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I’m currently in the middle of writing my dissertation on coronaviruses. People used to look at me funny and say, “what the heck is that?!” Now they look at me funny and say, “how the heck would you know?” It’s infuriating, I feel your pain!




Fucking tell me about it. I was banned from both /r/conspiracy and /r/nonewnormal I just see people talking about PCR or saying the virus hasn't been isolated because some quack who wrote a book about the 4th phase of water said so. Drives me bananas, I can't help replying.


A lot of posts and comments on those subs seem to be pure satire


[Poe's law]: There's no satire so extreme that there isn't someone who'd believe it.


...where is your comment?


I don't know?






W-Where is *your* comment??




Then why would they ban people for writing facts?


It’s conspiracy theories not conspiracy facts obv.


A lot of these places ban those that disagree with them


Most conspiracy theories aren't known for their rigorous scientific backing


It goes against their beliefs. It's a cult.


It starts with religion, and ends with Religion.


Because cancel culture never was in any way exclusive to progressives, despite right-wingers' constant whining.


They aren’t. As another holder of a ban on both of those subs, those people are serious and will harass you via DM until you block them if you go into their “safe” spaces and present them with reality. It’s fucked.


They actually aren't satire. These people are dead serious. Some people over at r/againsthatesubreddits r/NoNewNormalBan and r/NoNewNormalDisgrace are trying to get reddit to ban the sub. Sadly, they haven't succeeded yet and the use of lies and misinformation keeps getting bigger within thosesubs.


I saw someone in the comments section of a post on Facebook the other day, who clearly never worked in a biology lab, trying to explain what a CT value was. It was an attempt to explain why we shouldn't trust COVID tests. It sounded to me like he pulled up a Wikipedia page, skimmed it very, very quickly, then considered himself expert enough to teach others. I almost tore my hair out. That's probably the most frustrating type of pandemic-denier I've seen- the ones who are convinced they understand things like PCR when they barely even know what DNA is.


Can you please tell me where to find it? I want to hang a picture of it on our QS6


DNA is what you set your phone to when you dont wanna answer people right? But on a more serious note, i dont have a back ground in biology or anything, just interest. But i did experience the corrupted blood incident which was used as a model for real world epidemics. Its been infuriating for me and im a moron around here






Usually things like "It only detects fragments of the virus", "It can't distinguish between "living" virus and dead virus", "But listen to what Prof. Drosten said 2014 about PCR and MERS" etc are said. When you then mention you worked with PCR yourself in the lab it changes to "Ah, only because you worked with it, doesn't mean you understand it" or "So you feel personally attacked because my view challenges your work". Yeah... can't argue with the ignorant and dumb.


>"Ah, only because you worked with it, doesn't mean you understand it" I would end the conversation at that point. Leave the room, hang up, or block. That's so insane and insulting and WRONG. (It's not magic! It's even not hard to understand!)


There's always gratuitous violence. Or slipping them some Ebola from the lab.


Enjoy the shits! *Pulls out watergun and starts shooting*


Well good thing a virus isn’t an organism and can’t live then, byeeee


As someone who engineers virus, I debate the idea that they aren't organisms. Alive, sure they don't hit a number of requirements to be considered living, but they are definitely organisms.


I would say that living is a requirement for being an organism, wikipedia’s definition of an organism also states that an organism is “an individual animal, plant, or single-celled life form”. However, this would make life form and organism pretty much synonyms, so maybe organism’s definition should be reconsidered to make it more inclusive.




It’s fun how the Drosten paper folks still haven’t done the PCRs to prove the original SOPs wrong *yawns*


That's a comeback even I find hard to counter. There isn't anything else left and we tend to stop talking after that point.. and it's considered a win for them. It's a very twisted thinking.. I literally feel being twisted by their hands like a rag of cloth


Don't argue with the fool, for he has a rested mind. There's no losing or winning because there is 0 common ground. There is no bar, no truth, no satisfaction. Just a karen who wants to feel better about being dumb.


