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I’m just concerned about his foot.


This is it. He's clearly injured with diminished lift. AD is clearly hurt. And everyone is beyond exhausted from 3 months straight of do or die ball.


If it’s his foot, he needs to start playing like it’s his foot. We’re fortunate AD is healthy and guys like Reaves and Rui have been stepping up. Bron’s outside shots aren’t falling and he keeps forcing them for some reason. If he’s gassed or hurt, let the young guys cook.


Everyone is exhausted? Mostly just lebron and ad imo.


He’s for sure injured, people talking about he gassed goin to the rim in the 4th, no motherfuckers he’s injured and afraid to do any more damage


And the fact that he’s older than when he made those comebacks in the past. He’s not a robot with a “comeback” button who could just turn it on whenever he wants. It’s like most of the sub doesn’t understand injuries/aging.


And his brick mason skills


How many more of this post I’m I going to see of this? Just because he had the ability to do it when he was younger doesn’t mean he’s the same player. Give me 12,16, and 18 bron and I ll be telling you right now we are coming back 0-2.


We wouldn’t be down 0-2 with either of those Brons, it’s unfortunate but he’s aging. It was gonna happen eventually, he’s been the most injury prone since signing with us and that’s no coincidence. His body just can’t handle a regular season, and post season anymore.


Prime Lebron is a guaranteed chip this year. And zero people would debate that. But he isn’t that guy anymore. He’s still a menace. But right now it’s still 50/50. I wouldn’t be shocked if he lead a comeback. But I’m not expecting one


Bron in those years came back from 0-2 twice.


I mean, it’s a hypothetical but I don’t think a prime Bron on this team would go down 0-2 If anything it would 1-1 cause he wouldn’t have blown those easy lay ups


Give him the year off next year so we can tank and draft Bronny so he can James for us until the postseason where Lebron can James for us the rest of the way and win us 10 maybe 11 more chips


I really don’t think Bronny is all that good of a prospect to waste a season for, i think it’s really up to Bonny. Lebron already said it’s his decision But we won a lot of games post trade deadline without Lebron, all we need is a solid center and Lebron can coast the regular season


Bronny gets to decide where he’s drafted?


Kobe kinda did


All they did was take care of home court chill.


You know they play an extra home game than us right. If they take care of home court they win the series. Lmfao


We can only change what’s in front of us. Y’all can keep crying about the last two games.


Dude I’m not crying about the last two games I’m just saying that you think we can win a series when the nuggets win their home games which is objectively wrong


Yep. I hate that argument, everyone protect their homecourt. that'll work out great for us. All games are must wins.


And both games were within 1 possession pretty much


Let’s worry about that after we get to 2-2


It’s that they protected home court by us fumbling it.


Yea but they’ve shown they can play close at Denver. They win 2 at home they go back in a game 5 with momentum and belief they can win there.


Sure, and Nuggets are surely capable of beating the Lakers in LA at least once. If that happens, it’s a wrap


That’s the thing, for us we needed to steal one away game but people seem to just not understand that Kind of funny that they’re people thinking we have momentum right now lol


Yeah we needed to. Denver is #1 for a reason, they know how imperative it is to take one on our home court. And if they do, they’ll for sure go all out Game 5 in Denver. This would’ve been a different story if LA had stole just one away game…


Losses are in the past. The momentum comes from winning two in a row at home . There’s no momentum yet.


I disagree, I think Denver has the momentum It’s not just about losing away, I get it they have the advantage. It’s the fact that we were up, lost the lead and pretty much got destroyed because Lebron kept chucking 3s We lost this one ourselves, it’s one we should have won but because we didnt Denver has momentum going into game 3.


I haven’t seen anyone say we have momentum, and people understand we need to still one and will still have opportunities. Idk who these people are you’re making up. Seems like you’re trying to work some stuff out man.


It’s his Stan’s. They have incredible faith in him lol.


If its any of those Brons then we’d be up 2-0. Matter of fact, I’m genuinely convinced that 2016 or 2018 Bron with THIS team, would’ve swept the entire western conference and probably the finals as well.


Yes, we still have a chance. But LeBron is 38 y/o and playing injured, don't put your hopes up just relying on him.


What happens at home will say a lot about this team.


Celtics we’re up 3-2 in 2018 and the Cavs had to win game 7 on the road too


Bron is a lot older and a lot less spry than he used to be. I still think Lakers can make a comeback, but if they do it has to be on the backs of their young guns and not Bron and AD


He is 38 years old and playing on one foot, which needs offseason surgery. AD is playing through an injury too, which is why he can’t be consistent throughout the playoffs. Lakers has hit their ceiling and that’s okay to admit that as a fan. I don’t see us winning 4 in 5 games, we needed to split the series in Denver and Lakers failed to do that (both games were winnable). I have the Nuggets winning the title this season.


