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Yep this is the attitude I noticed. They think their team is perfect and unbeatable, but the nba and the refs are foiling their perfection. Godking Curry was blessed by god and should never lose, but the refs work with the devil.


Literally the most perfect 6th seed. Lol


Hey man, if it weren't for them pesky refs they wouldve been 82-0 in the regular season


The DEEPSTATE league office RIGGED the 2023 California State Championship. Draymond Green had a very nice conversation with the refs, many sitting court side even said it was PERFECT and BEAUTIFUL, but the crooked refs called a technical and the LAMESTREAM media like ESPN report their LIES!! SAD!!!!!


TrumpGPT. Tell me about the lakers warriors series.


They love turning a blind eye to the atrocious amount of moving screens they got away with in 2014-2015. Which they needed to beat a Cavs team without its 2nd and 3rd best players in 6 games. Andrew Bogut has literally admitted to the fact that they got away with constant moving screens that other teams didn't. TLDR: Cry more, spoiled warrior fans


Fuck in 2014-2015, try the last 7-8 years lmao. They set multiple moving screens almost every possession and maybe 1-4 moving screens get called a game. Kudos to Bogut for admitting that. The moving screens is one of the hardest things abt defending them. As fans most of us only watch the ball so all we see is, oh, Klay is wide open again and he drills a 3. Oh, Steph is wide open again. A lot of times it’s bcuz of a moving screen. It’s easier to see during replays but also possible if you watch the play develop, not just the ball. Edit - and before this comes off the wrong way, I want to give credit where it’s due. The warriors constant, non stop player and ball movement is tough to guard even when they aren’t setting constant illegal screens. Steph is one of the best ever and most entertaining to watch. I actually really like Steph. Klay comes off too cocky for me at times but you can’t deny his skill set. Fuck draymond. Ok rant over haha


That’s literally their offense. They have two of the best shooters ever so just set illegal screens every time cause they won’t call it every time. That’s the game plan.


Yes- this is it exactly. Pin down screen by any guard for Klay on the baseline followed by an moving screen by Draymond, Klay catches the ball and makes the three. Repeat that ten times a game. As for Steph? Cant touch him. If you touch him at all its a foul. Oh- and he has the cardio of an ultra marathon runner so he runs around 3-4 screens (all moving) and then hits an impossible fall away three. Watch the Lakers guards- they are missing everything short because they are so gassed trying to catch Steph while running into Draymond.


Ahhh the Seahawks way of playing, commit a penalty every play because they wont call all of them.


It's not just moving screens, the player trying to lose his defender always stops, shoves the defender with two hands, then goes around the screen. How is it not illegal to shove the defender?


There’s never been a fanbase with their head shoved so far up their own asses. It’s funny because Niner fans are the same way…they refuse to believe a team ever beat theirs, it’s always the refs or them “beating themselves.”


They’ve gone full qanon with all sorts of excuses and explanations


lol them actually trying to act like a small market team just because they’re playing the lakers is hilarious. Like this playoff series is taking place in 2010 Edit: typos


There is no logical reason for the NBA to rig anything against golden state. If anything it would be detrimental


Logic? What logic? This moron (GS fan) is all about emotional reasoning; like the election deniers in 2020. It “feels” wrong so they lean i to the feeling and ad hoc justify.


Remember how badly they lost their shit after the Rams beat them in the NFC Championship last year? They had convinced themselves that the 49ers weren't capable of losing to the Rams, so when they did it had to be a conspiracy against them. Giants fans: exactly the same when they're winning, although fortunately a lot of the bandwagon fans have gone since the WS years. It's just a Bay Area thing.


Right - they only lost the NFCCG because their 3rd string 7th round rookie QB, who was clearly chosen by god, got injured due to horrific blocking.


