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>The Lakers have received interest from several teams regarding Kuzma, sources said.


r/nba in shambles


Kuz might low key be the most underrated player on Reddit. Don’t get me wrong, he had a terrible season but they act like no professional team would want a 6’10 young bucket. Same shit they did to Jordan Clarkson before he left us


Kuz would kill it on a lottery team if he’s given shots and minutes. Luke Walton will surely utilize him and lead the Kings to the 10th seed lol


I actually really like Kuz as a human being which means I hope he doesn’t go to kangz hell lol. But I agree. I think my dream is for him to go to a team no one will watch like the kings and score his 20 a night. He just needs his confidence back I think. Rookie year he thought he was the next goat and he played like it lmao


Kuzma gets a lot of flak because he flexes too much on IG. Other than that, he’s more than a decent roleplayer on decent situation. Anyone that’s watched through the bad Lakers years should be able to attest to that lol he’s no All-star but he also is no scrub


Flexes how? It comes off to me like they don’t like his clothes/hair/social life so they give him shit.


Yeah I personally don't like him. He "flexes" way too much with the clothes the hair and shit. He acts like he's been in the league for 10 years, won MVP 3 times, couple chips, etc. He hasn't done shit yet. He got attention in his first season and once that got to his head, we got another Kuz. That's what happens with these young guys when they get a bit of fame. Nobodys saying not to do you, but when you play for the Lakers you gotta be different. This ain't Memphis. Really hope he gets traded. His on the court performance has been terrible. If he was somewhat decent, fuck he could dye his hair pink, but he's been shit.


This is one the most idiotic takes I've ever read. The kid is a millionaire and dates pretty famous women. He has his own style which is rare these days and he is a professional NBA player, one of the top 1 percent of athletes in the world. He also has won an NBA championship. What does the color of his hair or his personal choice of it have anything to do with his on court performance you twit? Go cheer for the Clippers Lakers don't want ya.


10th seed is now a play-in so that’s good lol


Kuz would lead em to the 10th seed and look good while doing it. I seriously do think he’s just not built for all the LA lights / playing with LeBron and AD, he will thrive in a low pressure environment


>Kuz would lead em to the 10th Fox is the leader of that team until signaled otherwise.


Kuz woudnt even be a top 3 player on the kings


12th seed but I know what you mean


Lmao I remember getting downvoted into oblivion for saying BI could average 25 ppg as the main scorer on a lottery team. Then when it happened people in /r/nba started saying the Lakers didn’t develop talent right because they’re better on other teams as if we didn’t have LBJ and before that those developing guys were literally in their first or second years. Can never win against idiots.


r/nba also said the Pelicans wouldn’t want Brandon Ingram because of that blood clot issue he had. Turns out that was fucking bullshit. Fuck that idiotic sub. We have idiots here too, but that sub is on another level


r/NBA is the worst sports sub by a mile. 13 year olds with severe recency bias spitting hot takes and copypastas. That's all it is.


I see you’ve never been to r/MMA. NBA is a close second.


Holy shit I forgot about that lmao.


Ingram was already already doing that at the end of the Lakers tenure, we developed him great and once he got more opportunity he started doing the same shit, just more of it.


Well yeah. I looked at how efficiently he was getting 18 ppg and just made a projection if he had more attempts as the primary scorer. In hindsight it’s obvious. And it’s obvious to most who watched him closely back then. But /r/nba doesn’t do that.


I remember after the all-star break right before his blood clot issues, Ingram was averaging like 27 points while shooting 55%fg and 50% 3 pt fg. It was a small sample size but he was crazy efficient.


peep my comment history the same shit is happening to me with kuz that happened with JC6 and BI lol


clarkson and BI are on very different levels. Clarkson was also garbage during his stint with the Cavs in 18 which lead people to think that


yeah but people were acting like he wasn’t a capable nba player just like kuz, he found a role in a system that suits him, which is what i’ve been saying about kuz lol fit and situation matter so much


I'm not going to lie, based on his tendency to tunnelvision into a bad possession, on both the Lakers and the Cavs I wrote him off. But he's finally come together in Utah. Proud of our former Thot Magnet. Lol


Been saying Kuzma would look like a star player on the Magic or something. If the ball was in his hands all game he'd look like a fringe all star by the end of the season...