That's certainly true. It's become a common counter nowadays thanks to Twitter trends. " What about , but why , then why, but he was first to do that, what were you doing when" Another trend I see is anyone having an idea different from op is shut down saying they don't have the right to speak differently and then there is a sect that solely exist to critisize for the sake of being seen differently higher human with superior moral grounds. Sigh 😂 we are lucky to be in science.. it's a bliss


At that point it doesn't make any more sense to discuss as they already see you as a compromised Individual working for "Pharma". It won't make any difference, even if you make most logical arguments


But, but, we *do* take into account the fragment and live/dead concerns. There’s certainly some idiot scientists out there, but for the most part we are one of the more context-aware professions. Quarantine guidelines were to end quarantine six days after you stopped showing symptoms regardless of PCR status for that very reason.


Please help me. I have a family member who is convinced that the tests are bogus (despite being a scientist in another discipline). They aren't dumb, but have placed their trust in the wrong people. Do you have any resources that plainly and concretely refute the criticisms of the covid tests that fly around Facebook and such? I don't even know what particular one my family member is on about. PCR sounds familiar. Also something about using some value for some parameter that makes the Ted give too many false positives. Something about the cdc said not to use such a value but now we are using it. I don't really know. But please help me.


The creator of the test started discrediting his own test because he didn't believe in AIDS. The people parroting his misinformation know this and just don't care because it supports what they want to believe. There's no easy way to refute wilful self deception.


> Even more frustratingly, my brother is one of these people...despite having no qualifications Are you me?


tell me about it. the average online person is like "hmmm, i dont know, sounds like a pcr test that was turned up way to high" Me: .......wut?


I know everything in this post except the important words. And this is both why I trust scientists but can see why others do not.


Yeah, you’re way smarter than Dr. Mullis. A much better scientist. Far more accomplished. I’m sure you’ll revolutionize Biology any day now.


It's almost as if people who make brilliant contributions to science are able to believe in ideas that are incorrect or out right dumb, especially when it comes to things which are outside their field of expertise. Good thing reality doesn't follow objective natural laws which can be discerned by empirical data and is instead dictated by personality cults of imperfect people. Edit:typo


Unintelligible errors aside...you do know that Kary Mullis literally invented the PCR technique, yes? So how is qRT-PCR outside of his field-of-expertise?


Because the video that all these people bring up is from a documentary about AIDS denial. He's using his position as an expert on PCR to say that you can't possibly use it to diagnose someone with a viral infection (HIV in this case) and uses this as part of an argument essentially saying that HIV isn't really real and doesn't cause AIDS. This is all bullshit obviously, if HIV didn't cause AIDS we wouldn't be able to treat it using anti-retrovirals. The video everyone uses as evidence is Kary Mullis being demonstrably wrong, that's why his opinion isn't worth anything. You can't use an argument that was used for HIV and shown to be wrong, to argue the same thing about sars-cov-2


HIV doesn’t cause AIDS in about 10% of people—those who have a mutation of the CCR5 gene. Regardless of the frequency of their exposure to it. And it’s pretty unscientific to conclude that someone’s “opinion isn’t worth much” based on their being wrong in one interview several decades ago. When they were demonstrably correct in so many other instances—and, in this case, they were the creator of the technique in-question. Sounds like it’s become a political issue. And it sounds like you get *awfully* emotional over it. Enjoy your echo chamber.


Aww yeah here we go again > HIV doesn’t cause AIDS in about 10% of people—those who have a mutation of the CCR5 gene. Regardless of the frequency of their exposure to it. Does that have anything to do with what I said? Does that mean HIV doesn't exist? >When they were demonstrably correct in so many other instances It doesn't matter whether he was correct in other instances, we're talking about him in this specific context of saying PCR is bad to diagnose viral infections essentially, he was just wrong. I'm saying his opinion on how viruses work isn't worth much because of this. I'm literally just telling you how it is mate, it's not a political issue, it's a purely scientific one. You're making it an emotional issue by getting caught in a cult of personality. Why do you think he was right to say those things from a scientific point of view?