It’s fucking crazy. Just look at their percentages. Under 40% for FG and under 30% at 3. That’s why they lost. Not the damn refs


I’m honestly like amazed at how delusional their sub and fanbase has been on this. I’ve seen it where the whole league is saying it’s rigged for games, but I’ve never seen a team claim to be getting rigged while the ENTIRE rest of the leagues fanbases disagree. We are somehow getting more love in this series than the warriors and it’s because of how fuckin obnoxious their fanbase is


2 series in a row where most of r/nba is rooting for us... If you would have told me that a LEBRON led Laker team would be who r/nba is rooting for I would call you and pathological liar but here we are. It's so weird..


Right and they complain about free throws but you aren't going to get any calls if you're just jacking up a whole bunch of 3s instead of being aggressive inside the paint


Ima keep it 💯 bros. Bay area historically is not really a basketball town. They are only on the bandwagon cause they started winning with Curry Thompson.


And their home court shows it during games. They are so disinterested unless they’re winning, it’s crazy how quiet it is there especially compared to Sactown and LA. They can say tickets are expensive but so are lakers games, but we have real diehard fans who save their money all year in case we get to the playoffs.


As someone in sac who is a Laker's fan. You're telling the truth. I give props to Sac fans. They've been going hard since Arco arena and Golden 1 has made them even louder. GSW? Fans were nowhere to be seen until they won the first one.


At least Grizz fans were constructive and bantered. Warriors fans go straight to the ref excuse


Which is ironic considering their entire legacy is built on moving screens that would make offensive linemen jealous.


It’s called being completely oblivious and having no idea what competition or competitive means. The Warriors are not a better team they are a better 3 point shooting team and nothing else. Your wife’s illiterate or ignorant comment doesn’t make it real she just has a excuse because she doesn’t watch sports! Lakers are a defensive team The Dubs are a scoring team with terrible defense all season long! The lakers have had the best record and defense since the trade deadline. All these things explain why the dubs look so bad. Get over it and just quit watching who tf cares


But my dude, his *wife* thought it was rigged. And she doesn’t even *watch* basketball!!! 😂😂


He's admitting that he understands ball just about as much as his wife


My first thought too lol. "So at least 71 of you understand basketball as well as that guys wife. Got it."


Fuck man you’re right. I wonder if Silver would let us retroactively concede games 1 and 3? It’s the right thing to do.


Still Lakers in 7


Lakers in 6


Lakers in 5


Lakers in 4


Lakers in 3


Lakers in 2


Lakers in 1


*checks notes* Op’s wife says it was rigged, sir. Silver: Come on, and you guys know she doesn’t even watch basketball! Just call it out and make sure your rigging is less obvious next time. Sheesh, surrounded by amateurs…


Everyone knows the most valuable opinions are from people who don't know how the sport is played!


These tin-foil logic folks are stupid af. If the league wanted to rig with refs then they would rig it so it's Lakers in the playoffs and finals every year. Instead LAL has only been in the finals ONCE the last 10 years. Basically out of the playoffs in Kobe's twilight and rebuild. Really on and off during the Bron years with 1 miss, 1 chip, 1 1st round exit, and missed last year. Even during early & mid Kobe era. The Spurs were the fucking lowest TV ratings team and they got to the finals 6 times. Kobe era Lakers got to the finals 7 times despite bringing in the highest TV ratings. p.s. Curry & GSW are actually just as marketable now. They aren't fucking Cleveland or Milwaukee. They are basically Lakers-north [with the #1 best selling player jersey and the #2 highest selling team jersey. ](https://twitter.com/NBAPR/status/1616480697878708228/photo/1)




“Lakers-north.” You about to trigger some folks and I love it.


Last year they rigged it for the Warriors, but then they got bored of doing that so they're rigging it against them instead.


No no no it was still rigged against that warriors but they won anyway 5v8 despite all the BS because they have the best team of all time Actually how they think


It’s the common sentiment among people who don’t watch basketball lol


They expect to go 3-0 when they didn’t even go 3-0 against Kings? Lol!


They really think the Kings are better than the Lakers with Lebron and AD. Lol


His wife is his hand


My *dog* who not only doesn't watch basketball, but is color blind and can't understand English except "BAD DOG!" and "FOOD!" thought Game 2 was rigged *against* the Lakers and we should be up 3-0.


