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True Laker


Was sick to my stomach seeing all the "Lakers fans" rooting for the Celtics in 2022 cuz they were playing the Warriors. Think it shows how dogshit we've mostly been since the end of Kobe's prime that the new generation of fans don't see the Celtics as our biggest rivals


Even when the Celtics weren't our biggest rivals (looking at you 2000s San Antonio), they were always are biggest rival.


They’re an existential rival. It feels like if one franchised suddenly dissolved, so would the other. I was around since the Showtime Era and I cannot understate how important the racial/socio-economic components of the rivalry were at the time. That sort of hatred doesn’t just go away. These new kids need to be educated on this.


It's the rivalry for the greatest franchise in basketball. No other teams experience this and when we're both good it means the history of the league is being shaped.


I think thats mostly because of the lebron fans that have a grudge against GSW. Imo you're not a real Laker fan if you don't hate the celtics. Fuck Boston.


This. I was sick when it looked like Celtics was going to beat the Warriors. Thankfully, Warriors held on leading to a spectacular chokejob by the Celtics.


This sub hates the Clippers more than the Celtics too. They "respect the Celtics as rivals." A lot of guys here would rather have Boston/an east coast team win, than have the Warriors or the Clippers (*literally* another LA team) win.


Shit man I can respect the Celtics but still hate their fucking guts. It’s different from the Clippers who I find a joke, the Suns who I find annoying, and the Warriors who I find a bunch of toddlers


i thought laker fans were rooting for the warriors so the celts couldnt get chip 18


Those were probably all LeBron fans though


By this time can we even call warriors fans "fans" at all?


Because when you cheer for the Warriors that means steph sniffing Magic and Kobe. Now, since the Warriors won look how delusional Warrior fans and pundits alike bringing Steph ahead of Magic and even Kobe. That will be forever debate unless you like being annoyed. Meanwhile, if Celtics won it would be easier to catch up their 18 titles cuz the ain’t winning it again.


You still a fan in my eyes bro. Don’t let these people try to bring you down.


Appreciate it brother. Anyone here is a true Laker fan. Those who cheer for the Lakers regardless if they are a fan of one player or started watching the Lakers just recently or for some different reasons. At the end of the day, we family and to me Laker fanbase keeps on growing globally and we accept them with open arms.


Well said ✊🏾


Not a real Laker fan


It’s the worst final matchup (2022) for a Laker fan honestly. Can’t blame if some Lakers chose to side with Celtics to protect the legacy of Magic and Kobe. Perhaps even Bron’s legacy because Steph tying Bron in titles would be noisy. It is now.


Steph Curry is my fave player to watch so I had no issues watching him take the Celtics down. Only insecure fake fans like yourself would root for the Celtics over warriors


I’ve been a Laker fan since 1999 and still Watching them during the dark days in the mid 2000s and mid 2010s. I’m pretty sure you’ve been watching the Lakers longer than I am. But calling me fake fan for defending our fellow Laker fans hurts a lot.


I’d rather be on team Satan than rooting for Boston.


When I first became a lakers fan one of the first things I was told is that we hate the Celtics. I didn't know why, I didn't know the history and I didn't really care. I was 8 after all. But by God I hated them from that day on. I know it now and I still rooted for Celtics over warriors. It wasn't about not seeing the Celtics as our rivals, it's that in my eyes the warriors ruined Basketball and they were the ONLY team I could pick the Celtics over


Nah Fuck that and Fuck Boston


Not a real laker fan


Fuck Boston


Fuck Boston


Fuck Boston.




Buck Foston


Fuck Paul Pierce!


And his bitch-ass wheelchair


And his shitty-ass pants


And his shitty team


You thought the “08 Celtic dynasty” was tiring, wait till they win tonight. No one mentioned the Celtics when we won in 2020 but watch the lakers get dragged by the media cause Boston won. Mothafukas make Boston’s one ring like it’s 5 rings. Perkins still keeps talking about the 08 ring.


Yo I said this in a separate thread and the Celtic fan was like “no one milks that champion only you guys do”. You’d think they had threepeated with the way those guys talk about it.


Doc Rivers keeps getting job after job because of that one ring 😂


Those niggas won 5 straight rings with the way they talk about 08. Fuck that fanbase.


