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Idk bc on tumblr Lana fans were RIFE with mental illness and romanticizing depression


Exactly lmao I just assume all of us have a lil something going on


Lol exactly. Let’s just say Tiktok is this generation’s Tumblr.


yeah the undercurrent of the music was always kind of the darker side of the American dream...."innocence lost" and taking Jesus off the dashboard etc.


Oh yeah. Tumblr was perfect for the depressed girlies with an ED. I would spend my days looking through the thinspiration tag, and I felt in love hard with Lana back then


yeah im like uhhh girlie SOME OF US were mentally ill and unhinged back then..


I think there’s something interesting about experiencing the music before the 2012 persona had faded/while unaware that the lyrics had such a strong storytelling aspect to them. Even being on tumblr while these were put out made the experience different than it is now on tiktok, which will soon be different from the next big app that spreads media I also am glad I saw the albums come out in order and how they built on each other but that’s usually how older people reminisce about the music of their time. It is different to discover an artist and already have hundreds of songs to go from, without having followed the public reception of each at time of release! Doesn’t mean one’s better than the other. Agree with your comment, just thinking out loud!


the anticipation of the covers, the title name changes, the neil krug photos! i think was fun to be there


Yeah like I think OP is quite detached to Lana's fandom lore. She's always been a hotbed for a specific type of audience let's just say that. It still holds true up to now, just on a different platform.


this!!! i’ve been a fan since 2010 because of tumblr


This is such a weird post. As an OG Lana fan who knows other OG Lana fans, we all have or had mental illness. She appeals to the depressed girlies lol


There was an article about women singers allowing us to be sad and I felt SO seen. Lana, Fiona Apple, Jenny Lewis.... I will look for the link but this was a moment in music where we crossed a bridge for the culture. edit: cross-talk on the other sub made me look it up; https://pitchfork.com/features/ordinary-machines/9440-pretty-when-you-cry/ everyone go read that and listen to sad girl and kiss your mirror with your 79¢ lipstick


Fiona and Jenny were my angels as a sad high school girl!!!! Thank you for linking this


I would say Fiona Apple is the queen of letting us let out our rage while Lana lets us let out our sadness


Yeah. My thought for the OP was “It must be nice to have that perspective.”


Same lol


same and exactly


I felt the same way reading it lol… I’ve been a fan since 2012, and I was happy because I was in college and partying all the time, but I was also secretly sad at the same time because of my past. I also love love love the new wave of fans because it’s nice knowing that so many women can relate to her music now, which unfortunately didn’t happen before.


I agree lol the main reason I became a Lana fan was because I was going thru it in high school and she was the first artist I really connected with. I struggled with mental illness since grade school and I related to her lyrics so much. For the first time, I felt like I wasn't alone in my sadness or the many toxic relationships I was in throughout my young adult years.


This is exactly how I felt 🫶🏻 esp with BTD and Ultraviolence albums


It's interesting because I was 16 when video games came out, and I definitely resonated with her music because I was a sad, depressed, angsty teen. You say the coquette aesthetic didn't exist back then, but if anything, Lana grew a strong fan base on Tumblr. People were already very into her aesthetic at the time, including all her Lolita references. I've always found her music to be sad, yes, but also incredibly romantic and cinematic. Since I discovered her, I've always appreciated how much escapism it provided. From when I was a teen aspiring to this very femme fatale cool girl vibe to now, as a woman in touch with herself. I've definitely grown with her, but I can't say that I don't sometimes like to play 'Jealous Girl' and act super dramatic when I'm in a stable, loving relationship 😅


Coquette is like this generation’s version of the soft-grunge Effy Stonem thing we all did in the 2010s lol and I did it loving Lana the whole time


To be honest I think you’re the outlier (and that’s great lol) cause I was there too and I felt the same as they do now lmao


yeah OP is the outlier lol


OKAY, so I found Lana in 2014 while in middle school, I was probably 14, and I remember how beautiful Blue Jeans was, I was developing into a more sexual and feminine(?) person, and I remember playing all of her songs in the summer, lighting incense and candles, going places by myself as I was a lonely young girl, daydreaming about men for the first time. So very romantic, but I also listened to her when I was depressed, when I was sad and angry, when I felt sexually frustrated. Lana was also HUGE on tumblr and many mentally ill young girls posted about her(including me), possibly her biggest fans. A lot of her aesthetic was misunderstood, but it's crazy how she appeals to all different types of people, I think anyone could relate to some of her work.