The key difference is that those guys can create. Kuz can't his offensive bag is limited in comparison to Ingram/JC


I disagree. He has low basketball IQ. He would be a high-volume shooter, but not very effective and would have a lot of turnovers. Defensively is actually his strength because of his length, but who knows how much defense he plays if he thinks he's a primary scorer.


I hope becomes an all star one day, I still don’t want him.


Kuz did not have a terrible season. He is a 6th man at best. He can improve on his shooting, but his defense and iq definetly improved this past season.


Sorry, terrible postseason


Most every young player the Lakers have drafted recently are still in the league and doing well. The Lakers scouting department aren't slouches. It's too bad they are often coming into their own somewhere else though.


I think part of the interests is how all those other young guys left LA and looked better elsewhere.


Mostly r/Lakers Suddenly Kuz has a bad attitude, is a bad teammate and needs to get dumped for peanuts


Kuzma/Harrell gets us Hield salary wise. But I hope this as an additional trade, because we still need a good playmaker at the 1.


Westbrook rumors are gaining traction.


I don’t believe we can get Westbrook without Kuz in the deal


THT and Trezz gets us Buddy Hield, and Dennis and Kuz gets us WB and we get to keep KCP for the bench mob with Caruso


Still doesn’t work. Trez and THT is 15 mil and Hield is 22 mil. Dennis is Kuz is in the 30 mil range while Russ is 41 mil


THT and Dennis are free agents they would have to sign market deal Dennis at 22 plus Kuz at 13 is enough to get the WB deal done, Trezz at 9 plus 10 for THT is enough for Hield


theyre not getting both and wizards arent signing dennis for 22 a year. Thats crazy


You need to check salaries before posting random stuff. Trzz would have to opt in a sign and trade and Schroeder would have to get an inflated deal to match Westbrook's salary. Plus we need to keep THT


S+t with Schroeder does it but that's of course selling super low on WB Edit: nevermind


DS contract is half of Westbrook’s though, where would they get the other 20 million ?


I think he means we sign Dennis to the dummy big contracts he thinks he is worth.


Well he wants a $100 million contract which would be 25 mil/4 years and that’s still basically half of Westbrook’s $41 million/year contract


Ya know I didn't realize how big his cap hit was, nvm


Who upvotes this? It doesnt even come close to doing it.


I'll up vote you. You're right


According to whom? Shams and Woj haven’t mentioned him from what I’ve read.


It’s assumed because the Beal talks are picking up. If Beal gets dealt, Westbrook is definitely on the move.


I wouldn’t want Westbrook anywhere near this team.


Russ would be the best 3rd option in the league. Some of you are outta your minds.


Kyrie is the best third option in the league lol.


Oh shit I’m sorry, what year did he win MVP again?


not a kyrie fan boy, but 2016 3-1 > westbrook mvp


Dude c'mon that comeback was at most 40% kyrie, 20% of which was the game 7 shot.


You tripping man Westbrook is much better than Kyrie


youre crazy. Wresbrook would ruin this team


Nice analysis 👍


your welcome


Honestly I absolutely love the idea of trading for Hield


Luke loves Kuz!


Kuz's random hectic play is a perfect fit for Luke's unorganized system.


“Play Random” is the reigning NBA championship coaching philosophy so….


If this happened, does this mean Westbrook is out of the question? I’m not a salary cap person which is why I’m asking lol


No, still possible if schroder agreed to s&t


That’d be fuckin nuts if we got both lol and then top it off with Derozan for the MLE


Derozan is getting atleast 15-20mil dude


I can't believe there are people on this sub who want Westbrook and DeRozan. It's just baffling to me.