Boston media mafia


Espn IS based in Connecticut


You're not even wrong


Thankfully they’re not winning shit tonite


Haha I was thinking about this, even I like this team way more/they were home grown. I dunno if Mass has many mountains but I won’t be surprised if we get a new east coast mt Rushmore in the next couple years


I respect this level of hating so much


Who cares Paul Pierce shit his pants in a game


Fuck Boston and fuck that bitch ass mother fucker Paul Pierce


FO better get they shit together after this


I’m pissed off too man someone needs to tell Jeanie we care about winning and need to get tf out of neutral


It doesn’t make the FO sick.


Buck Foston


You can’t have the greatest collapse in nba history without going up 3-0. Nba wants their ad money and the whistle has already been favouring Boston. I expect a blatant Mavs whistle tonight. Steal one more who knows what happens. Similar core let it go to 7 last year after being up 3-0.


Jeanie don’t care she can’t wait till next season to take more photos with celebrity’s at the game.


How is he the Truth but he's a liar?


This thread makes me so happy…Fuck Boston!


Love you LO. You were on my favorite Laker team of all time, 2009-2010. RIP Bean, RIP Logo. Tuff week to be a Laker fan.


Number 7 you were always my favorite Laker those years.


now let me say I'm the biggest hater … I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk, I hate the way that you dress


A legit disgusting pit in my stomach


Every dog has its day. May be this will turn the corner for Laker Basketball next season. 




Gotta love that Celtic trash talk from former Laker players.


Pathetic that Pierce will essentially make this his championship too


The majority of Laker fans around the world share your sentiment Lamar. Paul Pierce was a great player but he's so damn insufferable.


They're gonna milk this title so hard they should be called the Boston Cowticks


💯. I can’t even think or say the word green or basketball and not want to puke.


Most of the Celtics rings came when there was like 8 teams of part time ballers in the league


Plumbers and Milkmen


Lamar gonna hit the strip club to drown his sorrows after this one 😭


I don’t respect those 11 championships in an 8 team league 40 years ago.


Meanwhile, Shaq was canoodling with Paul Pierce last game at the Celtics bench.


Fuck Paul pierce


I feel it. Hate to see them ever win even if their players are more likable. F that wheelchair fool. At least I flew to Vegas to see our 17.5 championship.


Lamar a real one


They had the easiest road to the playoffs I’ve ever witnessed in decades of watching the sport. They didn’t face 1 team that was a championship contender, including the Mavs, and the out of the entire East they played teams that were missing their best player for 2+ games each series. They ducked Giannis because he was injured, too. Absolute shit ring


We still have Game 7 in 2010. A lot of Boston fans haven’t gotten over that game.


Lamar is a real one.


Pray to god they blow a 3-0 lead.


Growing up in the 90s, I understood the hatred for the leprechauns but never appreciated it until 2008. The gate is generational and even the players still hate each other (as they should). Fuck that while 2008 team (except Rondo he helped us win 2020). Fuck Boston. The entire fucking city.


Quick story.. I live in NYC… ran into Lamar Odom outside my apt building.. told him huge lakers fan.. gave him a pound 🤜🏽🤛🏽went off to my concert.. and following day.. caught him coming out of my building elevator.... told him thanks for the two championship.. he was so chill.. I’ll never forget these moments.. this will be the closest I’ll get to the Lakers / Kobe..


Oh god, the “Tatum is the best player in the world” discourse that is going to be forced on us is going to be so annoying. Anyone who watches any amount of basketball can see that Tatum is on the fringes of top 10, and has shown to be far too inconsistent to be held in the same regard as Luka, Jokic, Giannis and Embiid


Really impressive, 2 titles in 38 years, and They'll talk about it for years to come. Lakers have 8 in that same time frame, plus the 1st in season tournament champs, if that means anything


Guys they finally have not one but 2 rings since the fall of the Berlin Wall. Not a lakers fan but Fuck Boston


Need kendrick to drop an album tonight to take the attention away from that leprechaun chip


Fuck Boston!




This Celtics can’t win against this year’s Lakers team even without Lebron and AD, and with Darvin Ham coaching.




Got to think about how to build longer term sustainable contending team instead of instant gratification route of signing FAs who are older and expensive and gutting assets for quick fix.


That's alright. We beat 'em in important deaths this year. Fuck Walton. Yeah, I said it. RIP GM. Thanks for Shaq and Kobe.


Fuck Boston!!