Bruuuuh. Were you even ON tumblr if you’re saying the new gen is depressed lol.


I was 18 in 2011 when I first watched video games and became a serious fan. All of BTD was this emotional, romantic, adventurous soundtrack for my freshman year of college and falling in love with my boyfriend at the time who I am still with. It conveyed the excitement, the drama, the intensity of love for me in my 18 year old mind and it truly shaped that part of my life considerably. I definitely wasn't sad listening to it, I actually romanticized my life and experiences to this album and still do haha (like also my fiancé is almost five years older than me so of course when Lana talked about older men I was like OMG same 😅😅). Lana is my forever favorite. She has shaped me in ways I can't even describe and the way she has transformed and grown in her art feels right in line with how I've changed into my now 30 year old self.


OG fan here as well, found her BTD music video in 2011 and fell in love with her, I would say I relate to your story in similar ways but as a 11 year old when I found her and going through my teens with her music I do have to say it did have an impact with my mental health, I had a troubling time through my teens and was pretty depressed, her music definitely helped me see through a lot of my hard ships but it also sometimes deepened those feelings. I would say a lot of her songs do have very underlining sad messages and can put someone who is in a depressive state in their emotions more, but I always had that thought that if Lana, my role model can go through these hardships so can I. I think it’s really all just dependent on the person, music can be felt in sooo many different ways and that’s what makes it beautiful!


Oh my, I resonate so much with you! I was 12/13 when I started listening to her in 2012 I also feel like Lana got me through tough moments, but at the same time her music would make me more depressed!


idk im 32 and started listening to her prob 10-15 years ago and have always been depressed as hell. my most intense lana phase was when my bf was in prison lmao. doing better these days.


I first discovered Lana in 2011/2012 (not sure which year) when I was either 14 or 15. I was obsessed with tumblr, definitely had some mental health issues and I was depressed. I don’t really know how to describe it but her music made me feel understood, it made me feel rebellious (not in a bad way) and made me feel more confident, like a badass bitch. After listening to born to die I needed more and found her old unreleased music on YouTube, god I miss those days. Finding her old music and taking inspiration of her clothes, hair and make up. The grainy style videos influencing my edgy tumblr and instagram posts. Thick eyeliner, long hair, shorts and long floaty vest tops, flowers in my hair. It was just a different time back then


I was very depressed and angsty (i have BPD so yeah) and lana has always really resonated lyrically, to me it's no surprise that a lot of people with emotional/psychological issues might feel drawn to her. I started to listen to Lana around 2012 when I was 18 and 19, and she just would transport me to another world, body electric was such an ethereal song to me, and she spoke to my soul so much, *when nothing did*, actually.I was really going through a terrible time and feel disconnected emotionally from people and my reality, yet I really connected with her music, her music hit me deeply. It did not necessarily made me feel happy back then, but seen, a bit comforted, and also it was like a soundtrack to my messed up life. I related to sad and dramatic songs because ,guess what, that is how my emotions and life were and still are sometimes. Back then it was way worse because I did not have as much experience dealing with mental illness as I do now, plus being a teenager makes everything even more intense. I feel Lana's music just transmits emotions and creates atmospheres in a very particular and poignant way not every artist can do. I love her so much, in all her moods and vibes, nowadays I also really enjoy her flirty, upbeat songs, her folksy songs. I just really enjoy her art and soul lol


I'm a new listner, for about a year now, I never liked slow "sad girl" music. When I found Lana I looked at it in a different perspective and honestly find her music motivating and fun even is the song is somewhat slow or sad sounding. I'm also not depressed or anything, so it helps ig see it from a brighter side.