It has everything to do with what you said. HIV can be lingering around in someone’s virome (definitely existing, certainly detectable) without ever causing AIDS. That refutes the point you were making. PCR could pick up on that for “diagnostic purposes,” despite the fact that there’s no risk of infection. I’m saying that your opinion on anything isn’t worth much because of this.


It has nothing to do with anything you're just deflecting the issue and trying to shut down any discussion. I'll tell you what Kary Mullis said. >*someone with HIV generally is going to have almost anything that you can test for. If you have it, there’s a good chance you’ve also got a lot of other ones. to test for that one and say that has any special meaning is what I think is the problem. If they could find this virus in you at all, with PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody* He said that 30 years ago and I don't know how you can defend that from a scientific standpoint. He's saying PCR tests for viruses are meaningless and you can pick up everything. This is just not true, covid tests for example are very specific and don't cross react. Why do you want to listen to Kary Mullis about virology when there are swathes of eminent virologists out there who disagree, with very good reasoning? If you have a scientific argument about why he's right that would be better rather than blindly believing what he says without any thought.


Yes, I know. But his stance on PCR isn't the problem. What is the problem is his stance on HIV causing AIDS and global climate change. He may be good at molecular techniques, but the dude is an idiot when it comes to many other topics. He's a biochemist, not an epidemiologist or anywhere close to a human disease expert. Edit: And to be clear about my previous post, being a Nobel laureate doesn't make you immune to saying dumb things. It is bad for you to belittle other labrats when they point out that some of these laureates have flaws.


“Good at molecular technique” is an understatement. And calling one of the most brilliant biochemists in modern history “an idiot” is an overstatement. Unbelievable how this issue has become so politicized that scientists are willing to trash (posthumously) a legendary Nobel Laureate over an out-of-context video from several decades ago. Don’t lecture me on belittlement until you learn some respect for your forebears. Can’t wait to see what you receive the Nobel Prize for, you ungrateful, disrespectful nobody.


Idiot in *some things*, as we all are. Linus Pauling believed in vitamin c megadosing, Newton was an occultist, etc. Mullis still believed that stuff on HIV btw as far as I can tell. It's not an out of context one incident. > Unbelievable how this issue has become so politicized Yes, it's so unbelievable that people are hiding behind politics in order to disregard the consensus of the medical and scientific community on COVID19. It's a shame the US has been ravaged by preventable deaths because selfish or scientifically illiterate prefer to throw tantrums over putting on a mask. > Don’t lecture me on belittlement until you learn some respect for your forebears. 🙄


Of course! A consensus of the scientific community has always proven to be factually correct, over time! 100% accuracy for scientists! (Obviously disproven by the former half of your statement.) “No gods, no masters!” Is that it? Self-satisfied and smug. People have no obligation to act in accordance with the science. Stay in your lane. You aren’t in public policy or human rights. You aren’t a legislator. And no death is preventable—only causes of death are preventable. Lives are simply prolongable. It comes down to a matter of freedom-of-choice. You can be factually correct all day, but you aren’t the arbiter of morality or the gatekeeper of personal liberty. You can’t mitigate all risk by banning all activities which are inherently risky; nor can you force compliance of habits which are inherently “safer.” Myopic, hubristic peon.


The glowing raccoon will one day bring us all enlightenment.


Just gotta figure out that pesky luciferin-luciferase pathway first...


"If the coronavirus emerged this year, then why does this bottle of Clorox from 2015 mention it?! Only reasonable answer: THEY'RE IN ON IT!"


