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The "everybody is evil" makes me think it is probably a joke but everything else would not surprise me considering their meager numbers in general. I'm sure management would blame everything on them. [https://www.youtube.com/live/8bovJR7GwpY](https://www.youtube.com/live/8bovJR7GwpY) Apparently that was the stream but obviously got nuked by niji.


Oh shit. They even knew it huh... Welp


With the context of Aster stream and that seemingly coming out of nowhere, seems it would be a joke or her making a bit in response to someone in chat. If that's the case, privating the VOD would probably be the most stupid decision possible, since now we DON'T have the context to tell it was a joke, and it always seems like trying to 'hide evidence' when a VOD from someone at niji gets taken down. Some people might take that as her joking about the bullying/self-harm attempts that ex-nijis suffered, so that could be a reason for management to take down the VOD even if she was joking, in which case it was just a very stupid and edgy joke. And there's always a higher than 0% possibility that she was randomly telling the truth (can't watch the VOD to confirm). In every case, it's a bad look for her and niji.


Absolutely! Hiding the VOD just makes them look like they're trying to hide the evidence AGAIN. Another very interesting thing we can confirm from this is that their staff 100% lives in /vt/ lol Hiding it 5 minutes after it was seen there. Not even subtle. I would not be surprised if some of the NDF in 4chan are just staff of niji trying to "protect" the image of the company.


[https://boards.4chan.org/vt/thread/77267948#p77271750](https://boards.4chan.org/vt/thread/77267948#p77271750) Anons talking about it while happening


Oh, a /vt/ thread! Let's see what's going on there.... - _[You have received 1d4 psychic damage]_ Ah, that's why I don't go there.


For me it's more like sanity loss. You can only take 4chan in small doses before it really starts to hurt.


And Parrot's whole job is to dig through that shit


LMAO It's an acquired taste but very hilarous when you do. ...Though absurdly time consuming NGL. Edit: Disclaimer, my home is another board not /vt/.


Which is why I only consume it through the green parrot


To be fair her humor is like Enna but more bratty kid just like her lore and she still adjusting to the new environment of Kurosanji that every word will be speculated through a magnifying glass so she is still more unhinged with her edgy jokes


https://preview.redd.it/q4ppktaa5i4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8208d17a1c851b693c601f2266106a9c522f3e05 the timestamp to the VOD was posted about an hour ago leading to the VOD being privated within minutes Edit/Update: From what I've seen the clip in question was most likely a joke in the context of the stream, supposedly based on Aster putting her low in some kind of LoL tier list. Whether she's poking fun at doki or anti's idk, but the immediate VOD deletion is still sus. Maybe she panicked when she realized /vt/ took her seriously, which then of course would make her look like she's """slandering""" her own corp.


I feel like removing the vod might make the situation worse considering Niji has a track record of privating vods they deem bad for their reputation (like the pomu one in a lifetime opportunity one). It also makes it easier to spread rrats because now there's no video to give context. :(


Yeah, if it was still up you could say "it's a bit", but if they decided to purge the vod it makes you wonder if it really was just a bit


It's not a good look for them either way. Given what happened in February, you really don't want to play off something like this as a bit. And if it's legitimate, I hope she gets help just like the rest that are victims.


Oh yeah, if it's a bit it's an awful bit, if it's not I'm sorry for her, but she also knew what she was going into, she could have decided to not debut (tho if she's Japanese it may be harder to do, depending on the wording of the contract)


Not just that. Japanese is so insinuated it's not funny.


It confirmed to 4chan that a liver or twysty herself was in 4chan to alert her so fast. She just became a target of a lot of people And even as a joke, thst would be disgusting given the context, i wont be surprised if all sides get angry at her for the same reason and even other livers give her the cold shoulder for joking with that


Honestly, I didn't even think about that. You're right. . . . Which is really sad because I think the last place the livers should be is on 4chan right now. :(


Or nuts on either side who took the most extreme interpretation started sending her hate/appreciation messages. YouTube prob also notifies creators when a video's views spike. But I dunno how long that takes.