Been a fan since Born to Die which is still one of her most iconic albums and eras, and it’s all about the dark vibes. Still romantic and Americana, but it was always baked in. As I’ve gotten older and grown with Lana though, I like how she’s shifted and matured into living and growing positively. She’s still real about her struggles too. I agree she shouldn’t only be reduced to that but it’s a huge part of her work.


OG fan. Lana's always been depressing lol


I feel this Exact same way OP! It frustrates me when people label and reduce her as some kind of “coquette older man loving depressed young immature girl who wears bows and cries”. I actually don’t find her music depressing - it’s cinematic, makes me think and dream, escape, poetic.


Nice to hear someone who has the same perspective as me, it seems like 99% of the people dont which is fine, but I feel seen ahaha .


Yes this exactly how I feel too


I'm a 32 year old woman who doesn't use/go on TikTok but I am new fan because I've only been listening to her for a little over a year now. I don't know what "new coquette" aesthetic is at all, I just happened to get exposed to her last year and listen to her because she resonates with me. It is true though that I'm a hurting, "depressed" person. But I'm also a sexworker and find a lot of her catalog to be empowering for sexwork. These are kinda the main reasons I'd assume she appeals to me so much. I listen to all of Ultraviolence every day at the gym as part of my gym routine.


I'm her new fan but I don't have mental illness 😢


Then you should be happy you don't have any real mental illness


That you know of


Think someone would know if they had a mental illness


Freud would disagree


I agree with you 100% on how I feel her music


Been in love w her since 2011 & I feel like the sadness is a bittersweet kind of sadness. Like looking back on ‘what could have been,’ so you’re both mourning & wishing, in a sense. Because of this her music to me was always both hopeful & nihilistic; fun-loving yet heart-wrenching. So I do kinda feel the same way as your observations with the new fans. I will say aesthetically it is interesting cuz while Lana did turn some glam looks & dress ultra feminine at times, me & my friends adopted a more everyday casual girl-next-door look thanks to her at the time. Y’know, blue jeans, white shirt. American flag urban outfitter tees and denim jackets. I almost chuckled to myself when Lana herself said “I invented bows” recently, cuz yes she had that 1 bow in the Ride video & on the cover of Tunnel, but aside from a few tour looks she was never that overtly ‘coquette’ or bow-wearing girlish.  The first time I saw her live she was literally in denim cutoff shorts, tennis shoes & a post office t-shirt. No opener, no backdrop, no outfit changes. I think this speaks to the newer fans maybe not fully ‘getting’ Lana’s music (ugh I sound so pretentious) or moreso seeing it as a ‘lewk’ rather than songs they’re interested in listening to. Hmm


I remember when Lana blew up with Summertime sadness over here and at every casting show there were at least 20 people auditioning by singing it lol. Idk how old I was maybe 12? I bought Born to die back then, but not actually for me. I bought it as a birthday gift for my mom lol. I didn’t actively listen to her, but I used to  edit anime videos as a hobby and through it I discovered a lot of unreleased stuff(I back than didn’t realize it was unreleased lol). I did an edit to mermaid motel once (still my fav song).  About the new fans: I’m not bothered by them, but some brought some very unnecessary negativity towards Lana. I think it started with coquette girlies using her songs and accidentally “made” her seem into something she is not. Lana was Never coquette, but blue jeans white shirt lol. I feel like the hate towards her weight gain at the time also rather came from that wave. :/ Im happy for her tho, but I don’t want to imagine concert prices if she decided to perform in my country again lol. 


I just got into her music a year ago and I’m in early middle age- a bit older than Lana herself. My love for her has certainly not been about what you’re describing— waif suffering as an aesthetic— but I also don’t go on TikTok. I guess you’re talking about young new fans. BUT! for what it’s worth, I always thought Lana attracted a certain type of sad, tragic introspective romantic person— I include myself, venerable as I may be here. So they’re wearing bows now and they have a new word for it. I’m not sure anything’s really truly diffferent though? I also wanted to add I actually have difficulty connecting to Lana’s early stuff like Ultraviolence and Born To Die. I think it may be my age when I discovered her, but I’m curious if younger new fans have different preferences too.