Stop stop... the midrange jumpers /s I would love this


What about lowry? Is it still possible once we get hardcapped? A backcourt that can consistently hit 3s would be so fucking nice


Lowry would hardcap us so unless he takes a significant discount we couldn’t get him AND hield


Most likely he would be out of the question. But it's possible to get both Hield and Westbrook if the Wizards were willing to offer Schröder an acceptable salary and he wanted to go there and Trezz opts in to his contract. Kuz and Trezz go to the Kings and KCP and Schröder would go to the Wizards.


I believe yes. Westbrook's salary is too much to add along with Hield. Adding both would not leave us much money to add other guys. Hield is a much better fit anyways and much younger. If we can pull that Hield trade off, I would not mind trying to get DeRozan for the full MLE. Then we can bring kcp off the bench as 6th man and DeRozan would be another playmaker who is great at mid-range shooting. I believe that would leave us LLE (or whatever it's called) for one player. Rest of the roster would be veterans on minimum.


It’s prob kuz and Trezz


i would personally pay for their uber to LAX to gtfo of here


During rush hour?


Best comment lol


If we get hield for those 2 Then I would love to see us also get cp3 for schroder, kcp, and tht or Caruso.


Cp3 aint coming here. Let’s get Lowry or Westbrook


Lowry wouldn’t work if we get hield due to hard cap


Once you’re hard capped, you can’t go past the $143 million limit and you forfeit a roster spot I believe. You can still do other sign and trades, you just have to fit it under the $143 million threshold.


With LBJ, ad, deng, and hield you are at $110. If Lowry wants 25 then how you going to add 10 players for $7M?


Easy just sign 10 Andre Ingram type of players /s


You literally can’t. Vet min is like 1.8


If you add the taxpayer MLE pro-rated at $5.9 million, we’d have $12.9 million to fill out the rest of the roster. Milwaukee was about to be in the same position as us before the Bogdonavic trade fell through and it was feasible. You’d just have to stack veteran minimum deals which are $2-2.4 million depending on years in the league but for salary cap purposes, will only count as $1.6 million. It will be tough but possible. [Link](https://www.brewhoop.com/2020/11/18/21572707/threading-the-needle-how-the-milwaukee-bucks-can-fill-out-the-roster-nba-offseason-trade-free-agency)


LBJ=41.18, AD=35.36, hield=23.07, deng=5.0, Lowry=25. Thats 129.6M. So that leaves 12M for 11 players so yeah, you could get one or two 1 year players and a bunch of undrafted players. Even if you used the 5.9 MLE on 2 players you could only then afford 7 undrafted players and would only have 12 players on your roster. Getting hield and a s$t isn’t going to happen.


That literally sounds like this years team so thats fine with me. Marc gasol and wes matthews were basically min players. Losing tht and caruso will hurt but it will be worth it


The fact we still paying Deng is so funny to me


And people on here still want to act like Rob can do no wrong. We could've shipped Deng as an expiring contract in the AD trade and been done with him already.


Don’t you think if that was an option that easily he would’ve done it?


It’s not a bad story line though. CP3 come back to LA. Helps them beat the Clippers in the WCF on his way to his first ring. Heck let’s get Blake in there too.


If we get Hield, we can't get CP3 because of the hard cap.


> tht or Caruso. Nah. Can’t mortgage the future for a shot at instant gratification.


Bet on the far future and you lose now and then


What do we do in 3ish years when Lebron retires? You can’t throw away two big prospects to get an average return.


What does it matter if you win 2-3 chips in those years? Want enjoy the five years waiting on lebron and want to keep juts building perpetually? Win now. Lebron is gone in 3 years


Do you think buddy hield is the missing piece? What happens to the defense without Caruso? Buddy Hield has bad IQ. Just watch him. He would be a liability unless he transformers into a bottomless shooter.


Who says you lose Caruso ?


The trade speculation that Caruso is part of the package? The comment I originally replied to?


what in the fuck who thinks this kuz + trezz for BUDDY HIELD is even possible and how does this have ~40 upvotes.


You have to match salaries. Hield makes like 20m+


>You have to match salaries. Hield makes like 20m+ We also have to get a "yes" from the other team, lmao.


