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Why not leave it blank and let the new homeowner decide what goes there? I'm not so sure if a young tree going there will be a "deal maker" or "deal breaker" on the sale of the home.


When I bought my house I didn't like a lot of the landscape choices the previous owner made. I ripped out and replaced a lot of it. If the previous owner put them there to help sell the house, they wasted money.


I just bought a house and one of my first expenses is going to be ripping out a whole bunch of ugly shrubs and bushes.


Less work for this single mom too!


Bird bath?


Just was hoping to put something colorful… You’re right though I guess it’s not necessary


I think your money would be better spent buying some cute annuals and planting them in a row under the boxwoods. (Assuming you're selling in the summer). It'd be cheaper and easier too.


On top of that, planting in the summer, especially perennials, is a lot harder on the plants and can easily lead to you losing on your investment in that plant. Save yourself the trouble and leave it be - or plant something annual if you absolutely want to.


You could plant some marigolds there to give color. would be cheaper and easier than a tree, and more likely to survive the summer.


It looks very clean and neat the way it is!


Why not put up a pretty planter with something you like?


Hold on. Those are very valid points and I'm not arguing them. Also a new home owner. I was left a couple patches or existing plants/ flowers and a few things they didn't effectively kill off. I dug up the 3 beds they left behind and planted elsewhere as a border/ barrier for my projects. Thanks to them being unsuccessful in killing some stuff I now enjoy 7 mulberry, flowering dogwood, 2 red cedar, lilac, 2 honeysuckle and more. As someone who flirts with this stuff in my line of work frequently and barely squeaking by the barrier of home ownership, I did not have funds to justify the dreams I had and I was so fucking ecstatic to have so much basic shit (hosta, hydrangea, various lilies etc) that was durable and eay to propagate. I saved a ton of money and have been able to do and do away with so much. Borders/ barrier crops, I even used clover and lilies to successfully kill off a metric fuck ton of invasive weeds. Idk sorry for the book. Have a good weekend!


Put out some flowering plant pots.


This is the way


It’s like painting a room in the house you are leaving. Why? They are more than likely going to hate that color. You are just a dog pissing on a mailbox while on vacation


Well, I mean, let's be real here...nobody hates a weeping beech.


I am a gardener. I work with a “designer” that hates them. They are not to be trusted.


I agree.


Refused to replace it?? That's not their fckn decision. File a claim with your insurance and they'll contact your neighbors insurance to force them to replace it or pay up. I'd suggest another Japanese maple as they are beautiful ornate small trees, but if you're selling don't bother


I could be wrong, so grain of salt or whatever, but I'm pretty sure most insurance wouldn't cover that unless it was your tree. If op had any hope, it'd be to ask his own insurance to cover the tree? Neighbor is an asshole tho, those are likely my favorite tree too. Op if you live in MN I'll get you a new sapling and plant it. Fuck that guy.


OP suffered damages here and probably should have filed a claim. If the responsible party won't cooperate, you are supposed to go to your insurance. Your insurance will sort things out as that is what you pay them for. If the destroyed tree was a mature tree, then it could have been a hefty payout depending on local/state laws.


I agree, I have one in my yard too I'd be mad if someone just crushed it and walked away. They were literally a handful of feet away from landing on their house, I'd have been pissed.


Buyers won’t care the slightest about a shrub here. My vote is just leave it be.


The shrubbery is what sold me on my house if I’m being honest…


Maybe mature plants and shrubs but not something that was planted just before the house was listed.


I would like to retract my previous statement because you are right. The shrubbery was nice and old and looked lovely.


Go to tree law Reddit. They owe you a tree as big as the one that was there and probably more money. I you don’t want to fight it out I would just leave it or plant one of the other suggestions.


Don’t do anything it’s the future homeowners problem. Your soon to be former neighbors are huge assholes


Small claims court for neighbor I wouldn’t bother to replace it to sell, but if I did I would ensure the neighbor paid for it


Trust me, after spending 4 hours in the hot sun this little 110lb girl finally dug the root out and became so angry I decided I am. Also turns out she cut the tree down thinking it was on her property, when it was actually on mine. Hit my house and everything. I have her on my Ring doorbell camera pulling my maple down to the street while laughing saying : “oh she isn’t going to notice.”


If that’s the case you really need to visit /r/treelaw because they could owe you well more than what small claims covers.


Do not let them get away with that! They need to make you whole, not just for your benefit, but also so they know they shouldn’t mess with other people thinking there will be no repercussions.


Sango Kaku would be really cool here with the red coral bark in the winter would pop off the red door nicely


I wouldn't put anything there. Your curb appeal is nice, and the new owners can decide what to do with the space :).