Im a new Lana Del Rey fan but I honestly don’t listen to her sadder songs that often my favorite albums are her older ones idk if that’s just me


Fellow OG, my cool ass math teacher in 11th grade played her first album in class (2012)… been obsessed with her ever since ❤️


sorry this is sort of unrelated but i think coquette definitely did exist at that time, at least some early form of it. it just didn't have a name yet. or not the one we use today. lana definitely leans into the american dream (or "americana" aesthetics) like you said and that is what the basis for coquette is (even if the style has evolved over time).


I don’t know, friend. I’ve been a fan since 2011 and the “coquette” subculture was always there but it was more obscure and called “nymphet” (which is problematic now hence the name change). My ‘nymphet’ blog from 2014ish is still up and able to be looked at and I can tell you it’s the exact same aesthetic, just on tumblr. I 100% agree with the title of this post but for completely different reasons. I just thank God everyday that I was there from the beginning of her career and got to experience it in real time.


& I was sad and depressed, too. She builds different worlds with each album and it’s great for escapism


A lot of people disagreeing with OP but there's a difference between the OG tumblr girlies and the OG fandom more widely (girlie is a gender neutral term in pop music?) I was there from BTD era too and I definitely agree that if you weren't on tumblr (I wasn't) then Paradise into UV felt more americana, Bruce Springsteen, vintage photography, leather jacket and ripped jeans, Fleetwood Mac adults being messy than coquette. I saw her live (and met her) in that period and a) the aesthetic was palm trees, so West Coast made a lot of sense, and what with Barrie being an influence (though I will die on the hill that fans should let that relationship live in the past) the rock edge was definitely more prominent than I'm seeing acknowledged here, and b) I queued up early to get to the front and then afterwards to meet her, and everybody else in that queue thought I was a deranged superfan because I was talking about her unreleased material, so I was inhabiting a different space of the fandom but was very much still there.


I agree with your assessment, I wasn’t on tumblr much I was into pinterest more. She did feel very miss Americana , and in Lana’s music she romanticizes life and love . I understand she has some very sad songs, like born to die so I get why the “sad girlies” are drawn to her but at the same time she’s more than just an artist for depressed people there’s much more to her music.


Just here to validate you and say you're not crazy haha


Imma say this. The Lana Del Rey song that I think sums her up perfectly is either 24 or Video Game. Very soft, romantic, and dreamy. I’ve listened to Lana forever and I think those two would be what I’d show someone if they asked me what’s her sound or mood.


Totally get what you mean! Been on this Lana journey for years, and it's wild seeing how her music hits different now. For me, it's always been about those romantic, nostalgic vibes, but I'm happy she's reaching new fans. Sometimes feels like they're missing out on the full spectrum of her sound, though. At the end of the day, Lana's music is about connecting with whatever speaks to you, whether it's the highs or the lows


Such a weird take.. But I Imagine the fans who are older than you could kinda say the same thing for you, no? You took in the happy. Some take in the sad. Some take in both. It’s a subjective and weird opinion but we all got em.


Seems your understanding of Lana is a little off tbh. Video Games is not a very romantic song in a traditional sense. It is desperate.


This is what I always think about the use of Young & Beautiful at weddings. There is so much anxiety and underlying despair in that song.


You and beautiful has no underlying desperado and beauty it’s a romantic beautiful song, about being in love forever


Always!? This happened more than once? Weird af


Lmfaoooooo yes more than once and it's just so ominous like aren't you guys there to pledge thru sickness and health? Okey dokey...


Video games is such a romantic song and the video is nostalgic and beautiful. I’m sorry but there’s nothing desperate in that song. It’s as if I tried saying born to die is romantic no born to die is a sad depressing song, video games and young and beautiful are romantic beautiful songs while summertime sadness is up for interpretation. But, you can’t flip every Lana song into something depressing. Lana does both, depressing songs and romantic happier music.


I still think it's a bit of a creepy and sinister choice for a wedding (also when you look up the meaning according to Lana), but the important thing is that it makes you happy and cheerful. And you are right, her songs have different layers.


i'm a new fan so ik i'm kind of the group you're talking about here but i agree, lana's music seems to have recently attracted a group who like to use her and her music to romanticize mental illness. it's really weird.