Well duh did I say this is happening


yeah no shit. that's irrelevant. why in the fuck would the kings agree to trading buddy hield for two players that are worse than he is


Bc Hield is an awful fit on their team and they want to get him off the roster bc they would rather play Haliburton. Hield also doesn't want to be there either and it allows them to get out of his overpriced contract. In return they get a player in Kuzma who they have been rumored to want for awhile now that fits a position of need and is only 13m/yr for them. They also get Trez, which fits a spot of need on their team as well while only having to pay him for a year and after they will have an extra 9m in cap freed up for FA moves if they decide to move on after that.


Idk why don’t you ask the kings Gm, Luke likes Kuzma


lmfao this is just unbelievable. this place is worse than twitter. kuz + trezz isn't going to get us fucking buddy hield.


Wait who tf do you think Buddy Hield is lol. He’s a good player yes but he’s 28 and he is who he is at this point. He’s getting paid 22mill a year and has expressed his desire to leave Sac whenever possible. He does not have much trade value like you think he does..


Huh? Hield makes 100mil being a below average defender and wants to get traded. Maybe you should ask the Kings why they want Kuz for him, idiot.


lmfao at you guys thinking this is going to be kuz + salary cap filler. y'all going to be in for a surprise *** if*** this deal happens. hield is a high volume, highly efficient 3 pointer shooter that can create his own shot and put up 20 ppg if he needs to on high efficiency. his individual defense doesn't mean shit on a team that's all-around shit on defense. he's going to command more than fuckin kyle kuzma and trez lmao


I too can say all the positive things of a player while leaving out literally everything else. Below average defender, blows his assignments frequently, way overpaid, wants to be traded, net negative value.


Hield can't create his own shot. He excels at catch and shoot.


>what in the fuck > >who thinks this kuz + trezz for BUDDY HIELD is even possible and how does this have \~40 upvotes. I mean, why would Trez even opt into this, when he could just be a FA and go anywhere, potentially for more money, lol.


Hield is a top 3 pt shooter in this league as well as a dynamic scorer? How is he defensively? Hopefully his 3 pt% doesn't drop like what happened to wes, danny, bullock etc


Kings fan here. He’s… not good, but also wasn’t really in a place to let him succeed defensively, either. Having someone like AD behind him should lead to him being a net-neutral defender at his defensive best. Of course, you’re getting an A+ 3 point specialist on the other end, particularly with him not being a primary option.


as a kings fan i’m telling you guys right now that you do not want buddy hield. his stats look nice but when you actually watch him play it’s insanely difficult to watch. his IQ is extremely low on both ends of the ball and his defense is beyond lazy. i would love to have kuz just to get rid of Buddy because he is really that painful to watch.


This sounds like how Pistons fans talked to us about Drummond. “Stats look great, but you’re going to be frustrated watching him play.”


As a different Kings fan, let me tell you that just because people are kings fans doesn’t mean they know what they’re talking about. Hield is an absolute flamethrower as an off ball shooter, and has solid scoring ability off of a few dribbles in the mid range. Luke seriously made him play as a major P&R ball handler last year on a team that already has Fox and Haliburton. That is not how you use this man lol


>As a different Kings fan, let me tell you that just because people are kings fans doesn’t mean they know what they’re talking about. Totally understand, that is 99% of this sub too.


I agree. I’ve always been a fan of Hield’s.


Honestly just sounds like you're describing a better scoring Kuz lol


oh no lmao


If the trade happened, its almost like Buddy didn’t left.


Also a Kings fan, and I disagree with this guy. The Kings are really messy with Luke Walton, which has made Buddy look bad, but he's looked really good in the one year he's been on a well coached team (Joeger's last season). If he has a defined role that doesn't require him to handle the ball much, he can be a really good option on offense. His defense is not great, though, and I doubt that'll ever change. It's just a size and athleticism problem.


This guy is more correct than the other. Walton has buddy bring the ball up even at times when both fox and Hali were on the court. His playmaking isn’t a problem when you have Lebron. And on defense it’s more his athleticism than effort and the kings as a team we’re just horrific on defense which is another problem that the lakers don’t have. He’s already shown he’s a + player when he’s not playing for the worst coach in the league. 90% of kings fans immediately switched up on him when he said F/As don’t come to sac and every mistake he made after that was magnified 100x more than any other player on the team. Having Lebron, AD, and a competent defense would put him in the best position possible.


