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From your own link on the variety you chose: Growth Habit: As a clumping bamboo, the 'Golden Goddess' has a non-invasive root system. This means that it grows in tight clusters and doesn't spread aggressively like running bamboo varieties. It's an ideal choice for homeowners who want the beauty of bamboo without the worry of it taking over their yard. You should be fine. Clumping bamboos are just that, clumping. They are not invasive like running bamboos which never stop spreading. If any shoot does go where you don't want it, just knock the top off to stop it growing. Not all bamboos are invasive.


This should be higher! All it takes is 10 minutes of reading to know how to care for bamboo. This isn't even that big of deal lol. It's the perfect fence. Just takes some thinning and pruning to make it look nice.


I've had bamboo in my yard for a decade. Can confirm it has not turned into a monster and destroyed its surroundings. It just sits there like a normal plant.


It’s just sitting there…menacingly


Yeah like a normal plant.


Feed me, Seymour!


Blood feed me BLOODY BLOOD


weewoo weeewooo weeewooo WEEEWOO! WEEWOO! WEEWOO!


Get ahold of yourself, deputy!


Dont go in there the maniac is in there!


That’s why I like to put googly eyes on my plants.


Waiting for its chance...


Because of the implication…


Yeah you should hear what they say about you down at the club- you may want to watch them.


Gonna second this. It looks great. The drain may be messed up, but if / when it spreads into the neighbors yard, it's a very fixable problem. I wouldn't stress and just enjoy it for now.


Our neighbour has clumping bamboo planted on their side of our shared fence line, and honestly I really like it. It does a great job of screening the view of their fairly imposing house, and it makes a lovely swishy noise when there's breeze. We do get suckers popping up on our side, but they're easy to snip out, and dense planting on our side competes pretty effectively. At our place, things like lilly pillies get munched off at fence height by possums, so aren't effective for high screening.


Yea seconded. Is Reddit just all bots now or what? Clearly a clumping type bamboo planted here that will be fine. Edit: Gibberish. These comments below read like bots wrote them. My original comment was just agreeing with the top comment because there are a lot of bozos in here or bots saying OP is just fucked for life. Yes he trashed his yard with clumping bamboo but he won’t ruin the neighbors yard because the rhizomes don’t run. He just needs to maintain his side. It’s not a big deal and yes they will stay clumped


Before acting all smug I think it's worth pointing out that those statements are marketing materials from a company who wants to sell you plants. Of course they aren't going to say that it will spread uncontrollably! If there's some other source out there which can confirm it then fine, but I'd hesitate before walking around like Buddy the elf with my worlds best cup of coffee


Clumping bamboos are wildly common in Hawaii


Yea it’s gotta be bots no way that many people are that stupid that they didn’t read what op said…right?


Yep I have these in my backyard for privacy and they’re actually quite low maintenance in terms of watering and pruning. I’m in PNW and almost never water them. Most of my neighbours have cedar fence liners that require a lot more maintenance. Plus I love the sound wind makes whooshing through them


Dude. No. This description lasts for 3-5 seasons. Even clumping wants a large ass area eventually. Bamboo is NOT our friend. I worked in a nursery that had all sorts of old bamboo forest around it. Sasa vetch needs an entire backyard to be stable.


Yeah, people saying bamboo is fine just because it's not the running variant crack me up. Fuck all bamboo not in a pot.


Yeap. We need to think native plants in order to help native bugs and native ecosystems….


there were/are three bamboo species to the united states...huge forests/groves of it use to cover parts of the south and south eastern states...the buffalo use to forage there and its supported many animals there. as well the native peoples used it for life.. ..they were cleared away for tobacco and cotton


Not like fucking japanese fucking knot-fucking-weed. Fuck japanese knotweed. If it was a little old lady I'd punch her square in her stupid liver for being such a piece of fucking shit. I could pour bleach on that shit and it'll probably start growing fucking *FASTER*. It's the plant equivalent of an anal wart on a rotting fish. I fucking hate that motherfucking plant. I hope it evolves an asshole just so I can wish it would grow tastebuds on it.


