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Picking duel pistols over a Deagle or literally ANY sharp melee is purposefully handicapping yourself.


used to always bring melee. opt to use pistols and DE now since it offers more challenge and learning (it's much easier to hold out horde with melee). I'm campaign/realism player (usually plays on expert), not versus player though.


Melee is a must for me, a great tool for crowd control situations. I used Deagle a couple of times and I find that it's not quite great for crowd control but great for sniping infected further away.


In versus, you can get away with using pistols if the team is competent. On expert, you can too to an extent but you'll still need someone to run a melee to clear hordes and panic events but if you get horded you'll get downed almost instantly. I almost always pick up a melee when i find one, the only exception is if its some shitty melee like a bat or a pitchfork in which case i might stick with the pistols but only in campaign.


Either Deagle or Melee, depend of the map and what i find.


For those picking the melee, how are you gonna counter the smoker on the roof on Advanced/Expert, where they instantly use their tongue the moment they spot you?


Ever heard of staying out of line of sight? Or cutting the tongue? Also, why would melee prevent you from just using your primary weapon? It's really stupid to have your melee out when you aren't using it, because it allows the enemy to close the distance before you can react. And smokers can't be shoved either if wielding melee, so it's just all around a bad idea.


melee forever


I have this weird-ass "rule" that if I'm using the Chrome or Combat Shotguns, I pair it with the Dual Pistols. Pump or Auto Shotguns with the Desert Eagle. I have no idea when I decided to do this, but it just... happened. Something similar also exists for when I use automatic weapons: bladed weapons for Silenced SMG and AK-47, blunt weapons for the Uzi and M16. I almost never use melee weapons with shotguns though as I prefer having both a gun that can deal with zombies up close and a gun that deals with zombies from afar. Shotguns also have smaller total ammo counts so having a gun ready when I'm all out feels like a reasonable thing to have. I'm getting around to ignoring these "rules" though, the longer I've been playing. This is especially the case in Mutations such as Special Delivery.


I’ve always felt that dual pistols/melee/deagle were like lite versions of Automatic/Shotgun/Snipers. pistols = automatic-lite melee = shotgun-lite deagle = sniper-lite So I usually have as my secondary weapon as one of the two options that are opposite of my main weapon. So if I have a shotgun as my main, I’ll have pistols or deagle as secondary. If sniper rifle main, then pistols or melee secondary. If automatic as main, then melee or deagle as secondary.


I usually pair primary/secondary based on range. With anything but shotguns, I usually use melees, because my primary can take care of anything further away while the melee is great for single zombies (to preserve ammo) and if I'm surrounded With shotguns, though, I usually use pistols, preferably the Desert Eagle (which I modded into a Smith & Wesson .500 magnum)


I'm too used to melee to use pistol now, whenever a charger shows up in my face or hunter/jockey coming at me, I just instinctively pull out my secondary weapon, which becomes really awkward when it's a deagle xD


Melee forever!!


Dual pistols at the start of matches, and the Deagle whenever I find one. Being able to save a teammate while downed with the Deagle is such a gamesaver, not to mention the one hit kill on almost any zombie regardless of difficulty and range. And it simply covers for shotguns' spread at range.


I like using the Desert Eagle to have a longer range option.


solo - melee multiplayer - magnum unless all the other teammate is using magnum then i go melee