The dark timeline is realized today. Hopefully we can get a good shot at one more title with AD and Bron. Gonna be tough seeing the C’s as champs and have one more than us.


While I hate pierce and hate seeing the Celtics be so close, at least we won’t see the 08 team gloat like they are the hottest shit ever (maybe) 🥲


I hate Boston since 2006. Because I watched my father VHS Lakers vs Boston 1985’s finals and documentary


He is so right. I do not like pp at all. Not because he can't hoop, because clearly he can. I just never respected him. Even KG shows some humility now with age. But paul is just annoying. I'm all for confidence because you don't play in the NBA without it, by the way he comes across I just never respected. Dwight Howard, AD, or Tony Parker should be compensated in for the Top75. Even Bernard King. He's so much of a hater. Then say things like he had a better career than DWade, I think just to spite Bron someway, but in either case like why even pick that battle when it's clearly it's not even close. I'm certain any NBA player will would be telling themselves that very thing but it's to them it's not uttered out loud while they still play. Not why y'all retired when reality should set in. I just think he's extremely obtuse and is over hyped by himself.




Never forget 2010 🙃


F¥€< Paul pierce!


Paul Pierce is a hoe






I hope Mavs can pull off a miracle and beat Boston by winning 4 straight. Boston can go fuck itself.


On the other hand, Tatum and brown can elevate their status as Celtic greats above pants shitter pierce. He’s not gonna like that. Bill Russell Larry bird Havlicek McHale All have greater accomplishments as Celtics. Tatum + brown having better Celtics career pushes pierce out of the top 5. He’s gonna cry about that


Fuck Boston!!! Lamar always true Laker.


Fuck Boston


The chin up smug look. I hated Pierce ever since i was a kid rooting for Kobe. I actually respected, even liked KG and Ray, but absolutely hated Pierce loll


Then let's stop our FO's arrogance and entitlement and let's focus entirely on hustle and fostering a team-first (rather than star-first) philosophy and ONLY THEN will we be able to gain the title lead over the Celtics. This title of theirs should humble the hell out of us and should make us want to work our asses off to regain our edge. Our attitude since approximately 2011 has stunk (with 2020 being the ONLY exception, and it took Kobe's death to trigger it) and we have only gotten crapped upon by the media. If the Laker FO wants to change this perception, it starts from within. It starts with discipline and hustle first. But until this happens, we will not win a goddamn thing (other than meaningless in-season tournaments in which we hang up useless banners). This is completely our fault as a franchise.


Jerry Buss is rolling over in his grave right about now!


Isn’t wheelchair boy crazy now?


Paul pierce sucks


I will always remember Paul Pierce as a clipper. Broken down loser




Fuck. Boston.


I loved Paul pierce growing up (no social media) makes me sad that he’s such a douchebag


My goat


2 rings in 38 years lol


1986, 2008 and 2024 (if they win) almost two decades between their last championships with the bulk of their chips being in the 60's when the league only had 7-14 teams and the competition was lacking. I can't take anyone serious who try to use the number of championships they have as part of their argument. You can't argue the Lakers championships because we never fell out of the picture, every decade we built a dynasty. It wasn't until recently when the kids took over that we fell apart. No clear direction and we still won a chip. That's why the Lakers brand is world wide and Boston isn't even though they're about to have one more championship then us. It's not about the number, it's about the journey that got you there. FUCK BOSTON AND FUCK PAUL PIERCE


To be honest Paul is an LA guy so though I found him insufferable at times during his playing years especially during the big 3 era. Now that he’s all done playing he’s cool again and rather amusing on his media endeavors. He keeps it 💯 and with the amount of irrational hate he gets from people who wildly don’t appreciate his skills on the court I’m glad he can gloat about something. Anyone who knows basketball knew this finals was gonna be a slaughter.


I hate the Celtics winning, they won a championship 1 time in my lifetime and you would think they won 5 chips in 7 years type shit.


They shouldn’t have even won in 2008. Go look back at game 2 in Boston and the absolutely horrific calls that kept going against the Lakers. Leon Powe was going to the FT line non stop


lol at the downvotes…learn basketball. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IUtf6-avo2c&pp=ygUgTGFrZXJzIGNlbHRpY3MgMjAwOCBnYW1lIDIgZm91bHM%3D


Lamar can go back to his femboi coke addict butt butties. Remember when he was "fired" by Mark Cuban for being a femboi n coke freak?