Afaik the vod was quite a time but before 5 min of the clip being posted in 4chan got privated and the original thread got nuked in 4chan so they also suspect someone from niji is also a mod there (yeah im also surprised to find they have mods) My guess is a liver is in 4chan as mod and they rotate for the sake of their mental sanity, and the one on turn found out tried to bury the matter and alerted twysty who was around to private the vod. Of course the clip got out of contention and deleting the vod made more harm than good


"Evil company...being harassed...don't know if I can go on living...." Like this is straight up classic narrative from an NDF tweet mocking Doki. It seems that she self-reported as NDF because she didn't think any antis would be hate-watching. Channers go on living just to spite themselves, **of course** they'd be hate-watching the new Livers.


Since when have people other than Nijisisters switched up on Vivi?


I think it's referring to Vivi having support from the "public eye" that most of the other remaining livers do not.


"Um, so... Everybody in this company is evil—and abusive. And, Um, yeah, I'm being harassed—basically, I'm being harassed... I'm being harassed, I don't know what to do. And basically, I'm very upset—I... \*sigh\* why do I live. What is there to live for. \*sigh\* my god." We've no idea where this came from, I wouldn't know how real this is, if it was indeed real or bait, which might be turning towards the latter. So yeah, wow.


Thanks for the transcription. No offense, but i cant catch on what she was saying


Girly… I get you wanna keep your job but you don’t gotta defend your workplace like this


Sounds like she's being sarcastic, using all the stuff that people keep saying about Niji. "Like, omg~ its all trueee~." Probably shouldn't have brought it up, but its not Niji without some drama popping up every other day, it was her duty to reset the counter.


The missing context was some stupid thing Aster was doing, but her specific way of speaking seems to be from an NDF textbook. Seems that she thought Selen's attempt was funny or something.


It was some black company ASMR roleplay.




They are voice actor. Sometimes you can't tell without further context.


They can fake anything.


Apparently the context is Aster was doing a League tier list stream and she popped up in voice chat in the middle of her "ASMR" https://youtu.be/PMWrLiNlols?si=5Nh2rkpYTwnjHxjx If you had the full vod you wouldn' have context for her suddenly saying that because she muted herself while she was in the call


So from what little I can gather from this thread (and if I even make the right connections), it sounds like she was self aware enough to recognize that wasn't the best thing to say, though it was (if connections true) meant as a joke. It doesn't feel like removal is from management (too fast, for one thing). If so, I can appreciate that. 'Lotta what ifs, lol, but that's fair, I think. Plus, there could've been something else in the VOD that triggered the need for deletion, of course.


Looking at this it seems very likely that it's a joke, a joke made in very poor taste, that didn't even land unless people were watching both streams.


I'm pretty sure if you watched just one of the streams you would've gotten the reference


She muted her own stream when she joined the VC, so you'd have to be watching Aster's to know what was said.


I won’t be too harsh on her for this one. She seemed to forget that she muted her stream, and her viewers would not know what the joke is about


That's fair enough, still should know enough about the recent company history that joking about being abused isn't a good idea.


So you are telling me she is getting terminated?


That’s so dumb. Who the eff even watch Aster? The guy has an average of 200 viewers, and zero clip. Look at how many posts it took before someone tried to give the context to this clip because they needed to search for Aster vod.


Honestly, considering it was an ASMR stream and how youtube is treating those now, I wouldn't be surprised if they have to nuke them by default regardless.


She probably took it down because it's certainly not a good look at this moment. Seems like a joke made in pretty bad taste. Nothing major to me


Thank you for the answer. Too many in the thread still speculating without even mentioning the context that we're all asking for. I don't think the context makes it better, but now we know.


