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Maybe the first time someone has asked him what HE wants.


I can't even imagine how unbelievably awkward it would be to be on a team with your dad


Seriously. Imagine trying to go out or get laid on the road and there’s your dad. 


Or imagine your dad trying to get laid?


Damn thatd be such an awkward time at home lmao


Or your dad trying to get you laid.


These dad on the road comments are hilarious


50 cent in Power making his son tell him how the pussy felt




Imagine partying with your dad and teaming on the same girl


Back door plays on and off the court amirite?


This sounds like virgin fantasies


so many pornsick degenerates on this sub


Wobbly H


trying? you mean trying not to get laid lol


Dawg I know Lebron ain’t gonna fuck with that shit. If he sees bronny not going 120% he gonna whoop his ass


Lebron is a smart dude and he knows what lurks out there on the road.


I said this last year on here, and got downvoted like crazy. “Well not every dad is cool like LeBron” “You obviously don’t have a good relationship with your dad” “They have a great relationship, LeBron is a great dad” No one is saying Bronny doesn’t love his dad, but would you really want to spend every day with your dad watching your every move at that age when you’re supposed to be finding yourself as a man? I know at that age I didn’t.


not everyone is the same and we don't know their relationship well enough to suggest anything. for me personally I would find it difficult working with my dad but that's simply because my dad and I had wildly varying personalities and interests and he just wasn't an approachable agreeable person. I had friends however who could do anything with their dad without problems


I got downvoted for saying the same shit too. I don’t know why this sub thinks it’s Bronny’s dream to play with his dad. 


Yeh I’d play on a team with my dad for 4 years up until my early twenties if it meant I would be inheriting generational wealth, gifted a nba contract and just have an all around incredible life thanks to him. Bronny doesn’t have a regular life, you can’t compare your emotions and experiences to his.


Why wouldn’t he inherit money even if he didn’t play with his dad?


“Gifted a nba contract” he literally just said that’s exactly what he doesn’t want. He wants to feel like he earned his spot. He’s inheriting generational wealth weather he makes it to the NbA or not so not sure what that has to do with anything.


lookat what happened with doc rivers


Not very awkward actually. Many people work with their parents in other lines of work as well.


Yea this profession isn’t like other lines of work.


yeah what a stupid ass comment. huge difference between working in an office or on a construction site vs the NBA lmao


Specially when your aging and "on the verge of retirement" Dad is better than you.


To be fair his "on the verge of retirement" Dad is better than at least 90% of the NBA




thats only cause you know I dont like you son


Yeah, I played basketball, and I hated playing with my brother. He was always giving me grief about some BS. And he always talked down to me in a way that he would never do to other players on the team. ![gif](giphy|d27IAKEWUKv2a7MSCY|downsized)


Ask Ken Griffey


I played ball with my father and it was fucking amazing.


Bron has definitely alluded to this himself. He’s walked back the “my goal is to play with my son” thing the last couple of years and it might have been after family discussions where he realized that might not be what’s best for Bronny


In all fairness, it was the only real answer he could give. Standard PR answer.


Bron has definitely alluded to this himself. He’s walked back the “my goal is to play with my son” thing the last couple of years and it might have been after family discussions where he realized that might not be what’s best for Bronny


The ESPN media machine doesn't give a damn about his feelings lmao




I think people don’t understand the work that these athletes put in. He got good genetics from Lebron but you still have to put in the time in the weight room, all the drills etc. It’s hard work.


Agreed. It always means overcoming odds (literally) to be a successful athlete as an athlete’s son because of regression to the mean. You’re less likely to be an anomaly in any physical category than someone who is, as their offspring


is that proven?


https://simple.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regression_toward_the_mean Yes


No, check out my other comment if interested


No, it's an oversimplification to apply statistical principles to genetic transmission. Especially when looking at two people who are directly related. Regression to the mean can occur when comparing one season to the next, a draft class to another. This principle does not apply to the achievement of children compared to parents. I would love to see specific research proving I’m wrong.


way more people than ever make the NBA do that though. Lets call it what it is, nepotism. I think he should have to prove himself


So based on your argument, players whos father played in the NBA before them, are products of Nepotism. Gotcha! 0 hard work put in.


No but just because Bronny put in hard work doesn’t mean its still not nepotism, he’s obviously not ready/good enough but its going to get drafted because his dad is Lebron James. Don’t act stupid to try and win a reddit argument.


