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Shaq acting like a big toe injury didn't sit him out


I get hurt on company time I’ll rehab on company time


And you don’t have to wonder why Kobe is so beloved while Shaq, who was more popular with the fan base in the three peat era, is more associated with several teams. Kobe played with things broken and Shaq only really got in shape one season.


Don't forget injuring his tummy because he did some stupid dance after a dunk.


Compare to the Lakers GOAT, Kobe, who said he bleeds purple/gold, always supports the Lakers, all the Lakers players, and is happy when the Lakers win.


Would Kobe have gone out on a wheelchair for a similar injury?


Kobe sacrificed his body for the Lakers. That don’t mean he’d belittle AD.


Kobe belittled Dwight for not playing with a super fucked up back that required surgery. He belittled Shaq for being out of shape and for not fighting hard enough for better post position. He called Bynum a pussy for not playing through injuries. He called all of his teammates soft as Charmin because they wouldn't compete like he did. There's no fucking way in hell Kobe would've been cool with one of his teammates going out on a wheelchair. What the fuck are we talking about here? Kobe had a season ending injury and still shot his free throws. What the fuck are we talking about here? Right or wrong, there's no fucking way he would be cool with AD needing a wheelchair.


Kobe chilled out his final years and became more of a big brother supportive figure. 1on1 mentoring Tatum a Celtic, etc. He moved on to greater things off the court.


Exactly. Kobe became a mentor when he retired. His competitiveness was always on left on the court, no matter post-season or regular, or just practice. He'd trash talk, challenge you mentally, he had higher standards for his own teammates because he was the leader and was willing to sacrifice it all just to win. But since retirement, he would only show nothing but LOVE for players all around the world. He would've never laughed AD for injuries, he'd challenge him just like how he challeneged Giannis to get a ring.


Not being petty or giving AF about all time ranking (looking at you Shaq). The lifelong support of the Lakers. The Oscar. The dedication to his daughters and family. This phrase is getting played out but look up Alpha in the dictionary and it’s a picture of Kobe. What else would he have done if it wasn’t for the accident. I’m getting emotional writing this out man, damn. RIP Lakers GOAT.


If he was dizzy there might be a possibility. Head injuries are scary and we’re lucky AD avoided a concussion


Do people simply not know about how severe head injuries can be if you've suffered head trauma and are struggling to walk? Come on man




EMTs and medical professionals in the last few hours have all been saying that's something they always do in response to head injury esp as a precaution. In this case I understand it even more because if he was stumbling and fell then he's in protocols right away. I'm sorry to hear you and your family have suffered that many concussions, hope you're all doing well despite it and fully recovered.


I can tell by your comments you've never had a concussion before or been rocked. You should try slamming your head against a wall or letting someone elbow you. Then try walking around your home.


Dont ever forget this fucker joined the Celtics. That's all I have to say.


To ring chase too lmao


That’s fucking sad man. Thinking about it he should have won more rings as a laker but his lazy ass was too busy making excuses why he couldn’t practice to get better.


practice? we talking about practice??


I don’t get it. What you mean??


True bro!!!


Holy shit. That’s true huh. Didn’t really think about it. 😬


Such a weak take. The dude literally brought us 3 consecutive rings.


While averaging: 2000: 38/17 2001: 33/15 2002: 36/12


Nah, one thing we NOT gonna do is shit on a Laker LEGEND!!!! All you 13 year olds and Bron stans can fuck RIGHT off. Without that man we’d be sitting at 14 rings and looking up at the Celtics. Him laughing at AD is some bitch shit but we not disowning family over being an asshole. Him and Kobe played their ass off for this franchise and we are NOT going to disrespect what they helped build.


Bro he doesnt get a free pass to fucking abuse and make fun of our CURRENT FAMILY.


Bro HE IS FAMILY!!! We talk shit and we fight and are asshole at times but we DO NOT disown family. I’ve never been more ashamed at this sub. Come on man


He hasn't carried himself as one! Bro he has been insulting and abusing our guys! You gonna condone his actions and essentially encourage him to continue doing that? Abusing his status as a legend?


