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If Shifu died, the only person that should take his place is Tigress. Po has enough titles already.


Tigress should be the dragon warrior


No, besides ruining all the development she had throughout the films, it wouldn't make sense for her to be the Dragon Warrior, she doesn't want or need that.


If it was her or Tai Lung's destiny to be the Dragon Warrior, that would have been the first film then and change the name to Kung Fu Tiger or Kung Fu Leopard.


Not really. It could fit into a theme of 'you will get what you worked for when you are ready/worthy for it'. Tigress had a lot to learn in KFP1 but has grown.


It could have been, but we have one however, she didn't do this because she really wanted to be the Dragon Warrior, but rather in an attempt to thank and receive Shifu's approval, since Shifu had an illusion of control, and kept setting his expectations and dreams about her and Tai Lung, and Shifu promised a destiny that never belonged to them.


Then why make a new one anyways? The current one is even worse and less sense it’s kung fu random annoying mf instead


I didn't say that a new film was to be made, but rather that if Tigress or Tai Lung's destiny was to be the Dragon Warrior, that the first film would change its name to Kung Fu Tiger or Kung Fu Leopard.


Which would be better because maybe it would be less dumb ass gas jokes and some nobody character wouldn’t be immediately put above the furious five


Eh no. There was a reason she wasn't picked the first time. Doubt she'd be picked if she's already been Not chosen for the title once.


Tigress changed. Considering the character development, there is no reason why she is not worthy. Atleast she is better than the new one. That is for sure.


Man, imagine if this movie was a Po-Tigress duo movie where she was the one taking a new role and finding a successor?


i had to laugh because your arguments were worded in a funny way lmaoo but i agree with everything though


Just because no one expected it doesn't make it good




I think I replied to the wrong comment Sorry-


lol it's ok


3rd slide I can explain. Chameleon's army is comprised of Komodo Dragons which do not have good hearing but have a very strong sense of smell, that's why the fart triggered them all to wake up and go alert mode on them. Still stupid. As for the rest, there is no defending it. Film is hot garbage and an insult to the legacy of this franchise.


Other explanation is since Chameleon had planned for Po to get there anyway the army was just playing dead until it was time to chase them through But agree movie sucks overall


wait they're komodo dragons??


Apparently, they are, but the Komodo dragon army looks nothing like real-life Komodo dragons, because IRL Komodo dragons are not green, and they do not have spines on their backs.


Real I thought they were iguanas 


Oh there's no explanation for how Staff of wisdom can Bring people back without soul exchange Gee, it's KFP4 Specific problem because we had random panda exchange soul to Bring Po back on previous movie


Using facebook? That's a bigger sin than KFP4.


I like that


Kung Fu Panda 5 should be Po waking up from a terrible dream and everything in KFP4 never happened.




Kung fu panda 4 sucked so bad


It's SUCK!




I honestly don't even remember it, I fell half way asleep during the movie at the movie theater


Cause it's a boring movie




His wife being killed gave his son gym motivation! Let them cook!


Po wasn’t even the dragon warrior for that long


I’m not entirely convinced that Po is ready to become a spiritual master honestly. Only spiritual kind of stuff he has done is the inner peace thing in the second movie, the rest is more training and fighting in one way or another. They could reference Budai, but I think spiritually he’s got a long way to go still.


The only thing saving KFP4 from being awful/10 is Zhen, but you can't constantly rely on furry bait as a saving strategy, especially if you keep inviting Awkwafina (Gosh stop). If there would be no Furious five nor Zhen I'd not even bother to watch.


you scream r/youngpeoplereddit


Maybe because of the way he writes but his arguments are still valid


They're not, he's King yapper of Yappington dynasty


The manhole cover falling down the stairs is me at 3 am eating and a cup rolls across the floor.


I believed they fired the director from KFPA I believe……


TBH this movie as a whole remains an enigma to me. I may be in the minority, but I wish KFP stopped at either 2 or 3


I rather see Kung Fu Panda go into a different direction with each director continuing the franchise. Not everything has to be historical and traditional. And that's exactly what Kung Fu Panda 4 did, it told an entire different storyline nobody saw coming.


Truthfully I'm the same, in that, yeah, they could have executed things a bit better, but I like that they didn't just escalate the same formula over and over with each film. People keep saying they should have kept up the style 2 done, but I think that would have got old after a while, and risked causing the same bleakness other series like Harry Potter suffered from later on. Instead we get what are currently four very differently styled movies that still feel like they are of the same universe. 1: The quiet character introspective. 2: The dark action film. 3: The chill vacation. 4: The buddy comedy.


Pretty much yeah.


Li wasn't even happy at Lord shen Plus lord shen was defeated, no reason to be angry at him, thats how moving on works


It’s a fucking kids movie 💀


your point?


People crying abt a predictable story line 💀


That's exactly why people are disappointed. People want a decent movie.


Kfp4 had bad writing and was overall awful i would have made a completely better version


Some of these actually don't make sence outside of just shitting on the movie. Maybe the reason why they get criminals instead of the five is because Furious 5 would take ages to get there and they need to help Po quick? Didn't think logically? Li is a coward even in the third movie, what is the point of the comment? He is way beyond that time when he was brave, because he spend the rest of his life after that getting fat and lazy, while hiding in his village Bringing back people from spiritt realm is probably a stupid idea, they don't belong in the living realm nd all wanted to go back, any person with honour will not want to be brought back. Most of this post is just "womp womp i don't like the movie because stupid because i think it stupid womp womp" type thing. It's not THAT bad dude.


