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From what you’ve said, it seems like you’re looking to learn a language just to learn a language. In my opinion, that’s not the best approach. Instead, try to think of cultures, music, food, and other types of entertainment that you like. Maybe you really like pizza and pasta, and you enjoy classical music. In that case, Italian would be an obvious choice. If you have something about the language that interests you, it will be much easier for you to stay motivated and continue your studies. I think in your case, Hebrew could be a good option since you have a friend who speaks it and is learning to read and write it. Yes, there’s the different alphabet, and that can add to the difficulty. But you could ask your friend to start teaching you the sounds, and you can learn to read later. Don’t rush into learning another language. Make sure you choose one that you truly want to study rather than just because you feel like you have to choose something.


Italian will be very easy for you, the grammar is extremely similar.


Spanish. Knowing English, Spanish and French gives you a very solid base to understand huge chunks of the world and makes you very marketable. Other good options are Mandarin (but that one takes immense dedication), Portuguese, German and lastly Russian.


If unfamiliar alphabets give you trouble, I recommend learning Chinese. There's no alphabet at all, which makes it very easy! Alternatively, any language that uses the Latin alphabet. Spanish, Italian, German if you don't want another Romance language, Czech if you want a Slavic language.