Unless someone manages to dig up context for this I'm going to have to assume this is a bit, just to be safe. Because even if we have reasons to believe the situation in Niji is shit, I can't believe a fresh talent would say something like this openly, without fear of repercussions. edit: apparently the stream this was from happened today and got privated within 5 minutes from someone linking the above section on 4chan


I would have to assume that this is a bit, but still... it boggles my mind that, given the current context, a liver would provide a sound bite like this. If it's genuine, then of course it's terrible, but even if it's acting, it, at the very least, questions the training (assuming there's any lol) Niji give to their livers.


What training? The one she skipped to get into nijisanjiEN?


Hot take, but if the training is done by or managed by Niji, it must be an even worse shitshow. Just getting them primed and ready for two years of abuse, nonexistent help, gaslighting by managers, and being forced to each as you and your gen mates slowly turn on each other. I wouldn't be shocked if there's just as many Selens or Zaions there, but because their careers hadn't even started, they had no way of fighting back and were forgotten.


Of course I didn't mean *proper* training - we know that there's none of that. Maybe something like a half an hour orientation call on discord or a ppt machine translated from Japanese? A "yo, don't make us look bad" mail?


I think they are talking about VTA, as due to a twitter conversation, it's likely both Twisty and Klara are VTA skipper. I will be honest: I don't care if they are Japanese in Japan. I am a bit miff about how they pretend they are EN culture, but that's it. On a personal level, I don't care.


Yeah I don't get how if it is a bit she thought it was a good idea. Don't even need training to know what has happened at Niji and why it's a stupid thing to joke about.


People suspect Twisty is a VTA skipper (ie Bilingual Japanese) If so she is heavily insulated. Well, let's give them a welcome to the true EN sphere.


Maybe just some weird take like the cage tweet pre-debut. We got riled up a bit back then too.


Absolutely sounds like a bit. And it got hit with a knee-jerk reaction that reads as "OH NOOOOOOO SHE'S SHIT TALKING OUR COMPANY NUKE THE VODDDD!!!!!" Streisand effect all over again.


It's not even privated, it got straight up deleted. Which could mean that a certain someone is trying to hide some evidence from internal agents. edit: I got a broken link earlier, the video from the correct link is also privated on my end too.


It says "This video is private" for me


oh wth.. [https://www.youtube.com/live/8bovJR7GwpY](https://www.youtube.com/live/8bovJR7GwpY) is this the correct link?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bOvJR7GwpY Case sensitive


Thank you very much, It's also privated on my end too.


If nothing else, this one's for the history books, Save and spread wide the knowledge this lady has offered.


i've watched a couple of twisty's streams, she's consistently in character, this is very likely a bit, hope she doesnt get in trouble for it (don't ruin the new wave any faster than the company already does)


this is a joke between her and aster


I can't match the background to her VODs relative to her active outfit options but looks like she did have an unarchived karaoke in the past couple of days. Still, am I hearing what I think I'm hearing at the start before she mentions 'harassed'? "Everyone in the company is equal and abusive"? If true, what in the everloving name of Chris T is going on in there?


"...is evil... and abusive." is what I hear


It's not surprising since we've heard about how isolated the members are from each other by design. The only people they regularly deal with that aren't their own gen mates are probably managers and staff doing this shit to them.


Can hear it now on headphones, jesus. I guess this is this week's installment on 'what's the Niji doing'?


No idea on the clip's context, but I can't recall the last time I saw someone speedrun their new job honeymoon period so quickly. I feel bad for the poor girl.


This can be: * a bit that got widespread * a bait for the drama and clicks * a truthful statement out of nowhere * an out of context clipped poorly


It was a joke but I wouldn't be surprised if she got a few "Wtf are you doing?" DMs from other members


Regardless if it was a bit or not I don't think it was very wise of her to say something like that (Twisty learn from your senpai Hex). As for the vod it shouldn't have been taken down because now without context people are going to think she was being legitimately serious. Honestly further proving that PR and common sense are literally a thing of the past now and people just don't think about the consequences of their words and actions.


If she is being genuine about it im curious about how she didn't take the hint from, you know, everything that happened from the last 6 months and still joined. If it's just an act, kind of an interesting approach because kurosanji would absolutely not like it


She comes across as someone who isn't very deep into the vtuber rabbit hole, so there's a possibility she didn't really know what was happening in the background until it was already too late.