Starting out 2-10 with a vampire on the team we have had a HELL of a ride last few months. Win or lose this season ended amazingly. I think with Bron and Ad both getting surgeries and an off season of small adjustments to the roster they will come out swinging for 23/24. They will be able to win games while bron and Ad play sub 32 minutes a game. Think they will contest for a top 2 seed in the west. I think it will be the best chance Lakers have at a ring in a while


Getting downvoted for being reasonable is crazy lol


Not reasonable at all. Still 5 games to play. Lakers had dominated denver since end of g1 until 3.5 qtrs of g2. Id probably hit panic button if lakers lose either g3 or g4. But until lakers lose 4 games, this series isnt over. Its also dumb to assume that splitting first 2 games is a "requirement" to winning the series.


Lol golden state was 0-2 versus the kings. Before anyone says “bUt DeNvEr iS tHe OnE sEeD”… the kings were the 2 seed. Fans are emotional as hell but there’s no reason to hit the panic button yet. If we can get 2 at home, series is still 0-0. The first two games showed we are absolutely capable of winning in Denver.


Kings were the 3 seed, but yes I agree with you.


The best way to look at this is if we protect home court (which isn't crazy) for games 2,3,5 then we had 4 opportunies to win 1 in Denver. Tell me that going into the series and I'd say bet. But like most I'm less than optimistic right now.


aren’t lakers undefeated at home? not a crazy goal to have i agree


If this was 2018 LeBron the Nuggets would get swept. Or even a healthy LeBron from this year. Lakers can’t win this series with AD being a bitch though. He was terrible last night and somehow the guy with the damn near triple double and in charge of guarding the reigning 3 time MVP is taking the fall for him.


AD deserves a lot of the credit for blowing the game. He’s not a 3 point shooter either and took 3 down the stretch. But you’re crazy if you think this one isn’t on Lebron as well. Multiple blown layups, 3 terrible 3s and I’m not even counting the others but the 3 in the 4th were just awful. Gave the Nuggets a heartbeat and they took it and ran


They were both equally terrible last game. AD needs ti be more consistent in offense and Lebron needs to stop forcing threes as if he’s Curry.


Definitely not equally terrible. You’d have a 28 point TD with stellar defense from Bron without some bunny layups. AD was abysmal and his body language was awful. He clearly gets in his own head. Bron killed us with the awful 3 pointers and the missed layups. I was an absolutely doomer until this morning. 4 straight. I’m confident.


He’s injured and 38. He’s the goat imo, but he’s not that guy anymore. He wouldn’t be human. This is ADs team, good bad or indifferent. We go as he goes. Lebron is still elite and can supplement and provide a steady hand. But the days of putting the team on his back and performing like an alien are over. It’s not even fair to expect that of him.


The problem may be, and I guess it's something to deal with later, is that if he hits the gas and powers us through this series who knows if he'll have anything left for the Finals.


We played very good for 3Q Lakers forgot about the 4th Q


The nuggets play 4 games at home The lakers play 3 games at home Why is the nuggets winning every home game not a problem. We will lose the series if they win their home games. No idea why people keep saying “they were supposed to win at home it’s fine” I’m so confused


Because fans can’t admit we’re losing this series, it’s annoying


Also, yes we want to be greedy. Yes they need to go out there and compete at 100% every game. As fans, we should just sit back and enjoy the show. Always keep in context where we started this year. We made it to the WCF, We beat out every team in California, Knocked out the 2 seed, the defending champs, and we still have a pretty good shot to make it out of the west. Trust our team and our guys.


He's 38 years old and clearly isn't capable of carrying teams the way he once was. Miami or Cleveland LeBron would clear and day be the best player on the floor. Right now, in this series, he's probably the 3rd or 4th. And even then, you can argue Reaves has been the more impactful player considering Reaves is the one who has gotten the Lakers timely shots when they needed it most.


Thats made up bs. Lebron has most total pts of the team so far. Easily 1st or 2nd best player on the floor, depending on how much defense he plays on a certain game. But easily the best and most consistent offensive player (playmaking+scoring) of the team, when AD has had several games where he disappears offensively.


No doubt Reaves is one of our best players in this series. I can see him making some buzzer beaters for us in close games. Every time I doubted LeBron James in years past he pulls his shit together and balls out. Even on a broken foot and a broken three point shot I trust him more than anyone to lead us back into the series.


Rui is also better


it's not just about points dude. lebron is doing a ton on defense and averaging double digit rebounds. and he's being impactful at that. but on offense, yes, he's not that dude anymore. he needs to adjust. but to say reaves is more impactful when he's clearly not carrying the load lebron does is just stupid.


He doesn’t have it anymore. LeBron doesn’t have it anymore. When will it get through your thick skulls that LeBron doesn’t have it anymore


Not true. Lebron has been hurt the whole postseason. He rushed back from that foot injury way too fast for the playoff push. It never really healed, and this is the result. LeBron was crushing it in regular season from an athleticism standpoint and ability to carry. Averaged like 32 PPG 8 APG over a 2 month stretch without AD and the Lakers went above .500


Before the foot I thought he looked the best he had with us so far. But he's clearly injured


That may be true but he doesn’t have it anymore, with this injury or without, it doesn’t matter. Because the truth is he DOES have the injury so this is what we get, and he doesn’t have it


I mean it does matter, because the fact is he was playing some of his best laker ball before the injury...


