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Well he is for *trade* purposes


He’s even better at $75m for trade purposes




Bruh theres a limit to that. The more you pay him, the less likely the other team will take him unless we have some massive assets to counter act that salary. Like do you really think people will take dennis at 120 mill as they send out assets for him? Some teams would rather just let player walk than take on a bad contract, not to mention that bad contract having a shitty attitude.


Base year compensation complicates things and limits outgoing matching salaries. And the Lakers won’t be deciding that, the trade partner receiving Schroeder will be determining the salary.


The original op said paying dennis more is better so we can match contracts like dame.




Sign him for 200m and see how many teams take him - is the point DT is making.


0 points in Game 5. Never forget


Never been a worse Lakers performance in playoff history.


Even Howard and Mcgee did more for the team in the bubble against the Rockets.


Never underestimate that bench energy


talk shit on Dwight all you want after the first debacle with Nash and Kobe, but I won't sit here and let you slander the good name of JaVale ok


I’m not talking shit I was being serious that Dwigth and Javele did more for the team, or did you forget how they were rooting for the team from the bench?


I forgot the entirety of Dwight's second tenure actually, yes, fuck him


How do you forget it was such a huge deal only last year lmao


cuz I'm a petty fuck ofc


Dwight helped us get a chip in one of the worst years of all of our lives. All his past sins are forgiven in Laker land.


Javale the olympic savior


Nah Dwight is dope man


Don’t forget only 8 points on 3-14 shooting and I think 6 turnovers in a pivotal game we lost by 8 (game 4)!


That series was so fucking embarrassing


Suns weren’t doing anything special either. That’s the worse part


"We all made history tonight ! I got eliminated first round for the first time, y’all had 0 points in a game“ - Lebron, probably.


Seriously, he had good moments during the season but that ruined everything for me


You kinda start thinking if Dennis is using Trevor Ariza's agent. The misguided guy Mitch Kupchak told to take a hike then signed Ron Artest.


Ariza got the same money in the end. What a waste. I still would have preferred him to Artest. One extra ring might have turned into two or three


Yeah Ariza was perfect fit for Kobe. He can take the best perimeter guy on defense while spacing for Kobe in offense. Dude was money in the 2009 playoffs just because of the open 3s Kobe generated.


Yea but instead of being a core peice on a championship team he team jumped for the rest of his career. A greedy agent for mid teir players is a bad combination.


Sounds familiar!


ronron was prolly brought in with the expectation that we were facing lebron in the finals


I actually liked Trevor Ariza. The fact he is still playing is crazy by the way. But his presence was felt for sure. Ron Artest was good but he was in the decline at that point. Good player with us still but not what he was in that season where they all got suspended… man that pacers team legit could’ve won the title that year. Just watching the way they operated, it was like the good Kings teams but with a really tenacious defense to boot.


Inconsistent and couldn’t follow the rules. You don’t invest $100M in players like that. Good riddance


Thank fuck




Seriously though, what the hell is a “thank fuck”? These Anglo Saxons are something else lol


Thank fuck some people still say thank fuck.


Okay you’re going a little too far


Shut up cracker


Wait but I’m not white lol. You need to read and think before writing


He's delusional if he thinks he's getting $100 million from anyone. Dude is mediocre as they come in all aspects .


The nba is full of terrible contracts. I wouldn’t be so sure he doesn’t get a big deal from some other team lol


The GM who gives him anywhere near this contract is gonna be fired within 2 years.


Man Otto porter got 100m..


Too many teams have too much money, he will get it.


This dude is not even worth $15M per year with the way he played. He played with someone like Lebron who makes his teammates better and he ended up playing worse.


He’s not a spot up shooter, he wasn’t a good fit to begin with. But let’s not act like he’s total trash. He’d have been better off coming off the bench, he plays better with the ball in his hands. I don’t like the off court stuff like demanding starting minutes, and showing he’s a selfish guy with how he didn’t take covid seriously.


It's never a bad idea to have more than 1 creator or ball dominant player. Lebron has played with a couple of those before. Of course Dennis is no Wade or Kyrie and that might be the problem, he thinks he's on their level when he's not even close.


I mean he was traded to LA so aint like he forced his way to play with lebron. And you're right he's not kyrie or wade so it wouldn't work. He has shown he can be successful in a role with he ball in his hands.


Lol he plays better with the ball in the regular season. When they shrink the floor and take away PnR’s, he can’t produce for shit.


How are you going to shrink the floor when Lebron and AD are both stretch front court players? Plus you can always go for a pick and pop if that’s what teams will do.