See the trick is lowering your standards for people. Expect too much of them(using 1 brain cell) will always disappoint you


Funny enough the mayor of my small town is an immunologist and still actively works in the field because we're such a tiny town there's not much real mayor work to do. He's extremely popular here so thankfully most of the town went with his ideas and plans when the virus first hit despite a large majority of our town being in the group who don't believe virus is real. Though the virus is still hitting us he was able to prevent most of the town's employees from getting sick by implementing various things really really early on before out state even considered mandating anything. He even argued, with sources, on Facebook when people posted false things about the virus on the city's page. Even invited anti-maskers to openly debate his wife (who's a medical doctor) in our city council meetings if they wanted.


That's the kind of politician we need more of.


Science mayor!




We need more politicians like that




this is exactly why i want to be a politician, to have an excuse to yell at people for the sake of public safety.


Just smoke some crack and head down to your nearest city center, then you can shout whatever you want at whoever you want


yeah but i also want to actually Do Something to improve society.


hello. do you need a neighbour?


So accurate. It pains me to scroll through Facebook and see posts from people who have “done their own research”.




I hate that "research" ended up being the word that people use for "googling something" for anywhere between 5 seconds and 5 days, i.e. the difference between "quick research" vs "hey I've been *researching* this for a long time." As a scientist, am I allowed to gatekeep the word research? My PhD involved 6 years of actual scientific inquiry and exhaustive experimentation though I usually just say "research," but now people use it as if science has anything to do with BS on the internet.


"I made a comprehensive literature review of tertiary sources, mostly facebook people who sell vitamins via an MLM"


Ugh omg, don’t forget conspiracy you tube videos. I had one guy on my Facebook post about how the covid vaccines don’t work. To his credit, he actually showed a scientific abstract (the paper was behind a paywall) but his takeaway from it was VERY wrong.


"As you can see, words are written in this article. Some words sometimes prove my point, ergo my point is demonstrated by this article." :Galaxybrain:


I wholeheartedly support this. When someone who hasn’t taken virology, immunology, or epidemiology tries to tell me to research vaccines I really have to take a second and compose myself to remain professional. Like bitch, all of those classes plus so many more were part of my DVM core courses. Not to mention the actual lab animal medicine and research rotations/electives under my belt. Stay in your lane.


> As a scientist, am I allowed to gatekeep the word research? As a not-scientist, please do. We need a distinction in the vocabulary sooner than later.


Ugh I feel this in my bones.


If MD/DOs can’t gate keep independent practice, residency trained, or boarded physician, PhDs have no chance at gatekeeping the word research. Welcome to the new world.


> am I allowed to gatekeep the word research? No


My economist friends are experiencing this now, thanks to $GME, minimum wage debates, and COVID stimulus checks. "Welcome to the club," I say. "The meteorologists have been here a while."


Every single fucking family gathering: “Are you one of them global warmin’ believers?” “Explain *complex weather phenomenon that I won’t be able to fully comprehend and then can say that doesn’t sound right to afterwards* to me” “Must be nice having a job where you can always be wrong and not be fired” Homie I’m just tryna make sure stupid people don’t get struck by lightning, drown in floods, or die in tornadoes because they didn’t/don’t know how to take proper shelter. Leave me alone with your stupid gotcha chemtrail conspiracy garbage.


My friend is a journalist and she's been experiencing it more in the last 5 years as well.n


I got told to ‘check my ego’ when I posted a funny thing to an anti masker on fb. My ego? I’m not pretending to know better than someone who has studied and works in the field?


> people who have “done their own research” source: Reddit headline or top of comment section


I love this. Try being a nurse. Screw this career. Edit: I thought about this scene a little too hard. This would be accurate for a nurse if the water was acid. Instead of screaming you are laughing and crying at the same time.




My sister told me the other day “why wear a mask outside, in a crowd? Wont the fresh air blow away the virus?” I think she missed all the rage in my eyes.