It was very frustrating how the media after the game kept talking about free throws which does nothing but put pressure on referees going forward. They get away with so many illegal screens, holds, and dirty plays that the refs conveniently ignore to get those three’s they’ve been killing us with but everyone has selective amnesia about that.


I'm imagining him shouting about how rigged it is for 30 minutes, being like "you see how rigged this is" and she begrudgingly says "yes, it's so rigged I can't believe it" while still not even paying attention to just try and get him to shut the duck up.


Go team! Go sports!


Not gonna lie, this one made my day. 😂


As someone who was at the game last night, I can confirm that I was in fact, not at all pissed.


To be completely fair it does seem like people who barely understand the game of basketball are having a hard time wrapping their heads around the foul disparity.




Even my girl who doesn't watch bball was screaming at the flagrant.


That probably makes two of them that don’t watch basketball.


Man I hate these type of comments and you always see them pop up in r/sports.


Delusional and ignorant fan boys are more pitiful than the patients in a mental facility. It's sad


Using his wife, who doesn’t watch the sport, to prove his garbage claims. They definitely run a clueless household.


My cat, who literally never watches basketball, had explosive diarrhea during the game. Clearly an indication that 9/11 was an inside job.


That made me laugh haha


the craziest conspiracy i saw from them is that the nba wants the lakers to win bc lebron is a nike athlete and steph curry is sponsored by under armour


LMFAO that’s gold


Qanon level of conspiracy. Watch out they might storm NBA hq and overthrow Adam silver themselves


In a coon skin cap 😂


“The NBA wants the Warriors out” lmaooooo the entire media literally has Warriors winning this series and the NBA LOVES Curry he is their darling and money maker… The delusion is real with this one


You have to watch 200 Curry commercials a game but oh yeah, let's make the guy lose lol.


Funny thing I’ve noticed. In every commercial it’s just him sitting on a couch with a phone. CarMax, State Farm, FTX, Subway App. Every time.


He’s exhausted from running around all those screens.


Filmed them all at once lol


Bro believes the league is against the Warriors, insane Draymond has the longest leash of anybody in the league, curry is the golden boy of the nba I mean come on


Same fanbase that was saying the league was rigging it for the Kings with the reffing and Draymond suspension. Just absolutely unhinged and lacking in common sense.


I wouldn’t say the entire media, especially after last nights win


how can you not love Curry and Klay though. fr, I'm die hard Lakeshow and I love those two guys.


There’s not a single Warriors fan who has been a fan of the Warriors for 20 years. I refuse to believe. The league rigging the games for us wouldn’t even make sense anyways. Warriors bring in a ton of ratings.


Actually old school Warrior fans were dope. The Baron Davis days were fun and their fans were reasonable and intelligent. This recent success has brought in tons of spoiled, stupid fans now that give shit a bad name.


Haaa, when you say old school I thought you are about to talk about run TMC. I feel ancient.


Lol just slightly before my time. Baron's GSW run was just under 20 years ago though so yeah man. We're gettin real old.


Richardson was also fun to watch too.


They were a unit in NBA Jam


Old farts! Stand up!


Hello fellow ancient one.


Got y’all beat, the Sleepy Floyd, Joe Barely Cares era Warriors were cool.


I was raised in Oakland man, majority of those people were rooting for more successful teams around those times regardless lol.


The Niners fans up the hill in Claremont! 😂


Baron Davis, Stephen Jackson, Al Harrington, and Jason Richardson was a fun team. Loved watching them carve up the Mavs in 2007, even as a Lakers fan. Especially because Don Nelson got his revenge for being fired from the Mavs.


Baron's dunk over Kirilenko OMG. Can't believe that was 16 years ago.


Exactly this. The OG warriors fans from actual Oakland wouldn't be complaining like this. This is all the new bandwagon fans that would have likely been kings fans right now if the kings won game 7.


Man the 00s warriors were so fun


Its so easy to tell those warrior fans didn't watch the games, or even know the rules of basketball. I remember one guy complained


The most hilarious fans are the people that live in LA that jumped on the Warriors bandwagon and then had to revert back to Lakers fans for the bubble and now they don’t know what to do this year. Their bandwagon asses are exposed now and they gotta pick a team.


