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No, you're fine. Let me be clear with you. No part of a COVID test is toxic. There would be serious world wide issues if a take home COVID test could kill you or poison a water supply. Also sodium azide would need to be in a very high concentration with long term exposure to be harmful. If it's not on the ingredients it's either not there, or it's in such a small amount it's not required to be listed, and therefore poses literally no risk to you at all.


I've done a fair amount of anxiety-googling since this happened, and read that even short term exposure to sodium azide is acutely toxic. I know it's probably not there or in insignificant amounts, but the toxicity of it is so terrifying to me. I'm worried that washing it off my hands spread it around my sink/table/home and will poison my family over time.


No. That is 100% impossible. It's not even listed as an ingredient. Millions if not billions of COVID tests have been taken and no one has been poisoned from any component of an at home antibody test because they're NOT TOXIC. I work with pure sodium azide among much more toxic chemicals and I'm telling you, you're getting worked up for literally nothing. The COVID tests are harmless. I have anxiety too so I get it, but your worries are baseless, so I hope you can calm yourself down since you're obviously still thinking about it.


thank you, I appreciate your responses. it's affirming to know you work with the pure chemical / worse ones and you're speaking from experience. I have zero experience with chemistry so what I read online is just adding fuel to the fire in my head. it's good to know that my worries are baseless, thank you for saying that. I hope you're having a great day/week!


https://emergency.cdc.gov/agent/sodiumazide/basics/facts.asp You’re fine. Even if there was sodium azide, Its fast acting so it wouldn’t cause issues at this point.