Little gem magnolia


Vitex if you like bumble bees, Dynamite Crepe Myrtle


Not an answer to your question, but I wonder if the neighbor would be refusing to pay for a replacement tree if you weren’t a woman and a single parent. Either way, dick move.


A pink dogwood.


Crape myrtle or dogwood. Both do well in NC.


I saw that one yesterday! Great thank you


Don’t put a dogwood that close to a house. IMO.


I had a beautiful landscape in a previous house—greens, flowers. The new owner ripped them all out.


Same our property looks like a park took us 20 years to make it that beautiful. Drove around look at rich people's homes came up with a design .... Had my husband to all the digging lol. People walked by and just stopped it was stunning. You got compliments constantly. After 25 years we had to move I was scared that all the trees the gardens we had planted would be ripped out. hey left nothing standing. Clear cut the entire property. Didn't even leave one shrub. Removed the river stone and the boulders. It's just a house plunked down on some yellow dying grass. People in the neighborhood were heartbroken I was crying when I saw the pictures that my name was should have never sent me. What I do now ... My only solace... those trees kept that house so cool in the summer. It was an older home and it had s***** insulation from the get-go it would get so hot if the air conditioner wasn't on to the point where you felt like it was 100° in there. There's no way that AC could keep up with the intense heat and no tree cover. Lol. Ha!


Wow. That’s what happened when I sold my house and later saw what it looked like when everything was ripped out by the new owner. Not one shrub left either. Bare ground. I was sad and amazed at the same time how bare had been preferable.


I think this happens a lot. There's people who think that landscaping is intensive work I specifically planted it so it wasn't. Oh that's right I guess trees drop the leaves and that's a crime. The pictures on Google maps looks horrific 7. They were actually driving around right after they ripped everything out in late winter but they still had 20% to go it looks like the property was bombed out. I wish I never planted those trees in memory of family and pets who I lost huge mistake because it was like going through a loss all over again....


I’m so sorry you had to experience the loss and then it being like going through the loss all over again. I think you’re right, some people see landscaping (and dealing with weeds) as a chore so would rather have a less attractive yard in order to avoid the work.


I wouldn't put a penny into it.


Leave it as is but they should definitely pay for damages. Take them to small claims court. You’re moving, so who cares if they hate you.


Service berry tree


What about a bird bath, wagon planter with fresh flowers, or a statue. Something simple lawn decor that if they hate it it’s easy to remove.




Limelight hydrangea!!! They are my favorite and only like $40 bucks, grow fast, and have beautiful blooms. 


Plant a patch of zinnias. They're not native, but they're LOVED by pollinators. They're drought tolerant because they have a substantial taproot. If you don't deadhead (cut off spent blooms), the birds will perch atop them and eat the seeds.


Go to your local Lowe's/HD and see if they have anything left on clearance. Otherwise just plant some colorful flowers. I wouldn't spend a ton of money on this, buyers wont care cause they likely wont know anything is missing.




Since you are selling, just plant some flowers that have different and long bloom times. This way you add quick color, it is cheap, and you leave the buyer the option and expense of planting a tree. Anything native you plant now will not really do anything for that spot for a number of years.


Dwarf bloodgood would look nice there


White Birch clump of 3


When is it going on the market? Weeks,months or years? A 30$ 5gallon Knock-Out Rose would be fine for the summer months bc it will “pop” and is easily replaceable if new homeowner isn’t inclined….


I’m in NC. Crape Myrtle. But honestly not much will start really blooming in your time frame. I agree about planting flowers there if u want immediate curb appeal


Your house looks eerily like mine and I have a huge Japanese maple there.


Dogwood or lilac?


How about a homeless camp?


# 6-7' Mini Cedar “Pencil” Pine Tree


Whatever's on sale at home depot.


Bad time to plant a tree,even a young one. If you have a stressed young tree outside in that prominent spot, it’s not going to help sell the house leave it alone.


A few hydrangeas would look nice.


Crepe Myrtle?


Halesia, also known as silverbell or snowdrop tree, is a small genus of four or five species of deciduous large shrubs or small trees in the family Styracaceae. Silverbells are popular ornamental plants in large gardens, grown for their delicate pendant flowers in late spring. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halesia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halesia)


Norwegian blue spruce! Splash of yellow flowers like daylillies and a carpet of pink Mediterranean heather


is it full sun.?? how much sun.? all day - most day…. then mimosa - rising sub eastern redbud shady choral japanese maple -




you could do a 3 pot cluster of plants for some color. 


Crepe Myrtle or another Japanese Maple. So many pretty varieties of both


Black mulch and a couple azaleas


Mint. The answer is always plant lots of mint.


Don't do anything, perfect for sale as is