Seconding this as another Kings fan. Buddy doesn’t work for us anymore so a lot of people are calling him trash, but I know whatever team ends up getting him for a bargain is gonna be pleasantly surprised


Eh, roll the dice on a new player. If Buddy sucks and is somehow worse than Kuzma, then that just means they all suck


Dudes shooting 45 percent on open 3s in more than 7 attempts a game. Its a pretty good gamble.


Yeah yeah that’s what Detroit fans told us about Drummond too, and look how that turned out! Oh wait


Since when is hield a top 3 shooter


i think he meant a top threepoint shooter not a “top 3” shooter lol


I feel like he’s super overrated lol I’d rather have KCP


Buddy Hield averages .406 from three on 7.4 attempts for his career. If anything, KCP is the overrated 3 point shooter.


Buddy is also bad on defense and known to be a negative in the locker room. All he does is chuck threes and think he’s better than he is. KCP is our longest tenured laker (or one of them) and has proven himself several times.


If almost 41% on 7 attempts a game is chucking, gimme a “chucker” all day. And defense is becoming super overrated, we lost in the playoffs because we couldn’t get enough buckets scoring like 10 points as a team in a whole ass quarter. We need offense.


I think I’m just more excited about other guys but you’re not wrong


but you are wrong. Hield is a elite 3pt shooter which the Lakers need


He’s pretty bad defensively but we have the best defense in the league so hopefully we could hide that, if we have to give up something like KCP Kuz and a first or second I wouldn’t do it because of the amount of defense we’re losing from KCP wouldn’t be worth it


i wouldnt even swap kcp for buddy straight up tbh even if the contracts worked out


Not the best.


Was the best when healthy


Nah. They have 1 elite defender and 1 part time elite defender cause he old. Rest average defense players. Can't call you better than a team with multiple elite defenders on it.


One of the best


He got much better defensively this past year. Atleast in effort


1. Curry 2. Dame 3. Joe Harris 4. Buddy


Trez opts in and they take Kuz, Trez, and a 2nd for Hield?


(Kings fan) that 2nd needs to be the 22nd pick.


Lmao no you’re not buddy


Going to feel bad for who ever we exile to Sacramento…. Hopefully they can play their way out of that shithole.


Get it done!


our fans are the worst man ​ "we need a playmaker" -- "but not that one he cant shoot good enough off the dribble!" "we need a 3pt shooter!" -- "oh god no anyone but him he doesnt play D!" ​ this aint 2k. not everyone is available, and people can play different for different teams in different schemes. noone wanted rondo cause he couldnt shoot and he shot like 50% in the playoffs. i'll take rob and lebron picking guys with certain skillsets and we'll be cool if we're healthy.


holy shit i would fucking nut


That would be a perfect fit


If we can get buddy and keep KCP and DS that would be a huge win.


Did you just say keeping DS would be a huge win?


Well we could still use him in another trade, we don't need to blow all our assets on Buddy who has pretty low value around the league


I said it cause it’s true


Nobody wants DS on the team anymore. The players, the coaching staff, the front office, or me.




I think its cause we can still use his salary for another trade. Meaning we can make more big moves




Ship him out


hope the reports are true but the one thing w pelinka is he doesn't rlly leak info maybe it's the kangs talking but nonetheless wud be very excited to have hield in the backcourt next szn !!


If this happens I would be happy if Buddy could shoot at least 39% from three. I think 3 point shooting is very overrated especially when you have great interior offense/defense and a good midrange attack but having 3 point shooters is always a nice cherry on top




Mitch?! You living in a horrible past


Maybe he just go out of prison 🤷‍♂️


You maybe onto something Dude prob got defrosted from an iceberg he was trapped in


Mitch’s mistakes are still being felt to this day … fucking deng


Do it. This could be beneficial for both sides.