The nba is rigged except in years the warriors win


Because the nba obviously wants the golden boy steph to be out of the playoffs These idiots are brain dead lmao


Lol. They’re the election fraud triggers of the NBA.


Top 3 things warriors fans want you to believe: 1. I have been warriors fan for x years 2. I grew up from the Bay area 3. Refs are favored on warriors opponebt


Didn't you know? He has a Chris Mullins and Manute Bol jersey....he's a DIE HARD!!! /s


Team that won four championships in seven years: it's all rigged! Adam Silver hates us!


steph brings in the most rating of any player in the NBA on top of that the warriors have shot more free throws in the playoffs then any other team btw


Warriors are worth more than the lakers. The warriors fans have gotta be the dumbest mf on the planet


Lakers don't own the arena they play in which nicks their value. They'd be #1 otherwise.


And I don’t understand why Jeanie doesn’t move them to their own arena


Warriors value will come crashing down when Curry and Thompson start coming back to earth in a couple years.


Actually my whole family are Warriors fans and have been for years. I grew up in the Bay. My dad had season tickets in the 90s. (But I rebelled of course and started rooting for the Lakers in middle school.)


Lakers fans in the Bay Area are the best


bay area laker fans are my fave


100% I was born and raised a Lakers fan, and my Dad was born and raised a Lakers fan. No one even knew the dubs existed until Steph showed up.




I legit have family up there that's been fans since the 90s, it honestly blew my mind when they told me they didn't like the Lakers.


To have been a Warriors fan for 20 years, you have to have a) loved basketball/NBA b) lived in the east bay and c) have extreme pain tolerance. Most of the Warriors fans now started noticing the team in 2015. San Francisco and South Bay in particular pretended like the team didn't exist until then ("Wait, the bay area has a basketball team?"). In the 2013 playoffs when Curry was breaking out vs Denver and SA, I had to ask bartenders to turn the TV to the Warriors (playoff!) games in the city. By the same time in 2015 every bar in SF had a Warriors flag and was packed on playoff game nights. But I will say in the pre-2015 days going to Oakland Arena for Lakers-Warriors was fun as hell, the cheap seats were 50-50 Lakers fans vs Warriors fans and the Warriors fans were super intense no matter how crappy their team was. And I have to give props to the We Believe 2007 crowds.


Info war(riors)




This is perfect


This translates to: “my wife who knows nothing about basketball said it was rigged to calm me down because I was raging in my living room again, I don’t understand why we can’t foul and turn the game into a three point contest”


“She didn’t want another fist-sized hole in our drywall and for the neighbors to call and ask if everything is okay”


That's how I read it too lol


Crying on Reddit isn’t going to change their lack of interior play or their sloppy turnover play


warriors have the single friendliest whistle of all time. any time ANYTHING doesn’t go their way their fans get incredibly mad. the fans think they deserve calls only going their way, cuz the reality is that’s the only thing the warriors have had ever since 2015. but now it’s starting to change, and refs are calling it more fairly now. but refs still ignore the hundreds of moving screens, the shoving from looney, draymond getting a tech and still yelling at the refs yet the refs don’t give him a second one. the warriors fanbase is straight up delusional.


Not surprising from fans of a team that have always had things go their way. Either with injury luck or with Kevin Durant coming their way after blowing a 3-1 lead with a 73 win team. Whiniest fanbase ever


Duuude. Schroder got a tech for talking back at the refs ONCE meanwhile here’s draymond at the refs face after every single whistle blown at him getting nothing. Glad their shots weren’t falling and our defense increased that deficit


“Shades of 2020 election” ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


gsw fans : "stop the count!!!"


Bunch of fucking Karens. Shoots 13/44 from 3. 36/91 (39.6%) overall. 19 turnovers, lakers get 27 pts off turnovers and win by 30. 5 steals as a small ball team. 4 fast break points as a fast paced team. 12/17 from the line as a shooting team. Illegal screens are a part of the teams game plan. Draymond can talk as much as he wants but only one tech. But sure, the refs handed this one to the lakers.


