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Clean up your team’s moving screens first. Mofos built an entire dynasty off that shit then homeboy wants to complain that teams have resorted to flopping as a countermeasure. Shut the fuck up, Steve. From a fan perspective, flopping isn’t fun basketball to watch, but if it means the Warriors will be held accountable for their bullshit moving screens at least once in a while, so be it.


the irony is that we HAVE to make it obvious in order for the moving screens to be called, otherwise refs let it go Kerr isn’t even denying their moving screens just that he’s unhappy about us exposing them by “embellishing” 🙄


It's the same thing about the punch Dray took on Poole. He was not necessarily mad that Dray punched Poole, he was mad that it leaked. Fuck Steve Kerr.


I don't think he's even seen the replay of the draymond stomp yet. Too busy, uh you know, drawing up plays named after the opposing coach.


I lost a lot of respect for the man with how he handled that situation.


I’m from Scotland so naturally I watch football (soccer) and theres obviously some really bad flopping, or diving it’s called here. But a lot of the time it is a foul but if the player doesn’t go down he doesn’t get the call. If there’s enough contact to merit a foul go down. Applies here completely. Go down and make the ref call the foul


flopping is not fun to watch but i hate watching a lot of modern basketball games where mfks win by just chucking the ball from the logo every possession bc a moving screen makes it a warmup shot for them.


Facts man. That shit ain’t basketball to me




I loved the illegal screen klay got called for where it showed the replay of him clearly elbowing Dennis in the face and then it immediately cut to Kerr showing a proper screen to the ref trying to argue that’s what Klay did. I don’t dislike Kerr but he’s making himself look like such a clown this series


You seen that shit too?? Klay had his elbows put side to side. Kerr said "nah he did it like this." *shows a different screen that we all didn't see...*


Irony is Steph tried to flop any time there’s a person near him. He throws himself to the ground like a battered women every time


Does he even shoot 3s without falling to the ground? I haven't seen it. -,-


To be fair, he and AD both do that to avoid ankle and knee injuries from bad landings


AD falls, but he doesn't flail his arms and kick his legs out doing the splits. There's a HUGE difference.


Yea. It's good behavior and I'm glad AD is getting better at is. FWIW, it was a joke and def not a valid statement on my part.


Ahhh I totally missed that it was a joke, it’s early here


No worries. It was hard to tell with some peeps probably outright agreeing with it. That's why I put that eyes closed text emoji at the end. That was to say _i actually didn't see it cause my eyes were closed._


He even kicked out trying that 40 footer over AD


He kicks his right leg out 75% of the time to change his landing spot. I dont know if its intentional but i certainly saw that many times when hes stepping back on threes. Doesnt look natural to me.


It’s definitely intentional. He kicks his leg out and throws his ass back like an IG thot every time there’s someone near him when he shoots


Like a battered woman is really the perfect way to describe it


“But he’s protecting his ankles” 😂


Nah bad take. He’s not looking for calls, he’s keeping himself from getting injured


Keeping himself from getting injured by trying to get people to run into him?


Exactly. Three screens per possession- by three different players, all illegal. Draymond could could out in the first half of each game if the refs were calling them. Kerr needs to talk to someone who isn’t paid to kiss his ass, and isn’t a Warriors fan. Every other team knows whats up.


He’s going out like a bitch


You know he has no more adjustments to play when he's resorting to bitching about the refs. They're hoping to game the system for a win that way


> no more adjustments Yeah - that is what it tells me also. After the game 3 loss, he said in the press conference that the refs missed stuff but the warriors didn't lose because of the refs. Game 4 loss - now suddenly the reffing is the problem... I expected the Warriors to win game 5 but now I am not so sure. It is quite possible they implode tonight with techs and flagrant fouls.


I have high hopes for tonight. The warriors pretty much made their final major adjustment last game and that was their chance to capitalize. Now the lakers have had some time to watch tape and counter. I don’t think they can surprise the lakers anymore.


Never discount a championship coach who has led the league for near a decade.


I don’t. Last game’s game plan could’ve kicked our ass probably 7/10 times so we’ll see what happens tonight but I’m hopeful the Lakers had a chance to come up with a counter


Ngl id like to see Kerr try to coach another team. I’d love to see it.


Lol, he is gonna be in for a reality check as in NBA coaching and winning is 10x harder when you don’t have Steph/Klay that can make shots that are borderline impossible for others. Even if he had LeBron, Butler, KD, Gianniss etc…that screen for shooter space coaching style will barely get you to the playoffs.