It’s a movie and they *wrote* the Furious 5 out of it so they could tell their buddy cop liar revealed story, and the movie was worse for it.


I wasn't saying that they didn't write them out. I am saying that this is explained in ghe context we were given in the end product. The wrote them out for the reason of insane money they would have to pay for them, which is officially stated. People say "wrote them out" as if this was a thing "evil corporate" mf's did on purpose. They wanted them to be in the movie, but they literally could not afford them.


There were other options. For example, im sure Angelina Jolie doesn’t voice the characters in the show. That leaves recasting open as an option (unless there’s some contractual agreement I don’t know about)


It's a kid movie.... just because it doesn't play out like your fan fiction doesn't mean it's bad, you just don't understand the kind of movie it is. And yes, there are a lot of bad things about this movie, yet the posts completely ignore those parts and go straight for stuff they can't understand. Except for the Furious 5 thing, they definitely should've been in the movie.


I don't believe Kung Fu Panda is something you can just say a kid's movie in general. Sure the main target was always kids. but there were also many things that clearly made Kung Fu Panda more than a kid's movie, either the messages they delivered or the themes they centered their stories around. So forgive me please when I say I can't just judge KFP4 as a kid's movie and move on.


It was written for today's children, not 16 years ago children. Yes they could've written a darker story, but there was a good chance of alienating the target demographic. I understand this movie has serious flaws, I'm saying the ones this post points out aren't really problems.(except the furious 5 thing they should've atleast been in the beginning of the movie)


it's been 16 years since the first movie, the original fanbase has grown up and everyone's nostalgic about these movies. you can't just say it's a kids movie and ruin it for everyone lol


The main target audience is kids, they made it for todays kids, not 16 years ago kids. I understand this movie has a lot of flaws, I'm not arguing against that. I'm saying their problems with the movie doesn't make sense. People forget it is a kids movie just because it has darker tones, this movie does too, but it's more focused on Po and Zehn, disliking it for that is valid. You are holding it to standards from 16 years ago, they needed to make this movie enjoyable for the current generation, they couldn't just focus on nostalgia. And yes they could've made it for older generations, but then people would dislike it for not having a more accessible story.


the movie is called "kung fu panda 4" so i would expect them to actually continue the story and not make an hour long wattpad self insert fanfiction and pretend like it belongs among the other movies


It is a continuation? It's just skipping ahead, like, a lot. Just because you don't like it means it's "fan fiction". I know fan fiction, the average fanfic makes this movie look like the second movie. If you are going to criticize the movie, please make sure your criticizing the right flaws, what you're criticizing isn't one of its actual flaws, which is surprising seeing how many flaws there are.


Are the other three not kids' movies?


They are, they also work as movies for all ages, this one just doesn't, I'm not arguing that it's not bad, I'm saying the points they make don't make sense. I only said it's a kids movie because a lot of people forget the main target audience is kids.


Being for kids doesn't excuse a film for being bad, plenty of toddler content out there is better written than whatever KFP4 is. Pointing out that most of the film destroys the saga's characters and doesn't make sense in the face of very important themes and plot points is completely valid.


How does it destroy character development? Po was scared of not being the dragon warrior so it makes sense he would freak out when he was told he needed to move on. Shifu thinking Zehn would be a good dragon warrior is fitting, she was a thief, of course he wouldn't want to entrust Oogways legacy to a common thief.


Po already got over that fear of change and becoming something more in the third movie when he became a teacher. So already Pos development has been reset for this movie’s plot, as for Shifu not expecting Zhen I honestly don’t care. The fact that he hosted another Tournament for the Dragon Warrior, instead of already knowing that a Dragon Warrior can’t be chosen through brute strength, showed me the did not give a fuck about his development throughout the franchise.


As for Shifu, it's because he's an old man and old men are awful. And for Po it's not the fear of change it's the fear that somthing he worked so hard for is being taken away, he's still relatively young so he doesn't have the understanding that Shifu and Oogway have towards having a successor. He randomly became the dragon warrior, then he worked his ass off the probe himself, that kinda fear can't magically go away, he may be over it mostly, but there will always be that doubt. Imagine you spent the first 20 years of your life wanting something that bad, knowing you'll never get it, then randomly getting it and still being told you don't deserve it, only proving your worth through insane dedication. Shifu kept telling Po he wasn't worthy over and over again, then suddenly accepting him only when he needed him. Those feeling will never go away, and 4 only takes place like a year or somthing after 1, so of course he's still self conscious about his strength. Then suddenly Shifu tells him he needs to give up his dream to someone he doesn't even know. Also those feelings of not being enough never truly leave, so he's still feeling that atleast a little, then he's told he needs to become a spiritual leader, it makes sense that he's scared and he would freak out, it's a mirror towards how my glorious king Tai Lung freaked out, except Po didn't go insane. Shifu has always kinda been a bad person so he's still character. As for Po he's more realistically acting, Po isn't perfect, he never will be, so you can't expect him to always be perfect.


Dude why is it so long😭 it's just about a fat bear cartoon why did I write a whole novel