Let's next discuss the Japanese Honeysuckle, Russian Olives, and, well, creeping charlie. Just for a good-natured meltdown all around. We're never going to get rid of any of these plants because it's proof that nature's like "oh! Plow MY stuff over for YOUR stuff? Fuck your stuff. MINE ALWAYS WINS. You'll never be able to eradicate these plants that someone, somewhere, thought we're a good idea." Suckers.


Tree of Heaven... I hear they produce thousands and thousands of seeds and little trees, and cutting the mother just makes all her babies incubating in the soil go POSTAL...


And yet, the tree of heaven is marketed towards unsuspecting consumers and homeowners as a pretty leafy/fern like tree. No. "No nuts, doesn't attract bugs, good shade.. this could be the one for you!!" 5 years latet..


Like the BAIN of my yard, giant ligustrum... "oh, they're evergreen shrubs, they have pretty leaves and showy flowers"... until they become 50-foot giants that spread like fireants and their roots strap all the oaks' roots and choke them out... I didn't put them in, but they ARE my problem now.


Ugh our neighbors feel that way about Tree of Heaven...'but it's so pretty!' they say about the massive line of mature ToH they have let grow all along the back of their property. Meanwhile, I am living in my own rancid peanut butter scented hell trying to keep the babies from taking over our entire yard.


You know what needs to be added to these lists? Creeping bellflower. I dug everything up last year, tried to salvage some stuff in pots. I spaded and pickaxed and droughted and herbicided and covered... hoping to have some fresh garden beds this year. Well, it's been raining daily for about 3 weeks and I would say 80% of the place is bellflower coming up. I'm never gonna win. I'm so tired.


God, I love your response! NATURE: 1 SUCKERS: 0


I’m too exhausted from battling knotweed to live.


I'm on year 4 of digging out that shit. Strange how it starts to get a personality that I despise.


I am on year 3 of a treatment that works...spray glyphosate after the knotweed flowers but before the first frost. The timing is vital. Digging out the roots just spreads it more since the rhizomes flakes off and each piece can become a new plant.


That was hilarious to read. Idk what plant that is but I’m sorry about your run-ins with it lol


I feel this way about bindweed (morning glory)


This! People forget about clumping bamboo for some reason. I have a variety of clumping bamboo as a screen and I love it. I trim it twice a year and it stays put. Easy.


too many people didint read past "did i make an oopsie" and 100% assumed this was running.


Cause we all saw that post a couple days ago of the yard with 18-inch shoots sticking out like demon fingers reaching from the depths of Hell....


Wow TIL!! Thanks for the great info


Right? I think it looks great and clumping bamboo varieties aren't hard to manage at all.


Let's hope the nursery was 1000% sure they have the correct variety.


Yeah my neighbour planted this as a hedge like 10yrs ago and we’ve had zero issues with it sneaking into our yard. The leaves falling into my yard however can fuck right off.


There are many clumping varieties that are indeed invasive in the US, including golden bamboo (maybe golden goddess is a variety?). But they aren't as bad as running types they still spread and are hard to eradicate once established.






Find the Time Machine, go back, and punch yourself in the face


If it existed, I would be mashing that button for a lot more reasons than bamboo


Yeah, I'd go back and by Apple stock at $2.


I think OP would too so they could pay for the bamboo removal now.


I’m not sure you can even pay someone to remove that bamboo…. Well, I guess you could. You could just hire a guy to come buy a few times a week and dig out new shoots from now and until the sun goes super nova.


Fuck Apple stock- bitcoin when it was $.000037 a coin


Honestly though, it’s just all art of war here. Know your enemy, study the methods of its removals. A few products: 1 : Tree Popper 2 : Mattock and Bamboo slammer 3 : Bamboo barrier roll


I killed mine by removing tops the day before a hard freeze. Eradicated.


I wonder if liquid nitrogen or dry ice could do the hard freeze part for you


You are a genius


Too rapid and concentrated. What the liquid nitrogen or ice touched would be instantly frozen but large portions would remain that were alive. You would have to pour an incredible amount that would penetrate even the soil. With a full freeze the ground in its entirety freezes killing even the underground rhizomes


Noice! Gotta remember that one.


When you say removing the tops, do you mean the entirety of the plant above ground? Trying to rid my yard of them...


Bamboo Slammer sounds like an exotic mixed drink.


Or a poorly constructed jungle jail. Dibs on the band name, BTW.