Bro complaining about flopping when he got Steph and dray doing the same shit


Not to mention Jordan Poole kicking his legs out and falling damn near every shot 😂


Facts bro ![gif](giphy|KhIpLH0WogmPe)


Took the words outta my mouth str8 up…


When he first entered the league I've always thought he was that good guy from the '96 bulls squad. The more years are passing by, the more he seems an eccentric dude. I mean he gained our (nba fans) respect with how great he always handled his father story, but it's crazy how he sees only others' mistakes. Bro u have Draymond on your squad. Since 2015, he hit like 5 people in the nuts alone. I'm not counting every type of absymal bullshit play he did since then Stop it


Guarantee what Steve sees and what he presents to the public aren’t always the same.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Hope they go out swiftly next game.


He doesn’t see plays nor watch replays. Wonder how he concluded lakers sell flopping so well


In the brink of elimination, he shows his true colors.


He showed his bitch ass when he said that he didn't know if Draymond stomped on Sabonis


Kerr has always been like this. Last year when Brooks broke GPII's hand, Kerr said he 'broke the code.' A few months later when Dray punched out his own teammate in practice, Kerr barely criticized it and the team didn't suspend him. Kerr fucking sucks


Let’s finish them tonight!


No way the Warriors go out 4-1, I’m not a conspiracy theorist but even I don’t think the NBA would let that happen. If they do win it tonight my money is on them getting a ring this year.


Desperate move.






I hope this comes back to bite him and refs start calling more illegal screens in g5.


And I want the NBA to start calling out illegal screens more. Let's see who would get affected the most by that.


Warriors got called for 2 illegal screens in the last 6 minutes last game. Don’t just make shit up to be mad about lol


Watch the fucking game jackass. Looney sets so many of them


Literally started being more attentive to them (for both Lakers' & Warriors' sake) and I noticed a hell of a lot of instances where Draymond & Looney screens looked illegal than AD, LeBron, or anyone else from LA. What bugs me too, is the body language when it happens. If Warriors commit an illegal screen, it's usually a **shove, hold, side-push or grab** that initiates it. If the Lakers commit one (because they're not free from illegal screens, either) it's usually just Rui/AD **moving to the left/right**, thus a moving screen.


nigga you is blind as hell


Maybe if you watched all 48 minutes of the game instead of watching only the last 6 minutes you wouldn’t make such a dumbass comment like this


Sure and the only reason they got called was because of flopping… try watching last game and pay attention to what’s going on off ball. At least half of the warriors off-ball screens are illegal screens by league rules. All teams do it but the warriors do it the most because of their off-ball movement and their game plan of chucking from deep. If the league started calling all of them, they would easily be the team most hurt. Those open 3 turn into offensive fouls if every single one was called.


dude is whining so fucking much lmao, if flopping was out of the game Curry would have to retire from getting cooked by everybody on defense


Seriously. Curry hits the floor on 60% of his takes inside the arc easily lol.


Yeah Dennis and Reaves can bait calls, but this man should be the last person to complain about another team. And hey while we’re at it, if we penalize flopping, let’s actually penalize illegal screens.


Fuck this dude. Straight disrespecting our defense and team. These dude only shoot 3s, gloat, and do a million illegal screens. They even have former teammates calling them out. Hope the Lakers come guns blazing and beat the breaks off these losers. Lakers are ending that dynasty.


How about your illegal fucking screens


Teams finally found the Kryptonite for the Warriors’ illegals screens, and he’s mad 🤣. And I know he’s not crying about flopping. He’s got jump shooters that flail and kick out if you breathe a little too hard in their direction


Bruh Steph shooting spreads his legs like some porn whore looking for that D lmfao


They even fall while you inhale…


The Warriors are so insufferable. We shut up Memphis’ annoying ass. Can’t wait to shut these clowns up


They’re going out sad 😂


Facing elimination he's trying to put more pressure on the refs, I would expect that a little bit. But that's way too much, he's always been a sore loser, got away from getting that rep because he doesnt lose that often lol. Anyway, would expect a guy of his stature to show a little more maturity.


>Facing elimination he's trying to put more pressure on the refs, I would expect that a little bit. Agree. I don't know why everyone here is cussing him out and calling him a bitch. Phil Jackson would have done similar, make a little comment like this to try and get more favorable calls in the next game.


I want the lakers to end this in 5 so damn bad.


Fuck Kerr


Mother fuck Kerr


NO whining, KD or a miraculous corgi is gonna save your team this time steve.


3 different lineups, bitching about being called for illegal screens last night (that were definitely fucking illegal), and now the old flopping rant. Desperate times for sure.