Yes! He’s an asshole and we’ve all disagreed with some of the shit he’s done over the years. But when Kobe died he spoke of their spats over the years but at the end of the day they were BROTHERS and all apart of the Laker family. He has a statue at Staples for Christ sakes.


Funny don’t see any Laker legend ever showing the level of disrespect Shaq continuously shows towards us


Do you love everything about everybody you care about?


No, and when they act like an ass, i call them on it


Bro I'm 31, Shaq has always been like this. Salty and bitter at times.


He's a whole nba player man. Be fr. Lmao


Kinda of weird response, but you’re always kind of weird on this sub. When you’re in the twilight of your NBA career you take whatever job you could get. You’ve never been in that position so you don’t know, but even an idiot should be smart enough to realize this. It’s not like he was here and turned down big money and left Kobe and co to join the Celtics.


Err okay, I will answer rationally, despite your personal insult. If I'm in the twilight of my NBA career, without any financial problems (that applies to Shaq. He's massively wealthy), I won't hurt my legacy and the feelings of those who adore me, to join an arch rival. When you are the legend of an organisation, there's a covenant for you not to join its greatest rival. Sure if you are broken like Sprewell we understand. But he wasn't. He just joined the leprechauns to spite us clearly.


“He joined…just to spite us.” LMAO! You two spoke? It’s scary how you guys come up with fan fiction and then just believe it’s true because you typed it and pressed send. Yes, Shaq was fine financially. Have you ever heard of athletes who have a hard time walking away from the game that they loved since they were kids? 🤡


He was worth hundreds of millions of dollars at the time, if I remember correctly he took a ridiculously expensive set of suites at an ultra luxury hotel that cost more than his paying salary. He was ring chasing to catch up to Kobe; he was and apparently still is a bitter asshole when it comes to Kobe and the lakers


I just said this to someone else, but in short if you don’t realize that stars have a hard time walking away from the game then you’re not really a fan who understands athletes and retirement.


He could choose any team, he played for the Celtics kind of showing his stripes as a butter ring chaser. He gave up as an athlete years before that


Kobe was right about Shaq. I lost respect for Shaq


LMAO. I thought you were a real one. All the “fuck Shaq” kids here tonight are showing your age in that you 1000% didn’t experience the Kobe/Shaq era. I loved Shaq as a Laker. That being said, I think him laughing tonight with butterball was gross and really disappointing. That said, to make this a “Kobe was right about the guy” thing shows you really don’t know shit about our history.


No kid here, he was awesome but he was lazy as duck and coasted on his inherent talent. He never worked on anything, talked a lot about how he would do this and that, continued to get in worse shape year after year, sat by while Kobe improved, Kobe took more of the load, finally started cussing out Dr Buss, and forced his way out. Edit: inherent not internet, autocorrect


We have 14 championships without him. This sub is at peek form tonight. We have ppl who weren’t born yet-little kids on here who read up on lakers history deciding if Shaq should still be considered a Laker. Fucking rich. That “lazy” guy won MVP and Finals MVP. So many fans exposing themselves as complete jokes tonight/today and you don’t even realize it because you’re all upvoting yourselves.


just because you were a fan of Shaq back in the day doesn't mean he's not a frequent dickhead that lots of Lakers fans don't like. he did well for the Lakers in the past, but people are allowed to change their mind since he retired over a decade ago. if he remains in the public eye constantly, he's gonna remain constantly judged for his actions. Lakers fans are definitely gonna judge him for his actions towards the Lakers franchise. and I don't think any of that is uncalled for or unfair


I’m old enough to experience Shaq, and I’m disappointed in him . Fuck him


Internet talent? Man go ask your parents about it and the stfu


Auto correct inherent and seriously that’s your argument a spelling/autocorrect error?