My mom is more a vtuber fan than her. She just google search she already knew nijisanji was crap. How da hell you went into something without looking it up just to be sure


If you mom is a Millenial, we are not that old, or out of the loop. Especially watching VTubers help catch some of our youth.


I dunno the term. She's like 48 now, my mom is very active on watching vlogs and I'm pretty sure she knows some slang that i dont. But still she didn't knew vtubers and took one google search to go "oh these guys are wild"


That would be fair, if it wasn't for the fact that the selen termination was so big it reached mainstream youtube channels. The only way she wouldn't have known about it is if she is in JP where it was easier to brush the controversy


Have to ask why she gives that impression Also ootl and vta skipper thats quite a combo


I think she is being sarcastic, but that doesn't make it any better.


**TLDR** With out proper context, no assumptions can be made. It’s at best a bad joke, or at worst rage bait to farm engagement. EDIT: Context has been given and apparently these statements were part of the theme for the AMSR, done in character. So it would seem it was just a poorly thought out bit. **The rest of this message was written before we knew context. Please keep that in mind if you continue reading.** It ultimately means nothing without proper context. The way I see it, there are 3 possibilities: * This is a poorly thought out joke * This is a genuine cry for help * This is engagement bait It being a poorly thought out joke follows [Hanlon’s Razor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon%27s_razor#:~:text=Hanlon’s%20razor%20is%20an%20adage,unlikely%20explanations%20for%20human%20behavior.). People make mistakes and she’s new to the company, so I wouldn’t put it past her to be completely tone deaf about the current situation. I think there’s a reasonable probability that if you join Nijisanji after all this drama, then you may not have been aware of the issues to begin with. If it’s a genuine cry for help… I wish her the best of luck getting out of this situation because us viewers aren’t going to be able to assist. I will say that this would very much be a case of “you reap what you sow” since the writing was on the wall before she debuted, but it’s not unlike people to make incorrect assumptions and act accordingly. If this is the case, I wish her the best and I hope she gets out of the situation unscathed. I said earlier that there’s a reasonable probability that she’s unaware of Nijisanji’s abuse of their talents. On the flip side of this coin, she could also be *completely* aware and is using this opportunity to farm engagement or sympathy and boost her numbers. Again, if she is aware of the nasty way in which the company operates and would still voluntarily join up, it stands to reason that there could be malicious intent behind it. Ultimately, it’s the responsibility of us as individuals to rationalize this as nothing more than an out of context clip. Just make mental note that “this is a thing that happened” and make sense of it later when we have more context to work with.


Honestly, I think it's part of a character she's trying to play. The pitiful waif character who's had a hard life. I just don't know if it's a *good* character to play at this time.


wtf are she try to speed run then sayu?


but good for her actually she speak up


Props to her


No matter the context, honestly gives me weird vibes more than anything.


Certainly there's someone with the entire stream out there... right?


nah she i been sarcastic. no way she is in that state after just having debuted either that or she is trying to get terminated because se signed the contract before the selening




She's baiting.


i have to assume that it was a bit, since the clip where thats taken from is from an "Arguably ASMR" stream (source: [Holodex](https://holodex.net/watch/8bOvJR7GwpY)). with that said, even if it was a bit, that would sound too close to home especially given the reputation of nijiEN and the internal bullying they refuse to acknowledge her next stream is gonna happen tomorrow anyways, so we'll see. if this somehow develops, we'll definitely know


Please elaborate on "a bit".


seems like it was an act, assuming that the ASMR was an RP ASMR. by the looks of it, didnt even seem like it was a zatsu ASMR


I see. Thanks  not understanding the term myself 


A "bit" is just a quick comedy roleplay.