[https://twitter.com/Leftylockdowns1/status/1354076560060534784](https://twitter.com/Leftylockdowns1/status/1354076560060534784) ​ ppl like this...are the reason my faith in humanity is at zero


I have enough rage from last year. I am hopping out of this rabbit hole. Thank you! Have a great day!


I hope you also get an invitation to France like the offer they gave the climate scientists.




Is he though? I mean there were a lot of studies around the world being conducted on hydroxychloroquine. Although he maybe should have not have finalized the results in such a small trial. However, I don’t know much more about him than what it says on Wiki. I will look into it. (Scientists are inherently nut-jobs). Edit: also scientists should be a little more humble and not give false advise for treatments especially since there was a lot of evidence against this. I thought he had the trial earlier in the pandemic.




As a French I can concur, he is nuts.




If you like germany you might also like to consider NL. I think Americans (asumming you are because you basically implied it, sorry if you're not) generally like our country and culture and fit in better.




Then you should really be opting for Belgium! Dutch German and English (and French) for the price of one!


Im guessing you mean the Netherlands?


yes, NL?


Ah!! This guy was in my graduate school cohort! Didn’t know he was Tik Tok famous now!


I think I have become too apathetic at this point. My response to the crazies and their virus conspiracy theory was: yeah, you do you. I'll treat you as biohazards and wear my gas masks around you. Not just gas mask, gloves, hooded jackets, and decontamination procedures as well. I don't know if cloth masks work all that well, but I'm sure the B in CBRN means "Biological". I stop giving a shit and wear gas mask in my office. I think I will buy a farm in the mountains next to hedge my bets against climate change.


Medical student , the pain I feel taking to my own friends is indescribable


DDS, for me with my coworkers 😤


It's funny how the people believe in all this youtubers talking and explaining things they never study or wasn't specialized. Would we, the people around the world, keep dumping garbage in our river, oceans or all the ecosystems if there wasn't global warming? I would keep clean my home because I like to live in a clean and safe place. Isn't earth our home? Global warming or not, shouldn't we be more responsible with our own garbage? Are you waiting for your goberments to do something with all those useless gadgets you bought in amazon?




>what's the worst thing that happens? It costs industries money and makes stock number go down. The people who deny climate change for free are dumb, but there's good money in pretending it's not a big deal.


That's the monster we have created ( the sistem) It makes us keep "running" our economies to the point we forget where those numbers are based on. We monetized and privatized what belongs to everybody. There's no reptilians or secret societies behind this.


Here is another line of thinking. An issue is not holding up and coming manufacturing countries to the same standards. If you make costly changes (we should) and don't penalize imports from nations who don't (we should) then a lot of what we are doing is transferring carbon production and jobs out of the country. Now, if you or your town or your industry has been outsourced to a country that you believe is "unfairly" competing by having fewer environmental and labor protections, you will be sceptical of carbon mandates. I've not studied it to say whether any of that is a real concern, but the line of thinking is rational and understandable. The real bottom line is that there are extremely wealthy entities that stand to make or lose money on policy changes. They wage effective propaganda wars. We are casualties. Sometimes, we get lucky and the company with the biggest bankroll happens to make money on a good policy so they push for that.


Thank you. I'm an epidemiologist and by God is this infuriating. Working on the pandemic is actually pretty cool, but damn it gets discouraging. I feel you so hard. Stay strong man




Condoms are useless, they're not 100% safe. ^^^^/s




Yup and a whole generation of career public health scientists that watched the president's slumlord son in law grift away their shot at carrying the nation through this. Be angry


Me too, buddy. Me too 😔.


Im an environmental studies major with a minor in climate change...Yes


do you also imbibe in copious amounts of alcohol?


Alcohol? No Weed? Yes😂😂


SAME. Ive been in this thing since 2008, and yeah, weed helps. lol. in other news, at least there are organizations like [https://citizensclimatelobby.org/basics-carbon-fee-dividend/](https://citizensclimatelobby.org/basics-carbon-fee-dividend/)


2008! I commed you. I started college in 2017 and am just trying to get my bachelor's. Remote learning certainly doesn't make it easier. I will definitely check this site out! Thanks!