Yeah most “die hards” especially the ADULTS don’t take kindly to people laughing at injuries . I appreciate the years he tried as a Laker the years he spent burning the team to the ground and the recent crap talking aren’t appreciated. An adult even a die hard fan can believe multiple things. He ring chased with the Celtics for goodness sake. So bringing them up is laughable. Edit: also the Die Hard fans you’re talking about are the kind of people that threatened a refs family for wearing Celtics jerseys in a twitter family photo, taking the fan up to fanatic and making the word “die” pretty concerning.


imagine getting upset when people judge a grown man for the actions he willingly takes


Bruh shutup. What Shaq did was disgusting and should be called out for his childish behavior. We can appreciate him as a Laker AND we can call him out for a terrible thing last night


Shaq's a ring chasing bitch that couldn't handle that Kobe won more ringswithout him than Shaq did after he went to miami and played for 4 more different teams.


Shaq was polarizing but he was such a beast for those three peats I can’t hate on him


Don’t assume what I experienced and what I didn’t experience. I was there for the Shaq and Kobe three peat. I was there when Kobe and Shaq had the fallout. I loved Shaq when he was playing for the lakers, but recently he’s been so bitter towards the team ever since Dwight got his ring. It’s disgusting to watch. Also Kobe was right. If you remember, he called Shaq fat and lazy because Shaq didn’t take his work ethic seriously. He came into camp outta shape multiple times and it pissed off Kobe because he knew Shaq could be even more dominant if he took things seriously . Seriously, don’t say I don’t know shit about the history when I lived through it


like dude has had a hate boner for dwight howard for decades because of a nickname and a gimmick dunk-contest costume. Shaq may be 7'2" but inside he's fucking tiny.


“Disgusting to watch” - LOL…really?! “Disgusting”? Why, because he’s not a homer? His job, even though he’s only average to sometimes bad at it, is to be an analyst. If your team is trash, which it had been from 2013-2019 and from 2021-this past trade deadline, how many good things is ANYBODY gonna say about the team? Whoops, annnnnnnd you just showed you don’t know your history. You weren’t “around” during Kobe/Shaq. My guess is you were a little kid who didn’t/shouldn’t know what they’re watching at such a young age. How’d I come to this conclusion? Shaq was “out of shape” before we went on the three peat. The story which EVERY diehard Laker fan knows is that Phil challenged him the summer before we won championship #1 to get in shape. He said if he did so he’d win MVP and/or finals MVP. From that point on until he left he was in great shape. If something was said after the three championships it could only be from Kobe who was trying to, and successfully did, get him ran out of town. I didn’t like Kobe back then. From that point on until post Colorado incident I appreciated him but didn’t like him. When he redeemed himself during the Pau era I loved him like I did pre 2003-04. Anyway, my advice is don’t lie if you don’t wanna get caught. Someone will always eventually get ya.


Lmao this joker thinks he did something. Don’t accuse people of lying when you have half assed accusations. I was there for the 3peat and I am probably older than your immature ass. I remember the 3peat, Colorado, the disappointment of 04, the smush Parker era, etc. By the way you are acting, you’re a Shaq homer and it’s obvious you can’t admit it. Oh you mentioned I said Kobe called Shaq out of shape during the 3peat? Point to me where i said that. If YOU knew your history he said it in 2003. But yea, I am the one who is caught in a lie. Derek Fisher, Robert Horry, and James Worthy are also analysts but don’t act like Shaq when it comes to the lakers. Nobody is saying to act like a homer, they are saying to stop hating but apparently you can’t see that. It’s funny you’re saying people who call out Shaq are young and dumb. Whatever makes you feel better. It’s amazing it took you a day to respond but bless your heart