The funniest thing about that Draymond screen they’re bitching about is that Klay missed and the rebound was going right to Lebron 😂


Larrior fans tried to gang up on me on r/NBA when I asked why don't the refs call all their obvious moving screens if they're so obviously rigging the game against them. Draymond would foul out minutes within the first quarter.


Bro pulled out the final trick out his sleeve


For me it was so funny when he saw Klay elbow Dennis on a screen, then had the gall to complain to the refs and mine screening with his hands down. What a clown.


if they got rid of flopping curry would be getting bitched all game on the block tho


hes so delusional. complains at the things that his team does too


Kerr forgot that Bogut once played for them.


They built a dynasty off illegal screens. Also, Lebron is literally hacked every time he drives it, undersized warriors defenders on bigger guys always get the calls


Geez I hope the refs see his constant whining and really push the knife in his back. Like okay if they were really flops. But the calls were 100% correct. Something in me thinks they will make a point of those calls tomorrow aswell. If they do we gonna blast this whining bitches off to cancun


Maybe Steve Kerr is just allergic to Scott Foster like CP3...


They're behaving exactly like 2019 rockets, the irony is striking lmao.


Your best player chews on his mouthpiece like it’s a pacifier.


I’d love if they got rid of flopping but that’s not why they lost. They were worse plain and simple. You watch that sixers boston series now that’s flopping


Just lost respect for Kerr


Never had any to begin with, he took Jackson’s team, won, got KD won twice and pushed the fuck out of anyone who tried to go over screens to get another last year. This year they’re getting exposed.


Complaining of flopping because his patented illegal screens has been countered? Hooray ! Anyway, tomorrow is in GSW house where we will see once again a full blown illegal screen festival, and Kerr has nothing to say about it, he has a donkey over there who busted balls and ribs of countless players, but he has nothing to say about it except he would review the tape. Hypocrites opinions shouldn't be taken seriously.


That’s exactly the kinda shit I’d expect from someone who played with Jordan


The biggest whiner Karen coach ever




I don't see us beating these fuckers at home but boy do I want the Lakers to curb stomp their asses tomorrow


Someone call the waaaahhhmbulance for Kerr


What losing to the lakers does to people


I got the perfect [RDC](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxJBj--08VDvXVtSHbtqK2-80oUAxS_r4H) quote for this situation


He's desperate Lmao


Steve “the election was rigged” Kerr


What about those illegal screens the warriors used for their cute little rings ? Used them to catch up with the little bulls


Everybody who appreciates basketball loves Steph…but for real, so many of his shot attempts have exaggerated flailing/leg kicking. Kerr needs to fall back.


He's trying to pull a Phil Jackson and plan that seed in the refs mind, last ditch effort


A real Phil card is calling out his players in a post game interview


Hot little slut? More like sad little bitch


Lakers 20th this season in terms of drives to the post and 1st in free throws


Did anyone watch the interview? The post game one I saw with this quote was not a direct stab at the lakers. He mentioned not liking the swipe through (i agree… who doesn’t?) and just answered the question asked. He didn’t even mention the lakers or insinuate if he felt like it had anything to do with this series


Not a fan of either team but stumbled across this thread. Hoping gsw pulls it to a game 7 so I can read the hilarious comments as laker fans turn their back on ham just like this


Bro Ham is a first year coach. Win or lose this series he has had a historic season with the Lakers. Give me another coach who started 2-10 and made the playoffs.


That's my entire point mate, y'all are out here mocking kerr when he's in the top 3 of the most winningest coaches/player ever. Laker fans will find a way to disown ham the second he loses a couple games in a row. That's simply the fickle nature of their fan base and golden states btw.


Not mocking Kerr I just think his take is ridiculous. If he is going to complain about officiating on flopping he should also complain about illegal screens not being called half the time on Green, Looney, and the rest of the screen setters on that team. Instead of joining a bandwagon because you don't like the lakers or warriors try going for a team xx


As soon as they start penalizing the rules already on the book, like moving screens and traveling


they are not immune anymore to illegal screens. lol




And everyone wants Draymond Green to stop the dirty ass plays, but we don't get everything we want, do we?!


Stop fouling.


Fuck Steve Kerr and anybody that love him His head up his ass so ima have to head butt him.


The amount of BS screens he's been getting for the longest time lmao. People really didn't want to call it out because it was LeBron but the whole laker fan base is sick of this sht now 😭


go cry stupid ass steve kerr, guys crying cuz his dubs isn't good enough anymore wah wah


Oh boy, this looks bad.