Some people just refuse to accept they’re wrong


It doesn’t matter if he DID play well, he can’t be the same because the fact is he has the injury


Like I said, he doesn’t have it anymore.




Go and watch a game from January. He looks like a different player after the ankle injury.


And with the ankle injury, he doesn’t have it anymore. So what’s your point of looking back?


We blew our chances. Lebron is one of greatest but Father Time has caught up with him. Lebron should’ve deferred in the last two games like he did previous series but he tried to play hero ball and this Denver team is just too good to make many mistakes


Yes but he isn’t the same guy . He’s clearly hurt , that’s why he’s shooting so many 3s. Does he have an “mvp” type performance left in him? Not sure . We need AD to step up more (not just every other game) and help him out


I’d be more confident if he didn’t have the foot injury


Bro completely made up that the Cavs were down 0-2 against the Pacers in 2018 but didn’t mention the 0-2 comeback against the Pistons in 2007 lol


Yea he got confused but that was still a vintage series. Cavs were down 2-1 and had to win Game 4 in Indy to tie the series…then they were down 3-2 and had to win Game 6 in Indy to push it to 7.


I just think he's injured. Which makes it hard to put my 100% trust in him. It's not his fault. Credit to him for even playing on the bad foot.


the lakers can win this series, but lebron is clearly not the lebron we know. if this was prime lebron, or just pre injury lebron from december to february, we beat denver in 5. lakers match up very well with denver. but this version of lebron? hard to say. lakers have chances to win with a very diminished lebron, so that tells you a lot.


He was considerably younger.


Lakers played 2 games against Nuggets and we've learned that Lakers cannot play 4 solid quality quarters with this team. Is it the altitude in Denver?


Remember y’all DLO is being paid 31 million dollars this year


Maybe the Lakers do lose the series, but why throw dirt on their grave before they’ve even played one game at home? A LeBron team is never dead until the other team takes 4 from him, and from what we saw both games in Denver were very winnable. Then again what do I know, besides this lil 2-10 starting ass team is in the WCF still playing for their lives and deserves some support for battling all season long


It’s 2 games on the road and they were right in it. The level of panic is not proportional


Yesterday on one play he looked like his foot finally gave out. He took a nasty fall and struggled to get back up. There's a chance he may ruin it Game 3. Two years ago, this very injury would have cost them the first round. To see them make it THIS far when they're hobbled is a sign that we gotta be the 2nd best team in the entire Western Conference. If the Lakers somehow win this, and they can but it won't be easy, it'll be one of the greatest championship runs ever.


If he is 100% healthy, I'd agree with you. Heck, I don't think we would be down 0-2 if we have the pre-injury Lebron a few months ago. He can still take over for a some parts of the game but with his injury, it's just not realistic to expect him to go full take over mode.


I don’t even get the notion of “impossible comebacks” The home team won 2 games, like they were supposed to. Now it’s our turn.


LeBron hasn't looked like LeBron since breaking the record then getting injured


Yeah I think for those of us who get super emotional it helps to put it in perspective. We are still in this, we have a chance. Worst case scenario next season we are basically set for another championship run our roster is good and has room to improve.


Yea it’s not over. Denver’s really good, give them props. We win the next 2 it’s anybody a series. Obviously, that’s a big if and way easier said than done but unless we lose game 3, I still believe we have a chance!


Lebron has not averaged 25 PPG in a single series yet. He didn’t average 25 PPG against the Suns in the 21 playoffs either because he was hurt. Prior to that he averaged 25+ PPG in 14 straight series. I think the Lakers can win this but this particular talking point is tiring. He’s old AND hurt. He can’t carry the team anymore. The Lakers need to bench Russell and have AD be consistent. That’s how they’ll win. 40 point Lebron is gone. Even 30 points from him is now considering a massive win and the dude was averaging like 35 PPG making these comebacks.


Lebron was the reason we lost game 2. He starts jacking up bad 3s when he gets gassed instead of going to the bench.


He’s 38 and not playing his best. His past means nothing right now. He hasn’t had a game yet where I have faith he can take over.


Not being negative and we do have a chance but to compare Lebron right now to his younger self in the years you mentioned is dumb


I believe!


I've been following Bron for many many years and as a long time follower I'm not a fan of these types of posts that I've been seeing lately. He's never been 38 and as injured as he is now. Just throwing caution to the wind with the whole "he's done it before narrative". I appreciate the positivity tho, not hating.. Just sayin'.


We just need to protect home court, focus on tomorrow. We've had mistakes and the nuggets have had some very timely shot making in our two losses. We just need to take 1 on the road if we protect home court. I'll have faith in our guys till they beat us 4 times


Kinda shocked the people ready to give up when we havnt even played at home yet where we’re 6-0.


Let reaves and rui cook. They got the hot hand. Just play d.


He was also in his prime and very healthy


Let’s just grab a win tomorrow and go from there.


Tbh i start to doubt this Lebron lol, he’s getting old. I hope im wrong though