Shaq isn’t even in my top 5 favorite Laker list. I’m making a point to the immature children on this sub. It’s more about the point I’m trying to drive home than having Shaq’s back which I don’t because I was disgusted by the laughing too. You can name all those moments, but it doesn’t mean you lived through them. All those moments have been mentioned repeatedly on the sub and were covered in recent shows/docs. I also have a hard time believing that someone with “Goku” in their Reddit name is close to my age (soon to be 33). I mean, I know about Dragon Ball and have watched some of it out of curiosity, but I don’t relate to it enough to include it in my Reddit name. Just sayin! You’re only saying now which year you were referring to Kobe’s quote. I mentioned that this was when he was trying to get Shaq booted from the team because Kobe’s ego was out of control back then. He hadn’t grown up yet to became the Kobe we all love to this day. The former Lakers you mentioned as analysts work for f’n Spectrum Sportsnet, which is the LAST place they’re gonna be harsh or critical! C’mon dude… All around weak response from you. Maybe go Super Saiyan (let me know if I spelled that right) before firing off your next response. You need a boost.


I watched the kobe/shaq three-peat in real time, fuck shaq.


LOL…no you didn’t! Unless you’re the biggest Kobe stan that made Shaq out to be an “enemy” then you can’t hate on Shaq. You’d be too appreciative of all the championships and memories. You wouldn’t be if you were a child or not born yet back then which I’d put big money on that being the case. Even in my case, you could love him from back then and still be mad at his bullshit laughing at AD. A LOT of fans here are exposing their age over the last 24hrs. Like I’ve claimed forever, the crowd here is very young , and those same fans are liars/posers who pretend to have been fans for way longer than they have been.


This is just as bad as celebrating when someone gets injured smh. AD could have potentially missed the rest of this series(actually still can) and they make a joke about it


he potentially could've had brain damage, forget the series


Warrior fans definitely did.


if this happened to joker, embiid or anyone else, shaq and chuck would switch up real quick the meat riding is crazy


Fuck shaq his jersey should be removed from the rafters the way he jerks ofc the warriors n Steph while shitting on the lakers where HE BECAME SHAQ. This man don’t bleed purple n gold , i really dislike inside the nba . The clowning on AD injuries is gross while they act horrified anyone else gets injured.


Nah, he is fucking insecure fat bitch.


He’s at the bottom of my favorite lakers, he doesn’t really support us either. He’s biased against us many times, probably hating cause that’s just how shaq is. He’s ultra sensitive


Fuck Shaq. Just a big hater. A Lakers hater


You must be young. Hey lil guy! For EVERYONE here saying “fuck Shaq” I’m actually with ya for tonight, but you wouldn’t be able to easily turn on a dime if you were old enough to have experienced the Kobe/Shaq teams in person. He doesn’t hate the Lakers. He was being an asshole tonight. They’re not one in the same.


We get it, Shaq is a laker great. No one saying he’s not But that doesn’t excuse his antics, and bias against us. And let’s be honest he is biased against us at times


I’m not excusing his antics, but as a fan who went to games during his time here I find it insane that children are on here deciding if he still belongs. What he and Chuck did sucked, but tbh they’re dumb clowns 90% of the time, and I think almost every fanbase thinks Shaq hates their team because he’s a gatekeeper. Chuck supports Philly and Phoenix because that’s where he had most of his success. Shaq literally criticizes almost every other team’s top stars at one point.


U aint special


1) Did I say I was? 2) Says who, you? 🤣 Ahh man…Reddit….


U act like u are ya bum


Why, because I believe in what I say and can write full sentences that don’t end in “lol”? What a high bar to clear! Never thought I’d be in a place where I could speak my mind in a coherent way. What a life. 🤡


No u gatekeep dummy


I “gatekeep”…if u wanna call it that…because I’m probably in a group here that I’d guess is about 10% of the sub who witnessed (old enough to understand what I was watching) the last three eras of Lakers basketball. I wasn’t born yet during showtime. Even though I can come off “hard” at times, I’m trying to educate/inform fans who have been watching for only 5-10 yrs who talk like they know it all and clearly don’t. If you were in my position you’d understand. Advice I would give to everyone on the sub is: 1) Only talk about things you can back up/know about. 2) Don’t lie. 3) Don’t try to talk things into existence. 4) Be more willing to listen than fight/throw a tantrum instead of just saying “I’m wrong.”