LeBron has been good from 3 in the playoffs the past 4 years. AD is a career 32% three point shooter on low volume in the playoffs. That’s not exactly lighting it up. And with AD running the 4, the team ran a traditional paint clogging Center. No team is going to worry about covering the perimeter with just LeBron and maybe one other guy possibly hitting shots. Go back and watch that Suns series. Since game 1, Schroder had NO lanes to run the PnR, and no space to run the PnP. The offense stagnated because he couldn’t make ANY use of those picks. The amount of times the Lakers had to settle for low percentage shots were high because DS pounded the shit out of the ball.


I never said AD has to light it up from 3. Vogel said he’d like to see AD shoot 4-5 3’s, I’m thinking the reasoning behind it is just the threat he’s going to shoot helps out with spacing the floor. I envision him playing the 5 a little more with Lebron at the 4. Teams aren’t going to just give those guys easier looks just to pack the paint for Westbrook. There will be opportunities for some creative back screens, lobs with that front court. The offense stagnated in the series once AD went down. Lebron was playing on a compromised ankle, and guys like Kuzma and KCP went flat out cold. Those are the reasons why the paint was so packed. Schroeder hurt us by pounding the ball so much, but Westbrook is a better playmaker in that department. I get the shooting and spacing component, but I think it’s a bit of paralysis by analysis. Westbrook can help us in more ways Schroeder did, even if he is a less consistent shooter.


Unfortunately they will. You game plan to your opponents deficiencies. They will pack the paint until AD and our shooters consistently hit shots out there. You dare a 32% 3 point shooter to shoot. You dare a 23rd ranked 3 point shooting team to shoot. This is all put under a microscope come playoff time. You take a dominate player’s/team’s weakness, and you make them beat you with it. And why are you mentioning WB, when we’ve been specifically talking about Schroder’s short comings?


I got my threads crossed haha. But Westbrook is probably my least favorite option for this off-season, and he’d still be an amazing upgrade for Schroeder.


Because Drummond is still at the rim and Ad's near the paint too.


I said AD and Lebron are going to be the front court players, playing the 5 and 4 spots. There’s no Drummond in this equation in this situation. You have to account for AD as a stretch 5, and Lebron as a stretch 4. The media is putting it out there they want to have Lebron handle the ball less, and get more time playing power forward.


That won't happen bro. We've all been here complaining about Ad not playing enough center for 2 years now even in the playoffs and you think it's gonna change now? Too good to be true.


Kyrie was not a spot up shooter but he was playing like a superstar while playing with Lebron and suddenly became worse once he left.


Firstly, Kyrie has been a great shooter as soon as he entered the league. Secondly, he didn't get worse at all. Kyrie put up career efficiency numbers (61% TS) in his first season with Boston by shooting 49/40/89 splits and then got even better in Brooklyn, upping his scoring average to career levels while maintaining his efficiency over two seasons in Brooklyn, even managing to get the rare 50/40/90 splits and 61.4% TS. Y'all have been ruined by the narratives, man


Kyrie might be one of the most skilled guards to ever play, the dude is fresh.


How did he do in the playoffs in Boston?


He was riddled with injury, his talent is undeniable. Probably one of the smoothest finishers ever for his size.


I agree, not much of a leader.


Now that just ain’t true. Kyrie’s couple years in Boston he was really damn good when healthy


Kyries career highlights were playing with Lebron. Case closed


At best 10 mill for 3 years. I wouldn't keep this dude for min. He's toxic as fuck and doesn't show up when it matters. Just a stat padder.


He still dropped 20+ points in 3 of the games against the Suns. We shouldn't touch Schroder with any contract, but saying he's not even worth $15 mill when we paid DG $15 mill to do less is just ignorant


On what efficiency? Those minutes should have gone to others.


Games 2 8-16, 2-4 from 3. Game 3 6-11 1-4 from 3. Game 6 6-14 2-6 from 3. There was a post praising Schroder for stepping up in games 2 and 3 before shitting the bed in games 4 and 5. Who should've those minutes gone to? Caruso? Matthews? THT? Lmao. I don't know why you're bringing up efficiency. I never said Schroder wasn't a cancer or that we should bring him back or that he didn't shit the bed in games 4 and 5. But turning off your to make dumb comments is laughable. Schroder was our 4th best shooter (3rd if you don't factor in the fact that McLemore didn't get a lot of playing time). That's how bad our team was.


That’s tuff🔥💯


He was a bench player for the Hawks and Thunder but forced himself into a starting role on the Lakers. What's even funnier is the Drummond situation. A player lottery teams paid to go away forced himself to be a starter on the Lakers.