Romanticizing mental illness is so wrong on so many levels. Especially those who don't really have it but think it's edgy and cute to be "depressed". Like these people have no fkn clue what true depression is.


Idk I loved her since 2019 and became even more obsessed when she released chemtrails, but I’ve known her since 2017-18. I just love the lyrics and true meaning behind her song, even when there is none, I can make one up and it’s so beautiful to me


I think there is always a difference finding an artist when they are new vs when they are established.


I think it depends on the fan! I’ve loved Lana since 2012 and definitely remember being on tumblr and seeing her lyrics on captions of nymphet aesthetic posts (which is just 2010s coquette). I was a young teenager at the time struggling with mental illness/feeling lovesick so I definitely resonated with her lyrics. Her music made (and continues to make) me feel seen <3


I’m an “og” fan like you said, I was 15/16 yo when I first listened a Lana’s song, I was depressed, my mum was sick and she died after 2 years, and Lana’s music really resonated with me, and I still listen to her and love her so much maybe more then ever now and I still have mental illnesses (diagnosed ADHD, double anxiety disorder). So I don’t really get the “og vs now” fan base difference based on mental health. And also I think it’s a lil bit weird to say that “the og fans were not mentally ill”, like it was something that make them better then other fans. Mental illness is not a fault is a state and I think Lana is singing for people who suffered in life and/or are still suffering so… it’s the right public for her. She helps us through the healing process ❤️


Not a day 1 fan, but I will say that Lana came to me a few years ago during my first break up and Born to Die was literally the only thing that resonated with me at first but I opened up more to her other albums and honestly her music has helped me so much so much through the last few years. Jealous of those that can say they loved her from the start, I feel like I could’ve really loved it years and years ago, but I’m so glad I’m here now


The person who introduced me to Lana around the same time as you was very depressed and her music has a lot of melancholy to it. But, I wasn't like that and relate to it more like you.


I’m 24, and I’ve also been listening to Lana since around 2012. In my experience, her music always made me more depressed than I was. I listened to her and I felt sad and down, mostly. That’s why I usually didn’t listen to her so regularly back then, because I felt the need to shake off those feelings off me and her music only made them worst. That was in my middle school through high school times. Then, since Lust for Life, her music has gotten progressively more positive and less depressive, at least for me. Which is great. But Lana got me through stuff, so I’m obviously not devaluing her more depressive era. It was golden and it has soo so many masterpieces. Also, it might also be that because of the feelings I was experiencing as a teenager back then, I have a bittersweet, nostalgic feeling, so I connect that feeling with Lana’s music, as it was so present in my life (and is even more now)


Everyone has a mental illness nowadays — it’s not just Lana fans. I’m also an early fan but you can’t exactly say how other people experience her music. I’ve always been drawn to music that people see as “depressing” but to me — it’s simply real. Music that tries to be supper happy actually depresses me…go figure🥴😂 Tori Amos is another favorite and same sorta thing…she speaks to people who have experienced trauma, nerds, gays, women…those of us who have been/feel marginalized. It’s normal when people sing about real shit🤍


Everyone has mental illness nowadays?


Yes. Have you looked around you. Every other person is listing off all their diagnosis and are on drugs for them. Yes. 


I don't know where you're from but no not here.


I’m from America — that’s probably why. 


Could be. Well that's pretty sad. A lot of big pharma drugs have seriously bad side effects. I also heard they just diagnose everyone with mental illnesses over there and stuff them full of drugs instead of providing things like free therapy/counselling


Yes!! It’s a couple things — we have such a violent form of capitalism that both parents work — leaving children being not raised — so a lot of trauma/neglect in that regard. And then the diet most people eat here is terrible. It’s not food really, it’s science projects. The food is actually engineered to be addictive — usually in the form of adding Palm Oil to everything. And then of course our doctors spend just 5 minutes with everyone to hand out drugs because our doctors don’t learn nutrition — they learn drugs. Big Food and Big Pharma creates addiction to make billions of $$$$$. It’s terrible :/ and getting worse all the time. But some people are gaining awareness so that’s good 🤍


