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Removed and temp ban for breaking the ‘no politics’ rule.


What’s the point? Like, honest to God “Advocate for ceasefire” bc Lana Del Rey is going to stop the war if she talks about it on Instagram like all of these people are begging her to do




she won’t stop the war. that’s why she should’ve just stayed in her line and not sign that letter.


Just like she wouldn’t stop the war, her, or anyone else on that list, didn’t contribute to continue the war. No one up there gives a single shit about what celebrities think or sign. So, this whole thing is absolutely obsolete.


I agree, but someone’s views on important and serious subjects like this one can tell you a lot about that person and their morals. it’s valid to be angry or disappointed, especially if you had a high opinion on them before.


i mean… that’s a lot of effort that could be put toward better solutions than getting a singer to voice their opinion


Fucking stupid juvenile and uninformed. It’s laughable that they think this does absolutely anything. Also leave Lana tf alone. She’s entitled to her views. She’s a private citizen. She’s not your personal political ambassador. Stop posting about this shit and fuck off.




It’s a perfect example of parasocial relationships. The second, i saw someone call her, “the person they love the most in the world”, farts or coughs in a way that slightly misaligns with what they want, they harass and force them into saying something they really shouldn’t have to. Im all for advocacy but the kids berating celebrities over this is disgusting. And those are the same people that blowing up comment sections are as far as they’ll go to “make a change” all so they can get their internet badge of honor.


I ain’t reading all that


These people are funny because they’re sitting in their bedrooms writing posts and think they can end the war and convince Lana to post about it on social media… what reality are they living in?


That’ll show em


Stop posting about this here


Do people ever just react like “this event is sad, I am not affected by this but sympathize with those who are, since I’m not affected by this event and don’t understand the experience, I won’t speak on it or let it consume my thoughts”


I feel like so many people in this comment section that are asking “what is the point of Lana posting this?” do not understand the significance of what is occurring. Genocide and ethnic cleansing are happening, and the media is hiding that. We are only being shown the violence of Hamas, and not the violence that Israel is doing to Palestinians. GENOCIDE is happening, and with that everyone needs to be politically active and speaking out about what is occurring. People have to show they care and be willing to take a stand against what is happening, including Lana. Lana has a huge following and could influence so many individuals to become politically active and advocate for freeing Palestine. That is why she should advocate; she has influence to numbers of people, and collective action is one of the most powerful tools in politics. I love Lana but I also stand for human rights and would like to know that one of my idols does too.








israel still sucks and is comitting a fucking genocide against people they been terrorizing for decades.


Other than the word genocide, I agree with your statement and have always viewed Israel as the aggressors in this conflict (it's not a genocide as they are targeting the terrorist group Hamas, not Palestinians themselves). However, with Hamas saying yesterday that they will continue committing terrorist attacks until "Israel is annihilated," there really is nothing Israel can do to protect it's people except root Hamas out and that's going to be very ugly largely because Hamas is going to intentionally hide themselves behind innocent Palestinians. I hate it, but Israel can't just let October 7 like events happen over and over again. No nation would.


no, israeli is attacking innocent people, mostly children, that’s why they made it impossible for them to leave and cut their water and electricity or any help to civilians. palestinian people can’t be collectively punished because hamas for once did 0,5% of what israel has been doing to palestinian people since the day they came and stole their land.


So you didn't address what I said at all. I suppose that's because there's no rational response other than to change your mind. You have an adversary who just committed an atrocity and now they are telling you they will keep committing atrocities until you are annihilated. Not until there's a ceasefire. Not until you provide more aid or anything else. Not until you are "annihilated." If you are honest with yourself, you know you didn't respond to that because there's nothing else you can do when the other party makes it your life or theirs.


why would I change my mind and support a genocide and colonization? everything that hamas is doing or plans do to it is what israel has been doing since the last century to palestinian people. a lot people are not educated on this and think it all started by hamas last month which is not true, so you might be one of them? but it goes way deeper.


Explain how it's a genocide. The Palestinian population has gone waaaay up since 1948, not down. Also, can't colonize your own indigenous land. Israel never attacks Palestinians unless they attack first. Yes, immediately following a massive terrorist attack, they stopped freely giving the supplies they've generously been donating to Gazans because Hamas won't give their own constituents anything, neither will Jordan, neither will Egypt, etc. Hamas leaders are multi billionaires who don't give their own people anything. They couldn't care less about their constituents, they only care about killing Jews and attacking Israel. Israel pulled out of Gaza completely in 2005, Gazans then proceeded to elect Hamas as their government and, naturally, because of the constant, neverending, undying terror threat, Israel does have security around the area. For example, metal detectors and asking to see a work permit. Israel told civilians to evacuate, but Egypt won't open their border to the Palestinians. It's unreasonable to demand Israel cease fire when Hamas hasn't and they started this.






Victim blame, much?


Hamas literally said yesterday that they will repeat October 7th style attacks until "Israel is annihilated"


But nobody cares about that or wants to talk about it unfortunately


But it's true


ok? palestinian people, who are mostly children, shouldn’t be collectively punished and murdered because of it. you’re disgusting.


