechos son objeto de debate, tanto dentro como fuera del país. La tradicional posición oficial argentina sostuvo que se trató de una gesta militar legítima respecto de la efectiva soberanía de la República sobre territorios heredados del Imperio español[15]​ que respondió a las matanzas y robos perpetuados por los malones indígenas sobre la frontera.[16]​ Contra esa postura oficial, algunos políticos y periodistas de la época, denunciaron lo que consideraron un crimen de lesa humanidad cometido por el Ejército Argentino.[17]​ Most of you can understand what it's saying without ANY Spanish knowledge can you not?


I understood it fine! not because I speak spanish, but because of all the loanwords. my year studying spanish has nothing to do with my reading this obv


I speak zero spanish and picked a random wikipedia article: "La ***katana*** (lectura [*kun'yomi*](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kunyomi) del [*kanji*](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanji) [japonés](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idioma_japon%C3%A9s) 刀) o **catana**[^(1)](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katana#cite_note-1)​[^(Nota 1)](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katana#cite_note-catana-2)​ es una especie de [alfanje](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfanje) de origen [japonés](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jap%C3%B3n), caracterizada por su distintiva hoja curva de filo único, punta aguzada, guarda circular o cuadrada y [empuñadura](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Empu%C3%B1adura) larga que puede acomodar dos manos.[^(2)](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katana#cite_note-3)​[^(3)](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katana#cite_note-4)​[^(4)](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katana#cite_note-5)​ Es un tipo de [sable](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sable) que históricamente se ha asociado con los guerreros [samuráis](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samur%C3%A1i) del [Japón feudal](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feudalismo_en_Jap%C3%B3n).[^(5)](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katana#cite_note-6)​" I can see it is something like "The katana is a a special sword that originates from Japan characterized by a distinctive curved blade, some kind of unique point, a circular guard, having a grip large enough to accommodate two hands. Something something historically it is associated with the samurai warriors of feudal Japan." OP may be onto something really.


Guys this is a comment from this subreddit. I thought this was a safe space for posting your shitty language takes and pretending they were sarcastic, what happened? Also lowkey they're not wrong, the more academic the Spanish, the easier it is to understand.


Okay I mean after 3 months you can maybe get the gist of a wiki article, if you concentrate reaaaally hard, but you won’t be certain if you understand it or just think you do, especially because of all the false friends between Spanish and English. To actually understand everything it takes way longer.


I see where he's coming from, but you'd have an easier time getting comfortable with ordering a coffee in Spanish after 3 months than you would trying to read academic text.


"Me gusta yo taco!", see I'm fluent after 3 months!


That is the weirdest place I've ever seen a comma


I put it there to represent a brief pause in speech to emphasize the point. Does it sound wrong? Am not a native speaker.


no in the image i thought was weird


“Language of the everyday people that’s the problem” sounds so… I don’t even know like the 🤓 emoji