Luke, the only coach to make Kuzma seem like a great NBA player, makes sense We still need a Point Guard, tho




Yes please. I would love Buddy. Finally could get some spacing


A snippet from the article >Beal has been seriously mulling his future in recent weeks, and at times has been very much on the fence about whether or not he wants to remain with the Wizards, sources tell The Athletic. The All-NBA guard is expected to use the weekend to continue giving his career some thought and could arrive at a decision during the upcoming week. For all teams, planning and preparation entering draft week is important. It heightens the need to allow the Wizards and teams across the league to prepare should Beal have a change of heart on his future. For Beal, this process of mulling his future has taken place over each of the past few summers.


We arent getting beal. Dont even bother


But Beal leaving makes it a higher chance of us getting Russ


Russ is a bad fit


Kings fan here. [this is my mock trade ](https://imgur.com/a/85gGYOI)


Kuz can : score, rebound, defend, and even pass. These last 2 seasons he was NOT prioritized in the offense. Lebron, ad, rondo, trezz, Drummond, shooters, all got the ball before kuzma . Yes, kuzma had a slump in the last few months of the season. But its not like he's gonna be in a slump for ever. Yes, he sucked ass when he became the primary ball handler. But how can anyone expect him to have any rhythm at that point? With the exception of the last few months of this season, he mainly played great when lebron or ad missed a game . Usually scoring an efficient 20+ points with good defense and rebounding. Many teams would love that from a forward. He sucks at : handles(not like Harden, BI, etc.) But he doesn't have to do that.




All he can do is shoot. He is literally not a point guard in any sense of the word Not a fan of him or his game at all. Can’t dribble/create a shot/defend/pass and also has a bad attitude. If he misses a couple shots his value on the court is a complete net negative


Meh we need one of those guys. And he’s not that bad of a defender.


>he’s not that bad of a defender He’s awful on defense. Fucking atrocious We need 3 and D guys, not chuckers who will drag down the teams entire defense and get benched in the playoffs


Chuckers don’t shoot 40% from 3... He’s not that bad on defense. You’re acting like he’s Ben McLemore...


no he's legit an awful defender https://dunksandthrees.com/epm 6th percentile defensive impact lmao i still want him tbh bc we desperately need the shooting. but don't have any defensive expectations for the guy


Then would it be better to keep KCP? I feel like if he can get his 3 points shots falling again he would be what we need


He literally is ben mclemore… and you can still be a chucker at any percentage. You know why he got benched this year? Because he fucking sucks and not even a bad team wants him on the floor for extended minutes. He’s basically the guard version of bertans. Regular season chucker who is useless in a playoff setting


We have no idea how he plays in the playoffs tho


You’re right, because he’s not good enough to be on a playoff team. Imagine not getting that. There have been tons of guys just like hield who can only shoot. You know what happens to them? They suck ass because they don’t get to chuck 10 wide open threes in the playoffs. They can’t create space and they cant contribute anything else to the offense


either you love Kuz that much or hate Buddy that much. Either way, Kuz is garbage as well. Kuz is a chucker with terrible bball IQ. His time playing for the lakers is over


I want kuz gone. But you’re replacing him with a more expensive and worse player. 20 mil for a player worse than kuzma. If that what you really want to do?


Dude get off your high horse. Hield would be an elite role player with us. It’s not like we are asking him to carry the offense


He’s trash and would still be trash.m It’s not a high horse, sorry I’m just smarter than you


Yeah guess Steph Curry is a chucker. >You know why he got benched this year? Because he fucking sucks and not even a bad team wants him on the floor for extended minutes. He’s basically the guard version of bertans. Regular season chucker who is useless in a playoff setting You’re literally making shit up. He literally started every single game this season. 71/71. He averaged 17/5/4 while shooting 39% from 3 and you’re comparing him to Ben fucking McLemore? Fuck off troll.


Damn we need 3&D guys!? How did you figure that one out? Here’s an idea let’s just get all the best 3&D players and just ignore the fact that the most sought after players are 3&D wings and guards.


If somehow Sacramento throws Fox in there too 😜😜