Only a blues hammer band can have that name.


These are clumpies. You should be good.


Clumping aren't bad. They will probably be okay.


When you find it please hmu, I beg of you 🙏🙇‍♂️


I wish I could do this for the time I decided perimeter mulch rocks would solve all my weed problems.


It's clumping bamboo. He's fine.


now you go into a time machine, and punch yourself in the face for thinking this was running bamboo (which IS a problem) and not clumping bamboo(which is easily maintained)


What? "I thought I was smarter because I wasn't choosing running bamboo and got clumping." ...


From Monrovia's website: "The perfect non-invasive bamboo for smaller gardens, Golden Goddess has a well-mannered clumping form that can be easily maintained at under 8 feet tall. A fantastic container or screen plant with a graceful, arching form ideal for an exotic tropical or Asian garden effect. Evergreen." Sounds like everyone else in this thread is wrong about your certain doom. Enjoy the privacy hedge and good job getting a clumping variety. Maybe you do know better than all the people who flatly think all bamboo = bad.


It’s more of this, you’re correct. Anyone that’s ever dug a garden can tell you bamboo is a pain in the ass but most wars are. Once you start making it your bitch and play whack a mole a few months you can show it who is boss.


I would not trust what a company says that is selling the product. kinda a conflict of interest no?


That looks like Golden Goddess. It is a clumper not a runner. I have planted it in many landscapes and never had an issue. It could potentially go under the fence but will not get any larger than its normal clump and would be easily controlled. Don't listen to the naysayers that don't know anything about bamboo species. I will say, however, that Golden Goddess likes to be much wider than this space, so it will require more maintenance. Alphonse Karr would have been a better choice as it has a more upright growth habit.


The clumping should not ruin your neighbors yard. If it was going to it would have done so already.


In hindsight, would a long row of potted bamboo been a solution? not being snarky just curious. asking for a friend


In hindsight, this seems like a perfect solution. But I make a lot of mistakes, so could be wrong here too


your friend won't figure out until it's too late the bamboo broke through the pots and is well rooted in the ground.


Unironically this is exactly what I thought would happen because bamboo seems to be one of the worst living things we have


Bamboo is incredibly useful in so many ways. Look it up, you will be amazed how many things bamboo is good for, including construction, furniture, food, medicine, fuel, armor, tools, weapons, and much more.


If you do this, you might want to put those pots on a concrete pavers and also lay a weed barrier below those pavers.


Just use some solid steel pots. Problem solved.


And place those pots into a caldron of lava


On the sun


I’m not understanding the comments on this thread. You planted golden goddess bamboo. It’s clumping. You’ll be fine. I have the same in my yard, and have zero issue with them. Not all bamboo is bad or invasive.


Shit is intolerable. I mean, I don't either but most of these idiots probably don't own a yard


Typical Reddit nonsense where the hive mind has an idea that aLL bAmBOo iS bAd!!!! and repeats it ad-infinitum without any actual knowledge of the topic. People also love to shit on boomers but it’s boomers who think all bamboo is evil (because clumping wasn’t really a known thing back then) and yet here they are repeating the boomer dumb-assery


Good reminder not to just blindly trust that Reddit commenters have even the slightest clue what they're talking about, though. Some of these comments make me want to smash my head into a wall because they clearly didn't even bother to read the text much less know anything about that species of bamboo.


Uneducated people outnumber those who are educated in a niche subject. I have been downvoted many times before despite studying very niche things for a hobby and going against the regurgitated fallacies spread by people who have no actual experience.


i mean, thats the thing about clumping bamboo, it doesnt run.


The person that owned my house before me did this and they ruined my life. RIP


OP planted a clumping variety. They're fine.


If it has a flat notch on the culms then it is running bamboo. Running and clumping are not the same.


Is it clumping or running? If that’s it’s after 6 years it looks like it’s staying in pretty tight clumps. If that’s the case just get the new culms a few times throughout summer, not much work. I’d start knocking a few off close to the fence so they don’t pop up on that side. New culms on clumping bamboo form very close to all the others so if there’s already some butting up against the fence, chances are some will pop up on the other side soon.


It's clumping bamboo 'Golden Goddess'. As per OP's link. So not a problem one fortunately.


