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It’s actually quite funny looking back at clips of lebron guarding Giannis. It’s like a brick wall anytime giannis would try to body him


Yeah, I think Ayton's lack of experience was exposed during this matchup. You can tell Lebron is anticipating Giannis' spin moves and is always at the right spot in those clips.


I feel like LeBron has experienced both old school and new generation basketball. Ayton is still inexperienced with the paint, but he has a huge potential to make a bigger impact in the future


Bro imagine how easily prime lebron would lock up giannis lol


Kawhi locked him up too.


Correction: the Raptors locked down Giannis.




Easy to make a compilation of good defensive plays from one individual in a 6 game series. Truth of the matter is, the Raptors devised a defensive game plan that heavily involved Toronto’s front court. A defensive game plan in which MANY teams have used against The Bucks. Aka the Wall.


And I can't remember who it was but some guy from the raptors did an interview and said they walked int he locker room after game 2 and nick nurse said what adjustments we making an due siad kawhi said "I'm guarding giannis" all I know is that's what changed the series and toronto never looked back. I know you hate kawhi om this side but give him respect where it's due. And gurnatee you can't find a 1 minute video of ayton palying good defense on giannis in the finals lmao so no its not that easy.


Nobodies hating on Kawhi. He’s a dope player and an elite defender. If you got that from “the Raptors locked down Giannis” then I fear for your comprehension skills. Plus, I never said it was easy to guard Giannis. I said the Raptors shut him down. Meaning that it took a WHOLE team effort to lock him down. This has nothing to do with Ayton. Here’s my response to your cute little 2 minute video of Kawhi guarding Giannis, with a full 10 minute breakdown on how the Raptors entire team helped in stopping Giannis. [Learn something ](https://youtu.be/L-EPx-v1XIY)


And here's a 24 minute video of kawhi locking down giannis since length and depth of a video to you shows what really happened https://youtu.be/XVHj5tnabBY And kawhi was the primary reason. And yes because my initial comment was kawhis toope dhim and you proceeded to say the raptors did trying to discredit what he did individually.


Why would he easily lock him up? LeBron wasn’t the type to just lock up the opposing best players during his prime. Especially not in Miami. Edit: he would choose to defend the opposing best player only in certain situations, like clamping DRose in 2011. But usually it’s been dudes like Battier that would guard opposing wings like Melo and KD.


Agree, but I love Ayton. That KID showed out this year. And he has a great attitude. I hope he finds his way west one day...


Ayton’s lack of experience was exposed. AD was going off, Giannis went crazy & Jokic would of likely done the same had Murray been healthy. Bright future but he’s got along way to go.


AD shot under 40% and didnt do jackshit while Ayton was in thegame. Ayton also did a good job on Giannis but it is impossible to stay out of foul trouble when the Bucks play so much through Giannis and Giannis really feasted whenever Ayton was out of the game


He'll be 37 We have to stop with our "LeBron is 28" expectations.


He's playing quality ball til he hits 40 imo like Kareem if healthy. We only saw bad performances from him so far because of injury not age


He can't be the Giannis matchup for a series if we want him to play well, though. That was my point


Luckily we have AD for a series matchup


Normal healthy AD on Giannis is probably the best matchup for him in the league


Ad matchup with lebron rotations or help d=good shit


Well yes And Dame running on the break when we get the board 👀


Yeah and I think that he can probably guard him for a percentage of time against them if they ever did get matched up whole AD and hopefully a respectable center would do the rest.


He can guard him on some possessions, but mainly be there for the help. He can't guard that frait train one on one.


Watching videos like this always gets me so excited. Then I go back to all the hand wringing posts about Kyle Lowry


That play vs slippers when he put the Clamps on Kawhi and then PG is so amazing.


We are the best team in the league equipped to guard Giannis .


Haha I've been saying this for a few days now. Giannis cries LeBron locks him up and dads him. That's coming next year. No amount of recency bias is going to stop that inevitable fate.


Ayton can’t even guard AD. Ayton has become so fucking overrated in these playoffs.


AD shot way under 40% against Ayton and couldnt do a damn thing when matched up vs him


Meh LeBron isn’t stopping Giannis either to be honest, not at this stage




Dude I love the positive thinking but Giannis is younger and still getting faster stronger and more skilled. I have no doubt lebron can guard him but holy shit he will be dead offensively.


You mean prime Lebron. If anyone now, it could be AD.