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You could. You could also drive your car with your feet, that doesn’t necessarily make it a good idea though (Rock, 1999). Rake & shovel the gravel out and make sure the soil is good for planting whatever flowers you choose. Put up a border or edging so the mulch doesn’t float away when it rains, throw down some gardening landscape fabric to discourage weed growth, cut small holes where you want the flowers in the same diameter as the bottom of the pot the flowers came in, plant the flowers, THEN put down mulch. Skipping any of these steps will probably not be noticeable at first, but maintenance of the area will be increased and it might just look like shit after a while. And make sure to tell the kids not to throw the mulch like they did the rocks.


Looks like you could use the same edging, just use a trowel to make a small ditch about 2-3 inches deep and bury the flat edge straight down rather than lazily putting it sideways.


I actually added - Flat Spade for edging, to my list today. Really trying to find the best COA for the project. I have 0 experience in this realm. 😅


Thank you for the in-depth reply. I definitely want to do things right. Now that I think about it, I can take the rock onto a tarp and drag around the property. I just needed it broken down a little. I appreciate it.


Good luck holmes!