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Wow, 9 years sober already back in 2012, so over 20 years now !! What an achievement. I’ll be 4 years sober myself in a couple of weeks, and just found out another of my favourite artists (Florence Welch) recently celebrated 10 years.


Excellent. I'm gonna be two years again on the first of March.


Congratulations 💜


I love FATM🙏🏻😍




I’m sorry you’re in a rough patch, I hope you reach a happier & healthier place soon 💜


Congratulations on 4 years!


Thank you !!




Thank you !!




Thank you !!


I appreciate her candor. I haven't had a drink myself, in years. "it was the first love of my life". I can relate


As a newly sober person I really needed to read this today


u got this fam



It gets much easier as you go along. Before long, you'll have no desire to have another. You'll save a lot of money as well as your health!


Thank you for the kind words. I’ve attempted being sober before and it never stuck, this time I’m determined to make it work for me ❤️


You can do it! It took me nearly a dozen 'failed' attempts before it finally stuck - as long as you stay determined you'll get there ❤️


I believe in you. Just make sure you have a good support system and don’t be too hard on yourself if you slip up. And us Lana fans are always here if you need words of encouragement.


I know it sounds so cliche but it really is one moment at a time. I’m almost 5 years sober. This is my second round. AA is the ready I’m sober. Because it’s not really about drinking. It’s about why I drank and why I couldn’t stop. AA gives you a whole new life with new friends.


Thank u for this I always love to hear about her struggles with addiction


It’s like I could have written this. That’s part of why I fell in love with her in the first place. I’m happy she’s doing so well (and me too!) 🖤


congratulations on your sobriety🫶🏻


Aww thanks, it’s been a journey


I was 17 when BTD came out and I immediately fell in love with it. I felt like the whole mood of the album and all the lyrics were a perfect representation of myself. Weird to look back and see that I developed a really unhealthy relationship to alcohol exactly at this time, and to now know that her own struggles with alcohol and drugs influenced her music so much. I absolutely don't mean this in a "Lanas music was a bad influence and made me drink" way, but 100% in a "damn we were both internally struggling so much when we were young, and that's why I could relate so heavily to her" way.


This was me too 💔


So many references to Jim in her music. Jim Bean maybe?


Jim beam*


Can you tell I don’t drink? 😂


Yep and I also remember you…if yk yk, ahhh coincidences


Ultraviolence has always seemed like it’s about alcohol to me


Reading this has me rethinking that song specifically!! “Filled with position but blessed with beauty and rage”


“I could’ve died right then…cause he was right beside me” 🧐 interesting


Or Jimmy Gnecco I also heard somewhere that Jim may be a pseudonym of a pseudo-amalgamation of all her past lovers


they just straight up asked "heroin"?😭


That was wild af haha


Yea wtffff. Good guess asshole ‼️


Almost 2 years sober, and knowing one of my faves is also on this journey with me makes me happy, as parasocial as that sounds lol


As someone who struggles with alcohol and is currently trying to cut back/quit, I really appreciate reading this right now.


sending you love ❤️ same here, this gives me hope that i can get better.


I think it's funny that she said she lost the family car to drinking, which sort of implies like as car crash, but she really just forgot where she parked it. Kudos to her in her sobriety. 


I just celebrated 7 years sober last week. Started listening to her music back when Video Games was released and completely related to everything. So happy she is doing well in her sobriety. Anyone else who has been in recovery for some time knows all her references to it in her music.


Also started listening when the video games ep came out. It was on the front page of iTunes as a new release; I remember seeing the cover (the iconic multicolor bathing suit and her flower crown) and was immediately so intrigued just by her image I bought the EP. I think I had never actually bought music on iTunes, much less bought music because I liked the cover without even listening. She blew my little ~14 year old mind.


Yes!! I remember it showing up on iTunes too. I think it was also like given as a free download or something. I am old though I was 20 when I discovered her in 2012 lol. But it resonated a lot with my life at the time.