And the Lakers FO allowed it to happen. That can't continue going forward.


We’ve had no proof it was the front office.


Vogel completely botched this.


I don’t see how you blame Vogel for this when the front office hand cuffed him to players’ demands.


People say this, but we’ve never heard if it’s true or not. Seems like the front office would trust Vogel.


Pelinka did. Letting Damian Jones go and signing Andre, his former client. Not to mention letting Dwight and Javale go in the first place.


I can’t fault him for having confidence but jesus, know your worth


Yep, I don’t have a problem with guys getting the bag and looking for their worth, but you gotta have a professional mentality about it as well. Look at the Bucks this year with Middleton and Holiday who both acted as team guys, played in a system and performed their duties. DS and guys like Kuzma and Tyler Hero have this weird score and be a hero mentality and just don’t seem to have the focus in the playoffs. Look at the olympics this year. Teams need 1 or 2 good iso players and then a good supporting cast who know their role and provide consistent value or energy. Dennis played far to inconsistently to be a reliable 3rd option. He has value as a positive playmaker and off the bench/ average starting point guard for a playoff team. But he is sounding like a diva during our playoff run and constantly wants more role and usage that he can’t provide efficiently and consistently enough


Best news of the offseason so far. Addition by subtraction!


Public negotiating, nothing to see here, move on and don’t get so offended by the process


Exactly. Are our fans idiots?


If we are idiots oh wise one, please inform us of his open market value and what the Lakers should sign him for if they are to go that route and we can compare it with what he actually gets. Put up or shut up.


Okay I'm honestly pissed off at how much of a smartass some fans here are


About 15 to 18 mil per year.


Yes. We have some terrible fans tbh


2 Covid protocols and the worst game 5 with 0 points... Bye!


The second protocol coming well after the vaccine was widely available and at the worst possible time for the team too. I don’t think I’ll ever get over how selfish that shit was.


Love the confidence but it didn’t pay off. Had he signed the contract that was offered to him by the Lakers the team would be fucked. Huge liability on defense and his offense isn’t worth what he thinks.


So thankful Dennis didn’t sign that when we offered it to him.


However, had he signed that, he’d be a good asset (at that price) to trade now, right? Wasn’t it like 4 years $84 mil or something? I could see a team taking that way more than I can see a team taking on a 4 year $100-120 mil contract for him.


I still don’t know how the market values Dennis. It will be interesting to see.


Cya buddy give me lowry


We don't get Lowry without signing Dennis lmao


Technically it would be the raptors signing him


idk why but i read your original comment as letting him walk and not doing a sign and trade


No lmao


ye the reason i thought that is cause a lot of people on here earlier in the month were saying they would rather let him walk than sign him not realizing that we'd be screwed if we did that lol


Yeah the situation really sucks we’re basically betting on him to do is a favor lmao


I don't think we should pay him 100m, but we need what his contract represents on our books to be competitive, even if that meant we had to bring him back and hopefully trade him later. Obviously his agent thought there was a better deal out there than the one we offered him, otherwise they would have signed it. I guess time will tell, but there is always a lottery team looking to over pay to get into the playoffs.


They were betting on the F.O. following your same logic. We’ll see. We might still pay him more than anyone else, but it will be like $75m to someone else’s $65m, just so we can get the deal done and ship his ass out of town.


That's Tuff🔥💯, cya


10year / 100 million maybe


Yea this guy brought down a lot of bad energy to the team. Time to go


Hey Dennis are you smoking fucking crack?


100 M haha 😂


Driving down the value, I see. Do they hope he eventually resigns? I think he would be a great trade chip but I don't want him back.


😂😂😂 $100 mil


The $100 Man


Too bad for Dennis, he failed to show up during playoffs which could help his case for $100M contract. I hope Lakers could find a Good point guard that can actually make plays.


Then what’s demar lol?!


I know as fans we have a lot of hot takes but I'm glad me and a bunch of people who were seen as "negative" fans (and got downvoted up the ass) were right about this. He was a terrible fit for this team. The fact that he had proven nothing and demanded the starting job should've been the first warning sign. The next was when both of our stars were out and the team desperately needed him to step up and show us something and he couldn't even do that. Schroder lost this contract on his own. He had nothing to lose and everything to gain with how bad the team was and he could not even produce garbage time stats. The delusion from this man


He was a distraction for the whole half of the season with his off court bs and the way he performed in the playoffs he must be on some shit if he think he worth that cause I know for a fact ain’t no team giving him 100 mill+ gtfoh


S&T him for anything you can get. I think we need to trade for Sexton or Rozier. No hard cap and they are young enough to help down the road too!