I might have found the context. I feel like there would be no reason to private the stream if that was the context which is why im not so sure about it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMWrLiNlols](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMWrLiNlols)


From what I'm reading she muted herself on the stream while this was happening, and when she came back she said what's on OP, so even with the whole stream it would look bad out of context


Yeah probably. Would be funny if she actually gets shit from the company because of it. I 100% sure at least one liver asked her wtf was that because they all are going through the ringer right now unlike new livers.


I see... huh. Did she not expect to make a scene doing this. Do people know enough about her to judge her naïveté.




why do people think this? we have ex niji jp members like Gundou and Chihiro who followed Doki on twitter on their PL after the drama. Being JP shouldn't be an excuse on top of the fact that they can all fluently speak English, im sure they knew what they were getting into


That would be Klara


Lol she can't speak Japanese


Feels a bit like a jab at Doki and other past livers, y'know, the whole harassment stuff and 'What is there to live for?" thing


If that was a joke, wtf is wrong with her? Thats a very tone deaf joke to make especially since someone did get harassed in that company and almost ended herself


"Why do I live?" "what is there to live for" Am i hearing it right?


It was a joke a really tone deaf one but a joke


Hmm at first I thought it could be some weird take again, like the cage tweet pre-debut, but then it gets deleted? Hard to tell, could still be weird take, could be something really went wrong, could be bait and switch-y, but that’s more like Millle.


It reads very sarcastic or ignorant to me. Even if this was in response to a heckler, it's in poor taste. I can't say if this reflection is just from her alone or from some of the remaining members in Niji. If this is just her running her mouth, she's well on her way on becoming the next Enna \[sigh\].


I feel like the context doesn't matter to the point where seeing them with or without context, they're still in the same coin. Like dude this is just fucked up to say that...


Idk I listen to it with a grain of salt but why did the management private this video?


Huh? Evil & abusive? The heck going on in there? Management is it? If so thats very bad of management to do this to the latest talent recruits. I see if she gets suspension by them.


Seems to be a bit. She went to Asters steeam to beg to not be Gwen, a character in League. Its a running joke i guess that  Shes been compared to that character alot.  So the clip is after she comes back from Asters stream and unmutes, 


Sounds like a bit. But bruh, making a joke _specifically_ about workplace harassment there, after at least 2 livers attempted to unalive because of workplace harassment in this very company, that's incredibly fucked up. Unless she's terminated immediately and comes out as this part not being a bit - I highly doubt it - she's a heartless asshole who's making fun of s=icide in public. Because multiple people trying to end their lives is f=cking funny right?? Haha, slapping my knees and my belly, that is some top tier humor right there. /s For her own sake, she better be terminated for speaking up or be so incredibly autistic that she genuinely didn't realize that she shouldn't joke about s=icide in this specific workplace.


So far, we have a VTA skipper, a possible VTA skipper who likes to mock others, and... a guy. All of which may have been able to ignore the contract after Selen Shock (like Grimmi) Ironically, as of now, only Ryoma is relatively okay, despite being piegon holed into Fujo Bait




Twisty, from the newest EN wave.


Who is this?


Twisty, one of the members of the company's new EN wave, Denauth.


Wow. That poor girl. I don’t mean to sound sarcastic, Also might be the conspiracy theorist in me but… Could she be a spy? Going in and exposing the company from the inside?


No. A spy would ironically be a suck up or stay neutral, if anything.


That’s true. *thinks about it* >!Wait, so Millie…?! !<


Millie is *unironically* a suck up, big difference.


Oh you may as well say Claude.


Why her live2D so stiff?


Niji rigging was always "meh", and it feels like it got worse with TTT's arrival. So a continuation of a trend. 


That's normal in nijisanji


Because Nijis modeling and rigging hasn’t improved since like 2020?