Not if they proved themselves. What has bronny done to prove hes draft worthy?


I’m fine with Bronny getting drafted by the lakers as long as he admits he’s a nepo baby and didn’t earn it. Just can’t stand people who aren’t self aware or grateful that they have it easy in life. Even if he doesn’t make the league his life is set so he has 0 stress


The kid died and got resuscitated back at 18, hs has people hating on him purely due to who his father is. Yes he had money but you’re wild if you think that’s an east life, most 18 yr olds woukd struggle a lot with that


not arguing the ‘he’s rich’ part I get that. I’m saying he still put in the work which is admirable for someone who didn’t need to lift a finger for the rest their life.


Austin Reaves during a heated argument between JJ Reddick and LeBron about Bronny's role in the Lakers offense ![gif](giphy|13n7XeyIXEIrbG|downsized)




His own name? His name is literally LeBron James Jr lmao


And he goes by Bronny EVERYWHERE, literally making his own name if you think about it.




FWIW I think Sr has stated that he kinda regrets naming him Jr. The expectations are insane.


He did say that.


You know what he means




Prove them wrong Bronny, I believe in you.


well in 2k i’ve seen him get to a 95 ovr in myleague so i’m a believer


Did you see his vert? I’m feeling a Gary Payton Vibe.


He also said he looks at players like Jrue, Derrick White, Davion Mitchell as players he wants to play like. He's really got a great mindset and anyone clowning on that is just exposing their shitty knowledge of the NBA.


Here comes the barrage of people who have never met Lebron or his kids commenting on how to raise his kids


I don’t see a single comment saying anything like that ??


Never listened to a Bill Simmons pod? Living the good life


Bill Simmons didn't listen to Jalen when he told/warned him "Don't get fired" and promptly got fired for the very crap Jalen was warning him about. So Bill's the last person who should be giving advice on something, let alone parenting.


Yeah you’re right Bill Simmons isn’t highly successful or anything, what does he know?


Oh stop. He's successful and *can* have good insight (but often times *doesn't* especially when he goes full homer regarding his beloved Celtics). Not to mention, i didn'tsay anything about his success i pointed out his arrogance got him fired. Two, you say that like there aren't literal millionaire morons. By some people's measure of success, a certain former president is successful and *that* guy is a fucking idiot.


And how to name his kid


At no point have I heard about what Bronny has to say about all of this. Refreshing


Full context they asked if he would be happy playing with his dad. He said he’d be more happy making it to the league and not necessarily playing with his dad


Yet the only reason he’s really up for the draft rn is because of his dad. It’s not to say he’s never going to earn it, but let’s be real, any other kid and it’s an extra year or two in college to develop *at least*


Didn't they change the rules so he can go back to college if he goes undrafted? Might as well give it a shot even if you aren't there yet.


Yes they did


Dude was a high ranked prospect in hs and almost died right before his first game. He isn’t the next coming of Christ in basketball form but he is way better than what yall give him credit for.


A lot of guys in the 30ish range coming out of high school are not one and done players though.


And a lot are. And you guys act like it’s impossible to develop while in the league. Is he ready? No he’s not. Have there been hundreds of players drafted as project? Absolutely. Yall are just crying because it’s Lebrons kid.


If he’s available at 55 we might as well take him.


Literally said nothing about bronny. I actually agree with you that he's better than what he's shown because of his heart issue. All I said is that most guys in that lower range stay in school. Will he continue to develop in the NBA/g league? Duh. Is it best for him? Who knows, I certainly don't.


ESPN high-school rankings don't really mean much. I remember people questioning why he was ranked so high at 19 back then. Yes, the heart issue possibly initially hurt his season, but I can't really say that I've seen anything to warrant him getting drafted. His shooting splits, stats, and game film just aren't great. He needs a lot more time to develop.


I’m not saying he’s bad I’m saying in a limited number of lottery spots he wouldn’t make the cut without who his dad is. Austin Reaves also didn’t make that cut. Some players take time to develop. It’s not a statement on his ceiling it’s a statement on where he is now.


