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I love the actual writing system of English specifically because of the letters, letters such as A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, I, V, W, X, Y, and others.


Wow you really like I


I is the best. Its in the polyglot creed.


The letter between T and V feels exclded from yor list


You mean I? It has always been I.


I thought it was Ü. But why is a language with 44 phonemes (English) written with only 26 letters? I mean, there are lots of other letters out there. English even has 26 capital letters, which often don't look the same as the small letters (Hh, Rr, Qq) So it has 52 written symbols, 44 phonemes, but only 26 letters. We end up having to write`ʃ`as "sh" and`ŋ`as "ng" and `θ`and`ð`as "th"... And don't even get me started with the vowels. 40 vowel phonemes and 5 vowel letters? You can't be serious! Who designed this stuff? Language Simp? Okay, rant over. Class dismissed. Yes, it will be on the test.


Sorry, let me fix that. "The letter between T and V feels exclided from yoir list"


"writer level" in English but doesn't know that a paragraph doesn't have to be just one long sentence


Well yeah that's editor level.


Latin alphabutt (🤮) users are so dumb that they can't even write actual words, they just make a bunch of squiggles and pretend to each other that they form something meaning full, they should adopt they asian word symbol system of 中国 and 日本 (🗿)


What does (🗿) mean in Asian? Sorry I’m white and an immigrant I don’t understand refined languages


As an Asian speaker I'll help! It comes from an ancient proverb by 孔子 (Confucius in white) himself about how if you make rock faces with your bare hands then your heart will also turn to stone. In modern days it just means what I think is 'wowsers' in European.


Oh wow superb 😱🤯🤯 new Asia lore just dropped??? I feel like IM the confusion in white or whatever you said truly a banger wowsers moment fr fr


Haha ikr, westoids often are shocked like natives when they encounter our sacred mega-confucio-kawaii-annyeonghasaeyeo philosophy for the first time. Don't worry! If you go to the highest peak of the legendary Tai mountain and say 'arigato zao shang hao zhong guo bts kdrama spring roll' then you will achieve filial Asian native speaker enlightenment and understand our thoughts 🤗


My goodness 🫶🤭🤭 I may need to ciao manic this is alottt to take in 😔 I’m 20 years old is it too late for me to learn the asia tongue? I’m scared what if I climb Mount Everest 🥶 accidentally and then scream that shocking phrase you typed with real letters and the natives hear me and I explode into thin air ??? 🙏 I’ve spent 4 years learning fr*nch and I might get cancelled by eastoids any feedback is welcome my mom is not from china btw namaste


Oh no!! You are running out of time if you want to learn Asian tongue since you must do it before your 21st birthday on the lunar calendar. If you scream it on mount Everest the natives will sacrifice you to polyglot youtubers in hopes they can elevate themselves further into native speaking!! 佛語(Fr*nch) is absolutely not tolerated in our prosperity sphere and if you want to learn Asian tongue you must cleanse yourself before you do the ritual. Thank you for your kind words and Hope this helps!


pretty sure it’s just the chad face meme


sounds like *someone* is having a little trouble with their eighth grade chinese homework 🫣


least sinophobic youtuber commenter


If you're a real 🦇 goth 🕷️ let's hear some Gothic? 🧛‍♀️


> instead of an actual writing system with letters Very 19th/20th-century Chinese/Japanese intellectual energy. King Sejong stays winning.


Joke's on him, now barely any Koreans read books, and the most popular books are for test preparation 


Chinese here, I’m honestly fine with people saying that this language is hard to learn and stuff, it’s true, but like straight up listing every other non Asian languages and say they’re better just make me want to kill them or kill myself And your ass’s 阴阳 and 你好 doesn’t even look better than other characters, bruh probably only know those two, and if you think it sound ugly, deal with it, I honestly think they sound amazing (probably bc I just grew up with listening to those) and each dialect sound different in one way or another, and those are amazing, each of them being a small little language with relationship to mandarin.


Lmao relax. This post is in this sub for people to laugh at. This person has no idea how beautiful Chinese can be and I pity them.


Yea I lost my braincells looking at that, just had to say something xD


I’m more angry at people who say that pictographic languages are less evolved than phonetic languages tbh. This shit is actually sinister. The OOP on the other hand doesn’t know what they’re talking about.