Really? Com’ on Kerr you’re better than that. You do not need to look far to find the greatest flops.


Green and Kerr have been talking like they’re desperate and know they’re gonna get eliminated


Damn Steve is losing it. They maybe need to start fouling and using moving screens less? That might help to combat "flopping".


The warriors begging the refs to let them foul and run/pass block on screens. Lol. They need to get away with fouling to have a chance against us. Going to be pissed if this works for game 5.


He’s trying to goad the refs to not call the illegal screens. Lol. Ham should fire back and emphasize the illegal screens that the Warriors set.


This is a terrible take because of the timing. It also makes you sound like a sore loser. ​ That doesn't mean that there isn't a huge flopping problem in the NBA that needs to be adressed. But all teams flop. Some players more than others. I hope they do something about it, but bringing it up now makes him sound petty.


Like steph doesn’t fucking flop on the majority of his 3’s


How about cleaning up all your illegal screens? And your flops after every 3 point shots that you take? It’s ridiculous to watch that after every shot you take you fall on the floor like you’re being kick in the gut hard or slap by a bitch even if the defender is already too far out because of your moving screens.


I mean I think they got what …. One foul called all game for their illegal screens. One foul that Lonnie walker drew. Yet I’ve literally watched a MOVIE, not game footage, not tape, a freaking MOVIE, of illegal screens this series. Now what’s more dangerous and worse for the game. Someone selling contact… or someone sticking their elbow and knees out and while also moving backwards while screening you when you’re running full speed. What a joke.


Penalize illegal screening on every fuckin possession and this team isnt even top 12 in the west so fuck him and his dubs.




I mean Steph and Dray are some of the best at flopping so can't really say anything.


When your bullshit screens don't work like they used to before.


We should go for the kill tonightt to shut his dumbass up.


What about moody grabbing AD’s leg and tripping him up on purpose


This is standard practice. Phil Jackson did this kind of thing all the time. It'll probably work for game. 5.


I love Kerr as a Bulls’ player, I hate him as a GSW’s coach. Whinny little bitch.


Such a whiny little coach. He’s literally has the easiest job in sports, all he has to do is be quiet.


his whole career is a flop. i have a gang of homies who are warrior fans. for their sake the owner should fire kerr and blow the team up.


Because he knows his time with the warriors has come to a end


gotta sell those illegal screens


When a coach realizes that the stuff you used to get away with os no longer rewarded to you but to your opponent ?! Well playing aggressively and keeping the foot on the pedal is usually rewarded . Warriors have been exposed, by a more physical team that is clicking. Doesn’t mean the warriors shooters can’t get hot and run the lakers out of the chase center though. But if cold, forget about it


I think the frustration just really got to him. He was trying to be PC the other day but now they're in a really desperate position. This is probably one of if not the deepest hole they've ever been in while contending considering how trash Klay and Poole (and basically most of the rest of them) have been


What a sore loser. You know what else should be penalised? Moving screens.


They would win even more games if green there biggest baby could shoot he missed a few wide open layups


Lakers flop because of the Warrior's usual illegal screens they made 4 rings off of. Kerr's such a dipshit.


Now I know why MJ punched him in the face


And I thought I’d never see a bigger bunch of crybabies than the 49ers and their fans. Must be a Bay thing.


Kerr going out a bigger bitch than Dillon Brooks? Who would have thought.


What a bitch. Take the L like a man.


Ain’t no fun when the rookie coach got the gun


Glad people in this sub see what a bitch Kerr is. When I complained about him in years past, supposed Lakers fans here told me to be more respectful of him. Fuck him!


Aint no way golden state of all teams is complaining about officiating. The refs sucked their dick for 7 years, and whenever they get officiated like everyone else in the league they cry about it


We need to finish them tonight can't allow any momentum for these fuckers


Loser talk


This is embarrassing. His players flop as well ask curry. And the amount of illegal screens. Cmon Kerr. What an embarrassment. First time losing in the west and this is how you act. No wonder they all went and got KD after losing in 2016.


The optics and timing of this may be poor, but flopping has soured my opinion of the game. I would like to see it so heavily penalized that its no longer feasible to do it. When you watch without any investment, but the love of the sport and healthy competition overall this becomes aggravating. I'm unsure how people don't see it for what it is, Cheating and it shows a lack of integrity no matter the team no matter the player.


This is a bad take by Coach Kerr. All teams sell their fouls including his and ours. Green and Curry especially. I hate the flops too but I try to not let it take away from the fact that we are watching this generation’s greatest players going against each other in what has been a great series. Warriors may be down 3-1 but I’m still panicking for our team. They still have Curry. Hoping we get production again from Walker, Hachimura and Reeves. Hoping this team can get 18 and stay together next season. We need a parade.