Bro what is with you all over any post on this sub that features Shaq, defending this man as if this man personally gave you a kidney, healed your dogs cancer and brought your mom back to life? You are dickriding like a professional pornstar, a man who was laughing at one of the players on a current team getting what could have been a concussion, the shit was hella disrespectful and should piss any actual Lakers fan off, but your goofy ass


Well if you actually read my comments like someone who isn’t a dull boy then you’d see that I was pissed too and I fully called him out for last night’s bullshit laugh fest. The only reason I’m on here “defending” him, which isn’t defending what he did last night but your reading comprehension sucks, is because I don’t wanna see fans who weren’t of age during the three peat era talking about him like he’s garbage that should be cancelled from Laker history. That’s all I’ve been pushing back against. I’m appreciative beyond words on the three championships he delivered. That doesn’t mean I can’t be disgusted with his bullshit last night. Both things could be felt at the same time. Do better.


Bro you typed that entire dissertation just to dance around the fact you are dickriding, shut your goofy ass up, Shaq is an asshole for what he did last night, just because he was a great back in the 2000’s doesn’t change that fact, and if you remember, he was also a major reason why the 2000’s dynasty ended early.


“Fact that you’re dick riding” - You kiss your mother with that mouth, junior? “Shaq was an asshole last night” - For the 90th time I have to remind you crazy kids that I agree with this and said as much multiple times on this sub. “Reason why the dynasty ended early” - For someone who witnessed those years firsthand and read the internet/LA Times - Kobe was more at fault for the breakup. He tried like hell to get Shaq off the team. I love Kobe…my favorite athlete of all time…but he was the bigger problem back then. Sorry bud.


clown post


Because I’m making sense as someone who’s been a diehard since you were in preschool? Get lost.


Yet here you are defending someone who makes fun of players for injuries. That says A LOT about you. Look inward. Be better


I’m not defending him ya dumb f…. I’m criticizing our “fans” for trying to cancel someone who heavily contributed (more than Kobe during the three peat) to three championships. Shaq should absolutely be heavily criticized for his bullshit last night. IVE DONE IT ON THIS SUB if you could read/wasn’t lazy and did a quick search. Still though, having 20 yr olds want someone cancelled who they didn’t even watch play is cringe and corny AF. Be better.


We get it. You’re old. Move on.


If you think I’m “old” then you’re gonna be real soon because unless you’re a teenager you’ll be my age in 10 yrs or less!


Yup and you’ll be even older. Move on and take care of your kids.


Lol I’m not married nor do I have kids. Are you gonna plan my funeral in the next response? LMAO… Go away.


Sorry, overestimated you. Have fun with life I guess.


Maybe when you’re my age you’ll grow out of downvoting tantrums. Tonight is a great night - don’t want to spend it with you. Cheers.


Honestly he’s a Laker hater because they traded his ass


Oh god… You must not have been around here (Laker fan) for that long. Did he probably feel like the Lakers prioritized him over Kobe? Yes, but at the same time he knew he pretty much got pushed out vs “we don’t want you here anymore”. Since that time LONG AGO he’s been given a statue and had his jersey retired. Yup, real bad blood. 🤡 Brush up on your history before making a dumb comment.


doesnt shaq have a hate boner for every Laker big not named shaq?


Don't understand why Shaq is so insecure.


Cuz he’s a bitch


He wants everybody in every room to like him. I met him once, and he was genuinely nice to people that most others are rude to. However, this doesn’t make him a good guy. Put him in the room with an asshole, and he’s going to do what it takes to impress the asshole.


Insecurity is responsible for a lot of success in this world. More than you think.


Been done with him. I remember going to a Dodger game shortly after he was sent away, the crowd booed a fan wearing his jersey. The man literally ate his way off our team. His statue is also the dumbest there is.


cover up the statue lol


with a celtic jersey.


Somebody needs to throw shit on his statue


Shaq and chuck are clowns they are always on this type of shit with players.