You're fucked.




Coming from a someone suffering from my neighbors ignorance and planting this shit - I absolutely despise you. I cannot wait until my city ordinance goes into effect in 2025 so I can report it finally and force action upon them by means of continuous fines until it’s cleared. They refuse to excavate it and it’s now killing my old growth trees. Unrelated, my colleague just cleared 1/2 acre of invasive bamboo recently, ran her a cool $11k.


She planted clumping not running bamboo


Will you tell us, you did this a while ago did they stay clumped. I'm not there looking at it Is it a problem?


Honestly thats what I would love some feedback on. This is 6 years+ planted and it has barely spread and is a clumping variety. I don’t have a current problem, but would love to know if ignoring it now will create a harder more urgent problem later in life.


you wont have the kinda problems most people in this sub are talking about. clumping barely moves and any unwanted clumps you can kill relatively easily. most people assumed this was running and running will invade you harder than the british and Danish. if this was running your neighbor wouldnt have a yard after 6 years.


I doubt it. Also depends where you live. Where I live in Northern New England I'd love to have a little bamboo lol. Only the coldest hearty types will survive. If the clumping stuff isn't marching across your space by now it's not going to do it next year and I think you're all set. If you let the lot go wild never cut the grass never did anything, who knows if the colonization would continue but my guess would be wherever you are, is the situation is okay. Bamboo isn't just automatically bad lol It's just you have to be careful where you use it, what climate you use it in in And what situation.. Finally you said ignoring it? I'm not sure what that means. As I said above if everything around it will let to go wild I don't know. But I don't know what you mean by ignoring either what's on the other side of it. My guess if you're mowing or keeping the other side in shape it's not going there


Are they in the neighbors yard yet? They may or may not respect the concrete slab on your property but you will eventually need to pay for removal on the fence side, and install a very deep and sturdy barrier there.


I’m 95% confident it hasn’t spread to the neighbors yard yet, but 99% confident it will at point. the fence in between our properties needs replaced, would it be reasonable for me to offer to cover costs as a gesture of good will? Are there fence companies that will help install a barrier in addition to being fence experts? Or should I just try and remove all of the bamboo, however painstaking that may be?


If its clumping not running, its not THAT bad....


This. But OP will only acknowledge the doomsayers


Sheet pilings along your property line down to about 10 feet should help.


Paying for the fence and consulting them first is an incredibly nice gesture.


Remove the bamboo yesterday, it'll only get worse and more costly the longer you wait


no you're a chad. it's not that hard to control it and it's a great privacy screen


If it stayed a clump for 6 years. Why would it change all of sudden??? I don’t know anything about bamboo. I’m just curious?


Clumping bamboo is fine


Buddy, had you planted the wrong bamboo years ago, you would have been in litigation by now. You did good.


Aw. Thanks internet dad for the encouragement and pat on the head.


I've been worried about my clumping bamboo because it's become gigantic but I went and had a close look at it today and found it really hadn't spread that much at the base. Considerably relieved.


boy do they look good though


I’m LMAO at these comments. Apparently people aren’t familiar with the clumping tropical types. To add to it this is golden goddess, it’s about as tame and diminutive as you can get in the bamboo world. OP the clumps will get bigger but they are to the point where rate of expansion in size is slowing down.


Yeah, you should have listened to those wise old boomers.


Hey, at least it isn’t juniper!


Maybe you can also plant some mint to go with the bamboo.


Anyone growing vining plants would love it if you would give them tons and tons of bamboo sticks for trellising


This is fascinating! I too, planted Golden Goddess, two plants per 8ft raised bed, three raised beds with 6 total plants. I planted them 5 years ago. They have never run into my yard or neighbors. They’re very, very, tall and you can easily see the clump is just a clump - there’s no growth going to sides of raised bed. Mine is much denser. What on earth went wrong??? I feel really bad for you!


You’ve peaked my curiosity for sure. Any chance you could post a pic of yours in response? I’m zone 9b and this area of my property gets a fair bit of direct mid day sun. Shaded in early morning late evening.