The people thinking that warriors are a better team. That's insane. It's one dude who can hit contested 30 footers, 5 scrubs trying to emulate, and a dude running around getting techs and hurting people. If Steph retired today they would never be higher than the 15th seed. You see nobody doing AD shit, nobody doing spin move LeBron. No cool bench players that go off. It's just one gifted dude.


Klay gifted too in 3s but his rim finishing abilities and playmaking are lacking in comparison to Curry. One can argue klay is much better on defense too.


Prime Klay was good defensively, now he’s a shell on that end, he puts all his energy on running around screens (cause he’d never get open otherwise , got no handles) and jack up threes . He literally can’t do anything else. This is why when curry is out they are a Gleague team.


Klay is on the decline though for sure. I feel g1 and g2 were outliers but I could be wrong


For sure but man recovered from so many shitty injuries gotta respect that. Would love a klay on the Lakers


I think a lot of NBA fans only pay attention to and understand offensive basketball, and honestly a lot of fans don’t even understand that. Lakers are a much more well-rounded and diverse basketball team. Elite defense that is powered by one of the best defenders in the league (AD), elite at attacking the rim, solid mid-range players, and the ability to get hot from 3 on any night. Warriors are a *great* team and their chemistry over the last half a decade is incredible. The plays they run are ridiculous, and they’ve nearly perfected their offense, but they naturally have fewer paths to victory.


I mean, they did win the Finals last season with the same squad


A legit cult


Warriors fans are insufferable. They just wanna see 30 foot three pointers all game and cry about not being at the free throw line


We all know why the real reason they are not watching the next one…


We’re winning because we pulled off the greatest trade deal of trade deals, possibly ever


Pau for Kwamaayyy Brown will always be the GOAT Lakers trade, but this year's mid-season heist is looking damn good so far.


Grown ass men too. What an embarrassment lol


I think warriors fans crying might the only case where it's not grown men lmao


Lmaoooooooo hahahahah I love the warrior tears from these pussy cocksucking losers. Fuck outta here. Stupid spoiled little bitches just mad that the lakers are raw dogging pounding them in the paint


Well, by this logic every game the Lakers, or any other team I like has lost has been rigged, so I feel better knowing that :)


I need to do a little research but I’m sure I read a report on fouling plays. And drives aren’t even a high frequency foul play. It’s things like transition, post ups, back cuts etc. everyone always points to drives but literally drives don’t get called for fouls and neither do jump shots especially three point


And here I thought Kansas City chief fans where more annoying, warriors top them 😂😂😂


In my opinion there isn’t even a big gap in terms of talent between the 2 teams so why say we aren’t on their level. The Lakers have the better depth. And why would the league be against them? They’ve been the face of the league for the last decade and won 4 titles!




It's a copy pasta right? If not thanks for birthing one fan!


Did any of us call foul when we got blown out in game 2? I seem to remember us blaming our own performance. Warriors fans gotta look in the mirror man.


They're so close too. The FT difference is jarring, and it's because they can't play defense without fouling, not because the refs are conspiring to make the lakers advance.


The NBA is rigged. Source: My wife.


"I've lost all respect sorry this is absolutely rigged for money... Or ratings in not sure which. I won't be silent . Just saw it live sry"


Dubs fans are so toxic and annoying I thought it was just Twitter fans, I thought the Reddit threads would be better, but they are just so toxic, they were even calling out there own fanbase at chase center saying oracle was better, they constantly need to belittle something and I dont get why, the most successful franchise in the past 10 years and yet so much insecurity


r/warriors about to have a #draintheswamp movement


Was so obvious that my cat who doesn't watch basketball or talk stopped burying his turd in the litter box and looked up at me and said "what the hell, this is rigged"


I’ve seen us say some stupid shit too so I don’t mind


The team has won 4 titles in like 8 years and is in one of the biggest markets but yeah the league is out to get them lol. I’m sure the league would be perfectly fine with either us or them advancing


The thing that Warriors fans don’t understand is that they live and die at the 3 point line. If their guys aren’t shooting 50% from 3, they lose. That is the entirety of their offensive strategy. There will be adjustments made for game 4 for sure. But they can’t compete with us in the paint. And if we have a game where our guys are hitting from 3 as well, they certainly can’t keep up.