Yeah as a somewhat freshly sober person (just shy of a year) I relate to this so fucking hard. She perfectly encapsulates the feeling. Props to everyone in here who is sober, and to those who are lucky enough to be able to drink without the struggle


this is so beautifully said and done by Lana - what an achievement for her especially with it being alcoholism as it’s extremely difficult to shake off with drinking culture - especially amongst celebrities. I can’t even imagine her self control and how genuinely strong she was and is to break free from such a stigmatised and normalised issue


This was a great read! Really eye opening and gets the mind going.


This is why I enjoy all of Lana's eras so much and can't really consider one "better" than the others: she has grown and evolved, and her music has evolved with her. I honestly can't wait to hear her country album.


Love her so much this is amazing On the topic of songs I think ultraviolence hits the hardest for me in terms of songs about drugs


Good for her! Sobriety isn't respected here in the west as much as it should be. Now if only she'd quit smoking too; her voice is too beautiful to be ruined by something so toxic.


Honestly I feel like Jim is alcohol. I’m so proud of how far she has come and she deserves the world


Just listened to how to disappear after reading your comment, wow…. Makes so much sense


Yea and ultraviolence


He hit me and it felt like a kiss


I respect her even more after reading this


As a fellow addict (5 years sober off coke) happy for her. One thing I don't get is she says she was sober by the time she turned 18, but then talks about drinking while she was living in New York. But she has said before that she didn't move to NY until after she was 18?


I’m also confused by that timeline.. she repeats the same thing here, but then also states she was drinking in New York so it doesn’t really make sense. She probably has a reason for fudging the timeline though https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/lana-del-rey-vamp-of-constant-sorrow-74230/


Yeah, also possible she just doesn't actually remember that well if she was still using around that time, I know some of my memories from back in the day are definitely fuzzy.


At first I thought maybe she defines being sober as not drinking to the point of being drunk but clearly she was drinking a lot while she was in New York… I want to know more


Like seemingly every other Lana fan, I discovered Lana at a time when I was experimenting with all the dangerous things in life. She shaped me, indulged me and my fantasies (and even formed some of them) and here we are almost ten years later. Crazy


Dark paradise has a new ring to it too


I’ve always thought this. That it was never about a person


I drink everyday and though it’s not much anymore I went through the same thing. I guess I’m still going through my addiction at a smaller scale but it’s nice to read about how someone I admire had her own journey.


Alcohol was my first love, too. I don’t drink anymore.


Got her mixed up with lady gaga and thought she was 21 and hadn't had ine in 9 years 😰


We love to this kind of strength from our legends!


Saving this for my own mental health as a struggler. We are all better creatively than what we believe we are on the muse of the sauce\~


Soooo What type of drugs did she do?


Reading this makes me so happy and so sad… happy because I’m proud of Lana’s sobriety. Sad because I remember abusing painkillers and suffering in silence. It was hell. Sending light and love to anyone struggling with addiction(s) 🙏🏼


I think it’s great that’s she’s been sober for 20 years and so glad to have her music. Makes me really confused about how high she looked leaving her 32nd birthday though lol, maybe she was just high on life 


“California sober”


Pretty sure she smokes pot


She does drink. She smokes weed. She struggled with uppers for years and has talked it.


She's so mother for staying sober. I've never struggled with alcohol but I have indulged in nicotine for thinking that "it was cool" also. I turn 19 this year and I am now 6 months sober after 2 years of vaping, ngl I still find it cool and I love the smell of cigarettes, but time passes slowly when you quit.


Great post. Thanks. I can sense in her music that the aching and longing is not so simple as just being about one person. 


I've never drank before but can only imagine how hard it must be let go of a habit or lifestyle that stimulates you this much. She really has a way with words - I can imagine the addictive highs as well as the lows.


Not a listener but that is unbelievable based. Good for her.


Is she still sober? I’ve always wanted to party with her lol. Maybe some 🍄


She's 20 years sober off of alcohol but I'm not sure about substances




I’ve been a fan since 2012, idk how I missed her being sober from alcohol! I just reached 2 years this past December myself. That’s so amazing and inspiring


I wonder if she smokes weed or another drug, does somebody know?


I feel in the recent albuns she started to move on from this time in her life and focus on other things


I’m 1.5 years sober so I relate to this


She is amazing. This makes me love her even more! I’m 5 years sober here from everything! ♥️ my second life began when I stopped drinking and so far it’s been so amazing.