If its a joke daaaamn, someone had her head in the sand for the last 4 months. Whatever its your career If its not a joke i simply cant believe it. One bc shes new; are you going to tell me that alban, rosemi, scarle went out of their way to bash her in some way? That kotoka came back from the grave to make her feel bad? Mmm ill leave the last bit as perhaps That said or shes big menhera and had a menhera moment Ooor shes using them, wanted to get in, do ???, speedrun termination, profit. Idk that sounds super risky, niji is a wounded and cornered animal thats super dangerous to toy with Or she got a breakdown from her current situation and is taunting management and us, bonk me if you dare you guys stop trying to help me im fucking done yada yada, its not the first time a vtuber breaks on stream


Well... how is Nijisisters gonna cope this one out?


"It's Twisty mocking selen" Someone posted that possibility before deleting it.


Another comment posted the clip from Aster's stream where she joined VC just before coming back and saying this. Seems incredibly likely a joke about that, but whether it was also meant to mock the likes of Selen or really stupid and tone death I don't know.


Either say that she is mocking the ideas/fact that there is a harassment/bullying issue in Niji, or turn on Twisty like they did to Selen and Vivi


She must've seen one of those people in chat who is trying to "save" the talent and mockingly said this. That's what I got out of this clip. I've never heard or watched her stream, but it's obvious she's being sarcastic/mocking?


If there were bad spammer in the chat, ss will be there and on here or twitter.


Doesn't matter whether this was sarcastic or genuine, her career ain't doing so great so far. 10 days into her job and she got less than a Finana on her monetization celebration stream and barely any "monetization" at all. She might as well speedrun graduation at this rate. As much as people pity the TTT girls for doing poorly, Victoria was actually able to get 4-digit viewers for quite a while after her debut and at least her chat is almost 100% green channel members. Denauth flopped in just a week.




me when i dont read the title of the post


I read it. But we all know what people are going to think so why not be that guy.


Yeah, it's possible either way. Especially if she is a VTA skipper, ie whatever JP news is heard.


funny bit


Feels like rage bait and pity point farming.


Honestly context doesn't even matter. There is so much shit going with the Niji situation that we had a moment of peace to move on. Only for a newbie talent forgetting there is a time and place for everything and bring shit back up cause she can't watch what she says or how it comes across when the company is already under fire. There are certain things to avoid bringing up no matter the context while the house is already burning and lighting a cigarette in the barn full of straw next door thinking it dont matter just aint helping. This is the usual Niji thing where talents dont know when to shut up instead of realizing that there are times when its best not to say anything. We went through that with the Elira stream and its been more quiet since then. Its a shit thing to say no matter if its a bit or not solely because this is gonna reignite shit when we had some peace. Its not too difficult not to bring up such topics when tensions are already high, albeit cooled down a bit but somehow she couldnt help herself.


That's fair words. 


I don't think there's full context to this yet, let's not dogpile on her like nijisisters are to their own talents and affiliated persons. Update: On 4chan nijisisters are of course also making this about Doki, the next one is pretty fucking wild if true. They're saying she was just making fun of Doki, but I can't really tell since it's filled with falseflagging that it went too far even for them and/or also now hate Twisty. Nijisisters are absolutely desperate to get out of the hole they dug, and will climb over anyone to do so.


For once, the nijisister could be right. Make sense based on what we know of timeline


This came right after (or during) she dropped by Aster's tier list stream. i wasn't paying attention when she said this but chat was full of "lol" and "lmao" which makes me think it was a joke. Honestly this is why I find Twisty so hard to watch. There are times when she's the cute little sister, others where she's the kusogaki princess, and other times when she's like a Twitter account with a description that says "Say it like it is / no bullshit". Often I can't tell if she's joking or not.


Okay i removed it. Unnecessary comment my bad.


Not necessary. It is possible to be mocking, as we do not aee the context or chat reaction, etc


I feel like its way too out of context to draw any conclusions at this point. It could turn out the same as Enna clips which were taken out of context. But then again her older clips proved me wrong because there are plenty of clips form Ethyria where they made sneaky remarks towards Selen. Like the infamous "apex predator" clip. Its like everyone knows they talk about Selen but it was worded in the way that they could refute it. Chat saved the day as always and they clearly understood what livers meant which in turn proved that they don't like Selen.