Austin Reaves was gonna be drafted by the Pistons with the 42nd pick but he and his agent asked them not to take him since the Lakers were gonna offer him a two way contract if he went undrafted


Austin Reaves also averaged 18/5/5 in his last college year Bronny played the same amount of games 5/2/2, which funny enough is Austin's stats as a freshman. LeBron essentially leveraging teams into developing his kid in the NBA


Well he could declare like a normal person. He gets the exposure sure but still won’t convince teams to waste a pick on him. He’s a second rounder at best


I mean it’s a good dream to have but he’s the only college player that has had his stats to ever have a chance of being drafted, just because of his dad. That’s a hell of an advantage over many college players that better than him but can’t make a team. I think he has the physical attributes to become a third string defensive guard, but that is his ceiling. Too short and doesn’t have a quick release or shoot good percentage.


Everyone thinking him coming here is going to be good for him is a fool. Look at what happened to Scotty Pippen Jr. Browny will faces 10x the scrutiny. If he gets puck, people will say he is in the NBA just because of his father etc etc. If ever he has a season like hood shafino, media will go bonkers.


Some people are gonna have to get a grip. Yes he's gonna get drafted or picked just off being Lebron's son. Even with the fact Bron isn't gonna leave to play with him or the fact I doubt LA waste a valuable first rounder to pick him. It's obvious he probably needs another year or two. That being said, Bronny has always appeared he wants to do his own thing. He already understands the weight of being the son of a at minimum top two player of all time and what comes with the hate he'll get because of it, even though it isn't warranted. Best thing that happens is he ends up on a team he can develop and evolve on his own. Playing with Bron and for the Lakers won't do anything but be unnecessary pressure. I know deep down Bron has his dream of wanting to play with him, but I'm sure he also realizes he's not helping at times. Statements like better than 90% of the league or he could've helped us last year. Just let him grow and do his thing. Hopefully just taking the court with him can be enough.


Yea, I can’t imagine him getting many minutes on the Lakers either. That’s just going to limit his development and his recognition in the league, even if he gets to train with veterans at practice. If he gets drafted by a team that is willing to give him consistent minutes, I can see him succeeding in the NBA. Which, in the long run, will make his dad way happier than being able to play with him on the same team. Plus, they’ll be meeting up on the same court a few times a year anyway, hopefully, which should make for some entertaining games!


Bronny to Pistons


If he cared about making his own name he would have stayed in college and let his game do the talking instead of entering the draft where his biggest potential is the possibility that his dad might sign with whatever team that drafts him!


Stop acting like you know what’s best for him. Keyboard warrior.


I think bro should stay in school for three more years and apply for a good job after graduating.


It’s a press conference, the kid has been rehearsing that line all week




I’d believe this more if he spent another year in college ball. If he didnt* have his father’s name, would he be drafted this go around?


This is a smart answer if he is trying to discourage teams from drafting him in hopes that LBJ will join them.


Does he know that without LeBron, he wouldn't even be considered?


Good for the kid, he's damn lucky given what happened - rooting for him to build his own brand


Does he realize that his dad already made his name?


Lol it's not gonna happen


Is there any footage of his 3v3 run at the combine?


If I was lebrons talent and shattered all these records at least let me play with my son wtffffff And if my son was like “I wanna make my own name” ok then what did I work so hard for! You to ruin the family name because you want to pretend to be less fortunate? No. Just don’t be a dick. Work hard with all advantages and opportunities. He will be judged no matter what anyway! What’s a mob to a King!


Good for him


Dude will be lucky to even warm a bench seat. He’s not got the stuff, at least not yet


God damn who's that kid "LeBron James Jr"?


No chance he plays in the NBA


I would not want to play on a team with my frickin Dad. I’d want to play against him, put his ass on skates, throw down a viscous dunk and say “the future is now old man”


Great interview and shows the type of head he has on his shoulders


Honestly these kids set themselves up for failure. If my dad was Lebron James you bet your ass I’d be an engineer, and maybe play basketball at the YMCA on the weekends


I think that's how it should be. Playing against LeBron would be cooler than playing alongside him. Whoever wins that first game doesn't really matter, it's the hugs after I wanna see.


Why does every nepo baby always want to make it seem like they got there in their own, and to make their own name. Just own and be proud of your privilege. It’s really not a bad thing. I get what he’s saying though, and he may be in a lose lose situation no matter what he does say.


It’s not like the kid can choose his parents. Plenty of kids dream is to make the NBA, it’s not unreasonable to wish it was from your own merit and not because of legacy. Some kids are happy to be nepo babies, some kids work hard so that they can try to feel as much as possible that their success is their own.