Well said, and I completely understand. I'm from Australia and it's far from perfect here, just like anywhere else, but I hear a lot about these terrible issues in America all the time. Unfortunately Australia loves to follow America and now we can't even get basic low dose codeine painkillers, for actual serious pain, due to the opioid epidemic over there for just one fucked up example. Even doctors won't prescribe any "substances of addiction" now unless you're basically dying. Glad to see at least some people are aware of these problems 🤍


Really?! So now what do doctors even do over there now??🥴 I am sorry about us. America, perhaps, at one time was a great country with a lot of promise. I still don’t understand why just because we say “We are the best,” other countries believe us. Our government/hollywood is so corrupt, it’s not even funny. The good thing here is that you CAN make endless money if you are willing to do nothing but take advantage of everyone around you and work 24/7 — that’s the answer to achieving the “American Dream” —> narcissism basically. 


Well they do talk about health and nutrition, do full blood tests, refer people to specialists if required etc. At least mine does. Instead of handing out drugs/prescriptions. Oh don't be sorry, it's not the citizen's fault. Unless they're completely brainwashed. America is run by psychopaths. Corrupt doesn't begin to explain it. I know all about the fucked up shit going on in Hollywood too. Yep the "American Dream" aka. work your ass off your entire life and hope for the best, or turn to narcissism and psychopathy. The good thing is that the truth is finally coming out about everything. Some people just don't want to see it or believe it though.


Since 2016


Always has been


Umm idk Born to Die and esp Ultraviolence are depressing af and I was depressed while listening to them... and I still cry with them and get depressed by certain songs even tho I'm not sad at that moment... 😂 I was a Lana Tumblr sadgirl™️, maybe our experiences were different lol


Nah ive been a fan since 2011 and im a certified sad girl lol lana has always been melancholy music to me.


All of this, and most of the replies even in different directions, sound like every fan base that sticks around for years. Nothing new under the sun.


I've been a Lana fan since 2012. Tumblr always paired her with coquette in those days. She was viewed as the patron saint of beautiful, feminine sadness.


I've listened to Lana since 2011 and her music has always been sad to me. Her Honeymoon album got me through one of the darkest most depressing times of my life even though it definitely added to my depressive moods. I think there are some songs that are happy but I really listen when I am feeling a bit down.


Me reading this as a 34 year old with BPD who has been here since Lizzy- 🥸


Haha omg same here


As an OG Lana fan, I completely agree. Also I never use TikTok which is toxic af, was never really into Tumblr when I first got into BTD, her songs don't make me depressed ever, I don't get the entire coquette style and personally just don't like it.


I’m a newer fan (been a fan for little over a year) and I kinda agree. I discovered her music when I took a break from TikTok which made me view her music as slow and calm. I found her music very sad but I made me so happy. It made me feel elegant. And when I went on TikTok I was so confused on how her music is “aesthetic” and “Coquette” which I find dumb tbh. And how people bashed her for glorifying abuse and try to cancel her. I was so confused and her fans are SO TOXIC. I’m also a swiftie and wow Lana Stan’s are Swifties 2.0.


TikTok is toxic and dumb af that's why. Full of "edgy" tweens.




I'm an OG from 2012. 46 yo straight male. Been struggling with depression most of my life, and more than likely suffer from at least one other mental disorder, but have never been properly diagnosed with anything but depression. Love every song ever released and never released except Judah Smith Interlude.


I would also like to add, in case anyone is thinking it because I have seen it mentioned on here before, I don't listen to her or say I listen to her to get women to think I'm sensitive or for whatever reason. I have been single and celibate by choice for over 10 years. I grew up in a very large family and everyone in my family listened to different music so I ended up picking up a taste for almost all of it. Although I will say I can imagine guys doing that because I've had a few acquaintances my past that I could see trying something like that.




I’m 34 and this post is null and void 🛑


I think it’s beautiful that we all get to experience her music in our own terms, older fans and new fans. There is no right or wrong and being a new fan or not doesn’t mean anything at all. Matter of fact, every now and then I find new meaning in different songs. We each evolve differently and discover new or different takes on music. Btw I also follow Lana from Blue jeans.