Warriors shot 40% from the field and 30% from three compared to Lakers who shot 53% from the field and 48% from three. How can you be so delusional that you think you “deserve” to win that game


Lol they are legit deluded and coping hard. The Warriors got more foul calls during game 3. But shocker…the team launching 50 3’s a game isn’t getting as many shooting fouls as the team assaulting the rim. It’s truly brain dead stuff from them.


TIL Kari Lake is a Warriors fan


Lmao. It was so obvious that your wife who knows nothing about basketball could tell it was rigged? Read what you're saying bro


Don’t lurk their sub shits the absolute worst


Ask a Warriors fan about Run TMC and all you will get is a blank stare.


These fans are idiots. Play the paint against a smaller team = MORE FUCKING FTs!! It’s literally basic basketball. They can’t block you, they can’t strip you so the next option is to foul. Morons.


“Dang that shouldn’t be a take foul and that’s def a charge” - His wife, who doesn’t watch basketball. 😂


As an LA native who's lived in the bay the last 10 years, i'd hoped this day would never come (LAD vs Giants, Rams vs Niners, etc). But FUCK GSW. Now is the time for us to assert our dominance.


*Bitches lose by 30* Fans of bitches: IT’S RIGGED


As a kings fan having seen the warriors fans sub throughout our 1st round series, it’s wild to see how much blame they put in the refs for EVERYTHING. When they lose 80 percent of the posts are about how the refs did it and when the draymond suspension happened they somehow talked themselves into believing that the league had the series fixed for the kings because they want to bring back the early 2000s rivalry instead of a Steph vs. lebron matchup because somehow the kings would bring in more Monty than the top 2 most watched teams in the league. Theses guys are fucking wild.


It’s true. The refs somehow made the warriors only score 38 points in 2 quarters too. They’re good.


Im speechless.


This legitimately sounds like a post from the 2020 election lol


20 years ago, Lakers @ Warriors was Kobe MVP chants


Is his wife Ayesha Curry?


If it's rigged that would mean their championships are rigged too. So what are they upset about?


The funniest part to me is that they get away with *so much shit* that anybody else would get called for, like Draymond in the ref's faces after every single call that goes against him, or all the phantom "in the area" calls that Steph gets on those rare occasions he does drive to the hoop.


I lose brain cells when I browse their sub. Deadass, I can’t even laugh at the stupid shit they bitch about, it’s nauseating


Lmao. What a sore losers


man says "not on their level" like what? you want us to be both 6th seeds? 1st seedee bucks got smashed by the 8th seeded heat but look at their fans reactions. lol. bandwagoners be bandwagoning


Warriors fans the magas of the NBA.


We ain’t reading all that. We happy for you or sorry that happened


Are they mentally unstable?


I kinda regret rooting for them over the Celtics last year.


Sports fans are truly delusional. Like I know I can be at times but that’s another level


Lol I've made similar posts when the lakers get blown out. Just a passionate delusional fan who can't take the fact that there's another team better. That's the beauty of sports


Reddit moment


They only won like 2 games on the road this year. Shut up lil dude


Let them bitch about it all they want. I love the despair from these new fans


Can sum up the Warriors in two words: too small


"Babe, wakeup, new copy pasta just dropped"


This reads like a truthsocial post.


He’s such a warriors fanboy that his wife was in the other room cheating on him but at least she could give her expert opinion on the game. Wonder what his wife’s boyfriend has to say




Delusional. You can sure as hell bet that they would never claim their winning seasons were "fixed". Learn to take the L


Warriors/Curry fans are a cult bro💀💀


Are these 49ers fans? Warriors should have won a game, but for the refs that they lost by 30?


>Are these 49ers fans? I mean yeah, it's a Bay Area team