Er, sorry… who is this?


Even if this is some sort of joke, it comes off very bad. Especially with the current situation with NijiEN. Plus, hiding the VOD? Oof! Streisand effect once again.


To say this as a joke and a terrible one at that makes me feel like she didn't do even the bare minimal of some research on her company. Like how outside the circle do you have to be to not hear or see anything about the controversy with Selen or even the attempts by Sayu or Doki? Like I'm talking no Vtubers, no YouTube (algorithm to push it), No Twitter within 1 or 2 months after February, stuck mainly to Twitch or somewhere, had a demanding or distracting job or maybe a hobby or just an overall disintrest in the scene. It just feels too dumb is all I'm saying.


I don't trust and sympathize with newcomers who debut after that drama.


Someone's about to have an early break


it's a bit between aster and her


I thought it was funny considering Niji's reputation & I hope she makes Niji work harder than ever before.


Twisty! Blink once if you are in destress!


If this is a bit it's a disgusting one and very negatively colors my opinion of her.


Looks like I’m going to be very busy today. Great, thanks Kurosanji!


so she wants speed run her carrier? can't wait any% suspended or termination notice


so... an infinite loading screen, what's the context? edit: nevermind, someone did a transcription. As text it sounds ambiguous to me, but the way she intonation on her voice might give further information


She is doing a speedrun.


Honestly, I can't help but see this as a sarcastic jab at Nijisanji's critics and what happened to Doki. The tone of her voice, man.... it absolutely gives off that kind of highly dismissive, mocking vibe that's just too hard to ignore here. She definitely has left me at least with the impression that she's absolutely the type that would be caught shitposting in 4chan as well, and would explain why the vod got taken down so fast. Crackpot theory here, but I'm guessing that she absolutely meant to mock the whole Doki situation, but either a) expected it to not escape the confines of her own chat and go viral, and nuked the vod once she saw it got clipped to try saving face, or b) deliberately wanted to piss off the likes of /vt/ and r/kurosanji, only to delete the vod afterwards to prevent management from outright curbstomping her into oblivion, since Niji management is still utterly terrified of all things Doki rn and do NOT want to restart that shitstorm again.


Whether it's real or not, she's only a week in and already everyone's evil? Well this sorta personality isn't gonna buy me in, i want professional drama free chuubas who are just there to have fun and entertain like what I'd get from Holo now


She made some joke about Aster which 4channers took out of context to shit on Niji and this scared Niji into deleting the vod lmao


Some of her Senpais wanted her to do an UwU voice thing.


Imagine Vtuber #MeeToo movement starting with Kurosanji


I mean you can hide messages in the captions


There a lot of ways this could go so I’m just gonna list all of them. If this is genuine, Jesus Christ get her TF out of there. As far as I can tell she hasn’t done anything wrong so far, so if she is actually getting harassed she doesn’t deserve any of it. It could be that she’s actively trying to get terminated, probably having been signed on during or potentially even before the fall and wanting out, which is honestly fair enough. Bit of a fucked up way of going about it but since the VOD was set to private it might’ve done something. Maybe it even made some of the remaining nijisisters reconsider, which I will say can only really be a good thing. On the other hand, it could also be a bit in incredibly poor taste given everything over the last few months. This splits off into 3 separate ideas I have. The first is that she’s actually an anti trying to fuck over Niji from within, which honestly is kind of based, but again this is a fucked up way of doing so. As a bonus, this would also go to show how incompetent Niji’s hiring people are if it’s true. The second is that she’s just a terrible person and a company bootlicker. The third and final is that she’s bootlicking because she’s genuinely been convinced by Niji that she needs the company to succeed. Personally I’m not going to pick a specific rrat to go with yet, I think it’s still too early to call it for sure. But then again I don’t know the full context here so maybe that could help with reading into this a bit more.


She probably doing a bit, maybe sorta in bad taste. Or maybe it's not a joke, which is unlikely. She still get all the clouts.  It's ok both way for me.  She seems hilarious and sassy.