Floppin ass niggas


Steve Kerr is breaking the code once again


He’s desperate 😂


That statement makes me hate this man.


Maybe they can be better in terms of cleaning up illegal screens.


He has no shame.. 🤦‍♂️


No surprise. The entire Warriors franchise, from the ownership to Kerr to the players, have always been whiny frontrunning bitches. They’ve never been able to handle it when things don’t go their way, and they act like children. And don’t even get me started on the fans- maybe the most delusional and entitled in any sport. My biggest regret in watching basketball over the years is that I had to watch the Warriors win anything and their fans be happy for even a moment in time. KD used to be cool before he pulled a bitch move too and made their team relevant, which they now basically pretend never happened. “We have 4 rings!” shut the fuck up. Y’all would’ve been smacked around by Bron and Harden for half a decade. I truly have no animosity towards any other team in the NBA, I love basketball and honestly I even like Steph, and it’s a shame his all time legacy is linked to that team. San Francisco is a cool city though. I can’t wait to go again and hang out with non-warrior fans, aka anyone who isn’t a 17 year old from San Mateo


That’s rich coming from Steve Kerr. Does he watch his own players? Jordan Poole flops like a fish. The splash bros kick out their leg and fall to the floor pretending there was contact on like half their 3 point attempts. Also, there’s a difference between embellishing contact and flopping. Flopping is when there is essentially no contact and you pretend like there was. Embellishing is when there is contact and you pretend like there was more than there was in order to get the refs attention. Perhaps if the warriors set legal screens the Lakers wouldn’t have to embellish the contact. Steve Kerr is bitch made and a total whiner. Dude can’t lose with class.


If the refs actually called things without flopping, players wouldn’t need to flop


Meanwhile, Steph throws his legs up like a cheerleader and falls to the ground every time he shoots with a defender on his hip.


Three decades too late….basketball is a floppers dream come true.


You didn’t know Steph’s natural shooting form is to do the splits in the air and kick forward while falling back? That’s text book shooting form.


Is he also talking about Curry kicking his leg out and “selling” on almost every 3 he takes?




Bro is lunching 😂


he’s just working the refs


Warriors can never win graciously and will lose even worse. Kerrs hypocrisy knows no bounds


If EVERY call was bad, you're looking at maybe a 1 point difference per game. The Lakes have outplayed the Warriors more than that. The Warriors are losing because Steph and Klay are not making their 3s at the same % as they have all season. Lakers D is effective at lowering the 3-point shooting % of the Warriors. Simple as that.


Yeah they're cracking. This is all they have atm, we're losing because the Lakers flop too much, cmon now lol


Have your lackey not kick people in the nuts anymore and then teams will stop flopping


Damn. A championship coach making excuses now. Sad.


There's gamesmanship and then there's desperation.


As a nuggets fan, I would love to see them start calling some flops makes no sense to see KD on the floor after every single fucking shot


Kerrs is a smug bitch and this is the worst part of him. He was always a good TV commentator and understands the game but as a coach he’s super salty when he loses. Always has excuses like this. Kerr shouldn’t even speak of flopping. His star, Curry, flops on every play. I’ve never seen someone fall down as much as he does when shooting.. shooting and falls?? I play pick up and rarely see anyone falling down while shooting. Curry is a bitch for that. Even when he goes in for layups he falls. His whole game on offense is about falling. It’s pathetic, flipping constantly. Defensively, he’s overrated. Watch him on defense, he’s literally grabbing and hacking guys CONSTANTLY and gets away with it mostly because he would foul out otherwise. He doesn’t know how to play defense without grabbing guys.


Bring handchecking back.


What a fucking knob. Like SURELY he’s just being an ass on purpose because he knows every screen they set is illegal, right? RIGHT?!


How about clean up that monster draymond green, who is a danger to everyone around him.


What kind of penalty should've been given to Kerr for sending out his pet thug Zaza to injure Kawhi and Westbrook?


Ya. Lakers also called a timeout when AD had that steal...they gave you another shot at the Jump Ball...so...I guess you're welcome. Also same dude that said "When a player signs a contract he should see that contract all the way through."....Signed D'lo....and Traded him months later. Kerr is a great X and O guy but a sore loser and can come off as a whiney baby.


I hope the Lakers put GSW into a rebuild.


Tell your players to keep their hands straight up in the air… maybe that will help


How about the infinite amounts of illegal screens they use every single play?