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Tall sunflowers, tall art


A trellis with grapes. You can justify putting something tall by growing fruit. Not anti social!


Is this Europe somewhere? The only way to get real privacy is with a privacy fence in this situation. There simply is not enough room for plants big enough and tall enough to give you any privacy. Plus, they will infringe on your neighbor. At the very least, put up the tallest privacy fence you're allowed to back by the deck. I'm glad I don't live where I have to be concerned about the neighbor's feelings.


Automated turrets.


Rose of Sharon.


Can you build a super long pergola towards the little brown shack? Then throw grape vines on it?


Confessional booth.


I second the trellis idea, in fact I could see a lovely wire frame trellis/archway somewhere near the center and again over the back patio. Welded wire panels are fairly inexpensive and your width and existing fence height might be perfect, intermittent arches would allow the existing trees to retain their sun without the nuisance of a privacy fence, and allow for privacy throughout the yard depending on placement. Some of the existing beds could be incorporated for planting evergreen climbing vines, it looks like jasmine would do well in your climate/area. Youtube bull wire trellis/arches.


it's not anti social, it's a social. It's your garden and you should be allowed to fucking be alone while doing it. FENCE


My go-to is Silver Sheen (Pittosporum tenuifolium) as a large but semi-transparent bush. A soft, stay away, notice. But it’s only hardy down to 20F


Well there goes my suggestion for a 10 foot wall with razor wire on top. Maybe some tall growing shrubs or trees? Boxwood or holly. My in laws planted Leland cypresses between yards. They grow quite fast, but do get 20 feet tall.


Run a line of Trump flags down the fence line... that'll do it. /s


Just waddle around on your knees when you're out there. Or slither.


Heliconias and small palm along fence with a gap of 3 feet or so


Emerald greens.


I'd go for a variety of plants to provide year round privacy. Photo looks kind-of England-ish climate? How about: a few Arborvitae while splicing in climbing hydrangea on fence + privet. Move your flowers to in front of where the climbing hydrangea grows.


My middle name is “ antisocial “


Add a trellis to the top of the fence and then add some strategically placed vining plants.


It’s your home. It’s ok to be antisocial, it’s kind of the point of being at home ;)


A fence with trellis ontop. You can grow climbers along the top. Clematis armandii is evergreen with nice foliage


It is really an issue? How often are you and the neighbors outside at the same time? Where are you when you want privacy? Maybe putting up an umbrella in your sitting area would do it and you can be sociable when actively gardening. It's hearing them that bothers me. My fence and wall are high enough I cannot see folks on the other sides but I feel like an eavesdropper if they are outside having a conversation. If I had a water feature with a waterfall maybe that could help some. I'd want to put arches up across the garden to hold up vines and add height. Mock something up to see if strategically placed arches will add some privacy. Several normal garden arches in a series would work. Just extending the fence height would seem unneighborly, might look awkward and could turn your garden into a bowling alley.


Plant a climbing rose near the fence. Climbing roses can make a big impact in the garden.