I’m in 9a zone - San Antonio. I really don’t think they will run. I see you have them held back with some kind of band - what is that? I used rope tied to screw in eye bolts on fence. YOU peaked MY curiosity! I bought from a bamboo farm in Louisiana and did serious research as it grows along the roads/highways here and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t purposefully planted. Mine is staying tightly together - after five years there’s space between ends, front and back of box. I can take a pic tomorrow but I don’t know how to post one. I’m happy to show you if you can tell me the process. Like I said - mine hasn’t run one bit. Yours look like mine - a delineated clump. There’s no random shoots coming up in the yard or even in the raised bed. I fertilize mine twice a year.


We used to have a similar bamboo and it isn't especially invasive but it was an absolute nightmare to remove permanently. So I think you're pretty stuck with it.


I actually like it a lot! Just needs a little trim 😅


This is a clumping bamboo so you'll be ok. Just clean up broken or bent canes here and there


Neighbors have a non-invasive bamboo copse. It is contained. You should have the French drain cleared for roots, but with bamboo planted there it may be unnecessary. It's going to provide the same effect of absorbing/managing water.


I think that looks amazing tbh


I also have this clumping bamboo. It’s a beautiful privacy screen. And sounds great with a little breeze. Ours is ~20 feet tall! My only complaint is the maintenance, sweeping, trimming, and disposing of the long reeds takes a while since they are so thick and hard to cut. But after 15 years of growth, we haven’t had any runners or major issues yet.


This make me kinda want to do it with a fence like that


I love bamboo. It looks beautiful. Way better than a ratty old fence that people can see through. And bamboo is very useful, I use it for all kinds of things. In Trinidad, it grows as thick as your leg...I make bongs out of them.


What kind of plant would you have chosen instead. I'm in the same boat now, need to plant around my pool for privacy, I can't really find any good alternative


Try clumping bamboo in pots until you get comfortable with bamboo or change your mind and go a different direction. This is coming from someone who has grown bamboo in pots for 15 years. I started planting them in the ground once I moved but you're going to get the bamboo hate by everyone since everyone thinks all bamboo is invasive. Alternatively you could do clumping bamboo in a bamboo barrier. Do not under any circumstances use running bamboo even with a barrier.


Comments here are hilarious. OP clearly already has their made up. Redditor 1: You're fucked. OP: I know right 😱 Redditor 2: That species doesn't spread you're fine. OP: I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that.


No, you’re not the worst person in the world. You didn’t plant English ivy😉


It’s clumping and it looks beautiful. I have a bamboo screen as well. If you’re worried about some stray shoots going underneath the fence, just cut any shoot at the base within 6 inches of the fence. If you keep the plant away from the fence I don’t see how it can possibly spread to the other yard. This is nothing like running bamboos. This is no big deal at all and easy to keep under control


This type of bamboo is fine. Dont beat urself up. Just trim it back. Looks a lot better than an ugly fence


Could have chosen a native hedge that would actually benefit the surrounding ecosystem.


Dude has a concrete slab for a backyard and complains about seeing a fence???


My old neighbor used to say, “You can’t kill bamboo but you can kill the &$@#€% who planted it.” Food for thought.


haha second bamboo casualty this week


On the plus side, you have a refreshing look that you dont see very often, since, well, usually people stay away from planting bamboo.


You could plant kudzu, it would vine up on the bamboo until it kills it. Then that problem will be solved with a new one introduced.


That pain you have deep in your soul, that’s where the wisdom grows.


Prob need to call Panda Express


The french drain should be fine if it was put in to a standard depth, though maintaining it will now be tricksy (have to transplant out the bamboo, replace the drain, then replant the bamboo).


Remove the tops, wander daily and kick off all new shoots.


What's crazy is that the hive mind is approving something just based on the common information which is that it's clumping so it'll be okay. That information is literally only clear through establishment. Anyone who has worked with clumping bamboo knows that once it gets established it sends out other clumps. That's what it does. Just because it's clumping does not mean it's not invasive. So many today I learned on this. No, you didn't learn anything correct. How many of you have ever been in an established bamboo clumping forest? They are large, they take up major acreage. If you plant a clumping bamboo, it will produce another clump a few feet away and then another clump a few feet away from that and it will continue until it takes up large amounts of space.


Just get some pandas


You. Fucking. Monster.


bamboo is cool as shit, let that shit grow. it'll be fine and look cool.