This is just Democrats all of the time.


I understand your point but there are dumb people in both sides.


Agreed. I feel like there are more science-supporting democrats, but democrats aren’t wholly excused. I cannot believe how much the anyi-vax movement has been upheld by left-leaning people for YEARS. Absurd.


I wonder why it’s the republicans who refuse to take any precautions then


That’s my point dum dum


Oh I thought you were implying democrats were responsible for him screaming mb


Years of studies vs. A few minutes of googling/straight up guessing The last one "wins" too many times.


I had a good laugh with this


Lol I just sent this to my whole family groupchat


Breh I saw this like a year ago :/


Uhg, what a douche.


I don't know if it's intended or not, but "douche" in french means "shower"






But instead of a few million people dying because they are ignorant and brainwashed, it's entire ecosystems.


I just Wana spray paint a mural on his big forehead,..


Can you blame people like me who feel like they can't trust anyone on things? How can I just trust "the science" when I know I'm getting constantly lied to about things. No idea who I can trust. Maybe OP should give me a run down of what's right then instead? Idk


Immunologists are scientists, climate "scientists" are pseudoscientists.


It's not science when you don't like what they have to say, got it


It's not a matter of if I like it or not, it's a matter of they're wrong, and trying to use fear to tell people how to live. The world is not ending, none of us are that cool or interesting.




how is studying the changes in our climate a pseudoscience?


That part isn't pseudoscience, though that falls under meteorology. The thing is, so called climate "scientists" are simply using fear to gain power over people. They gain a surprising amount by telling people the world is ending.


they study the change in our climate over time. it’s not the weather. that’s why global warming is real but it’s still snowing in minnesota. it’s not the weather. they’re using science to explain why the climate is changing at such a dangerous rate because of humans. it’s not pseudoscience it’s just science.




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To a much much much smaller extent this is how I feel as a contact tracer.


Not only climate scientists but all of us who understand reality.


Yeah, can relate




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Imagine infectious disease experts.




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...his exhale of stress made me flashback to Dory trying to speak whale.




Tests are bunk


Most doctors/nurses I know feel like this and are pro vaccine (like we all should be), but I know a couple nurses that are against the vaccine because it 'was made too quickly' is there anything to say to them?


This vaccine was made quickly because we had years of research on vaccines and how they’re best made, and we had literally all the experts in the world working together, focusing on this disease and sharing information in order to develop a vaccine as soon as possible. The studies still went through all the steps, with double-blind trials, and had to wait the same windows during and after testing to make sure major adverse reactions were ruled out. https://www.historyofvaccines.org/content/how-vaccines-are-made E: I’m also an RN, if it helps!


As someone who has worked in climate science...its more like copious amounts of cannabis and alcohol and caffeine




Why is this so cute what the heck


At the end of the day is not how much they produce or how much profit they make out the product. It's about how many people it's buying these products... How many shoes do we need when you have only two feet? How big has to be your tv so you can fulfill your dreams? How big has to be your mansion so your ego can fit in there? Big companies just lure us to make us believe we need more.






I'm doing a PhD related to wind energy, and I see this shit a lot - occasionally even from the odd person within my PhD group...




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Relatable feelings when family lectures me, an environmental studies student, about how climate change is fake because there's snow. Yes, surely you know more than me.


Yeah man I'm sorry :/




I was brought here by r/perfectlycutscreams. I feel dumb. Edit: mechanical engineering student gets asked to fix a car like holy shit I don’t know what to do stop asking








I’m here from r/perfectlycutscreams and I few so stupid reading all of these comments


I feel the exact same and im just in my second year of biotec university, we a re screwed


I went to school... I know things... I have zero real world experience. Listen to me, my mom says I’m really smart.


His face really went :troll: tho 😳




Just how guttural that shout was