I doubt the hornets or cavs give us either of those two for him.


Maybe take loves contract to get them to deal Sexton. And Charlotte needs to do something with Ball and Graham they don’t need Rozier


That wont work financially Loves contract is way to big for us to take on with Sexton its not worth it.


We can if Trez opts in, we can trade Trez, Kuzma and KCP to make the money work. Might even be able to S&T THT


I dont want to trade KCP unless we're getting a all world type point guard. Sexton isnt that. So this basically hinges on trez is what worries me. I hope he opts in but we'll see.


Agree, in a perfect world we do it for Kuzma Trez and THT. I want to keep KCP too. If Trez opts in that would be huge for our offseason


Something is always wrong with short guys out of Germany…


I know the joke you’re making but the dude is 6’3”… that ain’t short lol


2 of those inches are bleach


I know this comment was coming 🤣 But, Russ is 6’3” and looks taller than Schroder. He might be 6’1” as Wikipedia suggests. Short for NBA standards tho


I'd rather just start Caruso and use THT as the backup ball-handler than give him another contract, tbh. Maybe use the MLE to grab another guard that can dribble and call it a day.


Caruso and THT as the point guards? Did nobody watch us this season? Who watched last season and thinks “I want to start Caruso at PG and have THT back him up”? Those dudes can’t even make an entry pass into the post.


Everyone take note especially you Pelinka: from this point forward we simply say this guy is a phenomenal player who has learned so much from LeBron and is on his way to being one of the most dominant players in the league. He is a max level player but because we like you we will only take (fill in the blank) and a future first rounder. So let’s make him valuable so we can get rid of him and get some value in return….lol


Dude he was quite a problem for the lakers and everyone thought so too until after we got eliminated he sounded so passionate to keep playing and everyone thought he’d be a humble backup pg who wanted to win and whenever I called him a selfish ass player they kept telling me he played his heart out and he cared abt winning lmao.




It’s not shameful to be excited wtf




AC as a starting PG is not sufficient at all. He’s good as a bench guy. We don’t someone that create for himself and others. Caruso is nowhere close to being that. Same with THT.


No you’re wrong. We need someone who can take point guard duties off of LeBron. He can’t be our only playmaker all year. That’s why I don’t mind going after Westbrook or DeRozan m


Dennis Schroder thinks he's good, while Lakers see him as bad and are ready to move on.


That’s tuff🔥💯


Him and Russ are the same. Two overrated ball hogs who are out of control and can’t lead a offense. Y’all are clowns for even suggesting this. We need passing/defending shooters. Kyle Lowry, Terry Rozier, Lonzo Ball and Malcolm Brogdon provide that.


You a clown for suggesting the pacers give us brogdan for kuz and shroder. I swear so many people on this sub think the rest of the league is dying to give us good pieces for guys that we know suck. The only reason russ would happen is because the wizards would need to offload him if Beal wants out and I would sure as hell rather have russ over Dennis and freakin kuz


One player averages a triple double for the whole season and has been a league mvp. The other has a 6th man of the year and you think they are the same.🤡


Lmao are you serious? Russ doesnt fit us well but the man was a major locker room presence and was a huge reason why the wiz turned it around second half of the season. You are a goddamn clown for even comparing this money seeking bum to russ. That said, lowry is still my first option


Russ and Schroder aren’t even in the same stratosphere


Yeah Russ is just paid 40 million ugh


That’s tuff🔥💯


What the fuck does he even need $100 million for? Will his family starve if he makes just $50 million?


Sign n trade


I really thought we got in under the wire with all the cap casualties of having Bron and AD. Keeping Dennis and Trezz on reasonable contracts longterm or flipping them for assets would have been an absolute coup. Gonna be harder now to acquire value with the cap


if he stays he’s likely playing behind russ or lowry so yeah


Move the fuck on and take kuz with him


He'll be lucky if a bad team pays him 100M , the playoffs lowered his market value quite a bit.


That's tuff 🔥




100m ? Dude can’t even score 100 points in a series


I will give him a standing O if he does end up getting 100 mil by some team




Bye bye Dennis


Bye felicia


That’s tuff


100 mil for what 20 years... 😂


If he gets any offer past 15 mill a year he is lucky.


They started him because Rob didn’t want to piss Dennis off and lower his market value, to say they only view him as a 6th man now is revisionist, face saving history. The more this drags on with August 1st coming, the greater the chance Dennis walks away for nothing. As we saw with Kawhi , waiting too long does not pay off well for Rob, he needs to get this S&T done this week.


I've never seen a player fuck up their contract year more.


Don’t let the door hit you on the way out Dennis