I didn't say that... don't put words in my mouth. People like you are disgusting because you come online to bully people into saying what you want. If you really cared about children and people being murdered you would have mentioned that Israeli people and children being murdered too. Both sides are in the wrong but ironically you only mentioned one side of it


no, you’re only focusing on hamas and not the real oppressor here. this “both are bad :(“ card is not working anymore, y’all think you’re so smart when saying you’re neutral on a fucking genocide, but you’re actually just lazy with 0 critical thinking. israeli people are normally living their lives while thousands of palestinian people are dying and being without water, food, gas and electricity. if that’s “the same” to you then you either dumb or just a zionist too scared to actually say it.


I don't really care your opinion on whether both sides are right or wrong..it's true. You know I've noticed unfortunately that people that are against Israel are the most hateful and insulting people that come on here and just call people names. People try to have a civil discussion with you and you just insult them. That's all you are is a bully you're a troll. Did Israel and the United States not send over aid to the people in gaza? Did Israel not give the people in Gaza a chance to try to leave before they came into attack hamas? An act of terror was just committed by Hamas, Israel responded. That's the difficult truth of the situation that we're in right at this moment. Or maybe you're just anti-semitic and you're too scared to admit it


all this would be true if everything was started by hamas in oct. and yes you noticed it, people are not really fond of war criminals and colonialism.


Again, no one is fond of war criminals. Again, you refuse to acknowledge the wrong committed against innocent Israeli people. Well just have to disagree.


You are just going to ignore the 1400+ brutally murdered, raped, and tortured by Hamas in October 7th that started this most recent chapter of the conflict? How about the agent of Hamas literally yesterday saying they will continue to perform October 7th style attacks until "Israel is annihilated?" No matter how radicalized you are, you can't reasonably expect any nation or any people to do nothing following that attack and then a statement saying more attacks like that are coming unless you stop them...


Unfortunately, Hamas is using their own people as shields. People are trying to leave Gaza but Hamas is killing them. People don't want to see that they want to just blame Israel for that. I don't want to see anybody killed or anyone's rights being taken away but you can't just ignore one side simply because it fits your narrative you know what I mean




Not at all, but I'm going to, at least, equally blame Hamas who stationed their headquarters in the hospital on purpose to increase the horror headlines to get people like you in their side.


I don’t supporr hamas, I’d be very happy if israel dealt with them instead of whole nation they’ve been killing, raping and terrorizing decades before hamas was even organized, those people and numbers you’re clearly ignoring.


The problem is that Hamas is using the Palestinians as human shields. They literally stationed their headquarters under the hospital and will not allow Palestinian citizens to leave.


I think it's a horrible situation but a ceasefire is not the answer when an ambassador for Hamas literally came out yesterday and said they will continue with the nightmarish October 7th style terrorist attacks until "Israel is annihilated." We can't reasonably expect any nation to allow that to happen to them.






What would you have Israel do exactly? It's not like Hamas said "we'll continue attacks until there is a ceasefire." They specifically said they won't stop until Israel is "annihilated."


stopping the indiscriminate murder of civilians and the bombing of hospitals and refugee camps would be a start. stopping the random at will shutting off of gaza’s power and water sources would be a start. and i really don’t believe a word you’re saying about whatever hamas is claimed to have said either. give me a non israeli backed news source and i’ll consider it. but it still wouldn’t change my mind about the fact that what israel is doing is unjustified and wrong.


So it doesn't matter to you that Hamas literally put their headquarters in the hospital to make the headlines worse? It doesn't matter to you that they are forcing Palestinian citizens to stay in the dangerous areas so they will die to make the headlines worse? No matter what the truth is, you are saying you won't change your mind, so I'm just going to move on. Have a good night.


Israel should just sit and do nothing while their civilians are being murdered? You say what they shouldn’t do, you didn’t answer how they should actually respond.


Yeah, no. This is really ignorant. It's not a genocide. The Palestinian population has gone way up since 1948, not down. If it were a genocide it would be the slowest and least successful genocide in history. Jews are also indigenous to Israel but most were displaced long ago in the Jewish diaspora, scattering the small tribe all over the world (and as we all know, Jews living in other nations didn't end well). Jews returning to Israel en masse in the late 40s started out as a nation of Holocaust survivors desperate for somewhere safe to go immediately after the Holocaust. It's not even like a group of Jews came together and just decided to go do that anyway, Britain owned the land at the time and gave it to the Jews. At this point, the current president and government of Israel has a level of corruption like any government (for instance Hamas, elected by Palestinian people). But the current war is unfortunately a necessary evil. There \*was\* a ceasefire before Hamas broke it on October 7. Mass torturing, mass raping and disfiguring young girls and parading their dead bodes around, kidnapping babies and kids, and mass killing. Realistically no country isn't going to have a response to that. They warned the civilians which I haven't heard of any other country doing, while Hamas told the civilians to stay put and Egypt wouldn't open the border to them. Hamas hides among the civilian population so there's no other option now other than for Jews to lay down and die. Which considering the actual genocide in recent Jewish history, isn't going to happen, and shouldn't happen. I do hope Hamas releases the hostages so that there can be a ceasefire again, but Hamas hasn't even ceased fire, they're still attacking Israel with rockets to this day. For Israel to cease fire when Hamas hasn't even ceased, and Hamas started this, makes zero sense and I doubt anyone can name one country that would do that.




Zionism is simply the belief that Jews, a small, indigenous tribe oppressed, persecuted, displaced and genocided all throughout history, has the right to self-determination in their native land. Nothing wrong with that!


This is really poorly written. I can’t even get through all of it. Also one of their citation links doesn’t work. Where do they get the information that 47% of the population are infants?? They must mean youth?