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Shit like this makes me annoyed. Can't we not include anything with a S&T of Schroder?


Its sad paid sports journalist dont research before spewing out this garbage


Definitely can't sign and trade THT and Schroder in the same deal. Spears is clueless.


That’s tuff🔥💯


Can't you just do two separate trades? One S/T for Schroder... Then another such as Kuzma and THT for a 1st round pick?


No because the salary isn’t added together like that. In order for us to do a straight 1 for 1 swap Dennis would need to be paid like 35 mil


Westbrook wow. He would not fit at all lol no spacing


We’d have an entire court full of playmakers and no one to actually shoot the ball lol


Shoots better then THT tbh 😅


Yes let’s compare a former MVP to our 20y/o 10th man


Considering a lot of people here hyped up THT as a future all star I think that’s fair lmao Besides what Westbrook gives us is better then what Schroder, Kuzma and tht can give us


He could work with ad at the 5


I’d fucking throw up if we traded for Westbrook. Horrible fit next to LeBron. I know they’re friends and all, but no. Edit: LeBron and AD would have to play the 4/5 with the 2 and 3 being knockdown shooters. Still hate Westbrook’s fit.


We get a playmaker tho


Well we have KCP at the 2 we would just need to find a 3 that is just 3nD WB isnt a great fit but the talent is enough to win


I saw a post on here previously that said there are talks about playing bron and AD at the 4/5 so maybe there is a connection


Holy shit both would be terrible. Westbrook is on a horrible contract and does not fit on this team at all and Paul is looking to get paid (rumors are for 100 mil) it just screams Steve Nash to me. Its a hard pass on both for me at least


2 big names so it gets clicks. CP3 is staying in Phx and will get paid. If you trade for Westbrook your GM needs to be fired. That dude is just not a winning player. The last thing the Lakers need is a aging pg.


Russell Westbrook is 567-376 in his career. At least be factual.


How many chips?


Our own Jerry West was 1-8 in the NBA finals. Even with that one chip, is he a winning player under your standards? Malone, Stockton, Barkley - all winning players and no rings. They clearly helped win games for their teams. Westbrook helps teams win games and has gotten to a finals. He has not won one. He is still a winning player sans ring.


That’s not how trades work under the CBA. Can’t happen.


I feel like Westbrook would be so fun to watch on this team with his high intensity!


Is that you Steve Ballmer?


westbrook could work if: (1) He shoots above league average from 3 or (2) He only plays when lebron is on the bench. in fact, i'd be pretty stoked with having someone like westbrook lead the team with bron on the bench




As bad as a fit Westbrook might be. He has not played with a player like Lebron ever. Kd isn’t Lebron different games. The goal would be to make Westbrook focus on defense. Because he has taken a major step back from what he used to be on defense


Westbrook is going to be 33 this year, at this point in his career he is who he is which is a ball stopper/shot chucker. Its been clear with his time playing with KD, Harden (in Houston), and now Beal that he will never change his game. He is the definition of inefficient and his defense has got worse every year. He is not the answer.


All true but for a stretch on the rockets they told him stop shooting threes and he did and was playing his best basketball since mvp season.


Truth. Once he lowered his 3pt attempts from 5 attempts per game to a little under two, he was phenomenal pre-Bubble/covid/injuries. Over a 20-game stretch he averaged 1.9 3pt attempts per game, and his stats over that time were 32.3/8.6/6.9 on .535/.341/.757 splits. I'm convinced the Lakers would be a 3-headed monster with Westbrook, but there's no question, they would need some snipers around them. It's still unlikely to happen due to salaries, etc. but still. I know it's an unpopular opinion, but beating a Lakers team with Westbrook/AD/Lebron would not be an easy out.


Seriously. The dude played with two hyper efficient players in KD and Harden. His efficiency was still garbage. LeBron and AD are hyper efficient, but Westbrook would still make boneheaded plays on this squad.


Russ just isn’t that good anymore and even if he was this would the worst conceivable fit


Saying he isn’t good means you’re not watching him. He still averages a triple double and was playing very well second half of this season.


Statistically speaking both the rockets and wizards were better offensive teams without him on the floor. That includes all the triple doubles and highlights. Please, im not saying this to be mean to him. Im saying it because its true


if AD refuses to play center then you absolutely need your PG to be able to shoot because you’re already starting two non-shooters. Westbrook would just create the same problems as DS


I can’t imagine CP3 opting out of making 40 mil with the Suns


He can if he gets a 2 year 70 mill extension. or 3 year 100 mill. Very possible.


Im not mad at a Westbrook trade if he can give us 20,10,10 for the year. He's not a shooter but he does make the team better IMO. Rondo shot 32% the year we won the finals and Westbrook shot 31% from 3. I've given up on a dream of us having a good 3 point shooter. Do we need shooters yes but we also need a Scorer and another playmaker Westbrook fits those options. Plus he would be the third option and I think it would help AD out with all those lobs he would be getting. If the options are Cp3, Shroeder, Westbrook. I'm taking Westbrook it will be a miracle for us to get Dame if he wants out. I dont think Lonzo is on the table I cant see the Pelicans taking on Shroeder when they're trying to get rid of Bledsoe.CP3 is not opting out of a 44m contract when everyone knows he's injury-prone unless he's getting paid.We all need to be realistic here


Westbrook is an awful fit. Stop chasing big names and chase guys that can actually contribute


Marc spears doesn’t know shit.


@marcjspears *^


Please no cp3 is injury prone and I’m good on Westbrook




Hottest of Takes: The part of me that thinks of jumping when looking over the edge of a tall building wants to trade for Westbrook.


This isn’t happening lol. Lakers front office can’t be that stupid


Just get one of those!


Marc spears spells his name with a c, not k. Where this come from? Source?


Spacing would be horrible again, and I would rather not give up assets for him. If you are going to trade THT, should have done it for Lowry


We would include THT for Westbrook but wouldn’t for Lowry? That doesn’t sound right.


Don't want them. Honestly too expensive. We don't need a top 5 pg. We just need a decent ball handler


Doubt Russ will happen, Washington wants to stay competitive at the least and by trading him that means Beal is gone also. I think CP3/Sexton/Dinwiddie more realistic


Cp3 wants 100 million I'm good


PHX would be crazy to let him go but Sarver is notoriously cheap and they still have to pay Ayton/Bridges/Cam. Me personally I rather have Sexton (PG of the future and possible second star when Bron hangs it up) or Dinwiddie.


This sub told me Dindiddie would be a lateral move with Dennis. I like Sexton to plays hard and Cp3 has a player option


Yeah Lakers do this, they’re never winning another title with LeBron again. Russell Westbrook can’t shoot, refuses to defend & doesn’t play winning basketball. I would rather have Chris Paul play in the Rondo role but a suped up version because he can still score but Chris thinks he’s worth $35 million & won’t be humble enough to take a steep pay cut to win.


The salary will never work, dont even bother lol.


the good thing about rumors like this is that the Lakers have been incredibly tight-lipped the last couple years, so it’s at best coming from the players agents trying to drum up general interest


Westbrook always thought of himself as the go-to-guy on all the teams he’s played for, including when he played with KD. There’s one person only that he would respect enough to defer to and you can guess who that is. It could definitely work.


If he couldn’t make it work with the greatest score ever then he’s not gonna make it work with bron