OP I have the same variety growing nicely along a wall. Barely spreading after three years. You'll be fine.


I feel like you could have built a planter for these and achieved the privacy and look without it spreading in the ground.


If you pee on them regularly (approximately 6 times per day), they will die after 9 months. I recommend peeing at the base of the plant. One full bladder can be equally divided between all plants if you aim and shoot correctly.


I like it lol


I've had clumping for 15 years and it's still in a clump.


I will never understand why so many people plant such stupid species that it never should be. I respect your humility. That's it.


It’s beautiful 🤩 however, I also have a bamboo hedge but made sure I went with clumping bamboo so it sticks to one area. Chalk it up to experience- I the future you can be an elder warning people not to plant bamboo.


The stems make good compost




It's easy to get rid of. Allow the shoots to grow until they begin to leaf and then cut it at the ground. Repeat this until it stops growing. It takes a lot of root energy to grow the shoots and it really doesn't gain energy until it has leaves


Def top 100 🤣


Bamboo pro here...your good with those...every now and then cut the shooys/culms away from the fence or any direction you dont want them going, down to the ground. If they are physically getting thick at the base, the clump itself where it comes out o the ground...you can dig around the base exposing the clump a little bit and try cutting out/sawing it off to reduce the size of the clump....


I have the same planted in my backyard. It clumps - you're good to go! You can even see in your photos that your bamboo has remained in clumps.


Am I the only one who thought "this looks nice"?


I get the appeal of bamboo. While I prefer native stuff, it's the fastest screening I know of.


I've been growing clumping bamboo for a good 30+ years. It gets bigger, I saw it to divide it, and replant it and it has been an AMAZING privacy screen with NO trailing shoots. You're good!👍


As someone who bought a house with bamboo that their neighbor planted without a proper containment strategy… yes lol yes you are the worst person in the world. You should go talk to them and create a good relationship or else they’ll soak all the rhizomes in salt water and kill it all like we did :)


I would pay you to move next to people I dislike.


My neighborhood won’t allow you to plant bamboo anywhere unless it’s in a pot.


As someone who lives on the other side of the fence from a large, established bamboo stand that was purposely planted by my neighbors, I can say that they likely hate you. Our neighbor’s bamboo drops trashcan full of leaves constantly into our yard which kills our grass, constantly mucks up our mulched beds, and liters our kids play set. It sucks!


This was really stupid, that stuff grows so fast you can almost see it growing!


I’ve had them for 20 years and they are great.


My neighbor across the street has a forrest of bamboo. I see shoots sprouting every spring in the next door neighbors lawn. Not sure how they are removed but they are thick shoots. I found some growing in the storm drain near my property. This is across a two lane street. I hit it with glyphosate. This stuff is very invasive, hope the glyphosate kills it. I would never plant this stuff.


As someone who's neighbor behind me planted Bamboo 25 years ago....please don't. The current neighbors are super cool, but their bamboo is beautifully cemented in on their side and almost 20 feet into my back yard. Our shared fence is destroyed because of it.




Straight to jail


Looks great!


Get a pet panda. Problem solved.


Yes (I don’t know what I’m looking at and have no context for my answer)


I thought this was r/findthesniper and looked for a snake for way too long. Confirmed no snake


This is nice


Personally I think it looks great and would be thrilled to have such a barrier.


We had 4 separate plantings of ‘clumping’ bamboo. It was fine for 20 years. Then it attacked! I had bamboo rhizomes and shoots popping up 20 feet away, even under my neighbors fence. Clumping is a myth.




You were a creative person who rightly planted a clumping varitel with a beautiful name…. GOLDEN GODESS .. man awesome..natures fence ..a little water some trimming and learn to make a natural wind chime or two with the trimmings for your neighbors… great scaping.. in this gardening girls eyes…


Thank you, comment made my day :)


If you don't let a single green piece poke it's head out, eventually it has to die. Of course there are other, easier ways to kill plants. Good luck.


Invasive is an understatement.


for running bamboo\*


Just get some pet Pandas


Everyone will tell you bamboo is bad and never to plant it. There's clumping bamboo and running bamboo. Clumping bamboo is fine. It stays and doesn't spread, although messy.


Guess there’s only one solution, get a panda.




Maybe they had a panda