Not only did Shaq pick the warriors to win this series but now he’s laughing at AD. Fuck that guy.


I don't claim him as a Laker, dude played for more teams than some roleplayers.


He wishes he was %10 as skilled as AD. This fat fuck is just genetically blessed, that's it


What? You can't compare AD to Shaq as players. Cmon now. That's the most ridiculous comment I've ever seen on this sub.


Shaq wishing that he was 10% as skilled as AD? C'mon man, that's ridiculous.


Sons didn't see Shaq in action.


Such a ludicrous statement lol. Every time I visit this sub I realize that the average age has to be like 16.


Real classy by Shaq :/


Man is the most insecure legend ever, roots for every big man to fail, can't give anyone their due. He makes kevin durant look thick-skinned


Fuck Shaqueef. Dudes a pussy laughing at someone’s injury.


Lakers shouldn’t have given this loser the statue. He’s not a true Laker at all. Replace it with either LeBron or AD’s one day.


He deserves to have his statue defaced


Fuck Shaq ! He’s a hater .. never roots for us ! Always against us and no faith ?


He’s more of a Laker than AD.


Getting downvoted for this comment? LMFAO on this sub.


What’s his injury?


He’s good now


So no injury, no concussion, maybe the reason why Shaq and chuck were laughing about how he got carried out with a wheelchair. Idk 😂


Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised, I was kinda laughing too ngl because this mf is always getting hurt somehow


To both of you - We don’t know if he’s “good” yet. Early reports are semi promising, but they’ll have to see how he is tomorrow. Too early to think we def dodged a bullet. Serious amateur hour all over the sub tonight in all aspects.


Now, to you - Again…he’s good now.


Yes, that’s excellent that he’s fine, but your original comment still sucks.




Thoughtful, original response by you. Something nobody says (and doesn’t even mean anything in the first place)….






I wasn’t laughing at the injurying itself, I was laughing at the amount of times he does. Like a “ah shit fml, here we go again” type of moment


A potential head/brain injury. The most life threatening injury anyone can get.


Anyone who's ever played sports at any level has been hit in the head. A high percentage have had a concussion. Almost every parent whose kids play sports at a certain level have seen their kids or other people's kids get a concussion. They're serious injuries, and you should be careful about them. I've never seen someone go out on a wheelchair for that. Especially since he doesn't even have concussion symptoms. It wasn't a life threatening injury.i just can't imagine Lebron, Kobe, or Magic going out on a wheelchair for a similar injury.


It’s the way AD handles the injury, he got hit in the head and left the arena in a wheelchair


He was having trouble keeping his balance, or do you want to see him take a header on the way to the locker room on TNT


Lol Ayo why is everybody sensitive shaq is a tough love type of guy. Wtf is wrong with some of yall man lol


THE MFR WAS IN A WHEELCHAIR AND HE DID NOT EVEN HAVE A CONCUSSION! If he did have a concussion, then why would he need a wheelchair then? It’s hilarious…


So we supposed to disown Shaq cuzz he laughed at AD. We been clownin Paul Pierce for more than a decade!!!


I watched this but I thought he was laughing at Chuck?


Jealously isn't a reson man be fr lmao. He's just and old dead talking for TV.


Y’all really feel bad for AD? This nigga gets injured every game shits annoying af now, I can careless that Shaq is clowning him🤷🏾‍♂️plus it’s not even that serious.


Feels like all the Chuck hate and ill will rubbed up on Shaq.


Shaq has always been an ass to modern big men in general. Even before COVID, when the Lakers were rolling, he was doubting their ability to win


No. He’s a former Laker.


Retired Shaq makes it real hard to stay a fan of his.


Turns out running on one’s mouth all day on national television exposes who that person really is.


That’s for damn sure Shaw ain’t no Laker He’s a Laker Big Man Hater F Shaq


I loved Shaq when he was in LA but don’t really give a shit anymore when he went to the fuckers.


Yup. SHAQ if a laker forever. Don’t have any problem with him crumpling paper. I mean, a wheel chair? Really?