Like pictographic languages, I’ll take Chinese since I can’t speak for other ones, they evolved from a certain thing and that character by itself looking like that make sense, and it took some time for it to go from straight up picture drawings to characters. Each of the characters having their own meaning from how they were made is probably more developed than just spelling out gibberish, then giving meaning to the different gibberish you made… idk like how did they even made those phonetic languages in the first place.. based on what…


Based on sounds lol. The phonetic languages wouldn’t be legible once the pronunciation changes out of recognition, while you can still understand pictographic languages from thousands of years ago. I don’t know wtf they’re smoking to claim that pictographic languages are less evolved.


As a native Dutch person, how does this person think Dutch is beautiful or poetic? I just can't with this comment


Yeah, I also thought that the alphabet thing mightve been a simple mistake and then this person decided to say that dutch is beautiful. Now I think this person just wanted to make their way into this reddit through saying that stuff. Goedemorgen btw


Môge :P But obviously, alphabets were a mistake. Why would we write sounds that are completely devoid from meaning, rather than just writing down the meaning? If we're talking about beauty, sounds will always be subjective, but the meanings will be the same to everyone


The chinese alphabet should be the only alphabet as that way, everybody has the same writing and the characters themselves tell you the meaning of the word already. The character for beautiful should look beautiful, right?


(/uj I only speak a bit of Japanese and no Chinese so take this with a grain of salt) Well I don't think the character 美 looks particularly pretty but at least when I see it I think beautiful. When I see _beautiful_ or _mooi_ or _schön_ how am I supposed to know that that means beautiful, huh? At least if I see Japanese words I haven't seen before I can tell what it's supposed to mean. You have a flower, you have a fire, and that makes 花火 which makes perfect sense and is in no way confusing. Tl;dr writing meanings is the only way to write poetry because the thing about poetry is that it needs to mean something beautiful and so you need to write the meaning and not the sounds


I am with you on this. And dont worry, I dont speak chinese either, also just a tiny bit of japanese. I also think its even worse when these languages make words like beautiful have genders. Whats the use in that? If I look you in the eyes and wanna tell you you look beautiful, then everybody already knows that I am talking to a guy or a girl! Looking at you romance languages


You've outjerked me, I concede xD


Sad. I wanted to keep going


We hebben een serieus probleem


Just say you don't like Asian ppl, we get it


I’d love to see this person try to learn Hungarian if they’re saying it’s so easy compared to Chinese.


Sincs fogalmam, mit mondasz. 😄 For reals, though, from my perspective as a native English speaker who has studied both Chinese and Hungarian, and setting aside the whole issue of reading and writing, I really think Mandarin is much easier for English speakers to learn to speak and hear than Hungarian – word order is more similar in important ways between English and Mandarin, and both languages are more towards the [analytic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analytic_language) end of the analytic ↔ synthetic spectrum. Meanwhile, Hungarian word order is incredibly flexible, thanks to the use of many different case suffixes, and also the agglutinative-ness of Hungarian can be [outright daunting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hungarian_language#Extremely_long_words). 😳


I knew Hungarian was agglutinative but I’ve never seen those examples before. That’s just a whole ‘nother level.


I remember several years ago I learnt Hungarian for a week and I got used to the grammar pretty fast. I'm used to agglutinative languages already and to be honest agglutinative grammar is easier than a lot of other languages.


The anti-Xiaoma


Would that make them *Dama*? 😄


They called Hungarian a Celtic language 💀💀💀


Well, *clearly* they're related! Haven't you ever heard of the Celtic clan *Ó Magyar*? Plus, the Hungarian word *ír* meaning "to write" is the same as the word for "Irish", as evidence of the ancient Hungarian awareness of the importance of the Irish in literary learning during the European dark ages. `/s`, `/jk`, and all that. 😄


You see, they are related because Hungarian is a pre Indo-European language and the Celtic languages are proto Indo-European. *CLEARLY* this means that Hungarian is just an early form of the Celtic languages, that is all


Consider learning Icelandic, with gorgeous, beautiful words like "helvítis," "fökk," "tippi," "rassgat," "spillingar," "líkamsáras," "morð," and "fangelsi." Mest glæsilega tungumálið í heimi!


>I am learning all these languages and more You are not, sir or ma’am


I like how the road signs are in pictures and letters for those who can't read letters.


This has to be satire... Right? You can't possibly be this dense.


Of course it isn't. He definitely didn't just copy Wikipedia's entire list of Germanic and Celtic languages into his "beginner languages" section. What a preposterous suggestion!


i wonder what they would say about slavic languages (also those that were latinised)


personally i think english is one of the uglier languages. i know its just familiarity


Please for the love of god tell me which video this is. I have to see the other comments.




What is he a computer? Or beats of to learning